Member Reviews

I love everything by Seanan McGuire. This series in particular is a favorite. Her take on fae myths are just amazing! The love story between October and Tybalt will always be a favorite of mine.

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The premise of this book isn't bad. We get Tybalt's perspective from the previous book, and reading from someone else's perspective would be interesting. However, this book ends up being a retread of Sleep No More. There weren't any lurking mysteries that needed clearing up. I already know the answers to the book's questions because I read the last book. This made for a dull read.

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What was Tybalt doing during Sleep No More? Find out in The Innocent Sleep. I loved getting a Tybalt POV, seeing every thing through his eyes and everything he went through when Toby was missing was amazing. I rarely like series that go past 10 or 12 books, but this one can go on forever, the story lines still feel fresh and exciting

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This one was complicated because of the scenario and the overlapping storylines with SLEEP NO MORE, but still happy with it and that we got to have a book in Tybalt's POV! Also Chris did a fantastic job on the cover. <3

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Thank you for allowing me to read and review the innocent sleep I love this series. I will say I'm a little biased when it comes to this author and her many novels. She is an excellent writer and if you have never read her start at the beginning of any of her series and you will not be disappointed. The Innocent Sleep is another great addition to Toby's story and those in her atmosphere period

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Normally when I’m reading a series and there are books available in the series I do a binge read of all of them but I wasn’t able to do that with this one. I had to wait a while before starting this one as it follows the same plot in Sleep No More but is in Tyblat’s POV. I do enjoy reading POVs of the other characters but it’s always been a one off chapter within Toby’s story or novella with a new storyline. I did enjoy parts of this book but wasn’t my favourite.

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I loved this book. It was interesting to see tybalt's POV. The only thing I would change is the amount of times tybalt says "my lady.". I would recommend this series to anyone.

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Tybalt, King of Cats, has a perfect life. Respected by his clan, Tybalt is married to the love of his life - October Daye - a hero of her own time - and they are expecting their first child. A perfect life, that is, until it is ripped away by Titania.

The Mother of Illusions and Queen of Faeries has not been happy with the way things have been going and she does hold a grudge against anyone she feels has wronged her. She has taken control of the Kingdom and altered it to suit her desires. Most in this new reality aren't aware that a change has been made - most, including October - the new reality is as it has always been, as far as they are concerned. But because Titania has no love for Tybalt, she has banished him, and his Court of Cats, from the new reality altogether. Unlike others, for whom reality has simply changed, Tybalt is painfully aware of what he has lost and is determined to get it back.

In my review of the previous October Daye book I noted that the story had taken on a new tone and renewed my own interest in the series. This book is a follow-up to that story and is quite an interesting departure from what has gone before. The most obvious difference is that this - an October Daye novel - has very little of Toby Daye in it. This novel is almost exclusively Tybalt's story. And I love it.

What I like is that it's still a about Toby Daye, but because her life has changed so much, the most interesting thing happening in her life is what her husband is doing to get her back. But going up against Titania isn't easy, and Tybalt also has problems back in his Court that he hasn't had to deal with in a very long time.

It's interesting (and challenging?) that Titania, in all her power, doesn't bring Tybalt and the Court of Cats into the new reality. Of course leaving anyone out is what brings about her own downfall.

Even though this is a story we just had (book #17), this alternate viewpoint was really interesting to me. I would put this up there as one of my favorites in this series ... but I would NOT want to do this too often. It was a nice change and it really does show how challenging this world is and how much October means to Tybalt, which is a big part of why I liked it so much.

It was really powerful to get Tybalt's POV as he faces October who has absolutely no recognition for him.

Looking for a good book? The Innocent Sleep by Seanan McGuire is an immediate follow-up (perhaps the same story, just different POV) to the previous volume, Sleep No More, in the October Daye series. For this reader, it's one of the best of the 18 books.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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Let me start by saying that I requested this book after seeing the authors name-I’d been interested in her work for a while and thought free NetGalley arc-yes please! What I didn’t bother to read was that this was book 18 of a clearly well established series-my bad. Anyway my lack of knowledge of the series may be somewhat of a blessing in this case as the story starts with Tybalt-king of cats and husband of October (the main character of this gargantuan series of books) being rather confused as to why his wife has just vanished out of existence and nothing else in his world is quite as it should be. I cant give a fair review for this book other than to say it’s really made me want to read the preceding books and I’ve since purchased Rosemary and Rue (book 1) so if nothing else it intrigued me enough to spend my hard earned cash on it!

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Set immediately after Sleep No More, this book kept me on my toes. Really enjoyed seeing everything more in depthly from Tybalt’s POV. I hope this series keeps going as I really enjoy it!

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This is one of those books that you must have a working knowledge of the rest of the series to truly enjoy, but oh is it worth it

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Joe and I share a love of Seanan McGuire's October Daye series, and while he does the honours of the full Nerds of a Feather reviews, I also found time for both of last year's double-Toby entries, Sleep No More and The Innocent Sleep. These are the 17th and 18th books in the series respectively, and they effectively act as companion novels to each other: Sleep No More follows series protagonist October - a fae changeling - as she grapples with the effects of a reality-altering mass illusion, while The Innocent Sleep breaks with series tradition to focus on her Cait Sidhe husband Tybalt, who is working against the illusion from the outside. The actual points of narrative overlap didn't set my world on fire (In one book, October thinks Tybalt looks angry! In the next book, we learn Tybalt is angry!), but the double-bill allows McGuire to let loose with the most unsavoury conventions and darkest corners of fae society in a way that brings the series full circle to its earliest vibes. There's also more time across the books to feature a wide set of supporting characters - including one unexpectedly sympathetic "recast" - who demonstrate the breadth of the series' worldbuilding. As always, I'm eager for more.

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This is NOT the first book you want to read in this series. If you are interested in a snarky and reluctant hero, long-reaching plot with a bajillion dropped hints, and badass Shakespeare and folklore references....go pick up book 1, Rosemary and Rue.

Now. For those who are still with me.

The Innocent Sleep is the events of the previous book from Tybalt's point of view. Because Toby and Tybalt are separated for months, there are actually very few replicated scenes between the two. A large portion of The Innocent Sleep shows what misery Tybalt goes through in the four months that Toby got to gloss over in Titania's illusion world. It is artfully woven with the events of SNM so the story feels fresh, even knowing how things will turn out.

I have seen a lot of mixed reactions to Tybalt's POV of the SNM/TIS. Readers who don't like how violent Tybalt is. How possessive and angry and unpleasant. I have also seen plenty of "He's a different species, and he's really stressed, so it's okay." I think it's important to recognize that Tybalt is not usually this extreme in his actions. I have read all of his prequel stories through Patreon, and it is clear that this is not his typical state of being. It is his reaction when pushed to the very breaking point. I am still firmly Team Tybalt with the knowledge that Toby is quick to call him on his bullshit and knows the signs of an abusive partner.

Now to wait the better part of a year for the next installment....

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This is a perfectly lovely "b-side" to Sleep No More, following Tybalt's POV through the same stretch of story. It's a great addition to have to see more of what was going on that October wasn't privy to, and interesting to dig more into the people who the illusory world rejected. That said, it also didn't feel necessary; there was no tension and little drama, because we already knew what was going to happen at the key points the story intersected, and it ended at the exact same place. So it was a nice to have but it didn't really feel like a new and unique story; I wondered if it might not have been better as a single 2-pov book or perhaps an addition of a novella to cover just certain key parts about what he was doing behind the scenes.

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Tybalt, King of Cats has everything he has ever wanted. As he is on the cusp of his ultimate happiness, Titania upends his world and remakes it so that there is no place for him, his court or others that don’t meet her idea of a perfect faerie. Tybalt must race to protect his people and his future while trying to convince the woman he loves that her life is an illusion.

Initially I thought it might be a bit repetitive to read essentially the same story from a different character’s point of view but it was not. This very clever novel reveals other aspects of the story and overlaps seamlessly with Sleep No More. McGuire is a master storyteller. This is a great read and addition to the series. Highly recommend. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and DAW for an advanced readers copy of this book.

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Book Summary:

Tybalt is the King of Cats. He is also no stranger to pain and loss. It all fell apart when it finally seemed like everything was going his way. One moment, he was reveling in the glorious news from his new wife. The next, she was screaming, and the world faded to black.

Titania has rewritten the world to her liking. Unfortunately for her, her magic can only spread so far. Tybalt and the other royalty of his kind know the truth. So do a few others. Together, they will have to find a way to reach October, enabling her to save the day once again.

My Review:

Ow, my heart. I knew that The Innocent Sleep was going to break my heart. In truth, it's why I put off reading it for so long (read: almost two months). I was and still am thrilled that Tybalt officially has a full book from his perspective. As my favorite character, I feel like he deserves this.

Naturally, The Innocent Sleep goes hand-in-hand with Sleep No More. As such, a few of the revelations/events will feel very familiar. We're essentially seeing the same story play out but from Tybalt's POV.

Don't worry, though; Tybalt and Toby were frequently in different places, so there's still a ton of information to learn from his perspective. My favorite part was probably the insight into how the Court of Cat(s) did during this time.

I know two emotionally draining books in the same season are a lot, but trust me – they're worth it. I would make sure to read these two in order (I know the titles may make this a bit more confusing) because you don't want to ruin the revelation from Toby's side.

October Daye Series
Full-length novel in Tybalt's perspective
Urban Fantasy/Fae

Trigger Warnings:
Memory Loss

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The Innocent Sleep (October Daye, #18)
by Seanan McGuire
This is a hard book to follow, since the main character is confused on the immediate changes to his world. The character confusion permeates the pages of the story.
The magic permeates the story, as the character switches between cat and human form.

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I've been all in on this series since the beginning so, while I've read the Tybalt novellas, I wasn't sure I was ready for an entire book from how POV. But I really valued seeing this story from his perspective. This works Seanan has built so carefully is big enough that I woke probably read full length books from all the characters!

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My thanks to NetGalley for making an eARC of this book available to me.

I loved this one. Differing from all of the other books in this series, this one is told from Tybalt's perspective. It covers pretty much the same ground as the previous book, but gives a lot of interesting perspective into Tybalt, his feelings about Toby and everyone else involved in these books, how the Courts of Cats work, and more. It also helps the reader understand that as difficult as this plot was on Toby and her life, it was just as difficult for the others.

The bonus novelette was a treasure as well, telling the story of Saltmist, Dianda, Patrick, and others from the perspective of Helmi, Dianda's Cephali handmaid, protector, and friend.

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I wasn't aware this book was part of a series when I requested it so I didn't quite finish this one because I didn't want to ruin the rest of the series for myself! But I'm a huge fan of Seanan McGuire's writing and from what I did read of this book, it is no exception! I'm so very excited to have a new series I can read - planning on ordering the first few books of the series tonight!

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