Member Reviews

@DNF at 30%

As a fan of Greek stories and mythology, I was so happy to get another story about one of my favourite themes. Although the setting is interesting I found myself confused with so many names, characters and many POVs to remember and to get into. I think that was what made me feel the story slow and heavy and lose my interest in the story

One of the biggest letdowns was the big plot points and "twists" felt a bit flat and without much interested in the story.

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The novel "Epic of Helinthia" by MJ Pankey is a captivating adventure in a world where the gods have fallen silent, and an island is decaying under the rule of a mad king. The main characters - Dargos, Kelric, and Gadnor - come together to rebel against the tyrant ruler and restore their land's prosperity, all while trying to gain the gods' favour. However, their mission is fraught with challenges, as they must navigate through spies and betrayals that threaten their cause.
The book masterfully combines aspects of Greek mythology with detailed world-building, immersing readers in a lively universe of legend and grandeur. The characters are meticulously developed, possessing intricacy and depth that renders them highly interesting and realistic. The author's eloquent writing style vividly portrays each scene, evoking a lasting impression on the reader's mind.
As the narrative unfolds, anxiety and anticipation escalate, effectively captivating readers throughout the journey. The writer's adept incorporation of suspense, romance, chaos, and rebellion results in a beautiful and engaging piece of literature. Each turn of events adds to the enigma, compelling readers to reassess their pre-existing notions and re-evaluate their viewpoints.
If you enjoyed reading "Circe" by Madeline Miller and "Ariadne" by Jennifer Saint, then "Epic of Helinthia" is worth checking out. The author, MJ Pankey, has done an excellent job of capturing the essence of Homer's Iliad while adding a touch of authenticity and grandeur to the story. The book seamlessly integrates the mythological elements into the narrative, and the characters' struggles and complexities are masterfully depicted.
MJ Pankey's "Epic of Helinthia" is a captivating epic fantasy that transports readers to a world of gods and mortals, where the quest for peace and restoration is expensive. The book has fascinating mythology, remarkable characters, and a gripping storyline, making it a must-read for anyone searching for an absorbing and immersive reading experience.

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Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher Muse and Quill Press for the digital ARC, it has not affected my honest review.

TW: death, violence, injury, sexual content

“Epic of Helinthia” is a Greek mythology inspired fantasy set in an all original world, with wonderful worldbuilding and complicated characters. In the aftermath of a tyrant seizing the throne, the gods of Olympus have gone silent and vanished. This has caused a terrible famine to sweep the island of Helinthia, which in turn has begun a rebellion against its king. Dargon, leader of this rebellion that only overthrowing this tyrant will lead to the favour of the gods returning. Siding with the confident man who wants to marry his sister, Kelric, and Kelric's younger and far less confident brother, Gadnor, the three undertake a journey to gain support for their war. However, after being attacked on the road, Kelric is injured and Gadnor has to step up in his place. Left behind is Dargon's sister Gonivein, who they all assume will be safe at home; soon enough spies for the king and conspiracy drive Gonivein away from the only home she's ever known and into the world. It soon becomes clear that some of the Olympians don't want to return to their old roles, even as an old secret brings forth a new hero.

One aspect of this book that I really enjoyed is how seamlessly Greek mythology has been wrapped around this narrative while also keeping to the original world and characters. I loved how every moment feels like it can go two ways with these characters, they're so unpredictable, particularly Kelric. My favourite was Gonivein, at the beginning she seems foolish and young but she really grew as the story developed, turning into a woman who could really stand for herself. I also loved Gadnor, who had similar development as he outgrew his brother’s shadow. It is a slow build of a novel, with a huge cast of characters, and things didn't always move as quickly as I would have liked; however, this was an enjoyable read, with powerful writing and worldbuilding and I can't wait to see what this author might do next with this world.

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I recently had the opportunity to dive into "Epic Of Helenthia" by MJ Pankey, and I must say it was a journey worth taking. This fantasy novel started at a leisurely pace, which, I'll admit, required a bit of patience on my part. However, for those willing to invest the time, the wait is rewarded with a truly gripping conclusion.

The author's ability to paint vivid and imaginative worlds is truly commendable, and it adds depth to the story.

In "Epic Of Helenthia," MJ Pankey weaves a tale that's bound to captivate readers with its captivating conclusion and eloquent prose. If you're looking for an immersive adventure, this book is certainly one to consider.

Review copy provided by NetGalley.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for granting me an arc.

When I first went into this read I was a little confused. The prologue to be exact as I found myself wondering if Dargon was the baby in the opening chapters and then hoping that he wasn't when it became clear what his and Forluna's relationship was like.

I really loved everyone's chapters and POV's, especially Gonivein. I didn't think l'd like her at all, she seemed like the typical vapid, can't think for herself, princess type and quickly proved herself to be strong, loyal and brave.

At one point of the story I cried with Pallas. Sometimes when I cry at books it's either a slow realisation or it's instant. This was a slow realisation but I actually found myself taking deep breaths before it happened, which doesn't usually happen with me but as a mother, it hit hard.

Kelric I could easily toss off a high cliff. He's self centered, arrogant and disloyal. He claims to love Gonivein and then thirsts after other women. He's the type who would gladly cheat on you but be outraged if you so much as looked at another man.

Gadnor just needs to be protected at all times. He has such a pure heart and I really loved seeing him come out of his shell and realise he's worth something and that he doesn't need to be in Kelric's shadow.

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I adore Greek mythology and found this world to be rich and vibrant... but also much darker than I anticipated. There were also a lot of side characters and sometimes it was hard to keep track of them all.

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Epic fantasy
Greek myth
Multi POV
Secrets & Betrayal
Political intrigue
Lost heir
"If there’s one thing I’ve learned about men, it’s that they require very little to justify unbridled violence."

"But he came back. For her. Taking down the wall she'd built around her heart brick by brick and making love to her with a tenderness she never thought possible."

"You died so I could live. So I could do something with my life. And I will. I promise."

"Men with power don't need proof from the gods to be persuasive"

"Lesser men than you ensure their bastards are raised in safety."

"That is something they must make peace with. And you? You must trust yourself."
The Epic of Helinthia is one of the most complex fantasy that I read. I have to admit I was lost time to time so if you are not in the right state of mind, you may find it confusing. However, I strongly suggest for you to read this sooner or later especially if you love Ancient Greece (like me <3). The story follows five different characters (Dargon, Gonivein, Forluna, Kerlic and Gadnor) POV who are on a journey to free the island of Helinthia from the tyrant Anax Charixes. Even though the island is fictional, everyday lives and the society are well-thought and felt like very real. There are many twists and turns, betrayals and tragedies through the story. I really liked how each character develops and come to terms with themselves.
I’m grateful for NetGalley and the author fro providing me with an eARC in return for an honest review.

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Unfortunately this wasn’t for me and I didn’t finish it. My daughter (19) loves these kinds of books so i thought I’d give it a go but I found there were so many characters to remember and it was a bit ploddy for me. Sorry!

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The style and structure of this book is what drew me into it. It did take me a while to get into the story, but once I did it flew by.

The characters and the world drew me in and painted a story of war, battles, myths and heroes. Being an ancient mythology nerd the references and the prose made this more amazing. The way that this book was inspired by the myths and epics of ancient greek, makes this stand on its own.

Massive thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC.

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It took me a little while to get into this book. The first hundred pages were so slow ,then it did pick up. A magnificent story full of heroes, wonderful storytelling and great characters. In the end I was enjoying this read so much I did not want this book to end. A very enjoyable read and almost five stars.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the Arc in return for an honest review.

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Epic of Helinthia is a novel based in a fantasy world inspired by and featuring elements of Ancient Greece, with mentions of gods, heroes, and war. I enjoyed reading this book as I’m a big fan of Ancient Greece, and enjoyed the subtle references sprinkled throughout, for example, titles such as basileus and anax. I had a great time reading it and although at times I found it difficult to keep track of so many characters, by the end I did find myself rooting for certain characters. It was a well written story and I’d recommend it to anyone looking for an ancient story with plenty of action and tales of war.

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This was an interesting and enjoyable story. I loved the writing style which was fresh and a bit whimsical. Her writing style reminds me a bit of Madeline Miller but to be honest I enjoy Pankey's much more. I found the story moved along well while still being able to connect well with the characters, which is a must for me.

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An interesting story of the politics on the island of Helinthia, both amongst the people living there and the Greek Gods and Goddesses influencing humanity. This book has magic, action and adventure throughout and follows two different groups - Gonivein’s and Dargon’s. Both of them have their own battles ahead and many they weren’t expecting, with difficult decisions to make and betrayals all around. There’s an interesting cast of characters, some it’s difficult (if not impossible) to like and others who are far more valiant. I admired Gonivein’s strength and determination despite everything she was facing, and at her young age, and her story definitely tugs at the heart strings in places and I definitely wanted a different path for her character but as is the nature of epics, it doesn’t go the way of sunshine and roses.

This was an interesting read with lots of different powers at play and a lot of mysteries and secrets to be unravelled by the end and the promise of more to come.

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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As a self proclaimed mythology nerd as a child, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel story that pulls from existing Greek mythos but has enough of a foundation to stand on its own. We are still a little in the dark about this goddess Helinthia, but I look forward to learning more and how her ties to Hera, Apollo, and Artemis are revealed.

The concept of a missing heir is a fun trope, but the execution in this story left a little me a little underwhelmed. You spend the first third of the novel not having a clue who this heir is, then the second third thinking its one character, until finally at the end they are reveled. There were some very small breadcrumbs that loosely pointed to who it was, but otherwise the reveal came out of left field. I am looking forward to see how the particular character that was revealed to be the heir will take on this mantle, as they were one of my favorites in the story and they are being primed for a lot of character growth, but getting there will be interesting.

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As a lifelong lover of anything involving Greek mythology (real or inspired) when I saw this I knew I had to read it.

Things started off a bit slow but I honestly didn't mind at all. The characters were so well fleshed out it made the slow build up worth it because you truly get a sense of each character on their own and how they start fitting into the story. Typically I don't enjoy books with more than 2 POV's because it can personally led to some confusion but MJ Pankey did a great job with it and I was never once confused who's POV I was reading.

The second half of the book is when things really started to pick up and I didn't want to put it down, each chapter ending with a bit of suspense that made me need to continue reading. If it weren't for pesky things like work and sleep I could've finished that last half in one sitting. I also misplaced the charger to my tablet and so that caused a delay in finishing as well. I was so upset because I needed to keep reading but my tablet was dead, lol.

As far as the main characters themselves. Gonivein and Forluna were the most interesting. Dargon was a bit dull and boring but it worked for his character. Kelric was your typical macho man and Gadnor kind of blended into the background until the end -- although maybe that was done on purpose? Hmm..

And the ending??! I must know what happens next and when the next book comes out it will be an instant buy!

Thanks to NetGalley, MJ Pankey, and Muse and Quill Press for providing me with this ARC (my first ever ARC and boy what a great first it was!) in exchange for my honest review

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Thank you to the publisher and MJ Pankey for the ARC.
It took me awhile to really get into this book but I’m glad I did. I am a huge fan of Greek mythology re-tellings (bordering on obsessive!) so this was right up my alley. Without spoiling it, all I can say is give it a chance and you won’t be sorry. It is a truly magnificent read and although the POV’s can be a tad confusing at times, it weaves together an epic story that you’ll be immersed in and left wanting more! Can’t wait for her next book!

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Not a HUGE fan of the first 100ish pages but it picked up nicely. I was pleasantly surprised at how engaged I was during the last 2/3rds of the book. I am excited to see where Pankey goes with the rest of the series.

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ARC read via NetGalley

Forluna escapes the burning city cradling a small baby, instructed to protect him and save him from the raid and attack on the city. Fast forward the land is struggling, the Gods are displeased and punishing the people, but Dargon has a plan to save the island and appease Helinthia and the other gods, but to do so he needs a rebellion. Setting off across the Island to rally support their adventure unfolds and Dargon, Gonivein, Kelric, Pallas, Tandoir and Forluna realise the fight to save their island is against a lot more than just men and mortals.

When I finished this book late last night, I, well… I didn’t know it was part of a series and now I just have to know what happens. Do they save Helinthia? So much happened and developed in the last 3rd I just need to know how it ends.

This read was absolutely beautiful. If my character list confuses you - there’s more. There’s a whole glossary of words and I had notes to help me remember the characters but once I was steady in the book I did remember and all the characters came beautifully to life. This book feels so authentic in its telling, I can’t describe it, the language and description is breathtaking and I applaud @authormjpankey for the level of research and time she must’ve dedicated to this. I can see this like a film in my head, it’s beautiful and reminds me of Gladiator - Ridley Scott or James Cameron could do wonders with this book as a film.

The story has adventure, action, romance and little bit of fantasy but otherwise feels like a true Greek story and legend and it feels like I’m first to hear it! If anyone loves Greek stories I highly recommend this! ⭐️

Thank you @authormjpankey for letting me read and experience this - I can’t wait for the sequel.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Muse and Quill Press for providing me with an ARC!

Epic of Helinthia is a multiple POV story of a fictional island in Ancient Greece. The book follows a group of characters as they attempt to start a rebellion in the hopes of freeing their island of an evil ruler.

I thought that the characters were so complex and well developed. This is something that is usually hard to do with multiple POVs, however, I thought that each POV was compelling and engaging, and overall helped with moving the story along.

The pacing of this book was also brilliant, paired with the engaging characters, I thought it was written and structured really well. There was enough time to flesh out the world building, characters, and fictional elements as well as enough time for me to get invested into the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed The Epic of Helinthia and would recommend it for anyone who loves Greek retellings, politics, and adventure.

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Epic of Helinthia is a TRULY EPIC multi-POV tale set on a fictional island in Ancient Greece that follows a group of people as they attempt to start a rebellion and free their island of its evil ruler.

Pankey does an incredible job creating complex, imperfect characters and their development was so compelling to read. I came to really like many of these characters after they started out pretty unlikeable.

This story is very much about the mortals who inhabit Helinthia, but the Greek Gods are ever present. When they do make appearances they are depicted as ethereal, otherworldly beings which adds a magical element to the story that I love.

Also, the multiple POVs are all so engaging, which, along with all the twists and turns, made it so hard to put the book down.

This is not a mythological retelling. And while I love those, I also love that this is not constrained by an existing storyline. It reads like an Ancient Greek epic written for a modern audience. I CANNOT WAIT to read the next installment!

Thank you NetGalley and Muse and Quill Press for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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