Member Reviews

i'm so happy to report that one of my most anticipated romance reads of spring 2024 was great. 'late bloomer' by mazey eddings follows 24-year-old opal, a down-on-her-luck artist with severe anxiety who suddenly wins $500,000 on a scratch ticket. desperate for a fresh start, she spontaneously buys a flower farm with plans to use the lush landscape to inspire her art. what she didn't count on was the surly, yet very attractive, pepper who currently lives on & operates the farm that used to belong to her late grandmother. deciding to both live on the farm until a solution can be found, opal and pepper very quickly realize that while they might be opposites in almost every way, maybe a desire to save the farm will bring them together in the end.

this was CUTE. nothing i love more than a floral, rural setting. the mental health & neurodiverse representation in this book was great, and the slow burn of the romance felt very real & moved the story along well. i do wish we got to spend more time with some of the side characters (especially opal's two sisters), as they all felt like placeholders whose only function was to push the main romance along, and they could have been more developed. overall, i was really happy with how this story went, and am excited to see if eddings writes any more queer stories in the future.

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Late Bloomer is a lovely, heart-warming, romance about two women (!!!) that are stuck together in an A-Frame cabin...I can imagine worse situations to be in. Pepper is stand-offish where Opal is bright and out-going. This book includes well-written neurodivergent representation, flowers, art, grand gestures, and a whole lot of sweet romance. This book is for the cottagecore lesbians...and anyone else who has ever dreamed of winning the lottery and running away to a cabin surrounded by flowers.

This book feels like the answer to what tall, dark and mysterious can be for the lesbians. Pepper is the epitome of a mysterious, grumpy love interest and I feel like I have been just waiting for someone to write this.

I LOVED this book and as a an aside - the cover is beautiful.

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Another fantastic book by Mazey Eddings. This one was full of dreamy flowers, and I absolutely loved Opal and Pepper! Way to bring it all together. Opal has three sisters and I’m seriously hoping they’re all getting their own books, too!

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Firstly, I would like to thank both netgalley and the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to read this amazing book as an ARC.
The first thing to grab my attention about this book was how absolutely gorgeous the cover is. I had never read anything from this author before, but after seeing that it was listed as read now, I decided to give it a chance. Within the first few chapters, I found myself already getting invested in the story and instantly connected with the characters. I loved that this book had split POVS for both of the main characters, as it really gives you a chance to see into both of their heads and understand how they both think.
I loved that there are neurodiverse characters in this book, and finding out that the author is neurodiverse as well after finishing it just made that part of the story feel even more special to me. In the middle of reading this book, I found myself purchasing another one of Mazey Eddings recent releases, because I adored the writing style so much.

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Mazey Eddings writes book that make you feel seen in every way. Her characters have so much depth to them and are raw in a way that feels real. This story was pure heart and wholesomeness.

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I loved this one, as I do with most anything Mazey writes. The neurodivergent rep was amazing and was really lovely to see as a dual POV. Flower farms & grieving are some of my favorite things (who knew?) and combining that with a sapphic romance really worked. Pepper & Opal need to be protected at all costs.

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I’ll say this every time, I love Mazey Eddings. She has the ability to write such lovely characters. The characters are deeply thought out and well written. They’re so human and unapologetically themselves throughout the story and that’s what makes the romance so enjoyable and the book so fun to read. This is book was sweet and gave good representation too so that’s another plus. Also, I liked the dual point of view in this story. It was a little slow moving at time, but overall still such a cute sapphic romance.

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Mazey Eddings never disappoints me. Honestly, this was breathtaking, refreshing and so raw. I loved every moment about this. The dislike and angst between Pepper and Opal. The hilarious moments and forced roommate situation. Then the blooming of feeling between the two MCs. All of it was such a beautiful thing to watch. The messy bits, the ups and the downs. All of it played out beautifully. The epilogue was truly CHEF'S KISS. Beautiful way to wrap it all up with a bow. Absolutely brilliant! 4.5 stars!

I especially love that Mazey gave us a list of Book Titles that could've happened as well as more in depth info and reasoning for the flowers that were mentioned in the book. Loved these small gestures, they made a huge different!

I received this ARC from NetGalley to read and review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully reading this ebook.

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“I’m not sure the exact moment we switched roles, but Opal’s grumpiness makes it feel like sunshine is radiating through my veins.”

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

(thank you to NetGalley and PUBLISHER for making this available to read in advance!)

i scarfed this book down in three days — mazey became an auto-buy (or just generally auto-read in this case) author for me the second I put down A BRUSH WITH LOVE. so, i knew LATE BLOOMER was going to be good. but girlypop I was NOT prepared for this!!!

people-pleasing ray of sunshine Opal wins the freaking lottery and on a whim buys a flower farm where she plans to paint shoes, giving her artist self a fresh start. grumpy-raincloud-with-a-secret-heart-of-gold, Pepper, the owner of said [struggling] flower farm, doesn’t realize it’s been sold from right underneath her until Opal shows up on her doorstep. they agree to be roommates (😏😏) until Pepper can eventually raise enough money to buy the farm back from Opal. but things, of course, get complicated because DUN DUN DUN they’re attracted to each other and have no idea how to process the ridiculous situation they’re in

and this book is S P I C Y. holy moly.
“maybe we should huddle together for warmth” is my new favorite subtrope

mazey is, in my opinion, the poster person for neurodivergent representation in fiction. I remember feeling SO seen by Harper and Lizzie when I read her first two books, and if you find yourself represented by characters who are on the autism spectrum, I hope this book holds you and is another firm reminder of the beautiful love you deserve.

grief and complicated family dynamics are also touched on very beautifully in this book. potential TWs if conversations surrounding the loss of a loved one and/or characters that are openly emotional manipulative/abusive are sore spots for you.

but cannot recommend more. this book is a gift.

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Loooove the cover! I would absolutely have this artwork hanging in my house. And I swear Mazey looked into my little bi heart and my little bi day dreams and just so eloquently put them into this fun book. I mean who doesn’t dream of owning a beautiful flower farm where you can create all day and enjoy the beauty of the open land around you? Let me live here!! Highly recommend this story of enemies to lovers thrust into the same living quarters, each woman just trying her best keep her head above water. You’ll love them too!

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4 1/2 stars

I was able to read this wonderful book due to being accepted by NetGalley for an Advanced Readers Copy in exchange for an honest review. So here it goes. This book was my introduction to Mazey Eddings, and going in with only the summary in the book description I throughly enjoyed what what was given. City girl Opal falls in love with the flower farmer Pepper of the farm she just bought after winning the lottery on a scratch off her not so good friend got Opal for her birthday. Opal wanted a fresh start, somewhere where she can finally expand her Art to be able to do it full time for a career. While the farm isn't what she expects when she arrives, She learnes her place with the farmer Pepper. The Autistic and just overall Neurodivergent representation was everything it could've been and more. As the author is Neurodiverce herself I feel these characters couldnt have had a better executor. I loved the fact that it had a dual Point Of View to be able to show the way both characters felt, did and thought in a more detailed way. I am glad Pepper did not immediately fall into like or love with Opal, and was constantly reminded by her best friend it was okay to like someone and that it was plainly obvious Pepper has some sort of romantic feelings toward Opal. The only thing that made this book better was the fact that it was a sapphic romance, and had superb smut.

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As a huge fan of Jenifer Prince’s artwork, you had me at the cover. But also, a neurodivergent sapphic romance? SOLD.

Overall: ★★★
Plot: ★★.5
Characters: ★★★
Setting: ★★
Enjoyment: ★★★★

Late Bloomer is a sweet opposites-attract love story between two neurodivergent characters with a spark of that Grumpy-Sunshine trope we all know and love.

Opal is a neurodivergent artist who gave up her chance at a career in the arts to follow her ex-boyfriend and currently finds herself in a dead-end job as a dancing ice-cream cone; both of which make her desperate to shake up her life. So, when Opal wins the lottery, and half-million dollars, it couldn’t have come at a better time. Blindly apologetic, stubborn, and with a kindness for others that often backfires, Opal decides to buy a flower farm.

Pepper is the grumpy to Opal’s sunshine, an autistic flower farmer who has found complete contentment living out her days in the sun. But after losing her grandmother, finding out the farm is going bankrupt, and not being able to find her grandmother’s will, the last thing Pepper is prepared for is change. Let alone change in the form of a pink-haired shoe fanatic.

The two women find their world’s colliding when they discover the flower farm Opal bought is the same farm Pepper is trying to save. In a forced proximity “we’re both stuck here so why not make the best of it” situation, the two drastic opposites must co-exist whilst trying to solve the mess they find themselves in, and maybe save the farm while they’re at it.

A big thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me an early arc in exchange for my honest review.

Characters were one of the bigger downfalls for me in this book, as much as I found myself relating to both Opal and Pepper, their personalities on the page were so similar I found myself having to flip back a few pages to double-check I was in the right POV. A really good example of this is in the constant pop-culture drop-ins. Not only was this used as a character-device with our two POV characters, but we also saw it in her surrounding queer friendships.

The writing at times felt rushed while the actual momentum of the plot seemed sluggish, particularly in the middle.

Aside from that, I read this book in one sitting. It was upbeat, sweet, and seeing representation of neurodivergence on the page (down to the run-on sentences) was super satisfying as an autistic woman myself.

I’d highly recommend this book for anyone who are looking for a more adult but equally as charming Heartstopper, with sapphic MCs; fans of the opposites attract or grumpy sunshine tropes; readers who love forced proximity, or the “let’s just get it out of our system but stay friends” trope. Or honestly, anyone just looking for a quick heart-warming read.

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I loved this book!!! The vibes were everything. I LOVED the main characters!! Would totally read something else from the author.

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This book is so sweet! I am one of those rare queers who has NEVER harbored a move-to-a-flower-farm-in-north-carolina fantasies, but this book gave me the tiniest shimmer of the dream.

It had elements of The Big Flower Fight (that Netflix show from earlier in the pandemic that really felt soothing bc like, oh wow big things made out of flowers i can't imagine what would be bad about that), some forced proximity, a weird number of details about estate transfer after death, a whole family of chaotic bisexuals, a relationship that honors everyone's neurodivergence from jump, and more!

Not life-changing, but really charming, and a fun, easy read.

NetGalley ARC.

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Stop what you are doing and bump this book to the top of your TBR list now.

There are books that you devour, reading as fast as possible, needing to know what happens next. Those books are awesome,

Then, there are books you walk away from after every few chapters, wanting to prolong the enjoyment the story brings by drawing out each and every page. Those books are life-changing.

Late Bloomer is the later, a delicious tale of love that deserves to be savored like a rich and decedent chocolate as it melts over your tongue in a tantalizing way.

Opal and Pepper are the two sweetest characters in the entire world and I found myself wanting to hug them both while truly rooting for them throughout the story. There were times that were so relatable that I cackled out loud, some of the most delicious WLW spice I’ve read to date, and fantastic side characters I hope we get to see more of in the future. Never have I highlighted to many passages from a book.

Late Bloomer proves once again why Mazey Eddings is the queen of relatable neurodivergent characters in a refreshing queer story set among a dreamlike flower farm that will have you wanting to uproot your life to run away to the forest.

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This book is one I’d consider a “pallet cleanser.” It was a cute and easy romance read. The story line did have bit where I felt it was unrealistic, but overall, I overlooked it because I enjoyed the focus on Pepper and Opal. Their romance and they way they interacted seemed to be the one of the main things that made this story interesting. I wouldn’t recommend this book for anyone born before the 90’s. The slang and even way it was written is definitely more modern than other romance books I read. Again, I still think this book is a four. Spice is good, plot is easy to follow, and it is a good title for someone needing a break from the usual or just something to make you feel good.

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ARC Review of Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings 💕

I will never stop gushing about this book.
Sapphic Love, Spicy Girly Scenes 🌷, Neurodivergent Minds. Things that make my heart flutter. The beautiful growth of Opal and Pepper who become roommates in the not most ideal circumstance. Grumpy x Sunshine. Protective Friends. And the gayest little love story that I’ll forever hold close to my heart.

Mazey has been one of my favourite authors lately and she just literally cannot stop putting out the sweetest books. I cherish this along with the rest of her collection very close to me.

Just read it. That’s all I can say. It’s a queer girls dream book. And I cannot believe NetGalley and St Martin Press Allowed me to read this early in exchange for my honest review.

Honest review?! I loved it, I will always love it. And I will love literally any book that Ms Mazey writes!

This isn’t out until Spring of 2024, but I guarantee it is well worth the wait!

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i really enjoyed reading this! and pepper was my favorite character in this book. i found some of the jokes to be a little corny but i was able to overlook them since i liked this book as a whole. also the cover is so pretty

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This was soooooooo cute. Like just absolutely adorable. And I loved how creative the story was. I've never really read about someone winning the lottery meeting someone who owns a flower farm. I thought it was a beautiful idea to bring such different yet similar characters together. It was a really fun and enjoyable read!

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A neurodivergent chaos demon meets an autistic flower loving homebody and they hit it off? Honestly, this is super plausible to me. I loved almost every little thing about this book and actually took my time to savor each chapter, sentence, and word. The writing was so beautiful, Mazey Edding's voice is so captivating and easy to read. The story flowed like the deluge that broke the roof in the most intricate way.

I can't say enough wonderful things about Opal and Pepper (even though I called her Piper in my head almost all the way through.). My only struggle, which I understand the why I think, was that this girl would just buy property sight unseen and for only 300k. That detail held me up- but I get the Trixie toxicity. It was my true only hold up, because otherwise this could be a classic.

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