Member Reviews

Louisiana Loco-Motive is written by Aaralyn Adams. This is a historical thriller. This in 1970’s Louisiana. Sugar (as she is called), recounts the history of Butterville, which is centered around the legacy of Ranger Brown, a young boy whose fearless father dared to establish his roots in the segregated South. The book is a quick read, I do wish it had been longer.

Thank you to the author, publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read a copy of this book all thoughts are my own.

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This was a story, but I didn't like the way it was written. It felt like the author was trying to hard and it made it difficult to read. I wish I could have liked it but I didn't.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for a chance to read and review this in exchange for an honest review. Oh how I wish this was longer! I could not stop reading and really enjoyed the vivid details of this short but shocking story.

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The Robicheaux’s have a long line of male airs who’s names all start with R they were all high yellow black men who married white women until rugae Who married in Ebony beauty named Diane. The story starts with the sugar she’s talking to a reporter named Melvin telling him the story of the robicheaux family, The Long and winding Road in Butterbean Louisiana and the thing that Ranger Robicheaux saw. Wow this is happening mrs. Debra Rose May Geneva as always is at her beck and call like her mother and grandmother before her. Mrs. Devereaux is 109 years old and is the historian for the town but on this day she surprises Geneva by telling her to go pull up her expensive rug that for years she has allowed no one to touch. Geneva can’t help but wonder what is under the rug and why does Miss Devereaux want her to look under it? This was a very entertaining and humorous book I loved hall she made the folk story true and salt the cursed on the family it was very entertaining and being from Louisiana I couldn’t wait to read it and I am so glad I did. I would definitely read more from this author although this wasn’t a long book it is well put together and long enough to be quite entertaining not to mention funny at times. I definitely recommend it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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