Member Reviews

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

After being widowed at a young age, Valaria, now Dowager Duchess of Gooding has been relegated to the notorious Kent's Row, where dowagers are put out to pasture. But unlike her neighbours, she still has plans for the future, and the new found independence, which she's always longed for, is a dream. Her late husband was abusive, and she needs to keep her past a secret, particularly from her new friends. But Callum, Duke of Blackvale, can't believe that the vivacious Valaria has been kicked out of her home. Her late husband was one of his closest friends, so Callum feels as if he has a duty to care for her in his absence. But Valaria can't risk him discovering the truth, and as her feelings grow, it's harder to push him away.

I love Jess' books, and was so happy she had a new series coming out. I binged this whole series in the space of a weekend, and couldn't believe how much I fell in love with the characters. Valaria was like most women of this time period - forced to marry a much older man for the sake of a title, and doomed to accept her conditions, no matter what. Finally free from the abuse, she is happy in her own home, and with her friends, Flora and Bernadette, fellow dowagers on the Row. But Callum complicates things. He has rose tinted glasses on when it comes to the late Duke of Gooding, and Valaria can't let her walls break down enough to put her or her heart at risk. I really felt for her here, as she had the chance for happiness, but her past abuse was continuing to hold her back. I loved them as a couple, and was so happy they managed to overcome the problems separating them. Their friends also played such a big role in the plot, and I love how the three couples and romances intertwine.

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What else can I say other than Jess Michaels proves herself time and time again to be a go-to for historical romance.

A delightful read! I would highly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I love Ms Michels books. This series is interesting where the female protagonists while duchesses are on dower homes and facing struggles are fighting to face find their own.

The story is deviates from the usual norm with the male protagonist is a pawn in the family vicious game.

All ends well, the story is short but worth the read.

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I love, I mean really love, everything Jess Michaels writes. The way she sets up the story to the depth of her characters to the fact that I feel every love story to my core! As the book opens, we get a glimpse of the cautious friendship between Callum and Valaria and can see how she holds herself back and that Callum truly is great friends with her awful husband. Then we jump to the present as she is moving from her home to Kent Row where widows tend to migrate as dowagers. What unfolds is a friendship with guarded secrets and guarded hearts, but it is magical to watch Valaria open herself up to trusting Callum with her body but especially her heart. And seeing Callum come to realize his long held feelings towards Valaria, but also the realization that he didn’t see the awful side of his best friend, her husband. As I type the review, I can see how it might seem to have no depth, but let me tell you, the emotion and timeline was completely natural and I was invested in all the emotion…crying, sighing and laughing right along side them!

I am very excited for the next story and am very curious about her widowed friends!

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I really liked this book and the leads, the friends and the future series coming. It also did a thoughful job of dealing with abuse and how society deals or doesn't deal with it. I look forward to the future series installments.

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No Dukes Allowed by Jess Michaels is the first book in a series called The Kent Row Duchesses. There is at least one more book planned and I suspect another one will be forthcoming. The novel focused on Valaria, the Duchess of Gooding and her life after the death of her husband. Valaria is pushed out of the family home and into a house in Kent Row. It is a place famous for all the widows that live there after their rich husbands die. In Valaria’s case, it is a place to hide.

The Duke of Blackvale, Callum, was friends with Valaria’s husband and feels that he needs to help care for her. What he struggles to recognize is that he has strong feelings for her. Valaria is determined to put him off and live a secluded life. He is determined to stay with her, helping her, loving her.

Valaria’s secret could cause a scandal and even legal actions. She is determined to hold the line, but denying Callum is next to impossible. Can her new found friends help her out of her dilemma? No Dukes Allowed by Jess Michaels is a quick HOT read.

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Jess Michaels is one of those authors that you auto buy their book because they are so good. No Duke’s allowed is the first book in The Kent’s Row Duchess. This series follow three widowed duchesses living in Kent’s row. the Heroine Valaria, Duchess of Gooding falling into bed with her late husband’s friend. Culum, the Duke of Blackvale cannot deny his attracted to his late friend Duke of Gooding’s wife. When their pathcross again their is a passion and fire that is undeniable. These two engage to an affair that places Duchess Valaria in danger. The danger is a secret surrounding the death of her late husband. Can love prevail lies of omission and secrets?

I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

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I received an ARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

After the death of her abusive husband, Valaria, the Duchess of Gooding has been relegated to a section of town called Kent's Row where she befriends two other widowed duchesses. An unexpected friendship between the three begins. Callum Osgood, the Duke of Blackvale, was the best friend of her late husband and he mourns his death, but he didn't know the way Valaria was treated. He has always held a tendre for her, but he could never act on it out of respect for his friend. Once he finds out the truth about their situation, Callum now wants to protect and love her, but Valaria isn't ready and doesn't know if she ever will be. She has secrets that no one can ever find out about, and she must keep everyone at arm's length or else her life could be ruined.

I have enjoyed the last couple of series that I have read of Jess Michaels, but I think this one struggled from first book syndrome. There was a lot of characters to introduce, a lot of plot history that needed to be explained, and I just think it bogged down the pacing a little bit. Did I like it? Yes, but I think there were some issues with it as well. I never really connected with Valaria. Did I feel bad for her? Sure, but I would have liked her to open up a little bit more with Callum earlier on so their relationship could build more. I did like how supportive Callum was to her, and that he didn't judge her when her secrets were exposed. He was extremely understanding.

I think I am more excited for books two and three. She set them up well, and I know that this series will only get better as it goes on.

3.5 stars rounded to 4

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Love this start to a new series! Valaria was an abused wife, but her husband and she hid it well. Now he is dead and she has moved to a new home on a street with other dowager duchesses. Callum was her husband’s best friend and clueless to his true nature. He’s always been attracted to Valaria and reaches out to help her during her mourning.

They have great chemistry and Valaria struggles to get too involved because of secrets she holds and Callum struggles once he discovers his friend was not what he seemed.

Love this romance and story and excited for Flora and Etta’s stories!

Thanks to the publisher for a review copy via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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No Dukes Allowed. This is such a beautiful story. I was my pleasure to have read this love story. A -true -love -story. The romance exposes two souls that so clearly belong together.
The story reminds Valarie and Callum that they are free to fall in love with whom ever holds the key to their heart. Good friends reminds them that love doesn’t come easy. If two people such as Valeria and Callum are willing to fight for one another no matter what, then it’s worth unlocking your heart for that person. The writer did a magnificent job of telling a story that touches and warms the heart. The story goes to a place that people protect and hold dear to them.
I loved following the emotions and the strong passion that Callum has for Valeria. There are so many moments in the book that Callum fights for Valeria and for everything that she is. I could feel his emotions through the brilliant dialogue between him and the characters. The same could be said for Valeria. I do think that she should have been written in as a stronger character, but I can understand the writer’s reasoning of taking Valerie’s character in the book’s direction.
I have to say that you are going to love the love scenes between these two. Talk about hot. Lord, Callum is like a God in the bedroom. These two had too much fun in too many places to list. The characters are marvelous. The writing is perfect.
The story is entertaining. And the romance is at a high. I give this story two snaps and a, person one: I want to talk to you. Person two: And I want to lick you.
Until next time my fellow readers. Read on! I received a copy of this book for a voluntary honest review

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4.5 stars rounded up to 5 for Goodreads.
Many thanks to Netgalley, who provided me with this novel in exchange for an honest review, here it is :

I have read several of Jess Michaels's historical romances and she hasn't disappointed me yet.
What I particularly liked in this one was it dealt with an abusive marriage, something you don't read often about in this particular genre. Valaria's history reminded me a little of one of my favourite novels, "The tenant of Wildfell Hall". I loved Valaria, understood her diffidence of those around her, appreciated her slow opening to new friendships and even a new love. The only problem I had with her, truly, was her name : I read "malaria" every time !
Callum is a darling of a man, one like we would all love to meet. A faithful friend, if a little blind, and a devoted lover.
This is a very good beginning to a new series, I'm glad Jess Michaels didn't give up on writing like she thought she would !

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This is heartwarming, romantic and suspenseful. The main characters are strong, intriguing and likable, and the supporting characters are interesting.and entertaining. I loved everything about this story.

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I always enjoy Jess Michaels’s books and this one was not an exception!
After her abusive husband’s death, the Duchess of Gooding has been relegated to Kent’s Row, a place where widows are put out to pasture. Valaria is running from her past and happy to be independent and away from prying eyes. And she knows she won’t be lonely after she meets and befriends two other young dowager duchesses who are also residing in the Row. Callum Osgood, Duke of Blackvale, was best mates with Valaria’s late husband and he mourns his friend’s untimely death. He also finds himself concerned about Valaria, so he vows to do what he can to help her.
Of all the people in the world, Valaria cannot let Callum near her. But his honor and decency keep edging around her walls. As does the unexpected desire he makes her feel. Resistance turns to surrender, an affair to something deeper and soon all that she is trying to keep secret will spill out. Will what she’s done come between them and tear apart all they are starting to build? Or could he love her enough to fight for their future and protect her from her past?
This book is emotional, sweet and passionate. I loved Valaria and suffered with her. She is generous and resilient. Callum is so sweet that is impossible not to love him. They are so good and perfect together! All their friends are amazing secondary characters. It’s steamy, easy to read and engaging.
I enjoyed this book a lot and I’ll be waiting for the next one in the series!!
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I adored Valaria and Callum's story!! This was such a great start to Michael's new series and I can't wait to read more!

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I did not like this book. The storyline was okay, but I just didn't like the characters, especially the MMC, Giles. In his first appearance, he slept with three women at once(don't ask me how he did it, I was flabbergasted too). He already had someone he wished to be betrothed to, but he was still sleeping around. It really annoyed me, and it set the tone for the rest of the book.
Secondly, one of the recurring issues in this book was how Giles' father 'seduced' Francesca's mother(Maria) and all of the fault was heaped on Giles' father. I even thought Maria was raped to warrant all the animosity towards Giles' father, but it wasn't mentioned. So, Maria had an affair with Giles' father, she was married with a child, and I do not understand how a human being with independent thoughts can be 'seduced'. I just felt like the blame should have been 50/50. They were both consenting adults. She was not a victim, the only victims were the rest of the family.
The only thing I really liked was the witty banter
However, I was still able to finish the book and gave it a 3 star. If you're a fan of Historical Romance, you might like it better than I did.

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No Dukes Allowed is the first book in The Kent’s Row Duchesses series by Jess Michaels. I loved the premise of this series, a trio of young widowed Duchesses meets when they move to Kent’s Row after their husband’s deaths. The development of friendships that occur between the ladies was lovely.

I liked how devoted Callum was to Valaria; however, the premise that Callum kept a blind eye to the terrible person Valaria’s husband, Silas, was is a stretch. Callum’s reaction to Silas’ behavior was naïve and dismissive. I did have compassion for Callum when the blinders come off, and he realizes the monster that his best friend was. I warmed to Callum about halfway through and loved his commitment to making Valaria happy and his determination to keep Valaria safe.

Valaria is closed off due to the cruelty of her husband and a deadly secret she harbors. At first, Valaria seemed cold to me, but as I discovered her life and secret, I had more compassion for her. I loved when Valaria started to trust her friends and Callum and allowed them in.

I felt the discovery of the secret and how it was revealed was somewhat rushed at the end of the book. However, I enjoyed Callum and Valaria’s journey and loved their happily ever after. This series intrigues me, and I look forward to the next book. I was impressed with this book, there were a couple of plot issues that could have been ironed out better, but overall it was an intriguing romance. Jess Michaels did an excellent job writing about strong women surviving the aftermath of their husband’s deaths. I can’t wait to see what she does with the rest of the series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book through Netgalley and the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The whole idea of widows being put out to pasture in a series of row houses just rubbed me the wrong way. Valeria drove me crazy, and was vague, evasive and annoying. Also, not everyone needs to be a duke, like literally every character,

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I really enjoyed this book! The emotional arc for Valaria had me physically reacting. I felt every heartbreak for this character and was rooting for her and the hero, Callum, through the whole book. The connection the two had made excited to keep reading. Would recommend to any Regency romance fan.

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4.5 Stars
Valaria, the Duchess of Gooding has been relegated to Kent’s Row after her husban's death, a place where widows are put out to pasture. Valaria isn’t upset by this. as she’s happy to be independent and away from prying eyes. She meets and befriends two other young dowager duchesses who are also residing in the Row. Callum Osgood, Duke of Blackvale, was best friends with Valaria’s late husband Si and he mourns his friend’s untimely death. He also finds himself concerned about Valaria, especially when he hears she has been all but kicked out of her home and onto Kent’s Row.
The first in a new series & once again I was drawn in from the start, I loved both Callum & Valaria, both strong characters especially Valaria who had been in an arranged, loveless abusive marriage. He was caring & protective of Valaria so it was difficult to believe he didn’t know Si's true nature when everyone else had an inkling. That aside I loved the couple's rocky journey to a HEA, there were secrets, sizzling chemistry, healing, learning to trust & realising that love existed.
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Fast-paced historical romance. Valaria is a widow and sent off to Kent’s Row to life with the other discarded widows. She is enjoying her freedom and in trying to make friends when her late husband’s best friend begins coming around to check on her wellbeing. Soon sparks are fling between them but Valaria is also hiding secrets, what will happen if they are discovered? Great character with lots of drama, emotion and sizzling chemistry. I really liked it.

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