Member Reviews

4.5 This was so so good!! I really love the whole concept and their chemistry was really well done and I love the character development and how they help and support each other and stand up for each other in different situations<3

I also looove the representation - one of the MC is queer and autistic and suffers from migraines and the other is neurodivergent and bisexual

thank you to net galley for the arc

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A saccharine sweet take on the opposites attract trope! I really enjoyed watching Opal and Pepper fall for each other and heal along the way. I love that Eddings isn’t shy about her portrayal of queer neurodivergence. I won’t lie. I did struggle at times with the back-and-forth in their relationship, but the softer moments and the strong cast of secondary characters kept me reading. A solid 4 stars! 🙌🏽

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This was very cute. I love the representation of neurodivergence between both characters. I thought this was such a soft romance between Opal and Pepper, and I really loved the setting of the flower farm. This was just a very pleasant read and I was so happy to get the chance to read it!

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I loved Opal and Pepper so much. Opal was a little too chaotic for me in the beginning (I mean, who buys a farm the way she did?!), but I loved watching the progression of her character as she grew into her own. And Pepper, I loved Pepper -- I just wanted to shield and protect her from the world. Though Opal and Pepper seemed opposite in the beginning, as the layers are slowly revealed, they had more in common than initially would seem. I loved these two characters so much, and Opal's sisters and Pepper's friends, and I can't wait to see if any of them come back in future stories!

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I am part of the St Martins boycott and will provide a review when the boycott has ended. I look forward to seeing the publisher makee strides towards more equitable practices.

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This was a really sweet forced-proximity, grumpy/sunshine LGBTQ romance. Winning the lottery and buying a flower farm sounds wonderful, and while this book was at times very cheesy and cliche, I also loved Opal and Pepper’s relationship! I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a light, sweet romance. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC!

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Absolutely loved this little sapphic cutie!! My first Mazey Eddings book and it won't be my last. I'm hoping to read Lizzie Blake next.
I loved the representation in this book - queer characters, autistic and adhd rep, mental health rep
and Mazey has such a way with crafting this story with delicacy in regard to grief and trauma.
I really enjoyed and appreciated reading about Opal and Pepper's love story. They often time butted heads, but their spice was off the charts. The setting of this book is super unique. Opal buys a flower farm where Pepper currently resides and cares of the flowers. This kicks off our head butting between the two fmcs and the story unfolds.

Super cute story, totally recommend

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Another entertaining novel from Mazey. This time we focus on a sapphic, neurodivergent couple in Opal and Pepper. Opal hits it big and wins the lottery and basically runs away from the dumpster fire her life has become. Her "best friend" stole her boyfriend and he cheated on her behind her back. As a pitiful attempt at anything, she gives Opal a lotto scratch-off and she wins! Opal runs away from life and only tells her family her knee-jerk plans of buying a flower farm to live on and paint textiles like shoes and purses. Pepper, who lives on and operates the farm since the death of her Grandma Lou, is completely taken by surprise when Opal shows up with the deed to the property claiming she owns it. The 2 agree to a tenuous agreement to cohabitate and let Pepper slowly buy the farm back. They grow attracted to each other quickly and cannot stop thinking about each other. They kind of bicker on and off a lot over misunderstandings and non-communication events. Opal overreacts and Pepper has autism so doesn't see cues/signs/read situations well or at all which sets Opal off. Pepper saying to Opal "Nothing is obvious to my autistic ass" made me laugh SO HARD. Overall I enjoyed myself and look forward to Mazey's next novel

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I will not be reviewing this title as I am participating in the St. Martin's Press boycott. More information can be found at @readersforaccountability on Instagram.

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I generally love Mazey Weddings books, especially the way she portrays neurodivergent characters. I really enjoyed reading about Opal and Pepper as individuals and how the coped with the people around them and their circumstances. I thought I would connect more with the characters given their personalities but I had difficulty doing so. I understood the struggle they had with the ownership and issues with the flower farm and I intellectually understood their histories I just struggled with how they grew together within their relationship.

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Bought a copy after publication and really enjoyed! Will post a review on my instagram, but enjoyed the story. My career is rooted in working with individuals on the spectrum and while I did appreciate the autistic lense, it felt a little shoved down my throat at times.

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I received this book for free for an honest review from netgalley. Thank you for the opportunity

This book definitely helped up against the hype that I keep seeing. Sweet and romantic with just a hint of spice.

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I was recommended this author by a friend and I now I find myself recommending to others. The love and internal battles are so well written I could not put this book down.

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Thank you NetGalley for proving me a chance to read this.

I struggled to get into this but I pushed through. Unfortunately there were too many things that drove me crazy about the MC’s and a lot just felt soooo unrealistic.

I was bored most of the way through.

This book is great for those that like a cozier romance that is just super far fetched.

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The pacing is perfect in this book. I enjoyed both main characters and their love story along with the ending.

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This book drew me in with the cover and I loved the sweet FF vibes of the book. The pacing was somewhat slow but I didn't mind the cozy low stakes vibes of it. It was fun and whimsical and followed Opal after she winds the lottery and buying a farm that the current caretaker doesnt think she deserves. LOL>

There are shenanigans and stolen moments and I enjoyed the gentle character devel0pment for both FMCs.
Found family, steam, banter and opposites attract made this the perfect sapphic cozy romcom.

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3.5-4ish stars. This is my favorite Mazey Eddings book so far. I've been in the mood for sapphic contemporaries and this just hit the spot. I love the queer and neurodivergent rep along with the found family aspect. You can tell how much the author enjoyed writing this story and those are my favorite books.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for my copy to review.

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Mazey Eddings is truly one of my favorite authors ever. Her ability to write the most gentle and loving romances featuring the most real and raw characters is incredible!!!!!

First of all, I am Pepper and Pepper is me!!!!!!!! I understood her so deeply. I found myself often saying sammmee when it came to Peppers POV. She just makes sense to me and I loved seeing her grow and heal and love and be love and gosh I wish she were a real person so we could be best friends!!!! When her friend said to her "just say you're queer and move on" hit home for me. The exhaustion of trying to find a label that works when so many feel right and wrong and finally feeling comfortable saying you're queer is a feeling I know all too well.

Opal honestly reminded me a lot of Mazey herself. Their energies just match. Opal is so sweet it was rotting my teeth!!!!! I really loved that she was able to discover herself in this story. Her journey is so real and often I feel like it's looked over. I love her relationship with her sisters and low key would love a second story featuring one of them.

Overall this story is so sweet and I highly recommend!!!! The cute cover really does match the story.

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While this wasn't my favorite Mazey Eddings book, I did enjoy the lighthearted storyline and the neurodivergent rep. I would have enjoyed the forced proximity more if there had been more tension to it.

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I snagged an ARC of this adorable book on Netgalley, and I am grateful it came my way!

Opal is your quintessential nice girl—always saying yes, always giving second chances, and a hopeless romantic with an artistic soul, eager to make her mark in subtle, meaningful ways. She's relatable, like someone you know, maybe even like you. Following her journey as she navigates what to do with a mind-blowing lottery win was a blast.

She buys a flower farm because what else would a dreamer do, right? Turns out, the farm’s nearly broke, and it comes with a grumpy Pepper (and not the spice kind). This sets the stage for a classic hate-to-love scenario that's just impossible to tire of. I was completely hooked, living vicariously through their ups and downs.

The book dives deep into the psyche of the "too-nice-girl," challenging the notion that being overly kind is a flaw. It’s a strength. The mantra here is poignant: "Hope doesn't hurt you. People do." And it’s a reminder that expecting kindness and empathy isn't asking too much.

Imagine being a neurodivergent artist who suddenly has the means to explore life’s complexities. That’s Opal’s reality, a heartfelt exploration of understanding and love. Watching Opal and Pepper grow together was a delight.

And Mazey Eddings? She’s done something special here. The author's note moved me—it’s clear she poured her heart into these pages.

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