Member Reviews

This is a book that will start a very needed conversation. It is a book with immense detail that will not only inform but wake you up. It is a book that needs to be read and discussed by everyone.

This book takes every piece of documentation regarding the death of Freddie Gray and goes through each piece with a fine tooth comb to give every piece of evidence the light of day it deserves. This book exhausted me, as a criminal defense attorney, because of the amount of energy put into this case by the authors -- knowing that the end result was a complete lack of justice. In showing the issues in the case itself, the authors also shed light on the issues within the Baltimore Police Department and our police state as a whole. Incredible deep dive for those who are interested. My only complaint is that sometimes the amount of detail made things difficult to follow. Regardless, it is clear through this book the amount of passion and anger the authors had toward the injustice that occurred.
Thank you to Skyhouse Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This is a sad story. I was so appalled this something like this is happening still. I did think that there was a lot of information that seemed to be repetitive.

It is further confirmation of what so many have suspected—Freddie Gray was murdered and our police are out of control—but some people need the confirmation.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a free e-arc of this book, in exchange for an honest review.
In this book, Justine Barron examines the case of Freddie Gray, a Black man who was killed in police custody, and the resulting cover up by the city of Baltimore, and the police.
This book should be required reading for everyone, even non Americans. The author did an amazing job researching this case, and uncovering evidence that was hidden from the public. She laid out the evidence and timeline in an easy to understand manner, and makes it clear how Gray was failed, by literally everyone involved in this case. This book was hard to read; the details are heartbreaking and infuriating. But it needed to be written. People need to know this has happened, and continues to happen, and will do so unless change is made. I highly recommend this book

With everything that's happened the last few years, if you live in the US you've heard of the BLM movement, and at least some of the killings of POC at the hands of police (especially Black men). This focuses on one such killing - and the people who got away with it. Well-researched, and pulling no punches, Barron dives deep into not only the death but the aftermath, and where the system failed. I honestly cannot recommend this enough to everyone - it's a book that needs to be read if we want to even begin to understand how corrupt things have become, and how innocent lives like Freddie's can be lost.

This book is so well written and researched. It read like fiction because of how human the author made Freddie Gray feel. With so much misinformation out there from a combination of the Baltimore Police Department and mass media, I felt like I was being introduced to Gray for the first time. He wasn't portrayed as a hero or saint but a real fleshed out person. I was angry throughout about how awful the cops were in the BPD. For anyone interested in recent history and policing that needs reworked, this book is for you!

I remember this like it was yesterday. I remember seeing the video of Freddie Gray behind led to the transport van and his legs looking as if they were broken as it appeared he had no control of them any more. I remember the media presence, the riots, and the announcement that the officers in charge would be prosecuted. At that. time I did feel as many others, it wad a ruse to try and calm the resulting situation down. This book captures the moment and the aftermath of this mans journey from the ti.e of his entering into police custody until his death. It takes you to the anguish the people of Baltimore felt, the mind of the officers involved as well as the stances of those involved in this situation. The book presents the facts clearly and consistently and you will take from it what you will..Very good book on this case and very well written. I highly recommend this writing g to anyone who wants to know more about the arrest and death of Freddie Gray to read this book. Kudos to the author. Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the arc of this book in return for my honest thoughts on the book. Receiving the book in this manner had no bearing on my review.

4 stars
They Killed Freddie Gray
by Justine Barron
This book is frustrating, disturbing and all too real. It pains me that these things happen to young men just living their lives. This is a must read.

In the book “they killed Freddie Gray“ they have a lot of things that will cause you to clinch your fist and feel angry but the thing that made me sad was thinking of his friend Mr. Ross running to stop two knowing he had no power to stop it from happening but at the very least wanting to be an advocate and witness for his friend Freddie gray. That isn’t the only thing that made me sad in this book it’s actually just one of many when they arrested Freddie gray in Baltimore in 2015 little did he know his life was over no because men in uniform thought it would be funny to screw around with him. taking a man put under arrest for “a ride “was a common thing with the Baltimore police just like most games insecure people with a little power play this time someone wound up dead. I admire Freddy Grace sister Miss Jones who let a tireless fight wanting those who killed her brother to pay for their actions and although she would Not be satisfied in her endeavor she did make a difference. This was a very interesting book but I fear it’s the same old same old those in power trampling on those without thankfully things like that are changing and although it may not look like it this book is a great example of that this is a definite must read. I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.