Member Reviews

A sweet romance from Amish communities. Barbara never took to sewing or quilting which makes her feel like an outsider in her family of quilters. Not only does she not do it well - she hates the work. She'd rather be outside, in the gardens, raising food for her family and most of all - flowers.
Melvin is not interested in a romance. All he wants is to support his widowed sister and her young daughter. But his landscaping business is in trouble when he looks like he will lose access to his greenhouse. Reluctantly, he hires Barbara as an assistant as a favor to her grandfather. Before long, and without intending it so, Barbara's flower gardens take the shape of quilt patterns and bring much attention to Melvin's business along with more eager customers. Somehow, as they work side by side, feelings begin to develop between them.
But Barbara is only visiting her grandparents in this community. Her home is in another state. When she is unexpectedly called home to care for an ill family member, they both see it as the end of their relationship before it ever had a chance to begin.
Will Melvin and Barbara find a way to find the desire of their hearts?
A wonderful story about recognizing each persons talents and gifts and directing them toward those things rather than what might be expected of them.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review

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Family and/or friends may try to place a person in a certain mold, but each person has their own unique gifts and loves. That’s a lesson that Barbara Schwartz took a while learning. I enjoyed reading her story and how among bandaged fingers she learned there’s more than one way to “quilt”.
Throw in a love interest, a pair that works well together and beautiful flowers and you’ve got a story that is well worth the time.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through Celebrate Lit but was not required to write a review.

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Barbara Schwartz grew up in an Amish family in Kentucky. Her mother was a quilter and there was no question about Barbara learning to quilt as well. However, quilting was not for her. She wanted to get her hands dirty by working in a garden planting flowers. She was sent to Indiana to help her grandmother who had a quilting store and her mother expected her to learn quilting while she was there.

Melvin Bontrager found himself caring for his sister and niece after he lost his parents. He supported them through his landscaping business and soon Barbara found herself working for him in addition to helping in her grandmother’s shop.

I enjoyed this book very much and learned more about the Amish people as well. I was given an e-book by Barbour Publishing and NetGalley and was under no obligation to write a positive review.

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Barbara was convinced she could not do anything right. But Melvin proved to her that she had a gift of creating flower quilts.

A delightful story that clearly sends a message that GOD gives each one of us special gifts. Barbara was convinced she couldn't quilt. But she could create beautiful flower gardens.

A sweet story of the first bloom of love. With a little help from Barbara's mammi and dawdi, she found what she never expected while visiting in Indiana.

Melvin felt responsibility for his sister and his niece. He felt responsible for his parents' accident. This weight of responsibility prevented him from finding real happiness.

Both Barbara and Melvin gave so much of their time and love to others. It was time for their dreams to come true.

I received this from Celebrate Lit to review.

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I have never read from this author before and the cover is so pretty that I knew I had to read it. I enjoyed this book so much that she has a new fan. If you love Amish stories then this needs to be your next read.

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The Flower Quilter is written by Mindy Steele. This is book one in the The Heart of the Amish series. Barbara Schwartz was born into a family of quilters. She however did not inherit that gift. She really struggles to sew stitches and spends more time stabbing her fingers and ripping out stitches then anything. Her parents send her to Indiana from Kentucky to work with her grandmother's quilt shop. However, her grandparents realize that she is not cut out for the quilting business and encourage her to work with Melvin Bontrager.

Melvin and Barbara did not get off to a good start. He almost ran her down with his buggy and spunky horse Fred. However, he has a landscaping business and Barbara really enjoys arranging flowers and plants. She suggests to Melvin to arrange the flowers into quilt patterns - and that idea takes off. They become friends and enjoy each other's company. However, Barbara has to go back to Kentucky.

This book is beautifully written. The author has created a story that has characters that are not cookie cutter Amish characters. The storyline draws you in within the first few pages.

Thank you to the author and Publisher for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own,

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“The Flower Quilter” is a heartwarming Amish romance. The first line hints at the importance of family and faith in the Amish community, setting the tone for the story: “Next to Gott, family always came first.”

Barbara and Melvin are engaging characters, and their journey is filled with humor, emotion, spirituality, and romance. Barbara’s situation brought back memories of my youth when my grandmother urged me to sew like she did, but I had no interest. It was easy to connect with them and I rooted for them as they worked the land and strengthened their hearts, minds, and lives.

With a premise of following our passions and talents, this story is flavored with heart. I enjoyed the setting and characters, as well as learning more about quilting, gardening, and Amish living.

Faith, hope, and romance blossom in this unique flower quilting tale.

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions are 100% mine.

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This story was so fun to read as I followed Barbara to visit her grandparents. She has come to help her grandmother in her quilt shop. The thing is poor Barbara can’t quilt to save her life. The needle pricks on her fingers are proof that perhaps she needs to find something else to do during her stay. I can relate to Barbara so much. My mother was gifted at sewing, knitting, crocheting and embroidery work. Me not so much. Okay not at all. Don’t ask me to sew a button because you may be waiting awhile. Being in Indiana is fast paced compared to her home in Kentucky. One encounter with a young man didn’t sit well with her. Who knew the friend she makes just happens to be related to the person who almost ran her over the first day she arrived? Will she find her confidence here or will she allow the enemy to discourage her?

Melvin is such a good character. He has devoted himself to helping his sister and niece after their loss. He has no intentions of looking for a wife and is content with his life. I admired his integrity and faith. His run in with Barbara is funny and instantly I knew these two would give us much entertainment.

I enjoyed learning about the differences between the Amish who live in different areas. Where Barbara is from they dress very conservative. Seeing how they dress here in Indiana she thinks the colors they wear are very pretty. I can tell she felt a little uncomfortable around some of the people in the community. The gossip starts up about her when she gets lost one evening. It seems like she can’t catch a break and I so wanted her to be more confident and strong.

The author gives us a great story about using your gifts to bless others. I also liked the laughter I found in the story as Barbara seems to get herself in funny situations. She is so set on being independent she forgets that sometimes our pride can get in the way. As Barbara tries to find her path in life we witness growth and trust. We need to keep out eyes on God and He will direct our path.

Visiting the glorious and eye catching gardens made Barbara feel at peace. This is where she felt at home and lavished in the beauty with eyes twinkling. The author does an amazing job of incorporating history into this story with a particular garden that I know would be peaceful. God’s beauty is all around as Barbara knows where her gifts are. In that moment she feels at peace and is stunned at what God had created.

I am sorry to see the story end but oh my what a beautiful reminder about forgiveness and trusting God. Barbara and Melvin learn what it is like to see the beauty around them and allow God to heal broken hearts. This was a journey that I will cherish forever as I witnessed unconditional love and a new beginning for Barbara and Melvin

“Whatever gifts you have been given by God, use them to serve others.”

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

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The Flower Quilter by Mindy Steele is the first book in the Heart of the Amish series. This is an amazing story of two young people from different communities who are brought together with their love of landscaping. Both have struggles that deal with their families. Melvin blames himself for the death of his parents and feels responsible for supporting his sister. Barbara’s mother expects her to become a quilter and sends her to live with her grandparents. As her grandparents get to know her, they realize she is not cut out to be a quilter but she has talents with landscaping. She goes to work for Melvin and arranges flower gardens to resemble quilts.

This is such a good story. It is easy to read and imagine. I enjoyed reading how Melvin and Barbara deal with their struggles and how they work together. This was such a fun story to read, that I found myself reading it long into the night. I enjoyed how thoughtful Barbara’s grandparents were. They were able to see the true gift that Barbara has and didn’t try to change her.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review.

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A delightful, well written book.
I loved the premise, it’s unlike any Amish novel as the quilts are made with flowers instead of fabric.

As it turns out, you can make beautiful quilts without using a needle and thread, it takes imagination, love if nature and the willingness to do what you love.

A sweet Amish romance, wonderful characters make made this a wonderful read.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the copy of this book. Opinions are my own.

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The Flower Quilter by Mindy Steele
Barbara Breaks from Amish Tradition to Express Her Artistry
Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.
Barbara Schwartz was born into a family of quilters, but she would rather eat dirt than partake in another quilting frolic or sew on another binding. When her parents send her to Indiana to help her grandmother in her quilting shop, she finds herself amongst a very different community. It’s only one summer and then she will be back in Kentucky where she belongs.
Melvin Bontrager’s world stopped six years ago when his parents died. Now when his only means of providing for is threatened, Melvin finds his landscaping business disappearing too. When spring delivers a newcomer who is immune to his salty moods, Melvin does something he has never done before, accepts help.
What blooms is the last thing Barbara ever expected, and everything Melvin could ever want.
This is Barbara Schwartz and Melvin Bontrager and widowed sister and niece's story.
A story of faith, hope,and romance!
I recommend this book.
The Flower Quilter by Mindy Steele is a wonderful well written 5 star book.
I am looking forward to reading more books by Mindy Steele.
I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.
more books by Mindy
The Flower Quilter (The Heart of the Amish)
by Mindy Steele
Courting an Amish Bishop (Heart of the Amish, 4)
by Mindy Steele
An Amish Marriage (Love Inspired)
by Emma Miller and Mindy Steele
Ladybug Landing (Miller's Creek Book 4)
Book 4 of 4: Miller's Creek by Mindy Steele

The Flower Quilter by Mindy Steele
Barbara Breaks from Amish Tradition to Express Her Artistry
Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.
Barbara Schwartz was born into a family of quilters, but she would rather eat dirt than partake in another quilting frolic or sew on another binding. When her parents send her to Indiana to help her grandmother in her quilting shop, she finds herself amongst a very different community. It’s only one summer and then she will be back in Kentucky where she belongs.
Melvin Bontrager’s world stopped six years ago when his parents died. Now when his only means of providing for is threatened, Melvin finds his landscaping business disappearing too. When spring delivers a newcomer who is immune to his salty moods, Melvin does something he has never done before, accepts help.
What blooms is the last thing Barbara ever expected, and everything Melvin could ever want.
This is Barbara Schwartz and Melvin Bontrager and widowed sister and niece's story.
A story of faith, hope,and romance!
I recommend this book.
The Flower Quilter by Mindy Steele is a wonderful well written 5 star book.
I am looking forward to reading more books by Mindy Steele.
I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.
more books by Mindy
The Flower Quilter (The Heart of the Amish)
by Mindy Steele
Courting an Amish Bishop (Heart of the Amish, 4)
by Mindy Steele
An Amish Marriage (Love Inspired)
by Emma Miller and Mindy Steele
Ladybug Landing (Miller's Creek Book 4)
Book 4 of 4: Miller's Creek by Mindy Steele

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The Flower Quilter is a very well written romance. I throughly the plot and characters. I definitely recommend this book.

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The Flower Quilter is such a delightful read. It is a sweet Amish romance. I've not read this author before and I really enjoyed it. The hero/heroine, Barbara and Melvin were perfect for each other. I highly recommend to anyone who loves sweet Amish romance. In fact, if you enjoy Wanda Brunstetter, then this book will be a great choice for you.
*I was given a copy of this book by Barbour Publishing and this is my honest opinion.

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The Flower Quilter starts off Mindy Steele’s the Heart of the Amish series. I found it to be a fun and delight read. I enjoyed getting to know the main characters, Barbara and Melvin. Their story was heartwarming that offers readers hope and faith. I thought spending time with them was a great way to take a long needed break for the day.

I am giving The Flower Quilter a very well deserved five plus stars. I believe fans of clean Amish romance will want to pick this one up and enjoy reading it. I am looking forward to the next installment from The Heart of the Amish series to see what other characters Mindy Steele brings to life.

I received a paperback copy of Mindy Steele’s The Flower Quilter from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

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The Flower Quilter is the first book I’ve read by Mindy Steele, and I enjoyed it very much. This Amish story centers around Barbara who travels to Indiana to help her grandparents, but it turns out to be a ploy for her to learn to quilt (which she hates) from her grandmother who owns a quilting shop. Barbara ends up discovering the thing that seems to be her life’s purpose, but that isn’t the only thing she finds in Indiana.

The author has done a fantastic job of character development. The characters are all very likable and entertaining. We are able to really see what makes each character tick, including their passions and their fears. The story was very interesting with humor and a few surprises along the way. Barbara and Melvin are the main characters, and the bulk of the story focuses on them. But it was also nice to get to know some of the supporting characters and get a peek into their lives as well. The details about plants and flowers throughout the book were a really nice added touch.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian fiction or Amish stories, and I will definitely be going back to read some of the other books by this author.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour through NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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You'll never know when you need a seam ripper! Barbara Schwartz is not a quilter. She's more comfortable outside in the garden. While spending the summer in her grandmothers quilt shop she discovers through Melvin Bontrager she has found her niche in landscape quilts. Like Barbara, Melvin feels the weight of family responsibility,. After several trials they work to overcome try to move forward together. It was well written, the characters fit well together. I was impressed with the Heritage Trail and landscape quilt designing. The writing style of Mindy Steele was very enjoyable. I was given a complimentary copy of this book by Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

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I loved this story! I will definitely be reading more from this author. As Melvin and Barbra deal with their own insecurities and families will they ever put themselves first. Great character development. The faith content was spot on.

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What a beautiful novel! Barbara is annoyed that she doesn't enjoy quilting like every other member of her family. In fact, she is completely terrible at it. She is surprised to find her love of gardening combined with some of her quilting heritage when she visits her grandparents for the summer. Of course, love surprises her too. The story kept me captivated the entire time. I read it completely through while waiting for a long car repair. Well done Mindy Steele!

Thank you to the publisher for the complimentary copy of the book. A positive review was not required.

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Barbara and Melvin’s story in The Flower Quilter by Mindy Steele, book one in The Heart of the Amish series, is an emotional, tug at your heart strings, sweet Amish romance that I could not put down. In this sweet, heartwarming story we witness faith, family, love and the power of a community as well as accepting that one’s talents cannot always conform to another’s expectations.

Barbara Schwartz loved playing in the trees, chasing animals, being in the barns and in the dirt while growing up, but her mother has her own expectations of what Barbara should be; that if to make beautiful quilts like all the women in her family. There is one major problem, Barbara can't sew and no matter how hard she tries, it becomes a nightmare; sticking her fingers with a needle, getting blood on the fabric, stitches that are way too far apart. Daydreaming while sewing doesn’t help, as she plans the gardens she would prefer to create than be inside during beautiful summer days. Her quilting challenges were amusing. Barbara wants to please her family, but with regard to quilting, she is all thumbs. Barbara managed to get herself into some comical situations. Frustrated, her mother sends Barbara to Indiana, from their home in Kentucky, to help her grandmother; little did she know how much this would change her life as she begins a journey of love and a new way of life.

Melvin Bontrager lost his parents and helps support his widowed sister and niece. He has a landscaping business, but the land he rents has been sold and believes the only way he can survive financially take care of everyone is to go work in a factory; cut off from the wonderful outdoors that he loves. In need of help this planting season, Melvin takes on Barbara to help with the landscaping, not expecting much from her. Working together and becoming friends, Barbara develops an idea of planting the flowers into quilt patterns which Melvin is willing to try. As the flowers come together they make the most beautiful displays and Melvin starts getting more and more requests for them. Unfortunately life interferes, providing circumstances that they are unable to control and that they must handle; with Barbara having to require to return home to Kentucky. This could tear them apart unless they can find a way to achieve the dreams they each have. Fortunately, G-d has more in store for them both.

Ms. Steele wrote a wonderfully sweet and moving story that is full of emotions. This delightful story exemplified and stressed that you don't have to conform to a mold in order to be a useful, productive person. Also, there is more than one way to quilt. The descriptions of the flower beds are outstanding and I enjoyed learning about quilt gardens and the Heritage Trail in Indiana. I highly recommend The Flower Quilter to other readers; an uplifting tale with quilt quibbles, beautiful blooms, troublesome twins, amusing misadventures, a bunch of red barns, and gorgeous gardens.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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Mindy Steele sews us a quilt of a story. Barbara Schwartz was born into a family of quilters. Oops... she herself is not really a fan. She would rather plant flowers than plant stitches to a quilt. When she finds herself sent off to help her grandmother in her quilt shop, Will Barbara find a new appreciation for the art of quilting or will her love of playing in the dirt win? When his parent's died, Melvin Bontrager worked to keep a roof over his sister and niece. Realizing he needs to change in order to keep his business alive, Melvin turns to Barbara for help. However, their quilt gardens may just be a little too much for some. It was fun getting to know the characters and seeing them piece their lives together... I look forward to the next. I received a copy through Netgalley. The review is my hones opinion.

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