Member Reviews

Book: The Agent by Kimberly Kincaid
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Pub Date: 11th July 2024

I derived immense pleasure from reading this book. In my opinion, it possessed a finely crafted and captivating plotline, accompanied by compelling characters.
The story is skillfully crafted, featuring a diverse set of characters who create a sense of a chosen family. Thhe banter among friends, colleagues, and family members adds a high-quality touch to the narrative. The romantic scenes are both passionate and laced with humor. The author's writing skills were exemplary, resulting in a seamless and engaging narrative flow. The book portrayed a gradual and intense romantic relationship amidst perilous circumstances. It exuded a sense of romance and sensuality, drawing me into the story and allowing me to connect with the characters on a deeper level.

Thank you NetGalley and author for providing an ARC copy.

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Kai Roman is aptly nicknamed the Iceman. He's stoic, unemotional and unfazed by anything. That is until Camila crashes into his life. One chance meeting and he's unlocking feelings he's kept buried since his wife's death.

One year on and Camila is again causing all sorts of feelings for Kai. Although this time its the protective kind when they both get involved in a bank robbery!

Camila is a breath of fresh air! She may think she's some kind of failure due to all her career changes - I say embrace them and yell PLOT-TWIST! She's not the badass warrior like some of her friends but she's no wimp and she'll listen to suitable instructions on safety - just not her brothers overbearing protectiveness!

Camila is a great foil for Kai - she's just about his opposite in every way. Sunny to his grump, impulsive to his strategy and logic. But through it all there's no real 3rd act break up for these two.
It's more the bad guys keeping them apart than their own insecurities. There love language is definitely “solidarity” in the face of Matteo, lol.

Well written, diverse characters with a real found-family flavour. The banter between friends, colleagues and family has a quality feel to it. Steam with a heaped helping of humour and plenty of plot twists.

Looking forward to meeting the Remington Rescue Squad!

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Kai and Camilla were perfect juxtapositions of each other. He is a cold FBI Agent and she is a bubbly high school counselor. I want to read every book by this author because it was just perfect - the spice, the romance, the mystery and the thriller. It was a good pace without lacking character development.

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Another addition to the Intelligence Series focusing on Roman and Camila who after surviving through a bank robbery and witness protection together discover that they are not so happy with the solitude they have decided on and feelings develop their relationship further. An okay read which ends with an addition to wet the appetite for the next book.

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3.5 stars rounding up...

I think it has been a while since I've inserted myself back into Kimberly Kincaid's Intelligence Unit in Remington but it's always nice to step into a growing world that she's created out of first responders, medical staff and cops--whose relationships are growing increasingly intertwined as they pair up.

I remember Kai Roman as an outsider for a while and the friction that he caused in the close-knit community of these characters, but it was lovely to have Kincaid draw him into the fold with a story of his own. Roman's got his own tragic backstory--it's not really explored too much--which accounts for the Iceman status he gets everywhere but it's Camila Garza who finally manages to unlock this uptight man after a bank robbery that tips the scale the other way. There's enough chemistry and heat between them to make them a believable pair, but sometimes they feel like a forced couple who came together because they'd adopted 'solidarity' as their mutual theme.

I thought the suspense is generally well set up, yet there are parts where the story (in particular the bits with the bad guys) seems to take the easy way out. I'd gotten excited having the antagonists ramping up their own activities and had come to expect a major showdown at the end but the climax felt more like a deflating balloon than a spectacular explosion. More so because it all ends in an abrupt conclusion with a strange epilogue that isn't at all related to the main storyline but one that points to Kincaid's next book instead.

Overall, it's not quite one that I'd call a favourite, but definitely good for a few hours of escape.

*ARC by the publisher via Netgalley

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The next book in the series has F.B.I. agent Kai Roman back after he saved Garza’s fiance in the last story. Garza still has negative feelings towards him and it only gets worse when he and a beautiful woman hit it off at the bar. Seems like they have much in common including being pissed at the older Garza as well since she is Camila his younger sister but is still tired of the family treating her as a baby. After having it out with her brother the two of them spend the rest of the night together until they kiss and since Kai does not do feelings and relationships he panics and bolts, to the point of not talking or seeing her for a year. When they do meet it is the middle of a bank robbery and Camila is taken in the back by one of the robbers where she is to help with loading the money in bags, they also find out her name before knocking her out. Here the story takes a turn where you go back and forth between the robbers and their problems and then Kai and Camila need to leave for Camila's protection. This is when everything begins to change between the two of them you just wonder if it will stay like that or if will he panic again. A good story with some mystery and suspense to keep you going to see what happens, worth the read.

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I really enjoyed this book.

I thought that it had a well developed and good storyline and some excellent characters.
The book was well written and it flowed really well.

I have read a few books now by this author and they have all been thorough enjoyable!

The story was a slow burn romance in the face of danger. It was a romantic and sexy read and I really enjoyed getting in to the story and meeting the characters.

It is 4 stars from me for this one - highly recommended!

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Great book! Wow! This book had everything! It had suspense, intrigue, action packed, murder, grand theft, mystery, backstabbing, great police work and some crazy twists and turns! The romance was hot hot hot!! Miss Kincaid sure knows how to write a great sexy scene!! Lol I highly recommend reading this book and series! They're well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me! Big thank you too Kimberly Kincaid for your amazing words! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one!

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I liked this latest addition to Kimberly Kincaid's The Intelligence Unit series, but it didn't necessarily captivate me. Camila and Roman are very likable main characters, and they have great chemistry, but their individual backstories were not fully formed and therefore not fully convincing.

First, though, it's important to note that we've met then both before. Roman worked the case that was featured in Matteo and Delia's story (the previous book), and Camila is Matteo's sister and Delia's BFF. The two hadn't met, however, probably because of Roman's self-imposed social isolation.

So Roman has experienced loss that has made him reluctant to let others in for fear of getting too attached and maybe facing loss again. It wouldn't be overly spoilerish to explain more about his losses as it reveals early on, but I'll leave it to you to read about it. But mostly, he lost people he loved, but I didn't really see how who he lost and the manner by which he lost them led to six years of isolation. I'm not minimizing his loss, but the way he processed his loss just didn't seem to jibe with his character. It seemed more like a convenient plot device. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Camila has a few off things as well, though not with how she processed life. Her feelings off inadequacy definitely jibe with her status as the youngest of five in a close-knit, nosy, loving family. But she's a job hopper—that in itself is okay, but when they describe the jobs she's held, I felt like it was unlikely that she held some of them. You don't just apply to be a massage therapist; you have to go through a board-certified program, complete a minimum of 500 hours of practice, and be certified. To be a school guidance counselor, I'm pretty sure you need a master's degree.

The bad guys. If the mastermind is so incredibly smart, why didn't he have the one person wear contacts to hide their unusual eyes?

These are all small issues in the grand scheme of things, I suppose, but they bothered me. Maybe because they made the book seem rushed and not well reviewed? Dunno.

It's still a good book, don't get me wrong. I just think it needs a little more attention paid to the details.

If you've read the previous books, you'll probably enjoy this one as well. If you haven't, you can still enjoy this one as a standalone.

I received an ARC of this book for free from the publisher and Netgalley. I'm writing this review voluntarily, and it reflects my honest opinion. Thanks!

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Really excited about this book. It was an Absolutely phenomenal read. High will recommend to others to pick up as soon as it is released.

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I enjoyed reading The Agent, very much. I actually felt drawn to the criminals in the story and felt sorry for a couple of them. Not sure if that was meant to be by the author or just a twist for me. Camila is a bad ass all on her own. She doesn't see it in herself until Roman points it out. When he comes to her defense in front of her family, I knew that was love.

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