Member Reviews

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc. I really enjoyed the characters and the great world building. I want to read other books by this author.

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Kai Roman, the Iceman FBI agent, maintains emotional distance from others. Camilla Garza, a middle school guidance counselor from a large family, stands in contrast with her warmth. A year ago, Roman and Camilla connected at a trivia night, but overwhelmed by feelings, Roman fled. A year later, they reunite at a bank just before a robbery, forming a connection over the traumatic event. Their journey to a happily ever after involves unraveling personal baggage amidst threats from criminals trying to harm Camilla.

The well-crafted narrative features witty dialogue, evolving three-dimensional characters, and a captivating storyline. Sweet moments, steamy scenes, thrilling action, danger, strong friendships, painful pasts, sinister forces, plot twists, imperfect characters, and a touch of humor contribute to the story's richness. The perfect balance between romance and suspense makes this a captivating romantic suspense tale. While it's regrettable that this concludes the series, anticipation for the new Remington Rescue Squad series is high.

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"The Agent: An Enemy's Little Sister/Protector Hero Romantic Suspense" by Kimberly Kincaid is an adrenaline-fueled romantic suspense novel that delivers on both passion and action. The book follows two characters with a complicated history as they navigate danger and desire. Kincaid's writing is intense and filled with sizzling chemistry, making it a page-turning read. With its combination of romance and suspense, "The Agent" is a thrilling and captivating choice for fans of the genre.

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Kai Roman, but everyone calls him Roman, hasn’t had real emotional connections since his wife died six years ago. When he needs his arch-nemesis’ little sister in a bar, he is surprised that he is intrigued by her. So, as one does, he walks.

Cut to a year later, and in true romance fashion, Roman and Camila meet at a bank moments before a well-organized bank robbery goes down. Roman is helpless to stop it, and Camila is trapped into helping the robbers. This is only the beginning, however, of a meaningful relationship, a la thriller romance style. Implausible but oh-so fun. Kincaid writes another interesting entry in the series!

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Wow! Exciting, intense, slow burn to scalding hot. Meet Kai. Clever, closed off, an FBI agent and the bane of the local police Intelligence Department. The sister of an officer of said department just happens to be Camilla, the talented, brave woman he's secretly crazy about. While fighting the mutual desire Kai and Camilla are witnesses to a crime that will consume their lives and put their lives in danger.
I received this book as an arc and am voluntarily submitting my review.

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First book of the series that I have read, but I will be reading the others. The characters are well developed and full of personality. The danger, romance, family actions, and different types of relationships had me intrigued and enjoying every moment of the story. The bank robbers were k own to us from the beginning, but when I tell you the ending threw me for a loop!!! Great writing and story. I loved the couple and the other characters!

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This is a romantic suspense full of some of my favorite tropes including grumpy/sunshine and forced proximity.
Heart pounding and sexy, this book was so good! Likable main characters, good plot and steamy scenes. 3.5 stars!

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The Agent is the sixth book in the Intelligence Unit series. There is a prequel, Flirting with Danger (book #5.5) which gave us a better background of the history between Kai and Camila. But I don’t feel like the prequel is necessary to read. I was so excited to read the book after getting a small taste of it with the prequel and I was not disappointed! It was fast-paced with plenty of twists and turns. The suspense caught me at the beginning and kept me reading until the end. I didn’t expect it, but I really enjoyed how the author gave us the villain’s POV along with the main characters. It helped build the suspense and gave the story more depth.
FBI agent Kai Roman didn’t do emotions or relationships after his wife died. He wasn’t sure why he flirted with Camila, his enemy’s sister, the night he met her, but he knew he had to maintain his distance from the first woman who had tempted him in years. They avoided each other after Kai left her so abruptly that night. After being held up in a bank robbery, they must work together to stay safe. Will Kai risk it all or let his fears overcome him?
I highly recommend the series and hope to see the Intelligence Unit again.

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THE AGENT is the sixth and final full-length instalment in Kimberly Kincaid’s contemporary, adult INTELLIGENCE UNIT erotic, romantic suspense series -a spin off from the author’s Station Seventeen and Remington Medical series. This is FBI Agent Kai Roman, and Camila Garza’s story line. THE AGENT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments or series is revealed where necessary. Camila is the youngest sister of Detective Matteo Garza (THE GUARDIAN 5).

Told from several omniscient third person perspectives including Camila and Kai, THE AGENT follows the building romance and relationship between FBI Agent Kai Roman, and Camila Garza. One year earlier, FBI Agent Kai Roman rejected the advances of Camila Garza having found himself on the outs with our heroine’s older brother. Fast forward to present day, our couple find themselves witnesses to a bank robbery, a robbery in which Camila will fast become a target of the robbers involved. In an effort to protect the woman with whom he is falling in love, Kai and Camila go into hiding but their return means facing down the people responsible. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Kai and Camila, and the potential fall-out the thieves target our story line heroine, and Camila’s brother refuses to accept Kai as a potential mate for his younger sister.

The world building continues to focus on the men and women of the Intelligence Unit of the Remington PD . Kai has a checkered past with Camila’s brother Matteo, and as such he is not welcome in Camila’s life but Camila’s life is in danger; she has been targeted for what she saw, and in this Kai becomes guardian and protector of the woman he loves.

FBI Agent Kai Roman has a history with Camila’s brother Matteo, and as such they tend to butt heads when thrown together. Camila is tired of the over protective attitude of her brother but understands that under the circumstances, her life is now in the hands of our story line hero. Both Kai and Camila are strong-willed and determined but Camila struggles with her attraction to a man she believes is too quick to run away. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including many of whom we met in previous instalments: Xander Matthews (The Rookie), Matteo and Delia(The Guardian); Detective Shawn Maxwell, and Detective Addison Hale. Matteo Garza continues to be the proverbial thorn in Kai Roman’s side but Kai refuses to back down from the woman with whom he is falling in love.

THE AGENT is another character driven, and fast paced story of suspense and tension, crime and desperation, acceptance and love. The premise is intriguing and tragic; the characters are determined and dynamic; the romance is seductive and provocative.





B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe)

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I loved this next addition to the Intelligence Unit series which is part of the Remington Series by Kimberly Kincaid. Roman was a favorite of mine even in the previous book. Although the Intelligence Unit is made up of the local Remington police, Roman is FBI. Camilla is the sister of one of the policemen in the Unit. They meet and instant sparks but Roman is known as the”ice man”. A man who doesn’t have/ show feelings, so he runs. A year later he and Camilla see each other again during a Bank robbery and that is when things took off in my opinion. Another fun, interesting story and one of I really enjoyed. I liked both characters and was happy with the storyline and their HEA. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a wonderful way to wrap up the series. Kai and Camila were an opposites attract couple. They might not have fit on paper, but they definitely had chemistry. I absolutely love the town of Remington, and I can’t wait to return with a new series.

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First I would like to thank Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This is the story of Roman, FBI agent, and Camila, school counselor, who happen to experience a bank robbery a year after Roman ghosted Camila after a trivia night with mutual friends. When Camila notices something during the robbery she becomes the target for the robbers and Roman makes it his mission to protect her at all costs.

What I Loved:
- Series, this book is part of The Intelligence Unit series and even though I hadn't read any of the previous ones I was not lost but excited to read the backlist of the series
- Roman, he is a badass FBI agent who would do anything to protect Camila and he's just attractive as hell
- Camila's family, they are a close knit family who is always in each others business but they are always looking out for each other
- Twist, the story did not end like I was expecting it to and that is always refreshing for me

Any of my romantic suspense fans out there, I would absolutely recommend this book. It has all the aspects that I love in a romantic suspense, mystery, romance, great characters and a twist I wasn't expecting.

This has been posted to Goodreads and a shorter version will be posted on instagram @readingwiththecatlady the week of July 10th.

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I have enjoyed this entire series and each one was the best as is this one! Camila Garza once thought there might be something between her and FBI Agent Kai Roman, but she was wrong. Seeing him later while doing her banking and before they get a chance to reconnect, three heavily armed thugs rob the bank. Camila is injured and Kai finds that he wants and needs to protect her. The loss of his wife, years ago, and his career has kept him from getting involved with anyone long term. He soon knows that he has no choice but to get involved as the bank robbers know who she is and that she was able to provide the first clue that may lead to their downfall. When another bank robbery ends in a deadly situation, the entire Intelligence Unit along with the FBI are on their trail. Coming after Camila is a certainty as she is a witness, but Kai now knows that he can’t lose her too! Action, suspense and the loving feel of the law enforcement family who protect and serve. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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Kai Roman is an FBI agent that keeps everyone around him at arm's length. He's lost too much in his life to want to take the chance of loving someone again. Unfortunately for him, Camila comes along and manages to push right through all of his barriers. They have to work together to keep Camila safe from a criminal before they can find their happily ever after.

Camila was a good character. She is smart and strong. She doesn't have much of a growth curve in the story because she is pretty much fully formed at the beginning. I like how she handled being involved in a bank heist and then chased by the bad guy. I really enjoyed how she helped Roman open up to the chance of love. Her relationship with her family was a good addition to the story. Roman has a lot of growth during the story. He has been closed off for years following the death of his wife. His journey to being more open and emotionally availed was nice. I thought the bad guy was good. I enjoyed the conclusion of the bad guy storyline.

One issue I had with the story was that the bad guy seemed to know some things that I couldn't figure out how he knew. The author introduced an option but then didn't follow through, so I was left confused.

This is a contemporary romance set in the much larger world of first responders. I haven't read any of the other books in the series but I was able to understand all of the various relationships. The epilogue is the introduction to the next story. I will read more from this author in the future.

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Roman is an FBI agent who has cut himself off emotionally for the last few years because his wife died. The night he met Camila everything changed for him and he has wanted her in his life for the last year. What he was not expecting was to run into her in a bank, which was then robbed. Kai Roman is not a man that is good at letting the bad guys get away until it comes to making sure Camila is ok.

Camila has been thinking about Roman for the last year and wondering why he doesn’t like her. When they meet up again unexpectedly at the bank, and following the bank robbery, they start relying on each other and their plan maintain solidarity.

I really enjoyed watching Camila and Roman break down walls, rely on one another, and build their relationship. The Agent starts off with a bang and it just keeps going until the very last page. I was on the edge of my seat hoping everyone was going to be ok. Make sure you carve out a day to read this book because you will not be able to put it down. I loved this book and am sad their story is over, I want more Roman and Camila. I highly recommend this book.

Received ARC in exchange for voluntary honest review

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Suspense romance can be tricky, walking a thin line between dark and scary and blazing hot chemistry. Kimberly Kincaid knocked out or of the park. This was a delightfully unexpected story. When Camila met Kai she was struggling with finding her place in the world. Kai put his life on hold when his world crashed around him and was going through the motions with getting emotions.. Camila was single, in a meh job, living in a meh apartment. With an unexpected event Camila's life changed almost in an instant. They find common ground and an explosive love.

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The Agent
By: Kimberly Kincaid


Chemistry from GO!

In this fun and strong willed book in the intelligence series we get Kai Roman and Camila Garza. What a fun pair. The authors writing flawless and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and none that I was expecting, and many shockingly intimate I have become a huge fan of this author. The author writes with so much intensity and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines are so perfect and lets you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Authors Blurb: Nothing rattles stone-cold FBI Agent Kai Roman. Not chasing down ruthless criminals. Not losing his wife years ago. Not even inadvertently being caught in the middle of a bank robbery.

Except Camila Garza is right beside him when danger strikes, and suddenly he’s the only person who can protect the off-limits beauty. No matter how much her older brother hates him.

And no matter how much he secretly wants her.

Camila knows she should hate Roman. He’s made it clear he doesn’t like her or possibly anyone—one bit. But when they have to go on the run to save their lives, she begins to see past his icy exterior to the man who would do anything to keep her safe.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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I absolutely loved Camila’s stubbornness and smarts. She was exactly what Kai Roman needed even though he practically ran away from her in the beginning. Feeling and showing feelings isn’t something Roman has done in years. It keeps him safe and away from getting hurt again. Roman didn’t expect to start feeling again as soon as he meets Camila. She is everything to him but he is determined to keep her away until fate steps in. I was given an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 ⭐ FBI Agent Kai Roman is known as the Iceman. After losing his wife in a tragic accident years ago, he has closed himself off to relationships and feelings in general. Hot grumpy guy, meet sizzling Camila, your #1 enemy's little sister.

These two meet one night at a bar and sparks fly, but Roman, ever the Iceman, gets the feels and high tails it out of there. He doesn't do feelings. A year later, he and Camila happen to be at the bank at the same time when an armed robbery takes place. Roman and Camila work together to try to help solve the crime, but end up on the run to stay a step ahead of the bad guys.

Both of these protagonists are sizzling hot. I really loved Roman's growth through the story in accepting that sometimes love is worth the risk. I love how Camila sees past his pain and helps him find joy in life again.

Scorching romance, edge-of-your-seat page turner, great characters, and surprising ending. I really loved this one!

[Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!]

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The book started a little awkwardly, and more conversational than the books I usually read. The author kind of writes like one might speak to an old friend. It took a few chapters for the writer to get a good vibe going but once it hit its stride, it was really good. Third person POV is not my favorite, but it was pretty easy to get over once I was interested in the characters.
And I'll say there are obviously other books in this series but I was able to follow along still all the same. I'm interested to read them but I don't think I missed anything by not reading them and going straight to The Agent. I was given an ARC to review.

(Slight spoilers that are mostly guessable)
Roman is an extremely likeable character. He nearly makes me want to weep when he talks about his past. Camilla is so charming and you really root these two characters on the whole book. The character development in here is top notch. It really makes you so happy for them to be together.
One thing I thought was really interesting was the POV from the antagonist (but still in third person). But being able to follow them on their side of the story was really cool actually. I was impressed with that twist, and to be honest, there was a time when I was slightly rooting on the leader early on but then things kept taking darker turns. I really didn’t see the ending coming quite the way it happened.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would be happy to read another book by this author.

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