Member Reviews

If you liked the first book (Icebreaker), you’ll like this one. Wildfire focused on Aurora and Russ at summer camp, so portions felt like a new and fresh story. There were so many mentions and random drop ins by the rest of the cast from book 1, though, and a lot of them didn’t even make sense or were overly convenient.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria for the ARC.

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Russ and Aurora's relationship sizzles from the moment they first meet and I was waiting impatiently for the two of them to finally give in to their feelings. I enjoyed Wildfire and revisiting the characters that had been introduced in Icebreaker. I also really loved the epilogue and was so happy that it featured an important moment for Aurora and Russ while also giving us a little hint at what Nate and Stassie's lives were like.

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Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for this electronic arc

What a fun read! Honestly, I liked this more than Icebreaker, it was a 24 hour read that had me swooning and ready to go camping. Aurora did such a balance of being a self-confessed mess while also being very aware of her destructive qualities. Her self-realization was inspiring and I loved how she helped lift Russ up while also fighting to maintain her self-value. Hannah Grace does a great job of including real insecurities and mental health in her books.

Russ was also amazing. I do wish we had had a hockey scene, I will admit. I almost forgot he played honestly. But he was awkward and his desire for a chosen family was lovely. I fully swooned over the ending and their inside jokes, also him getting constantly cuddled by golden retriever puppies.

A good summer read for anyone 18 plus! I would have devoured this in college, and I hope the hint at the end about a possible fake dating book for Henry isn't just me reading into nothing!

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A great follow-up to Ice Breaker. I connected with this book in a profound way. Her characters are vulnerable and tender. It was a great read.

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I would've never thought that I'd love a book about 20 somethings working at a summer camp but h o l y did I ever. Hannah Grace is back with a strong follow up to Icebreaker, which the internet latched onto and ran with (and are still running with it, let's be honest).

Russ is quite possibly one of my favourite dudes I've read in a while. He was just so genuine and nervous, I wanted to protect him with my life. Then he started getting filthy and I was HERE. FOR. IT. MY GOD, this man has a mouth on him. Aurora was a perfect pairing for him and I loved the immediate callout to the miscommunication trope so much LOL. I was so nervous that this would become a book about miscommunication and I guess in a sense it sorta was but not in a way that would infuriate you.

If there's one thing Hannah knows how to perfect it's our supporting cast. PLEEEEEEASE KEEP XANDER. PLEASE. HANNAH I AM BEGGING YOU.

I loved this book. I can't wait for more from her.

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The book was definitely cute and peaked my interest for 3/4 of the book. The last half dragged on with the basketball game/tournament and their "homecoming". I'm not sure what the point of Clay was in this story. I kept expecting him to overstep his boundaries with Rory. I really do appreciate how Russ and Rory talked through their issues. When Rory wanted to flee, Russ talked her down. Cute "campy" romance.

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Hannah Grace can write anything into a story and have it be pure fire. The relationship Russ and Rory have together is one I will forever be jealous of. Grace built them into this world with a crap blood family, but a found family for the ages. She takes all the normal romance tropes, like miscommunication (no spoilers!) and actually makes her characters talk through it like adults and I think that is so important and totally missing from most romance books today.
This book covers so much, domestic abuse, relationship struggles, addiction, anxiety, confidence, and oh so much more. It’s quite literally all packed up neat and tidy with a bow on top. I cannot recommend Grace’s writing enough. I will anxiously be awaiting the next installment of the Maple Hills series.

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4.5 stars

Even though this comes out in October, I feel like this would be the perfect summer read! Russ had my attention since he first came out in 'Icebreaker, so I was really looking forward to his book. Aurora and Russ were so cute together and I loved everything from the beginning to the end. I do feel like there were a couple chapters in the middle that just felt a little out of place. This will definitely be a comfort read for me.

Full review will be posted on goodreads closer to release date.

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I was only one of the thousands of people who read Icebreaker last year and agreed: it’s a banger. The kind of delightful college romance you go out looking for. So I was thrilled to be back in the Maple Hills universe, even if I am a little disappointed this isn’t Henry’s book 😉

Never fear though! Russ as our hero was an absolute cinnamon roll and I was sold SO fast. SOLD. “This woman is far too hot to be talking to me and I have no idea how I’ve managed to land myself in this situation.” Help me he’s adorable 😂😭 Lord, truly, there’s nothing like soft sports bros written by women.

The writing is simple and fluffy. Nothing super unique or stylized but that’s okay! The over abundance of ‘Icebreaker’ nudges at the beginning of camp was a little much, but there otherwise wasn’t anything glaring to distract from the cuteness that was the characters and their story. I loved the tropes, and just like in the first book the side characters really made everything come alive.

Hannah Grace has everyone whipped with this series but I’m not mad about it. Its heart warming, smutty, and an absolute joy to read.

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Oh boy is this spicy. It felt a little weird to me to have this much spicy at a camp. I loved Ice Breaker, but this one was just okay for me. I think the setting was the biggest issue for me.

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I love the world that Hannah Grace created but this one was just missing something. Rory and Russ were cute but the chemistry between them wasn’t really there and I didn’t connect with them that much. I felt like this was something i have read before which doesn’t mean the book was bad it just didn’t stand out as much as the first book did. Also they were over doing it with the gen z slang because some of the dialogue felt unnatural. However this was a very easy read and it’s good if you want a fun college romance. The found family was just as good as the first book and I liked all the side characters that were introduced I hope we see more of them.

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✨️ Slight spoilers✨️

This was pretty cute. It did feel like it dragged on a bit, and it felt like I read the same scenes a couple different times. But I also was excited to keep reading it when I couldn't during the day, so that's definitely something.

For those folk who live for the praise/good girl trope, this one is for you.

Russ was cute. We love a golden retriever/cinnamon roll guy. But maybe a little too much inner brooding.

I can't decide if Aurora was a hit or miss for me. There were times she made me laugh out loud, and other times she had me rolling my eyes.

I'm realizing that Hannah Grace doesn't love a third act breakup. I'm not sure how I feel about it personally, except that my anxiety was getting worse and worse every page and then nothing. Maybe I'll come back when I've decided how I feel about that.

All and all, it was a cute read. We met more characters that I really loved and I hope we see them in the future. Speaking of, Xander wasn't in the epilogue??? I hope that was an accident.

Thank you to Atria Books and Netgalley for the ARC.

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"It's really hard admitting you're the person standing in the way of your own happiness”

no cause i’m actually so mad that this book doesn’t come out until october 3 because i would have been forcing my friends to sit by the pool and read this 110%

wow. as a mega ‘icebreaker’ fan, i was really worried about this book. i love series revolving friend groups but i always fall fast and deep into love with the couple in the first book and it was truly no different with stas and nate for me. i didn’t think another couple could top them. I WAS WRONG! i still love stas and nate but they now have to share my heart with russ and rory.

-secret/forbidden romance
-summer love
-hockey players who are soft-hearted
-she has a fear of storms/he protects her
-“i have more baggage than an airport” “i don’t care” characters
-“i’m undeserving” “you deserve the world”

it starts with a one night stand and the miscommunication trope. they both end up at the same. summer. camp. as counsellors. where the number one rule is: NO FRATERNIZATION BETWEEN COUNSELLORS! you’re joking?! amazing. screaming, kicking my feet, twirling my hair, laughing maniacally. i love this couple so much.

heavily related to rory honestly. every word out of her mouth felt like a knife to the heart that she kept twisting (too much? not even)

“I've never had a real relationship in my life. I haven't even had a first date. For the most part, I'm happy single, but sometimes, when they're curled up together under a blanket at home, for a tiny moment that I'd never admit to, I do feel a little jealous.
When faced with two people so well suited, it's impossible not to wonder what your own version of that might look like.” ouch.

i’m so excited for this to be on my shelf so i can force all my friends to read it and love it as much as i did! i’m so so excited to read henry’s story but in the meantime i’m gonna go re-read ‘icebreaker’ and ‘wildfire’ to feel something :)

to quote xander: stay strong brother

thank you to netgalley and atria books for an e-arc of this book!

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I was going to only give this 4 stars, but after thinking about it, I read it really fast and enjoyed every bit of it, so I think it's 4.5 rounded to 5 star worthy. Icebreaker was so hard to measure up to. That book gave me a book hangover, and I immediately went to buy a print copy. I loved the banter and the humor in this book. It had the right amount of spice, and a very cute story line about two people with daddy issues and therefore relationship issues, finding each other. They think they are just having a random party hookup, and have a miscommunication, and then promptly find themselves counselors at the same summer camp. Russ and Aurora are too cute and giving me all the feels. One of my favorite parts: "I don't want a hockey player crushing me." Aurora: "Don't knock it till you try it." lol.

Thank you so much to @Netgalley and Hannah Grace for this advanced reader's copy for an honest review.

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This story was a fun way to expand the Maple Hills universe by taking us away from the college and dropping us into the nostalgia of summer camp. I loved learning about Russ’s character and backstory. Gambling addiction is a tough subject for any story line and Hannah addresses it empathetically and realistically.

The spice in Wildfire lives up to its name! Fans of Icebreaker will be thrilled with this latest addition and will be clamoring for the next.

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I went into this one with low expectations after not totally loving Icebreaker, but being a sucker for books that take place at a camp, or have that camp vibe. I must admit, that I did surprisingly like it.

This book takes place in the (fictional) University of California Maple Hills universe referenced in Icebreaker, and follows Russ, who had a cameo in Icebreaker, as he starts his summer job as a camp counselor. One small problem? The girl he hooked up with the last night of school is also a counselor. And she snuck out on him. And the attraction is still there. But there's a no dating among staff policy (which I can totally get behind as someone who spent a summer working at a camp). It's dual POV, so we also get Rory's side, who has loved the camp since she went there as a child for an escape from her dramatic home life.

I liked this one more than Icebreaker. I said what I said. It was more realistic since no one has as much time for sex as Stasie and Nate apparently do, and I was SO THANKFUL the third act break up wasn't what I thought it would be, and that it was literally resolved almost immediately.

Thanks, NetGalley!

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Wildfire by Hannah Grace is a cute and easy-to-read novel that captures the essence of a summer camp adventure. Honey Acres Summer Camp makes for the most delightful setting, making it the perfect book to kick off the early summer season- unfortunately, it releases in October. One of the aspects that truly stood out to me was the delicate and heartfelt dynamic between the main characters, Russ and Aurora. Both burdened with their fair share of family baggage, they navigate their relationship with remarkable sensitivity and a willingness to apologize and clarify misunderstandings. This rarity in the romance genre was a refreshing change, and I appreciated the author's attention to emotional depth.

While some may find the characters initially immature and annoying, I found that they gradually grew on me as the story progressed. Witnessing their personal growth and the development of their relationship added depth and authenticity to the plot. Grace's Maple Hills series is such an easy read that I will continue to see where our boys end up. I was in the minority with Icebreaker, only giving it a 3.5-star rating, and for me, Wildfire sits at precisely the same spot.

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3.5 stars rounded up.

I really enjoyed this book, though not as much as the authors debut, Icebreaker. That said, it was still and easy to follow, sweet read with adorable characters and some solid spicy scenes.

It just didn’t quite grab me and hold on quite as much as icebreaker did!

I’ll continue to pick up books by this author as they release, as I know I can depend on them for a solid romance.

Thanks for the eArc!

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Hannah Grace's second book in the Maple Hills series is sure to be another BookTok sensation. This story follows another Maple Hills hockey player, Russ. Russ is a private and shy guy because of his family issues, but one night he lets loose and hooks up with Aurora, a girl with her own family issues. Their hook up is just a one night thing until they both show up as counselors at a sleep away summer camp.

Although both main characters got on my nerves a little, I really enjoyed this easy read and revisiting all the characters we grew to love in Icebreaker.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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LOVED this!!!!! This was one of my most anticipated reads of this year and it did not disappoint! Icebreaker was one of my favourite author debuts of 2022. Russ was the cutest ever, such a sweet teddy bear boy, I just wanted to squish and squeeze him!! I also loved Aurora so much, she was funny and fun, without being too fake or unbelievable. I think they were the perfect pair!! The setting of them being camp counselors?? I mean, come on. It was the perfect follow up to Icebreaker, and I loved all the recurring characters. Let's hope Henry's book is next!!

Thank you Atria Books and NetGalley for access to this arc!!!

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