Member Reviews

Mazey Eddings has become one of my favourite romance authors and this is another example of why. A sapphic, grumpy-sunshine, forced proximity story with neurodivergent rep, Late Bloomer was a delight to read. I think I want to move to a cabin on a flower farm myself! Side characters added to the story and I really loved the grief journey as depicted as I can personally relate. I'll be sharing this with my audience closer to release date and look forward to the next book Mazey gives us!

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The cutest, swooniest book ever. Opal and Pepper were equally compelling characters that I rooted for separately and as a couple. The usage of flowers representing different parts of the novel was a nice touch.

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After Opal wins the lottery, she quits her job and purchases a flower farm. There she meets Pepper, who was not excited to learn her mother sold the farm, which was previously owned by her grandmother. The two agree to live together, while trying to stay out of each other's way, since they (of course) butt heads. As they spend more time together, and secretly thinking the other was attractive, they agree to a friends with benefits situation. Late Bloomer is a cute read. Opal and Pepper are sweet together, when they’re not fighting, but who doesn’t love enemies to lovers? The secondary characters really make the book, especially Opal’s sisters. Definitely check this out if you’re looking for a sweet romance!

I received an ARC from St. Martin's Press through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Was sucked in by the cover but stayed for the writing! I love a good forced proximity romance and this one delivered. Also love the neurodivergent representation! This was the first book I’ve read by Mazey, but I will definitely be reading more!!

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my review

The cover art on this book is one of my favorites of all time honestly - it drew me in enough to need to read this story. The plot is where the story fell flat for me. The first 2/3rds of the book I didn't feel they had any chemistry, so much so that I was honestly surprised the first time Opal had an indecent thought about Pepper. Now I do realize that this could be due to the main characters both being neurodivergent, but I just didn't feel as if they liked each other all that much the majority of the story. I did highlight many passages of cute, witty, banter that I enjoyed. That combined with the extensively well written spice scenes is why this book is two stars for me. While emotionally I didn't believe their chemistry, in the bedroom scenes I honestly felt like I was there and I could imagine every moment.

I am not sure what happened, but the amount of dashes -, especially in the first half, kept pulling me out of the story. It was honestly very distracting. The plot moved at a very inconsistent pace, spending most of the book in the main character's heads while glazing over some moments that would have benefited from expanding upon.

I wouldn't re-read this story but I am more than willing to try other stories form the author to see if I can fully believe in the love story, especially since the spice was so well thought out.

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4.5 stars!

Mazey has yet again, cracked my heart wide open and I am left in a puddle of feels over Opal and Pepper. On the surface, you could easily be deceived by this gorgeous cover and think this is just a cutie sapphic romance (and it is!)… but MY GOSH, this breathtaking story delves into grief, loss, and allowing yourself to love and embrace that you are worthy of being loved.

The grumpy/sunshine, forced proximity (one cabin is quickly becoming a favorite of mine), opposites attract tropes were flawlessly executed and we even get a found family and a spectacular supporting cast! I really loved Mazey’s use of flowers and how the memories and lessons from Pepper’s grandmother were beautifully entwined with Opal and Pepper’s individual journeys of growth and healing, as well as their blossoming relationship together.

This is the first time I’ve seen a migraine rep and gosh, Mazey did a phenomenal job writing about the pain and aura - it’s hard to articulate this level of debilitating pain and brain fog to someone who has never experienced it. For me, my migraines result in aura, blurry vision, and pain so acute that it results in the worst nausea, and it meant so much seeing it represented on the page.

Late Bloomer is a beautiful reminder that we’re all messy, imperfect beings with doubts, fears, hurt, and unspoken or unachieved dreams… but no matter how chaotic, wild, or “too much” you might think you are, you’re enough and deserving of love as is. If you’re looking for a hug in book form, Late Bloomer is it!

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A delightful new sapphic romance with loveable, complex characters and excellent neurodivergent representation without drawing on stereotypes. I enjoyed getting to know Pepper (sweet, funny and easy to root for) and Opal (equally hilarious and more spontaneous). I appreciated how the story sensitively dealt with grief that wasn't over a partner or parent and how it can affect life more than others might expect.

The premise is a little unrealistic but easy enough to suspend disbelief. Overall a cosy, sweet romance in a vibrant and gorgeous setting with memorable characters - would highly recommend to anyone interested in checking this out.

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<b> Thank You to Mazey Eddings, St Martin's Press, and Netgalley for an advanced read of this book. </b>

I've recently been reading my way through all of Mazey Eddings's books and was excited to get my hands on this one before the publication date. Late Bloomer is a precious sapphic grumpy/sunshine story of two people one trying to find her place in the world; the other struggling to preserve hers. Opal is the impulsive, creative, in-the-moment, dopamine-chasing multifaceted visual artist, who is desperate to find a place to call her own and a fundamental connection to another person. After Opal wins $500,000 in a scratch-off she buys the flower farm from Pepper's mom, not knowing that Pepper, who still resides there, is trying to save the business. Opal wants the farm as a place for her to live and as an art studio but agrees that once Pepper can buy her out she will vacate the flower farm. But, until that transaction can take place they are now forced to be roommates.

I was a big fan of previous books by Mazey Eddings and found that this one didn't quite hit the spot. After reading the book I'm still not sure what beyond physical appearance and kindness drew the two MCs together and had them falling in love. Maybe this was because the writing felt a little rushed and like it was leaning a little too heavily on pop-culture references as a device for the audience to connect with each MC. Also, the plot moved at an oddly slow pace for something that had of its pivotal moments being <spoiler> a house-wrecking thunderstorm and a huge cash prize flower competition </spoiler>. I also wish that the discussion of Sappho had been <spoiler> more than a stump speech at the competition. It would have made for an interesting discussion between characters beforehand - especially the LGBTQIA+ implication and its appeal to a more heteronormative-driven publication - a bridal magazine. Especially in light of which floral display they lost against and the current realities of queer politics. </spoiler>

Overall the book was an enjoyable read but sadly lacked the staying power I was hoping it would have. I'd give this book 3/5 stars and 2/5 for steaminess. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a FF neurodiverse romance and likes grumpy/sunshine, "let's get it out of our system", and forced proximity tropes or anyone looking for a quick and charming read.

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Mazey has so quickly moved up my list of favorite writers! It's easy to read different types of romance (not just hetero) with her writing. Love the representation in all her books, including this one (mom of autistic kid here). Loved Opal and Pepper and all their quirks, and the way they grew into their love for each other!

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This was a really fun and sweet book I've read in a while. I enjoyed the drama between the two love interests at the begining all because of the love interests mother being a con artist. This was also the best coming of age story I've read in a while. Overall loved this a lot.
Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for approving my request.

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This book was just incredibly cute and sweet. I loved the neurodivergent representation, the cottagecore garden vibes, the banter of the love story, etc. it did feel a little rushed in some places and I wanted a little more tension and pining (I’m a glutton for punishment, apparently). Overall, a very sweet and silly romance in the best way possible.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Mazey Eddings is an auto buy for me. There’s honestly nothing she could write and publish that I would not gush and talk about none stop. (Sorry not sorry to all the friends I recommend her books to even when I’m only 1/4 of the way through them)

Opal is walking chaos, her life isnt as together as she hopes and her best friend might be hooking up with her on and off again toxic ex. All of that changes when Opal comes into a chunk of money from a scratch ticket and wants to make a clean break moving and starting fresh. Which unfortunately leads to chaotic Opal buying a flower farm in Asheville sight unseen.

Enter sweet baby angel Pepper, who enjoys the order in her life, sticking to her routine and everything staying the same, who is currently trying to keep said flower farm afloat.

Needless to say this romcom was absolutely everything I hoped for and more. Grumpy x sunshine (chaotic sunshine), mutual pining and a little bit (lot a bit) horny. This had all the same pure innocent vibes of Tilly in Technicolor except in an adult book and I honestly can’t get enough. Sorry for the amount of times I read this book this year. And even more sorry if i spontaneously but a flower farm off Facebook marketplace.

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I need the physical copy of this book as soon as it is released!!!

There, I needed to say that first and now that is done, I can say that this book had me in a chokehold. I was giggling on every other paragraph. The humor and banter between Opal and Pepper are perfect. The explanation of their own mental states, doubts and fears was so immensely relatable that I am already recommending it to my friends. I even kindly (mind you) told my best friend that I will slap her (kindly and lovingly) with the book as soon as I have it until she reads it because I need her horror genre loving mind to be sappy as I felt reading Late Bloomer.

The individual character growth and development of Opal and Pepper, as well as their relationship together was written beautifully. The plot was simple and well-organized, conveying the message clearly. I loved that there was no need to include unnecessary drama and endless plot holes in order to write this book. The drama was written well and provided the right amount of ‘gasp’ and ‘oh my gosh’ throughout the read.

I have to say that I wish to metaphorically kick Peppers’ mother and Opals’ supposed best friend and ex-boyfriend off a cliff, and after they are rescued and their boo-boo’s are healed, then I kindly wish them to always have the first bite of their meal of their pre-heated food to be cold, to always burn their tongues when they have a hot drink, to always have a brain freeze when they have frozen drinks, to have their cell phone storage full when they need to record or take pictures, have their alarms turn off miraculously a few minutes late to make them late for work… you get the point.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for allowing me to read this amazing book.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

I enjoyed the plot and felt the characters were well developed. Opal is a people pleaser while Pepper keeps everyone at a distance. Recommend if you’re a fan of forced proximity with the right amount of sweetness and spice! I thought the author did a fantastic job with highlighting mental health (adhd and autism).

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Big thanks to Netgalley for this eARC!

Late Bloomer was such a fun read! This book is a great beginners book for anyone wanting to read sapphic books. Pepper and Opal are cute together and I loved watching their relationship go from strangers to lovers 🫶🏼

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Thank you so much to Netgalley for this arc!

Yeahhh can this book be turned into a movie or TV show? This book follows Opal as she wins the lottery and needs to get away from some undeserving people. There is also Pepper's pov as she is grieving her grandmother. Honestly, this book had me tearing up so bad. I love Pearl and Opal so much. They were so cute and I love how they fell in love. Is someone's sisters getting their own books??? That is a huge question that I need an answer to.

I hope everyone picks up this book!

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This sapphic love story grabbed hold of my heart right from the beginning, when we meet Opal, a chronic people-pleaser, squeezed some more when we meet Pepper, a softie at heart but with a tough exterior with her fair share of parental trauma, and didn't let go until the end when they get their HEA. I loved the neurodiverse representation and caretaking trope (bonus for migraine representation) and Opal's sisters, hated Miles and Laney, who were just using Opal as a doormat. I'm happy she grows a backbone throughout the story, and I loved Pepper's softening towards Opal to let her in her life and her heart, even though she'd been hurt before and it wasn't easy for her. This was my first Mazey Eddings book, and it won't be my last! Thanks to @netgalley and @stmartinspress for a copy in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

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"Late Bloomer" has some very witty and clever writing style. The dialogue crackles with humor and authenticity, drawing readers into the characters' lives and making their interactions feel incredibly real. The pacing of the story is masterfully handled, with each chapter flowing seamlessly into the next, making it difficult to put the book down.

This novel strikes a perfect balance between low angst and spicy moments. The simmering attraction between Opal and Pepper adds a layer of tension that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, and their fiery arguments only serve to heighten the anticipation of their inevitable connection.

Additionally, the vibrant cast of secondary characters, including Opal's quirky siblings and Peppers boisterous friends, adds an extra layer of hilarity to the story. Their foot cake-fueled antics and playful camaraderie inject moments of pure joy into the narrative, leaving me laughing out loud. These well-developed characters not only provide comic relief but also serve to enrich the depth of Opal and Pepper's world, creating a sense of community that readers can't help but become invested in. The author's ability to weave these characters seamlessly into the plot showcases their skill in crafting a well-rounded and thoroughly enjoyable reading experience.

Overall, "Late Bloomer" is an immensely enjoyable read. The combination of its engaging plot, sparkling dialogue, and well-paced story progression make it a book that is hard to resist. Fans of romantic comedies will find themselves thoroughly immersed in Opal and Pepper's journey as they discover love, self-discovery, and the unexpected joys of second chances.

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Thanks to the publisher and author for this ARC!

I! Love! Mazey! Eddings!

And she did it again. Forced proximity! Angst! Annoyance! Feelings! Ugh so good.

And the little extras we got this time were next level- like the other possible titles and more on the flowers included. I love the heart Mazey puts into her work.


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This book had everything that I could've wanted. A neurodivergent story with characters that have ADHD and Autism, a flower farm that sounds all kinds of cozy, a sapphic love story, and an emotional rollercoaster. Mazey's characters are immaculate and I find a piece of myself in every character.

Winning the lottery, learning who your real friends are, and buying a flower farm off of Facebook marketplace is how Opal finds herself in a sticky situation sharing the flower farm with its previous inhabitant. Forced proximity, anyone? Opal doesn't have the heart to kick Pepper off of her grandmother's place, especially considering the circumstances, and finds that having a roommate who tends to the flowers and looks good doing it isn't so bad.

I absolutely adored both characters. It's an opposites attract situation and I saw so much of myself in Pepper. From the friend group to Opal's various artistic endeavors to a floral contest, I loved all of the details and how the story came together. The banter was immaculate (as it always is in Mazey's books) and I absolutely inhaled this book. The grumpy and sunshine dynamic? *Chef's kiss*

A nice touch to the story (besides the gorgeous cover) was the little story of the various titles this book went through during the writing and editing process as well as the meanings behind the flowers. They really added to the story and helped paint the whole picture. It's always so much fun getting into the author's head and the writing process.

I am so excited for another sapphic book to add to my collection and especially so since it has neurodivergent representation! I will continue to read and obsess over Mazey's work and can't wait to see what more she has to offer!

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