Member Reviews

I was so excited to be approved to read DISCIPLES OF CHAOS by M.K. Lobb! I had the opportunity to read an ARC of SEVEN FACELESS SAINTS as well, and have been eagerly anticipating the sequel. And let me tell you, DoC does NOT DISAPPOINT. Lobb's characters and worldbuilding are so immersive, and the twist around the 75% mark almost made me throw my phone across the room!

All in all, an excellent end to the duology. Look for this when it comes out!

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I enjoyed this duology and I think I even like book one better than before simply because book two lent so much explanation to the main characters' relationship and their backgrounds bringing them to the people they evolved into. I liked how this was a bit of a quest and brought in more supporting characters as well. Lobb clearly shows her knowledge of politics, especially historically and really brings to light the multi-faceted views on causes and makes you see multiple perspectives on war. Then she added in Saints, and magic and how much it affects those with faith in their religion or fear from the unknown. I foresaw some of the conclusion and worried it was not looking good for our main love interests but was surprised to see how it worked out and was left feeling satisfied. Lobb created a thought-provoking story with elements that made this story unique.

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Lobb writes a stunning conclusion to Seven Faceless Saints. This book did not fail to take you on a wild ride of twists and turns as the events played out. The book was fast-paced as the author kept the story moving at each breathtaking turn. Lobb's writing balanced the emotion, heartbreak, and romance plots of the beautifully. She also did a wonderful job of escalating her worldbuilding without it subtracting from the story. I loved the deeper dive into the lore of the saints and Roz and Damian's story as they unraveled those mysteries.

I cannot wait for more from this author. This is a duology you do not want to miss!


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Okay, yes, yes, and yes! I'm obsessed with how this duology ended! It is both romantic and heart-breaking and full of so many new twists and turns and reveals that kept me absolutely riveted. Also, I don't know what it is, but there is something about Lobb's writing style that just scratches a very specific itch in my brain.

Anyway, all that to say, if you liked *Seven Faceless Saints* then you will LOVE its conclusion.

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This was an absolutely fantastic sequel to an amazing book.

I requested an ARC of this book because I fell so deeply in love with Seven Faceless Saints that I couldn’t bare to wait any longer for the rest of the story—and I was not disappointed.

The story was beautifully crafted with a mix of realistic suffering under war and incredibly unique lore. The story of the saints and their magic was so much fun to be in and to discover each layer of. The dark parts of worship and power were written so well, an intriguing twist on what we normally think of in stories about saints and gods and their powers.

I was so angry when reading the start of the book because Lobb managed to write self-righteous antagonists so perfectly that I wanted to fight them myself. Not only does she write antagonists well, but I fell even more in love with Roz and Damian—and with their love story.

I messaged the author about this on Instagram—but I would fail to my knees and worship Damian Venturi.

An absolutely wonderful read that I will read again and again. I cannot wait until the physical copy comes out.

Fans of the first book are in for a treat and fans of dark magic and unbreakable love stories are sure to fall for this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sending me this eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I loved Seven Faceless Saints and was excited to read the sequel and it did not disappoint! The Disciples of Chaos was such a good ending to the duology and was everything I could have hoped for. It was action packed and fast paced, with lots of twists and reveals. We also got more world building in this book and got to see more of the history of the saints. I loved learning more about Patience and Chaos and their impact on the world. The ending was so well done. It felt bittersweet and made my heart ache.

If you enjoyed Seven Faceless Saints you will love this sequel. I am definitely going to recommend this duology to anyone looking for their next read!

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When I saw this book was available to request from NetGalley I was so excited! Seven Faceless Saints was such a fun read this year. This one! Omg this one had me so anxious. I had theories of what was going to happen from book one so I was eager to see how they would play out. Roz & Damian really went through it with this book.

This takes place directly after what happens from Seven Faceless Saints & the struggles to change what has happened in Ombrazia & it’s citizens. Which is really relatable to real life but not so much you loose the fantasy elements. I have also decided that is something I love in the books I read.

Did I cry? Yup I did. The ending though. 😬 it’s going to take me some time to digest what happened. Holy cow.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Little Brown and Company for the eARC!

This is the sequel to Seven Faceless Saints and it picks up right where the first book ended. We are thrusted into the "chaos" as soon as the Enzo was slain and the Palazzo elites were gone.

I think the way that Roz was written this time around was a lot better, she wasn't as insufferable, if anything there was more self loathing from Damian. Ultimately, what I took from both characters was that they were both feeling less than who they thought those around them wanted them to be. They both had internal struggles to be the best and saves those around them, but still felt a sense of self hate (they both ended up being what they didn't want to be - disciples & saints, the very ones who hurt them).

I also think the world building in this book was much better. We got more background on the saints and the roles they played in this world. The idea of the Antheneum was excellent, holding all the history and how people get lost in there wanting answers. I could see a whole other story spinning off this.

I know that the ultimate sacrifice at the end was made for love, but honestly, I think the main love story between Patience and Chaos was secondary to the character growths in each character. They seemed to change in good ways in this book.

I appreciated hearing from Damian more and hearing his inner turmoil. The author introduced new perspectives from Milos and Kiran at the end. I wish there was more to Milos so that his death at the end would be more impactful. Also with Kiran, if we had heard more, then the ending would have felt more wistful.

Overall I the pacing of this book was much better and I couldn't stop reading with the non stop action.

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3.5 stars. When a book tells you over and over again how it's going to play out, you best believe it. Disciples of Chaos is not unpredictable in any way, but I still enjoyed the way it all played out (although I thought the ending was too happy for me overall). I love M.K. Lobb's writing style and the atmosphere she creates. It's not quite as good as the first book imo, mostly because I loved Damian's personality and he's much different in this book.

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I liked this book better than the first, actually. I found the story more interesting, especially now that the world is more defined. I also liked the focus on more of the side characters. They were flushed out without taking over the rest of the story and their parts were very interesting. The war element was also well done. I think it helped to really understand the ages of those in the novel. Without giving too much away, the ending felt quaint. Almost too quaint in fact. If you like an ending where everything is all tied up with the bow, I think you will like the ending. To me, it was almost almost too neat.

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I loved this duology. Very original lore and setting and the characters were well crafted yet relatable. I'm excited to see what Lobb puts out next.

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The first book was amazing, this was a great sequel that brought the elements that I loved back. It was impactful and the characters were memorable.
I really like this author as they are great about keeping the reader engaged and fascinated with how quickly the book moves. The characters deal with a lot of inner turmoil from their choices in the previous book, and it is refreshing to explore that deeper side to them after their accomplishments.

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MK Lobb can do no wrong! I am obsessed with Disciples of Chaos and so glad I could get my hands on it! I am OBSESSED

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Seven Faceless Saints was one of my favorite reads of 2021/2022 so I was absolutely thrilled to be approved for an ARC of the sequel and it did not disappoint! I loved the contained setting of the first book but really enjoyed getting to see the characters break out of Ombrazia and explore more of this world, especially in Brechaat. I was especially excited to get back to Roz and Damian but loved our expanded cast of secondary characters, and how the elements of forced proximity forced difficult conversations between our rebels and former Palazzo security officers while also bringing about a conversation about who the real enemies are. The political allegory here was just as deftly handled in the first book and with today's current political events it felt especially important and timely.

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First off, what the actual heck?

Secondly, this was everything I wanted in a sequel. An absolute joy to read despite the complete emotional anguish it brought me. Impeccably written and utterly rageful, its a gut punch of a book in the best possible way.

And let me tell you, the ending? The last line? Perfect.

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Disciples of Chaos is the second title in the Seven Faceless Saints duology by M.K. Lobb.
Lobb does it again! Dripping with dark opulence and sizzling intrigue, Disciples of Chaos proves M.K. Lobb is a literary force to be reckoned with. Never before have I been so completely captivated.
I loved the world-building, and the characters they were so real you could feel their emotions as if they were your own.
Story was quite fast-paced, so I never got bored, which was just fantastic.
The whole book kept me on the edge of my seat until I reached the last page, and I was completely surprised by what ended up unfolding throughout the story.

Filled with dark fantasy, magic, mystery, and romance, in a beautifully gothic setting, DoC is a must-read!

Thank You NetGalley and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I loved MK Lobb's debut and adore the world and vibes of the Disciples of Chaos series. It was exciting to return to the world and continue Damian and Roz's journeys.

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THIS!!! BOOK!!!!

Excuse me, M.K. Lobb, THIS BOOK!!! I could not put it down. I read it so quickly and kept turning the page, needing to know how everything would end. The writing was lovely, the tension strong, and everything kept me reading. I adore this story and this world. I love these characters, this plot, this story!!

I was very excited to get back to Roz and Damian and the magic of the world. This book picks up after Seven Faceless Saints and we get to learn more about so many of the small seeds that were placed in book 1. The world building continues to expand with additional details coming to light. I also loved the continuation of the cast of characters and the growth of those characters.

I absolutely loved Damian's arc. I love this soft, warm character to start, but I also loved his transformation and growth throughout the novel. And Roz!! I love Roz and her fiery anger, her strength. M.K. Lobb continues these character's growths and arcs and also lets us see more of the world, more of the magic. And we get to see so many things change, so many things given up by the characters that makes them grow. Even the side characters had pivotal roles. Yes, some of the twists were a bit predictable, but I enjoyed reading them nonetheless. Did I cry at the end? Yes. yes I did.

A great conclusion to this series and I can't wait to see what M.K. Lobb writes next!!

Thank you to Netgalley and Little, Brown Books for an ARC!

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It's a struggle when the main thing that made a character so compelling is taken away in the second book of a series. Even with everyone recognizing that it was gone and fighting for him to come back, I felt that loss of balance flattened the character dynamics considerably. I liked the direction that the world-building went but missed the mystery structure of the first book and didn't feel like the interpersonal stakes outside of the main couple reached the same heights.

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Disciples of Chaos is such a satisfying follow-up to Seven Faceless Saints. Lobb expands the world and evolves her characters in shocking ways, upping the stakes in this thrilling, satisfying conclusion to the duology. Lobb's prose is gorgeous and the world-building vivid and fully realized. I miss the characters already!

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