Member Reviews

A psychological thriller that kept me hooked from the start. This is a brilliant book for the first book in the Shiner & Kurtz series and engrossed me a lot.

The plot revolves around a woman named Maggie Shiner who survived an abduction but one day a journalist, Eva Kurtz approaches Maggie and wants her to be part of her investigation into Maggie’s abductor. The relationship between Maggie and Eva was relatable which definitely sets the future for more books in the series.

There are surprising twists and turns but some I did anticipate as I am a dedicated thriller reader. Finch’s writing style was enjoyable to read with just enough world building and a fast paced plot.

I did find at some points throughout the book I got somewhat bored and other books were calling my name to read them but when the book reached the surprise twists it held my attention again.

Thank you Netgalley and Victory Editing for choosing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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A gripping psychological whodunit. Although it became clear early on in which direction the serial kidnapper had to be sought, despite all the red herrings. Nevertheless , there was still a quite surprising twist at the end.

I got this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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A riveting emotional roller coaster thriller. I had the pleasure of ARC reading this novel. Marissa Finch is a phenomenal storyteller. I went through every emotion known to human kind while blazing through this book. This is a must read for anyone enthralled with true crime and thrillers. This story follows the friendship forged by a true crime podcaster and the victim who got away and their determination to find out what truly happened that night. Along the way, other deceptions are discovered. This novel had so many twists and turns. You never see the end coming. I can't wait for the second book in the series to release.

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It's been 6 years since Maggie escaped her captors and she is still dealing the trauma of the event and the disbelief and treatment she suffered from the police and her family. The escape allowed her to keep her life, but she is unable to move on and her PTSD stops her from truly living in the present. When a podcaster/journalist comes to her door hoping to bring light to her story she is quick to turn her down. But Eva is determined and more than that, she BELIEVES her.

The two begin slowly hammering out a deal as Eva shows Maggie that others have been kidnapped and she believes there is a serial killer attacking women.The two team up but are they too late for the missing girls and will Maggie's safety and mental health be put at risk?

Atmospheric, tense and thrilling - this is quite a ride!
#victoryediting #vicotryeditingnetgalley #Netgalley #TheSummerGirls #MarissaFinch

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Maggie Shiner and Eva Kurtz are the women you want on your side! Maggie is a survivor of a kidnapping and assault - hiding out at her beloved Great Aunt's farm. Eva is a podcast journalist who tracks down Maggie to learn more about her assault. Eva believes she has discovered a pattern of missing women from throughout the area - and needs Maggie's help to unravel the links. Law enforcement doesn't believe them and refuses to help. So, Maggie and Eva dig deep - forcing Maggie to remember and eventually confront ghosts and memories from her past. These two are an incredible pairing and I hope Ms. Finch has more plans for their adventures! Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for an advanced reader copy of this book. The opinions expressed are my own.

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You know me and my summer themed books, throw in a muder mystery and you are speaking my language....

Marissa Finch is an author I like to say I discovered (no it's not really true) but every now and then I pump up my own ego. I have been reading and suggesting Finch's books for as long as I can remember. Liar's Anonymous, Dirt Liar, Don't Fall Asleep, and A Friend Like That, are amongst some of my most favorite books!

The Summer Girls is Book One, in the Shiner and Kurtz series.

I love thrillers but lately I have been figuring out the big reveal before it actually happens. Now, don't get me wrong, it's never usually a problem it just makes you lose some of the built up suspense. However, this was not the case for The Summer Girls. I was completely stumped throughout the entire book and when the twist made its appearance it left me utterly speechless!

As always, Marissa Finch has delivered another hit!

Check out this teaser:

Some girls don’t get to grow up…

Six years ago, Maggie Shiner endured the unthinkable when she was abducted and tortured. But her ordeal only worsened after she escaped — because no one believed her. Written off as a troubled teenager with a penchant for drama, Maggie’s been unable to heal from the trauma she underwent. In the years since, she’s hidden herself away on a rural homestead, with only her beloved chickens for company.

That is, until an unexpected visitor threatens her fragile sanctuary.

Journalist Eva Kurtz arrives with a chilling proposition: an interview for a true crime podcast about a potential serial abductor. She believes Maggie’s story, she says, and more than that — she believes Maggie’s abductor is responsible for the disappearances of eleven other young women.

At first, Maggie wants nothing to do with Eva or her podcast. But when another girl goes missing, she reluctantly agrees to help investigate. Together they begin to unravel a twisted web of deception and danger that reaches into the darkest corners of Maggie’s own past.

As time runs out, Maggie and Eva will have to put everything on the line to catch a killer. But will finally revealing the shocking truth be enough for Maggie? Or does redemption demand a higher price?

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Two strong female leads and a heartstopping ending! This book reminded me of the movie Gone with Amanda Seyfried - a girl gets kidnapped but no one believes her. I did not know who the killer was until the last page because the author truly made it that hard. It was still an easy read without plot holes and filler.

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Good story with some engaging characters,especially the chickens.I liked Maggie and Eva and enjoyed their story,plenty of twists to keep you interested,especially the last.

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After Maggie was abducted and assaulted as a nineteen-year-old, most people in her small town didn’t believe her and chalked it up to her wild ways. Six years later Eva, a podcast host, wants to hear Maggie’s story and compare it to several other cases of girls who were abducted, but never found.

Although I thought some parts dragged a bit, overall I found this book engaging and easy to read. The ending surprised me! I think at one point I suspected every character but never figured it out. I loved the two main characters (and Maggie’s pets!), and liked how their friendship evolved.

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for this ARC in exchange for my honest review

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When Maggie Shiner was kidnapped she didn’t go by Maggie and she wasn’t such a recluse now the highlight of her day is seeing her hens in the henhouse and feeding them and not much more. Eva Kurtz is a journalist in a lover of Brandy and although her first attempt at getting an interview with Maggie didn’t go so well she has no worries because Eva has a system but by the time she’s going to implement it Maggie has already got a thorn in her paw and it is the recent missing girl. After Maggie agrees to be interviewed she first wants to visit the missing girls mom and butt with her neither visit her they’re left with more questions than answers and even though Eva is raring to go Maggie just wants to go back home and put her head back in the sand but that’s not going to happen. This tentative friendship will change Magis life for the best and the worst but mostly for the best. I love Eva. I love her relationship with lowers and her eventual friendship with Maggie this book will have you on the edge of your seat especially after knowing Maggie story but I don’t want to say too much because if you’re like me you don’t read the summaries and like to be surprised just know this is a great investigation book about two lonely women who become friends at first do the default and then because they bonded over the nightmare they uncover. This is such a great book and a start to the new investigation series Shiner and Kurt’s, it’s about a lonely girl who no one believed after she was kidnapped in a True Crime podcaster who ultimately believed her and changes her life for the better. I love this book love love love this book! I received this book from NetGalley and a publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Marissa Finch's The Summer Girls is an emotionally charged thriller that captivates readers from the opening pages to the thrilling conclusion. The story revolves around Maggie Shiner, a survivor of abduction and torture, whose seclusion is shattered when journalist Eva Kurtz proposes investigating a potential serial abductor. The chemistry and likability between Maggie and Eva stand out as the book's highlights, setting the stage for a promising series. The well-crafted mystery keeps readers engaged, with surprising twists and a final revelation that adds an extra layer of excitement. Finch's captivating writing style and focused storytelling approach ensure a fast-paced plot that holds readers' attention throughout.

While The Summer Girls offers an engrossing read, a few aspects gave pause. The inconsistent portrayal of Maggie's past struggles with addiction raised questions, as references to both heroin and cocaine lacked cohesion. Additionally, the revelation of specific details known to Maggie, the first victim, left some confusion. The coincidental resemblance between Maggie and subsequent abductees seemed too convenient, calling for further explanation. Addressing these concerns and providing clarity would have enhanced the overall cohesiveness and plausibility of the story.

Despite these concerns, The Summer Girls remains a highly recommended mystery novel that expertly balances suspense, character development, and unexpected plot twists. Finch's writing style and the dynamic between Maggie and Eva make for an enthralling reading experience. This book will appeal to fans of well-crafted thrillers and those who enjoy accompanying characters on investigative journeys. As the first installment in a promising series, it leaves readers eagerly anticipating future mysteries with Maggie and Eva.

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Six years ago, Rosalie was kidnapped, held captive, and tortured until her escape, fleeing the depravity and falling into the arms of the law that would not believe her. Present day with her named changed she meets Eva, a journalist and the first person to believe her story. Together they race against time to save a young girl from the same man that did this to Rosalie, who never stopped abducting young women and who was never caught.

This started off within the first few pages and continued to stay a solid read until the very last page. The two female leads were highly likeable and had amazing chemistry, which makes me excited to see that it's the first of a new series with them. The mystery was one that I honestly guessed right the first time but had changed my mind on who the culprit was so many times that it took me by surprise in the end. This was a great read and there's only two reasons I'm not rating it higher than I did. One, it's small but details matter; Rosalie, now Maggie, spoke of her troubled past with addiction but the problem is, several times it changed from her issue being heroin to coke to then heroin again. And no, it wasn't that it was both. I am one to pick up on details and there were some discrepancies here that can easily be corrected. Two, the bigger reason is that the reveal in the very end didn't make sense to me. I can't further explain with no spoilers but I will say that she was the first to be abducted so how would she know certain details. Also, why does she look like everyone that was abducted after her? It was all too coincidental for me. Overall, I will be reading the next book because I still loved these two women and other than what I stated above, I did really enjoy this. Three and a half stars rounded up.

Thank you Netgalley and Victory Editing Netgalley Co-Op for this ARC.

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I’ve read several of this author’s books, and this is my favourite so far - well written with likeable characters, it grabbed me from the very beginning and didn’t let go until the last page! So pleased to see there will be a sequel released this year.
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such an intriguing story! I loved how it sucked you in right from the beginning while the fast moving plot keeps you glued to the pages the whole way through. The readers meet Maggie, 6 years ago she was abducted and assaulted but managed to escape, however no one in her small town believed her story. All these years later, a podcast host, Eva, shows up on her doorstep after connecting her case with 10 more missing girl cases. Together they start to dive in to these disappearances, unearthing small town secrets and coming closer and closer to the true villain.

I love Marissa Finch's style of writing and how she takes you step by step with the characters through their own investigation, you feel like you are right there alongside them the entire time!

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Just turned the last page of Marissa Finch's captivating mystery novel, 'The Summer Girls,' and I'm thoroughly impressed. This 4/5-star thriller offers a meticulously woven plot with a refreshing focus on the evolving dynamics between the strong female leads, Eva and Maggie. The author crafts their characters with intricate detail, making their quest for justice feel intensely personal.

Finch's deft storytelling transports readers directly into the heart of each scene, ensuring we're as immersed in the action as the characters themselves. Unlike many other thrillers, 'The Summer Girls' maintains a clear and focused narrative by minimizing character clutter and superfluous elements.

While I pride myself on predicting plot twists, I must confess that the novel's climactic turn genuinely caught me off guard. This intriguing surprise, coupled with the unresolved elements of Eva's and Maggie's personal stories, leaves readers eager for the continuation of this series.

In conclusion, 'The Summer Girls' is an engrossing mystery novel that successfully balances suspense, character development, and unexpected plot twists. Perfect for readers who appreciate strong female characters and well-crafted thrillers.

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Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the copy of The Summer Girls by Marissa Finch. Don’t be put off because this book is so long. It moves at a fast pace and if the writing doesn’t draw you in the story will. I loved the writing style and it was an easy read. I liked how the red herrings were subtle and the reveal came as a big surprise. Maggie and Eva are great characters and I really look forward to the rest of this series. 4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

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I really enjoyed this book. The characters were easy to love, and I found the story compelling. I will definitely be reading more from this author.

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Maggie has been approached by Eva, a journalist looking to tell Maggie's story on her podcast about a traumatic abduction that she suffered several years back. No one ever believed Maggie about what happened to her until now. That's why Maggie hesitantly agrees to meet with her. But Eva also believes that Maggie's captor never stopped hurting women and is actually a serial killer. She's been collecting evidence of women who went missing under similar circumstances and believes she can use what Maggie knows to complete the profile and uncover who the perpetrator is. At first reluctant to follow through with her interview, Maggie quickly changes her mind when she discovers that another local girl has gone missing. She and Eva agree to work together to investigate the current case and see if a serial killer truly is out there. But how much will the truth cost them?

I love taking a chance on a book by a new author and finding it to be better than expected. That's exactly the case with this story - I'm hooked. And as it appears this is a new series, I can't wait to read all the books to follow. The main characters are likable and relatable. They have a budding friendship that brings them closer not a sexual relationship or a 'will they, won't they' that comes with many of these thrillers and procedurals. It shows that you don't need that element to have characters that readers are invested in. This is an enthralling mystery that doesn't rely on mind-blowing twists, just good old-fashioned investigative work. Unlike that of the police in this story! This author has created an exciting duo that I'm sure will entertain readers for many more books to come.

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Wow! Great book! I did not expect that ending!! Whoa! What a book! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! This book had it all! It had high suspense, intrigue, action, murder, serial killer, kidnapping, mystery, great detective work, a fabulous who done it and a crazy ending that I definitely did not see coming! The storyline was so very interesting and had me glued to my Kindle! I highly recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me! Definitely don't miss out on this one!

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Really excited about this book. It was an Absolutely phenomenal read. High will recommend to others to pick up as soon as it is released.

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