Member Reviews

In this double neurodivergent heroined romcom, people-pleasing Opal buys a flower farm after winning the lottery. The only problem is that Pepper had thought her grandmother would be leaving the farm to her, and her mother has sold it out from under her. The two then live together while trying to find a way forward.

Okay, so. Legally Opal owns this god damn flower farm. But everyone acts like she has no claim on it and she’s just being a nuisance. And she’s so kind and afraid to counter anyone she just lets everyone run roughshod over her. I felt like I was insane as I read this. I can sometimes get behind a silly little plot because: fiction. But everyone is like omg Opal you’re such a drag for wanting to take up space in a place that is rightfully yours and it gave me the ick in a bad way. Unlikeable heroines are not meant to be in romcoms. This is not a dark romance. Pepper is not supposed to be an asshole. So when they start liking each other I’m like wtf Opal, this is just another person who is taking advantage of you. All throughout the conflict I felt disgusted about Pepper and she stayed bar-on-the-floor through til the very last.

I really liked the neurodivergent representation, but I did have complaints. I read a lot of reviews that complained the characters were messy and the stereotype of messy nd people is old but that didn’t ring true for me because these women were in their early twenties. It’s not the neurodivergence making them messy, it’s their age. Of course they don’t have their shit together. They’re babies. Unfortunately, I do feel like Pepper used her autism to explain why she was a bitch and that’s not an excuse to treat other people badly. In fiction, or in real life. Your mental health and/or disability never gives you the excuse to treat someone poorly. And if someone tells you it is, then get the fuck away from that person. They have no intention of doing work on themself.

Rating: ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️
POV: Dual 1st

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Ahh, this title had everything I love: rash decisions to move into a remote cabin, queer coded flower language, Taylor Swift references, cute girls who cut bangs in high stress situations, and spice. Lots and lots of spice. But cuteness, too! And grumpiness. And autism representation that doesn't feel like a caricature. I'll call all of this a big, big win.

I found both protagonists to be fun—Opal and Pepper are just as cute as their names suggest—but there were times when I found the characterization to be a bit forced (for example, Opal when we meet her vs. Opal when she meets Pepper are such different characters to me), but nothing that takes too much away from the story. Overall, I give this a solid B+. I will be adding Mazey Eddings to my list of authors to look out for in the future!

Thanks to the publishers for allowing me early access to this title in exchange for an honest review.

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“I’m kissing Opal. I should absolutely not be kissing Opal. I can’t exactly think of reasons why I shouldn’t be kissing Opal when kissing her has quickly become one of my favorite things in the world to do, but facts are facts, and I jump away from her.” - Mazey Eddings, Late Bloomer
This book was a pure delight! Cottagecore, sapphic, angsty pining with a healthy dash of representation, it’s everything you could possibly want in a cozy romance!
When Opal wins the lottery, she’s able to escape the drudgery of hooking up with her ex and the most unsupportive friend in romance to date. She stumbles upon a listing for a flower farm, and the deal seems too good to be true. And it is. Because of course it is. There she meets Pepper, grumpy and gorgeous, who has been living on the farm for a decade. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Pepper and Opal decide it’s best to live together (they were most certainly roommates), and the tension grows as fast as the flowers.
I didn’t want include it so close to the top, but I was dying over the quote, “It’s honestly such a power move to raw dog the mail system like that. Put it all out there with nary an envelope to protect your horniest thoughts.” - referencing a postcard 😂
This book was so much fun! I adored their dynamic, the writing was so beautiful and loving, and it made me want to go find a flower farm to buy. Opal is hilarious and sexy, and Pepper is adorably charming. Absolutely must read for any sapphic romance fans. Only complaint is that Opal’s hair isn’t a pastel color on the cover! 4.5/5 ⭐️!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for an ARC for an honest review.

I’m a big fan of Mazey Eddings, but this one didn’t quite do it for me. It started off laugh-out-loud funny, and while I acknowledge how hard it is to keep that level of humor going, I didn’t expect it to disappear entirely.

The rest of the book really took a turn toward the serious and sometimes spicy. Opal was hard for me to relate to because she was just so gullible and made the trait of “generous to a fault” annoying. She was also a bit whiney. Pepper was fine, but I just couldn’t become invested in them or the relationship. Maybe there wasn’t enough tension and build up?

The momentum stalled about half way through and I found myself rushing to get to the end. I did, however, appreciate the sapphic romance and neurodivergence representation.

Beautiful cover and great beginning. Not my favorite Eddings book, but she’s a great author and I look forward to what she does next.

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I am deeply grateful to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with the opportunity to read “Late Bloomer”. I practically read this romance in one sitting and I don’t regret it one bit. I have fallen in love with Pepper and Opal. Both their internal dialogue and banter made them feel like two of my best friends (mainly because they would fit perfectly in my group of friends, or I would theirs). Also, their steamy romance was *perfection*. In addition, feeling represented with two female neurodivergent characters was something I have not experienced. Autism and ADHD diagnosis in women has very little research and even less representation. Overall this book made me feel wonderfully seen.

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Sapphic romance is my life blood. I absolutely adore reading about women falling in love. This book is such a treat. I absolutely loved the setting, the characters, the writing... Just about everything about this book is great! I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves romance.

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Girl yes! This is an epic sapphic love story. I came for the queer stories and stayed for the fun premise, hilarious characters, and great chemistry. This will be the next popular rom com (think Red White and Royal Blue or Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail). So excited for everyone to fall in love with Opal!

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Opal, recovering from a breakup and working retail, wins the lottery.

Then, of course, everyone finds out and all heck breaks loose. Flush with opportunities Opal buys a farm, intending to turn it to a artist retreat, only to find there's a resident and Opal bought it without the poor woman knowing.

Pepper, intent on running her Grandmother's farm, was unaware her mother had inherited after Grandma's passing. Now she has a stranger claiming she owns the place, and proposing they be roommates while figuring the mess out.

Pepper and Opal have a lot to work out.

Fun, lively book. I like both Opal and Pepper, and I thought their developing relationship was sweet. The supporting cast was also fun, and the conclusion worked for me.

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Late Bloomer is hands down one of the best romance novels I’ve ever read!

After winning the lottery on a scratch-off ticket, Opal buys a cozy little flower farm for a fresh start as an artist— only to find that the owner sold it out from under Pepper, the farm’s only live-in employee. Despite crash landing into each other’s lives in the most inconvenient way (and not exactly making great first impressions), the two try to make it work while navigating their own goals and dreams. Oh yeah, and their ever-growing attraction to each other. (!!)

I loved this book for so many reasons. The first being the characters themselves and the neurodivergent representation— Pepper is autistic, and though Opal has never received a formal diagnosis, she knows she is neurodiverse in some way, self-diagnosing as having some amalgamation of ADHD and autism. The way these characters think, process their environments, and navigate things like social anxiety, relationships, friendships, and alcohol abuse had me CONVINCED Mazey Eddings is somehow inside of my brain. I’ve NEVER felt so seen when reading a book. I absolutely love when writers embrace the messiness of being a person and lean into confusing and questionable gray areas rather than relying on a certain representation that’s clear cut and more palatable. Those are the types of characters that feel like real people and real friends, the types of characters that keep me thinking about a story for weeks and months after I’ve put it down.

Past that, the plot is so much fun to follow, the grumpy/sunshine dynamic had me kicking my little feet, and the friendships and surrounding relationships were so wholesome and heartwarming. I do think there’s way too much sex and the sex scenes themselves are a bit gratuitous, but that’s a personal preference for sure!

Overall I think that this book is about to be one of the biggest romances of 2024, I’m calling it now!

Thanks so much to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC (advanced reader’s copy) in exchange for an honest review. Late Bloomer will be out in April 2024. :)

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I will post my review once St. Martin's Press addresses the racist actions of their employee and their action plan for the future. Until then, I am joining my fellow reviewers in withholding reviews and any other promo for St. Martin’s Press. No backlash against the author of this book, it is simply due to the ongoing boycott of the publishing company.

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What. A. Cute. Read! Thanks netgalley for the chance to read this one!! I really enjoyed this book! The characters were so lovable and relatable, the writing was funny yet serious and I couldn’t get enough. I loved opal and pepper so much and saw a lot of myself in opal. The ending was so good and I just didn’t want the story to end.

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Read this if you like:
•forced proximity
•opposites attract
•neurodivergent rep

This book was so dang cute. The humor and banter were top notch!

Thank you St Martins Griffin for eARC in exchange for an honest review

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This was such a cute sapphic romance to read. Watching Opal and Pepper's relationship grow was so satisfying. This duo has such great chemistry you get to see unfold throughout the book. You’ll find yourself smiling continuously throughout the book as you see their relationship flourish. Overall, Late Bloomer is a feminine book full of great mental health representation. I loved every minute of reading this book!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I am participating in the St Martin’s Press boycott. I will not publicly be reviewing this title until St. Martin’s Press addresses reader concerns.

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This book gave me every single thing I wanted. The dislike? The angst? This book is honest and funny and just everything I hope it would be and more.

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If Mazey writes it, I'll be reading it. She's an auto-buy author for me. I LOVED her A brush with Love series. Her characters are vulnerable, funny, sweet, kind, scared, compassionate... full of LOVE. I just love her stories and her book covers? SLAY.

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Big thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for giving me early access to this book!

This might be my favourite book that I've read this year.

The story follow Opal and Pepper. Opal just won the lottery and decides to move away from the city she grew up in for many different reasons and ends up buying Pepper's house, though at the time she doesn't know that it's Pepper's house and that there is someone already living there. Just her luck. The house is part of a gently failing flower farm, and together, with a lot of convincing, Opal helps Pepper bring it back.

This book was just so dang cute. I loved both Opal and Pepper. They are just such sweet people who are so honest about who they are and what they want. I love their energy. This book has a lot of things that I love; found family, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, it's just all so good.

If you're looking for a really sweet Sapphic romance with great characters than I highly recommend this one. It gave me the warm and fuzzies, and butterflies all at once.

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"If our first kiss shocked me, this one rewires my entire system"

If Mazey Eddings has no fans, I am deceased.
I was SO EXCITED to receive this ARC of Late Bloomer, I absolutely ADORE everything that Mazey writes and this one is another slam dunk! Sapphic! Neurodivergent! Flower Farm in North Carolina! Found Family! Witty banter! It has everything that Mazey Eddings does best.

Opal and Pepper are absolutely adorable, I loved reading their story and falling in love with them as they fall in love with each other. Their back stories are so sweet and really make you root for them, especially Pepper! I just want to adopt her as my own!

If you are looking for a sweet, sassy, sapphic romance, this one is for you!

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Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings was such a cute book. I enjoyed my time reading it and thought the story progressed well. Late Bloomer was well written and the chemistry between the characters worked well.

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The cover art is gorgeous and I always appreciate neurodivergent representation, but this fell a little flat for me. I didn’t feel like the characters voices were very distinct, especially around the 3/4 mark. I had to keep reminding myself which character was Opal and which was Pepper. Two cutesy names didn’t help either.

It took me a while to read because I didn’t feel connected to the story. I have enjoyed previous books by this author and will continue to pick up other books from her in the future. This one just didn’t work for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for a free digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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