Member Reviews

I'm a huge sucker for autobiographies read by the author, and I couldn't have been more pleased by Greg Marshall's Leg!

Officially, Leg: The Story of a Limb and the Boy Who Grew From It, is available in audio - and if you're a fan of inspiring, dramatic life stories, then this one is for you too. I think my jaw dropped over a dozen times as Marshall takes us through his highly eventful life. I laughed, I cried, and I repeatedly thanked my lucky stars for the hand fate dealt me.

Greg Marshall has faced a host of challenges, and copes with a combination of humor, courage, and occasionally some well deserved trepidation. Bravo!

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leg is a beautiful memoir about love, loss, family, sexuality, and disability.

greg marshall walks with a limp and had been told that he has “tight tendons”, he lived his life under this impression until it was revealed in his 30s that his parents had been keeping his cerebral palsy diagnosis from him.

a coming of age story navigating queerness and a cerebral palsy diagnosis. marshall’s writing style is relentlessly self aware, unfiltered and hilarious. tender and outrageous in the same breath.

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Leg is the memoir of a man named Greg who faced adversity every step of the way, and somehow has managed to not only keep stepping, but also make jokes about it.

This book was well written, humorous, and heartfelt all at once. Greg's storytelling style is easy to follow, and he keeps the reader engaged as he recounts so many moments in his life that are absolute tragedies. All the while, he and his family persist in their own way, and make the best of what they have.

I admire how open he was with the things he struggled with, and how he never manages to seem as though he feels sorry for himself, and doesn't want others to pity them either.

The story flows well, and has a happy ending, which I hope continues to progress for himself, his husband, and his family.

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It was heartbreaking , funny and incredibly good! I loved every page. The author had a charm of telling his story. Thanks NetGallery!

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Leg is a fantastic memoir on sexuality, disability, and family. For a book filled with heartbreak and loss, there's so much humor and joy and love. I loved reading about Greg Marshall's life, especially when it came to his relationship with his family.

Thank you Netgalley for providing a digital ARC.

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I really enjoyed Leg, a memoir. It was so filled with interesting stories about the author's growth. I appreciated his consideration of having CP and what it meant to him later in life. I thought his relationship with his parents was the most interesting tale.

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Thank you to Tantor Audio and NetGalley for this audio ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This is a memoir of Greg Marshall, a gay man who lived the first thirty years of his life without knowing he had cerebral palsy. If that doesn't get you interested in Marshall's memoir, his numerous quirky stories about his loveable family will.

This book is very well written, and I was instantly intrigued. Marshall's life is somehow filled with so many stories that feel too funny to be true. His parents, who are major characters in the book, are hilarious and seem like people I would love to hang out with. Marshall goes in depth with his mother's long fight with Hodgkin's lymphoma, as well as his father's tragically short fight with ALS. While this is a book of parent loss, I (a child who has lost a parent) would not call it a parent loss memoir. Though this should be a warning to those who are still learning to live with that wound.

Marshall does not hold back in writing this memoir. It is very explicit. He will tell you everything there is to know about whatever story he is telling, whether it be his overly large testicles or his difficulty topping his husband. While his stories were often very funny, I would warn the reader to ensure they are ready for such a raunchy memoir.

My largest issue with this book is that Marshall's story is only somewhat chronological. He will often go in depth on a story, only for the next chapter to happen before the previous one. While this never happened in a way that made it difficult to understand, it happened often enough that I had to take note.

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Leg is such an interesting memoir about family, sexuality, disability, and so much more. Greg Marshall always walked with a limp that he had been told was due to his tight tendons. It wasn’t until adulthood that he learned that his parents had been keeping the fact that he had cerebral palsy from him. While that obviously is a very important part of the book, it’s not all that the memoir is about.

Greg details stories of growing up as a gay kid in Utah, his parents’ bouts with cancer and ALS, the fear of AIDS, dating mishaps, and the various ways that his disability has impacted his life. There’s a lot of humor within the book and Greg is very open with sharing intimate details. And while parts of it are hilarious, there are also a lot of difficult topics broached like death and illness. I feel like Greg Marshall was able to blend the humorous and serious tones really well throughout the book. I definitely recommend checking this one out if you’re a fan of unique memoirs.

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I am so thankful to Tantor Audio, Greg Marshall, and NetGalley for granting me advanced audiobook access to this gem of a story from the author's standpoint and battle with Cerebral Palsy in accordance with the societal abnormalities that haven't been paved for disabled persons. This book hits shelves on June 13, 2023, and I can't wait for publication day.

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