Member Reviews

Disciples of Chaos is the action-packed sequel to Seven Faceless Saints. Damian and Roz may have stopped Ezra, but their problems are far from over. War is looming on the horizon and they both have a central role to play. As Damian and Roz navigate treacherous politics and shadowy magic, they must attempt to help their people and prevent the rise of Chaos.

This book was a fast-paced and action-packed book. I enjoyed how Damian became more morally gray and had to battle chaos within himself. Roz and Damian have a searing romance filled with obstacles that they must work together to overcome. The ensemble cast was strong and I appreciated how willing Roz and Damian were to do anything for their friends. Lobb’s writing is filled with descriptive details that create a vivid atmosphere. Sometimes the pace felt a little too fast, but overall I enjoyed this sequel and found the ending satisfying. I’m looking forward to seeing what M.K. Lobb writes next!

Thank you to M.K. Lobb, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, and Netgalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

For publisher: My review will be posted on Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Storygraph, and Barnes & Noble etc.

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This book picks up right where the first one left off. But when a new Magistrate is about to be named and he brings in a general from the front lines, things don't seem to be changing how Roz and Damian were hoping they would.
I liked the characters in this sequel. Damian is changing somehow from the power Enzo used on him at the end of the first book. He is not quite the cinnamon roll he was in the first book. His change is gradual, but intense. Roz is hard, but at the same time trying to keep more people from dying in the war, trying to reverse what happened to Damian, trying to care for her mother. A few of their friends are captured and brought to the front lines in Brechaat, so Roz and Damian along with Dev and Sienna go on a rescue mission. We get to know a few characters from the other side of the war which was fun.
The plot was quite fast moving and exciting. There is a lot of action, and when there is not action, there is interesting information we gain. It was great to see how the other side of the war had been effected and really rounded out the series. The ending was so powerful and had me in tears several times. I think the ending was fantastic and really the best ending for the story even if it wasn't 100% happy.
This story did really well as a duology. Any longer and I think it would have dragged out a little bit. I will definitely be recommending this one!

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Roz and Damian succeeded, barely. They killed Ezra before he could raise the saint Chaos again, before he could perform the last sacrifice. But that doesn’t mean that Ombrazia is in the clear. Those gifted by the saints still think themselves better than those who aren’t, and tensions are running high as they work to keep their power. Also, ever since Damian stopped Ezra from making the final sacrifice, he’s been feeling strange, and he can’t help but wonder if Ezra’s magical influence is still working deep in his mind, filling it with more and more darkness.

As Roz and Damian attempt to help Ombrazia, they’re surrounded by enemies, but the most dangerous ones are the ones that hide within. Will Roz be able to save Damian and her country before they’re torn apart?

I received an advanced reading copy of Disciples of Chaos in exchange for an honest review.

Disciples of Chaos is a young adult fantasy novel by M.K. Lobb. It’s also the sequel to Seven Faceless Saints, which I read and enjoyed last year. Of course I was excited to get early access to the conclusion of this duology!

Keep in mind that there will be spoilers (in fact, have already been spoilers) for Seven Faceless Saints in this review.

I was really excited to crack open this book. Last we’d left off, we’d known that things were better in Ombrazia, for now, but there was still a lot left to resolve, not least of which was the strange feeling that Damian was dealing with ever since he killed Ezra. And it was honestly Damian himself who sucked me into this book. I just always love a character who’s slowly being turned to the dark side, and Damian’s arc in here was exactly my cup of tea. Poor guy has been through a lot before this, having PTSD in the first book, and now, struggling with a strange darkness in this second one. I couldn’t stop reading about his struggles, and making guesses for what it was that was affecting him so badly. There was actually a really great twist in here, one I started to suspect about halfway through the book, and I rooted for him and his evolution throughout. Favorite character in this book for sure!

Of course, Roz is our other POV main character, and also has a lot to go through. She’s slowly watching Damian go through whatever it is he’s going through, and is constantly afraid of losing him. It was interesting to see her development too, as she was forced to be more confident in her power, and yet more cautious with the boy she loved. But yeah, I still liked Damian’s arc better!

As for the setting, we actually leave Ombrazia fairly early in this book, as the main characters are forced to flee. After spending the first book mainly in the city, it was fascinating to see the world beyond it. There was a lot of exploration of this world’s history, and the war especially. The war provided a backdrop to the first book, but other than Damian’s memories, there wasn’t a lot of actual experience of it. Here, however, we get to learn much more about it, about its origins and how it is actually going. And about the enemy that Ombrazia has been fighting all this time. I appreciated the expansion of the world and the complexity of the situation, although I would have liked more time with the antagonists from the beginning, since they remain behind in Ombrazia, left to their own devices, and we as the audience can only guess what they’re up to.

But we see them soon enough! And once we do, the pace is just relentless. While the book does slow down a tiny bit in the middle, the beginning and end have so much happening that it’s pretty hard to set the book aside. In fact, I read the last quarter of Disciples of Chaos in a single sitting, unable to pull away. In the end, it was such a satisfying ending, the perfect measure of both bitter and sweet, and I finally put it down with a sigh.

Disciples of Chaos was the perfect continuation to the story begun in Seven Faceless Saints. I would recommend this duology to those who love darker fantasies, and specifically ones that deal with religion, although I think fantasy fans in general will enjoy this.

Disciples of Chaos will be released on February 20. You can preorder your copy from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers here.

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Disciples of Chaos was an amazing conclusion to this duology! There are plenty of action-packed and emotionally fueled moments that kept me completely sucked in and frantically flipping pages to see how it all ends.
I loved Roz and Damien and the lengths they went through for not only each other but to save their home and stop the war once and for all.
While this didn't end as I initially hoped, I did like the way ended and thought it completely made sense for both the way the story was written and for who Damien and Roz are.
I loved this duology and can't wait to see what M.K Lobb is going to come out with next.

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DISCIPLES OF CHAOS concludes M. K. Lobb's Seven Faceless Saints duology. As with the first book, it is a book that is difficult to describe and even more difficult to analyze. It remains an action-packed, emotion-fueled story in which all characters are morally gray and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Before I discuss what I liked, I had a few issues with DISCIPLES OF CHAOS. First, I am not a fan of the "will they or won't they" trope, something Ms. Lobb adapts for Damian's behavioral changes. Roz and Damian spend so much time wringing their hands about Damian's increasing anger and what it might mean for him. Unfortunately, there are only so many times I can see the same plot point repeated, and the number of times Damian yells at Roz and then apologizes to her pushes me over that edge.

Also, Ms. Lobb introduces not one but two new baddies in DISCIPLES OF CHAOS. These baddies are so stereotypical and one-dimensional, that I don't know what value they bring to the story. Part of me wonders if the story would have been stronger if Ms. Lobb had kept one or two baddies from the previous book. At least then we wouldn't have had the introduction of two new characters who are nothing more than plot devices.

Lastly, Ms. Lobb chose to end her series with a resolution in which all parties achieve some form of satisfaction. However, for a while at least, it looked like she was going to end DISCIPLES OF CHAOS with a less traditional ending. Given the anger and bitterness that embodies both books, the non-traditional ending felt right in that it honored what each person was trying to accomplish. While I don't mind the ending, here is another area in which I wonder if a different choice would have improved the story even more.

Despite all of my nitpicks, I did enjoy DISCIPLES OF CHAOS. Roz is still so angry, and now we have even angrier Damian. Reading about their anger helped ease my anger towards the general state of the world right now. I could direct my anger towards Roz's and Damian's foes. Having something concrete like that eased some of my anxiety, which is always a goal of reading. Plus, the action is fast and furious, with plenty of twists that I did not anticipate. For its cathartic nature alone, DISCIPLES OF CHAOS is one to enjoy.

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I recieved a free e-arc of this book thanks to NetGalley. This is my honest opinion of the book.

Wrapped up with a bow conclusion. It's very predictable but I very much enjoyed the journey to the end. Roz and Damien fell more obsessive in this book. The side characters play a larger role in the book which I like. Wish there was more about the gods but I understand the need to focus do the sake of the story. Overall good conclusion and very happy with their story.

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Disciples of Chaos is the second book in the Seven Faceless Saints duology. I was a HUGE fan of the first book, Seven Faceless Saints, but unfortunately this book fell a little flat for me. This felt like a second book in a series... but it was also the conclusion. I felt like the romance wasn't completely fleshed out, the main characters were traveling for a most of the book, and the ending was a little confusing. Would I still recommend this duology? Absolutly. I think M.K. Lobb created a unique world and magic system. The first book was an AMAZING example of enemies to lovers. So many twists and turns. I am happy I read this duology but almost wish it would have been a triology so we could have had a deeper main romantic relationship and a more well explained ending.

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Let’s discuss how this book hurt me and stressed me out. What a fantastic conclusion to this amazing duology.

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In this thrilling sequel to Seven Faceless Saints, perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Kerri Maniscalco, Roz and Damian must face their destiny as the world crumbles around them.

The first book in this series was just fine. This one is solidly good. I look forward to future installments.

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The perfect conclusion to a perfect duology! Perfect for fans of enemies to lovers, angst, chaotic characters, and mystery.

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Disciples of Chaos is the thrilling and emotional conclusion to the Seven Faceless Saints duology.

Disciples of Chaos picks up shortly after the events of Seven Faceless Saints. There is a new Chief Magistrate at the Palazzo, and a new General brings some additional soldiers from the front. The unfavored are hoping for a seat at the table, but the new leaders at the Palazzo don't want to see change. Meanwhile, the sacrifices carried out by the disciple of chaos have consequences that no one really understands. When their friends are captured for their role in the rebellion and shipped to the front, Roz, Damian, Dev and Siena leave Ombrazia and head to Brechaat to rescue them. But Damian is struggling with strange, new magic. Can Roz figure out what has changed him, and bring back the boy she loves?

I really enjoyed this sequel to Seven Faceless Saints. Told primarily in a dual POV from Roz and Damian, we see our characters reeling from the events at the end of last book and dealing with some major changes in Ombrazia. I also enjoyed that this book expanded the world a bit more as we travel beyond the Palazzo to the Brechaat front lines. I also really enjoyed seeing the the emotional changes in both Roz and Damian. With the challenges facing them, we see Roz needing to adopt a more selfless role, and Damian embracing his anger. This is a swap from the first book, and it was interesting to see how the characters deal with these new emotions. The side characters were also great to see more of in this book, especially Dev and Siena. M.K. Lobb gave us plenty of breadcrumbs throughout, so I somewhat anticipated the ending, but it did not lessen the emotional impact one bit. The last third of the book was thrilling and and emotional roller-coaster. Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and felt that it was a wonderful conclusion to this unique fantasy duology.

Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for the electronic advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I adore this series, even if it took me many days to write this review after finishing the book because it hurt emotionally. I love the complexity of the characters and the situation they are in. There is a lot of love between Roz and Damian that gets tested within this book and them getting through it or trying to become a big part of saving their entire community. I also really like how religion plays a role within the story as a whole with the magic beginning connected to it and the way people are treated being related to their powers. Overall, I adore this duology and I'm hoping for more from M.K. Lobb in the future.

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Wow. Just wow. This ending of the duology had me on the edge of my seat SO MANY TIMES! I think the entree of romance is what made this book my favorite of them both. Please don't feel like you have to pull teeth to get people to read this because this book will sell its self! Thank you for the opportunity to show the world this amazing conclusion to an amazing set of books!

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I was really hoping this series would continue but the ending is very well done. I'm happy with the outcome and can only imagine how the world moves forward. There were many moments I predicted and as things unfurled I got more and more excited. It was impossible to put this magic laced, dark, and intense story down!

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I loved the first book in this series and will continue to read books by M.K Lobb in the future. However I did feel as if this sequel was unnecessary. The tension and romance that I loved in the first book didn’t really exist, and the plot was very slow moving. I felt like this would have been fine to end after the first book, however I will still be reading future books by this author!

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I want to thank NetGalley and Little, Brown Books for Children for providing me with an egalley of this book to read and given an honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
Picking up right where Seven Faceless Saints left off, Damian and Rosanna suffered at the hands of a disciple of Chaos and won. Now they face a new power that has come to usurp. Escaping their captivity, they run towards their enemy only to find the enemy may not be truly who they think it is.
This review will be very vague as I don't want to spoil the first book.
I expected so much from this book. I loved the first installment in this duology. The theme of the saints and their hold on society was so interesting and the ending took a turn that kept me wanting for more. I knew something odd was up with Damian and I knew Roz was going to do her best to find out what it was.
I enjoyed the world building a bit more in this book. In the first book I felt like i was missing some important background with that. But this book really dove into the saints and the stories that went along with Chaos and Patience and why things were set the way they were.
This book took the turn I thought it might. The predictability came to me once the ending of the first book happened. I just wasn't sure how it would move forward. And then when I started reading I saw it would and wondered how the author would handle it. In the end, I just didn't feel satisfied with it. It felt like it was missing something important.
In all honesty, I found the pacing in this book to be very slow compared to the first book, which I flew through. It took me over a month to read this as I just didn't feel the pull I had with the first.
The romance wasn't really where I wanted it to be. I was loving the connection Damian and Roz built throughout the first book. I was hoping that connection would continue in this book. But it didn't. I do understand that was part of Damian's transformation, him pulling away and beginning to be something else, but it just didn't seen organic. I actually came to loathe Damian, but perhaps that is what the author was going for.
The action was good in this book. And I like the journey the characters took along the way. We met some new and interesting characters and of course saw those we knew from book one.
I do love the author's writing and the fact that she chose to continue the dual POV in this book. It really gave great insight into the characters and their inner turmoils. Though it wasn't truly a dual POV since we did see Milos and Kieran speak in their chapters, but most of the focus was on Roz and Damian.
But overall I just wasn't as satisfied with this one. Specifically the ending. I understand there needed to be a sacrifice, though I thought the author would somehow come up with a way to turn it. I just didn't understand the need to have the twist happen and then all of a sudden it goes from not so happy to sort of happy. That just left me wanting a better wrap up.

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Thank you so much to Little Brown for sending me an early copy of this book! All opinions are my own!

Have you been searching for a duology that will give you such poetic symmetry that you will want to cry at the beauty of it? Well look no further!

This is the absolute perfect ending to this story, and I literally have no notes on how it could have possibly been any better. The romance is so bittersweet and the depth to which it goes is something that will leave you wondering if love like this actually exists. The angst of it all, the pinning that mirrors book 1, the way their story is woven into the fabric of the world. Just stunning.

Don't get me started on the way this world is so unique. It feels familiar in the sense that of course it's gods and magic. But when you dive into it, every turn is a new surprise and something that you've never encountered and never could have dreamt of. Not to mention the lore that is woven into this book.

Then there are the side characters who will make you cry just as much as the main two. The ideals that are at the heart of this story and the family of people fighting for them. It's all so touching yet full of angst to the point that you won't want to put it down for even a moment.

Please get your hands on this duology the moment it's finished. You will not regret a second of it!

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Big thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the chance to review this book pre-release. This was a fantastic follow up to the first book, and really expanded on the world, and the characters. I loved being back in this world, and Ms. Lobb did a fantastic job carrying on the exact same quality and intensity of the first one. A more formal review will be available on my IG/TikTok and Goodreads.

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Thank you Little Brown Books for Young Readers and Netgalley for this eARC, these opinions are my own. A great followup to Seven Faceless Saints! Roz and Damian have stopped Enzo and now they can move forward in creating a new Ombrazia. But when they are once again betrayed they end up on the run, while also trying to rescue a few friends from the war. When they end up in Brechaat they just may find that things aren’t what they seem. Damian is battling with himself not knowing what is happening but feeling like Enzo may have left a mark. Roz is determined to save him and also her people. But the situation may just be bigger than either ever could have imagined. Can they save the ones they love? Can they survive without losing themselves along the way? M. K. Lobb writes a fast paced follow up that will have readers hooked and unable to put the book down! Roz and Damian continue to be their badass selves, willing to do just about anything for the other! So many secrets are revealed and you’ll be on the edge of your seat figuring them all out! Highly recommend reading if you enjoyed Seven Faceless Saints, but even if you haven’t read that one yet, no better time than now to start! Do suggest that if you’ve read Seven Faceless Saints you reread it before reading Disciples of Chaos, just little things that connect better if you have better recall of the first book! Can’t wait to read it again!

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While I really enjoyed the first book, I think this one fell a little flat for me. I think the expansion of the world was cool and I enjoyed learning more about the lore, but I think some things were rushed. I also felt less connected to the characters overall and the found family aspect just wasn't clicking for me. Overall I think this conclusion was fine but I was wishing for more.

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