Member Reviews

This was one hell of a ride at no point did I know where the story was going to go.
My favorite thing about this series is how its not a predictable YA story and making it a duology was perfect.

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I tried several times to complete this one, but never have characters been so unlikeable and hard to relate to. It’s sad that such an intriguing setting was squandered. I mean really how wrong can one go with a murder/mystery turned rebellion? That should be an easy win in theory! I did not enjoy the first book but I felt a mild curiosity about the sequel that I wish I hadn’t even bothered to satiate.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced reading copy

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A great second book, and a perfect wrap up to Roz and Damien’s story. I liked that this book had a very different feel to the first while still being solidly in the same world and characters

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While definitely different from the first book which was much more of a murder mystery this book was still a lot of fun, I absolutely LOVE the work M.K. has created in this duology and I can't wait to read what she comes up with next. A lot of really cool world building that enhanced my perspective of book 1. A great debut duology!

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I don't know why I do this, but I always expect the sequel to be better than the previous book, so I had hope. Unfortunately, it was not true for this book. I got really bored with the previous book, so I expected this one to be better, and it wasn't. I felt the same as I did with the previous book. Bored as hell. I just couldn't believe how much I was torturing myself again. Honestly, I don't hate the book. It just wasn't for me. Maybe you love these kinds of books, all for you. It just wasn't to my taste.

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Disciples of Choas is the second book in the SevenFaceless Saints series, where some are favored and are disciples of one of seven gods and those that are unfavored and are the poor and oppressed. As far as everyone knows, there are no disciples of chaos as he is the one who should never be worshipped and whose disciples are killed and never seen again. But as we all know, in fantasy, when something is told, it is poorly and has been extinguished; it is never really extinguished. What is the palazzo trying to cover up about the disciple of chaos, and who is keeping this war going? There are a lot of truths and lies in this series that are uncovered as Roz, a Disciple of Patience, starts to want to fight for those who are unfavored. There is the trope of the excellent character downward spiraling as he learns he is actually not good, and I especially loved the Romeo and Juliet-type sacrifice we get at the end. It is an exciting series that shows that questioning what you have been told is true sometimes leads to complicated truths, but truths need to be known.

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This was a fantastic conclusion to this duology. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I'm on board for anything MK Lobb writes.
She definitely had me anxiously fearing certain possibilities - but it was so good. 10/10 recommend!

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A stunning conclusion to the duology, which builds spectacularly to a chilling Dark Night of the Soul moment. Romantic, bittersweet, and spine-tingling.

Thank you NetGalley and Little Brown books.

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I really enjoyed reading Seven Faceless Saints last year and so I was looking forward to this sequel and actually cared about what will happen to Roz and Damian and their friends after book 1. I enjoyed the bit of murder mystery in Seven Faceless Saints which was sadly missing from Disciples of Chaos and although the stakes are a bit higher, I thought the plot was slower and the buildup was longer than the climax which isn't until the last couple of chapters. Admittedly, I'm also sad to have figured out the "big twist" earlier on and would have loved to see a longer execution of the action sequences.
Overall, though, I still enjoyed M.K. Lobb's writing and am excited for her next novel, To Steal From Thieves.

If you enjoyed Seven Faceless Saints, this is a solid conclusion for the duology.
Also, if you're a fan of Shadow and Bone, I highly recommend you check this series out, I think you'll enjoy the world!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced reading copy!

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I didn’t enjoy the sequel as much, but in the way that it made me wish it was a trilogy. I wasn’t overly lost when I started. It does a great job of gently reminding you of the dynamics and happening of the world. But I think I would’ve enjoyed it much more if I read immediately after the first. (Maybe this is always true ...)

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The story of Roz and Damian continues in spectacular fashion! The writing continues to be solid. I did feel there were a few jumps that were too quick for me - but it all worked out. I did guess large parts of the resolution but was still surprised by lots of details and events. I hope to read more from MK Lobb!

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This sequel to the Seven Faceless Saints was very well written and picked up from where the first book left off. Like the first book, this one delves deeper into the complex political and magical systems as well as the complex dynamics and relationships of the characters. There are plot twists galore as well. Overall, this was a thrilling read and I'd recommend it to anyone.

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Disciples of Chaos is the sequel to Seven Faceless Saints which has to be read first to get the back story. If i am honest I found the pacing of both books out of sync one moment the chapters were quick then they were a bit too long and took me out of the story.

I did like the dual point of views and for me Roz was the strongest character and also how M K Lobb managed to make the atmosphere dark when it was needed.

For me I would of liked to of seen the genre mix in Seven Faceless Saints woven into Disciples of Chaos as it would have given the story more oomph.

For all the above reasons Disciples of Chaos receives a score of 3 stars

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Seven Faceless Saints became one of my favorites last year. I have been anticipating this book since the moment I finished the first book. Disciples of Chaos by M.K. Lobb is full of twists and turns.

Just like in the first book, Roz and Damian's love for each other was so heartwarming. Damian's character changed a lot in this book due to some critical situations he had gone through in book one. He became more violent and aggressive, as if he was being controlled by some external force, yet he didn't love Roz any less.

I love Damian even more in this book. Even when he was going through changes he didn't understand, he said, I quote, "There is no version of me that doesn’t care about you, Roz." He cares about her so much, to the point that my heart aches for him.

I loved the bonding between Roz and Dev. How she saw a brother in him was portrayed so well. Like I said in the beginning, there were so many twists, and each one of them was so unpredictable. I loved how the author expressed the corrupted system of Ombrazia, where Roz and Damian live. It was so realistic.

The ending was perfect, and I am so grateful that nothing I was worried about happened. This is such a magical, heartwarming, and action-packed read. I couldn't possibly love this book more.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5 stars
Thank you to the author for providing me with an eARC of this book via TBR and Beyond Tours in exchange for an honest review!
Disciples of Chaos is the sequel to Seven Faceless Saints and continues the story of Roz and Damian after what happened in the first book.

<blockquote>“They say it rained the day Chaos fell from grace.” </blockquote>

Beware of spoilers for book 1!

I fell in love with this story and the world when I first discovered Seven Faceless Saints! I devoured the first book and with that ‘Oh my god’ ending, a sequel was bound to happen! Also, I’m Italian, so I’m always looking for Italian inspired books haha and this series is a perfect example of that!

The story starts of kinda sweet. Roz and Damian are happily together and see a hopeful future where the unfavored work together with the favored and have a say in their country and everything. Of course, that doesn’t quite go as expected and the story truly takes off! From the very beginning, the tension and vibe and atmosphere are there and you can’t help but continue on reading and reading!

I loved the little expansion of going towards Brechaat during this story and seeing how much of an effect the long war has had. The stark contrast really hits home and paints a perfect picture of the effects a war can have. I really loved how we got to see the other side so to speak.

Just like in the first book, there were multiple POVs used to tell this story, and not just Roz and Damian. I just really like this intriguing way to give little snippets of information and what also keeps me on my toes while reading this book! It really made me more invested in the story itself.

I just love love love these characters so much!! The contrast in Damian’s character was the most interesting thing of all! The anger, the changes in his thinking; but the most amazing for me was how deeply he still loved Roz despite it all and how he would continue to do anything for her! Roz is still very much a firecracker, running hot and super fierce in protecting what she believes for, no matter the consequences. Both are a force to be reckoned with!
<blockquote>“I don’t care about being good. I care about making the rest of the world right. And if I have to be bad in order for that to happen, then so be it.” </blockquote>

Their love is just amazing and a love so deeply you can only hope to achieve that if you haven’t already! They would do anything for each other, even if it breaks their own hearts in the process. The unwavering feelings shine true the whole way and fitted perfectly in the story.

So, lets talk about that ending for a moment, because HOLY DAMN! My heart was in my throat, my breathing stopped, I was sweating like crazy! Talk about an ending that takes you on a roller coaster ride for the last few chapters! I did not see coming that it would play out quite like that, but I had suspected a similar scenario. Still, I was blown away by the execution and writing!

Overall, Disciples of Choas is an amazing sequel to an amazing duology. It ties together perfectly and takes it up another notch! HIGHLY recommend this to all who love a good romantasy!

PS: bummed we didn’t get a matching Fairyloot edition to go with the stunning Seven Faceless Saints edition T_T

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Disciples of Chaos is the fast-paced second book in M. K. Lobb’s Seven Faceless Saints duology. I read Seven Faceless Saints in December 2023 and liked it so much I immediately preordered this title even though I had the eARC. I just knew it was going to be good and I was going to want to own it. Lobb created a world here where blind faith and the worship of the divine are the root of evil. Religion is a tool of the system and it only benefits the privileged. While not a new idea in fantasy, it’s something uncommon enough that an atheist like me takes special notice when books like these pop up.

Disciples of Chaos picks up almost right where Seven Faceless Saints left off, which I felt was a good narrative and artistic choice for Lobb to make for both the story and the readers. The consistency of the story arc from book to book is so smooth it almost feels as if Lobb wrote this duology as one huge tome and then had help editing it into two smaller tomes and the only thing that truly mattered was finding the exact right place to divide the two. As a result, Disciples of Chaos is more plot-heavy than Seven Faceless Saints, which was more heavy on world building and characterizations.

Disciples of Chaos runs at a fast clip, with a lot of action, plot development, relationship developments between Roz and Damian, a ton of inner angst for Damian, and a good amount of political intrigue (which I’m such a sucker for).

While I liked the first half of this duology more, I can honestly say this entire story is entirely worth the hype.

I was provided a copy of this title by NetGalley and the author. All thoughts, opinions, views, and ideas expressed herein are mine and mine alone. Thank you.

File Under: Book Series/Dark Fantasy/Fantasy/Romantasy/Fantasy Series/YA Fantasy/YA Romantasy

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We are following Damian and Roz a week after the events of the first. Damian is going through something strange. Granted, his father just died and he's also killed someone, which is something he's strictly against. Still, something inside him is changing. He notices it, Roz notices it, and the reader knows what it is - which I wish I hadn't because it could've been a cool reveal at some point. There are also changes within the city that work directly against Damian and Roz. They find themselves arrested and then go on an adventure to try to save themselves and the city, where they learn that things they've learned about their history are not quite what they truly are. I just wasn't having a good time with this one. I really enjoyed the first one but found that this one just wasn't cutting it. The way everything is going to play out is clear. The conflict between Damian and Roz is abrupt and also doesn't make a ton of sense. There are so many things that repeated entirely too many times. I had a hard time caring about either of the characters. Their frustrations and motivations made sense, but somehow didn't at the same time and were so frustratingly complicated.

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Book Review

Title: Disciples of Chaos by M. K. Lobb (Seven Faceless Saints Book 2)

Genre: Fantasy, Dark

Rating: 4 Stars

After the epic ending of Seven Faceless Saints I couldn’t wait to get into the sequel and see if my thoughts on where the story is going to go are correct. Much like the first book this opens with a band as Roz and Damian are preparing for the first meeting between the disciples and the unfavoured. That meeting should go according to plan at all as none of the disciples want the system to change even though it doesn’t work and they are now targeting all the dissenters. Everyone associated with the rebellion is arrested and is going to be drafted into the army which makes Damian feel ill but he isn’t exempt from this treatment. Damian is also arrested but I don’t know if they are going to send him north like the others or whether something else waits for him. The rage Damian is displaying is also concerning but the hints from book one make me think that Damian might be a chaos disciple and doesn’t realise it.

As we approach the ¼ mark in the novel, Damian and the others have been imprisoned and they are going to be sent north once more to fight in the war, which terrifies Damian not just for himself but for Roz. However, in the cells he speaks to a woman who has been arrested for heresy and through her he finds out that Enzo was the last sacrifice and he might have brought Chaos back. This makes me think that Damian isn’t a disciple of Chaos but housing Chaos the saint within him. Using what I believe to be powers of chaos Damian manages to free Roz and some of the rebels but many including Kiran have already been shipped north. They escape a plan to go after them and rescue their friends but they need to get ahead of the military ship and the only way to do that is to cut through enemy territory. Meanwhile we learn about Milos, who seems to be a disciple of chaos born outside of chaos’ land and was taken away for it but his fate remains unknown at the moment. So far the pace is far quicker in this book than the first one which is increasing my enjoyment of the book and I can’t wait to see what actually happens in the north when they get there.

As we cross the ¼ mark in the novel, the group travelling north consisting of Roz, Damian, Dev and Siena is caught again at the docks but whatever is coming over Damian comes to their aid and allows them to steal a boat and escape. As they begin their journey north Siena makes the suggestion of stopping at the Archives for answers. The archives aren’t just a library they are a magical place that offers answers to any questions you have. Dev and Roz are unsure they should be wasting time but since they don’t know where the disciples of chaos are going to be a problem, Damian decides it is for the best to get answers before heading truly north so they prepare for when they arrive. Roz has noticed that Damian during his episodes seems to act the same way he did under Enzo’s influence but doesn’t know what or who is doing it. They are also all aware that someone is close to them and following because the magical fog that allowed them to escape the prison and hide the boat while they are at the archives is being created by someone and it can’t be Roz, the only disciple in the group.

As we approach the halfway mark in the novel, I was really invested in this story and what was happening to Damian but I am going to be sad when it ends as it is only a duology. In the archive, they find the information they are looking for and it turns out that Enzo was right. The ritual strengthens all disciples of chaos but I have a theory about Damian. We know that Patience killed Chais and he was resurrected as a mortal, so what if Damian is a reincarnation of Chaos and when Enzo completed the ritual it awoke Chaos’ power within him. This would explain the struggle Damian is having with the power as it doesn’t suit Damian kind and loving nature and it would explain why Roz is the only person who can get throw Chaos since he was also felled by his lover. Now in enemy territory they realise that a disciple of chaos wants them there and is actively helping them but they don’t know why. We have also learnt through Milos that the disciples of chaos are feeling a pull south potentially towards Damian who is the reincarnation of their patron saint.

As we cross into the second half of the novel, the group finds an inn but are captured by soldiers and taken captive. There they are given since truths about their countries and the atrocities being committed against the people labelled as their enemy. With the disciples of chaos strengthened, their new general Calder wants to attack the heart of their nation and end the war before the siege of their country has long lasting consequences. Calder is also the one who senses that Damian is a disciple of chaos and has been suppressing his magic which could be why it’s rebelling against his will or it could be something else. Roz is the one who convinces Calder they can help him win the war if he agrees to get their friends off the front lines and he agrees if she takes away the patience Magic on the trade bridge. Roz having kept control of her magic for so long and never truly learning how to use it doesn’t have a clue what to do and ends up destroying the bridge but it still helps as trade can come through now.

As we approach the ¾ mark in the novel, we can see the climax building now as the group are officially aiding the enemy in their cause but their journey is far from over. By the time they reach the city, they split into groups, most are going to surround the palazzo while Damian and Roz are heading to the basilica to keep an eye on the ceremony and those in power. However, they realise too late that it is a setup and their plan was known ahead of time. When Falco arrives she confirms that they learnt of the plan through the dead but pressed in by soldiers with no way out, Damian finally gives in to the power inside him and reveals that he is the reincarnation of Chaos. With Damian on the loose, Roz heads to Calder to see what they should do but she knows that Patience was always the one to end Chaos and in order to return Chaos to humanity, she would need to sacrifice her own meaning only one of them is going to get to the end of the book alive.

As we cross into the final section of the novel, we see everything come together but with a little twist that I wasn’t expecting. Honestly, this duology was good but there are elements that could have made it amazing. The first thing I would have changed is the pacing especially in book 1, if the first half of Seven Faceless Saints was condensed down then the opening 50-100 pages of this book could have been in there and elements like the reincarnations, the disciples of chaos and their land could have been given more development than they had. The second thing I would have changed was the reincarnations despite them being a huge element of this book, I think it would have served the characters and story better if Damian was being possessed by Chaos rather than actually being Chaos, because then he could have been fighting an internal battle for most of the book but when it came down to it, Roz would have been the one to draw him out and remind him who he is casting Chaos out but that’s just my personal opinion. Overall, I think if you like your fantasy a little dark, with some classic elements presented in a new way then this duology would be perfect for you. However, for me personally, there were a few elements that fell short of the mark to make it an amazing read.

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This book picks up where the first left off. War continues, and political turmoil abounds. Roz and the rebels believe the power structure is headed in a more equitable direction, and they’ll finally get a seat at the table. They should have known better. After an Ombrazian general arrives, dozens are arrested, and friends of Roz and Damian are sent to the front lines. Determined to save them, Roz and Damian set out for Brechaat. Trust me when I say their journey isn’t an easy one.

Although a former soldier who was surrounded by death, Damian avoids killing as much as possible. But something’s wrong. Darkness and anger boil inside him, and he’s struggling to regain control. I hated seeing him go through that. Roz loves him and stands by him no matter what, but she also calls him out on his actions. When the reason is revealed, it makes perfect sense and was an unexpected twist.

The author adds even more to the magnificent world-building, and I loved the addition of Patience and Chaos’s backstory. The supporting cast remains solid, and the action scenes are exciting and full of tension. I have to admit I was unsure where the ending was headed and wasn’t liking it one bit – but it turned out to be perfect.

This is a fantastic conclusion, and a duology I’d recommend to fantasy fans who enjoy magic, political upheaval, dark, brutal worlds, and strong, flawed MCs.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was a fantastic sequel to the first book. I loved it. Heartbreaking at some points. Unique story. I love Damian and Roz so much.

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