Member Reviews

Thematically this might be one of Jess Michaels' books, that I've read.

Valeria's secret and bad marriage are referred to a lot, and while it was predictable (I think it was meant to be) it's how Michaels handled it that counts. Valeria wants to live a quiet life, convinced she has to, that is until she finds unwavering friendship from two duchesses (good setup for the series!), and a man listens to her and respects her boundaries. Nothing extraordinary happens to her, she just learns that life can be good and there is hope.

Friendship and believing women are the themes and I liked how they were used to help Valeria.
PS. Have to love a man that gifts you books!

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Shortly after the death of her husband, Silas, the Duke of Gooding, Valaria St. Clare, the Duchess of Gooding, takes up residence in Kent’s Row and immediately meets two other young widowed duchesses who also live on the street (apparently it is a dumping grounds for widowed duchesses). She longs to befriend the ladies, but Valaria has secrets that are not hers alone and can’t risk getting too close to anyone. Especially her late husband’s best friend, Callum Osgood, the Duke of Blackvale. Unfortunately for her, Callum feels responsible for her and wants to help her (and kiss her), so she tries to keep him at bay, but she feels a desire for him that she had never felt. She decides that it is better to keep your enemies close and a secret affair ensues, but soon she is falling for him and knows that if he ever learns the truth, he will hate her.

At first Callum Osgood’s, the Duke of Blackvale, main concern is ensuring that Valaria is taken care of, he feels that as Silas’ best friend, he would want him to see to her needs, but later he learns from his good friend Theo, the Duke of Lightmorrow, that Silas was not the man Callum believed him to be, that he was cruel and abusive to others and most likely to Valaria. Callum is appalled and though he has tried to stay away from her, he needs to know the truth about her marriage. But the truth just serves to make him feel guilty, for not seeing what was happening and that guilt only gets worse when he finally admits that he has always desired Valaria. But the desire is not as one-sided as he believed and they soon embark on an affair, and tender feelings will blossom into love, can this burgeoning love survive Valaria’s secret?

This was a good story, if somewhat predictable, I knew her secret before the end of the first chapter, but it isn’t revealed “on page” until nearly the end of the book, which I felt caused the story to drag a bit. I am not sure I completely believe that Callum didn’t know Silas’ propensity for abuse, it seems a bit of a stretch considering they were “best friends” since childhood and spent a considerable amount of time together, I don’t see how a person could hide their true nature, especially when drinking or that Callum never heard whispers about him. That issue aside, I did enjoy this book, it is filled with secrets, great characters, steamy love scenes, emotional healing, true love, and finally a HEA complete with an epilogue. This is the first book in the series and I am already looking forward to the next book in the series.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that I requested and was provided to me by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.*

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No Dukes Allowed is the first of a new series from Jess Michaels, and I love the premise, following duchesses who don’t have family on whom they can rely for lodgings, and they’re sent to live in the designated Kent’s Row. It’s off to an intriguing start, with a second chance romance I couldn’t help but root for, borne out of the ashes of tragedy.
Valaria is easy to root for, having escaped her toxic marriage to her deceased husband, and while I got the sense right away that their marriage wasn’t a happy one, there were some surprises as to what really went on that caught me off guard, including a plot twist that fed into an external plot point.
While I’ve grown a little wary of the abused heroine ending up with her abusive husband’s best friend, because the company you keep does say a lot about you, any concerns in that area were assuaged upon getting to know Callum. He is a genuinely good person who cares for Valaria, from initial concern for her well-being to something deeper growing between them as their relationship continues.
This is a solid historical romance read, with the perfect balance of emotional weight and Jess Michaels’ signature steamy romantic touch. If you enjoy sexy historical romance, I’d recommend checking this out!

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No Duke's Allowed is the first book in The Kent Row series.

Valeria, the Duchess of Gooding is moving into her new home on Kent’s Row. Her husband has died, and the new heir has decided to move her to where widows are put out to pasture. It isn't as grand as her former home, but it is clean. As she approaches her new residence, Valaria meets two other Dutchesses that also live there and are much closer to her in age. They welcome her and hope to become great friends. While she is grateful to meet them, she knows that she will need to be careful to keep her secrets from being revealed.

Callum Osgood, Duke of Blackvale, was a good friend of Valaria’s late husband and he mourns his friend’s untimely death. He feels as if he should help her if needed, believing he owes it to his friend. Callum has always felt something for Valeria but has kept a respectful distance.

Valaria does not want the attention of Callum but he insists on making sure she is well cared for. Valeria puts up the walls she has built to protect her from those that were supposed to care about her but did not.

The couple come to an agreement, but things get out of control and Valeria feels threatened and pushes Callum away. Valeria is fearful the truth about what happened when her husband died, that she will be hated and shunned by all. Will Callum be able to protect her from her fears.

This was a wonderful beginning to a new series. I like the characters and the Kent Row plotline. The story is well written and full of sexual tension as it builds to the reveal as to what made Valeria so fearful. A preview of the next book was included at the end, and it appears that then next book uses some of the characters from the first. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

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A recent widow with plenty to hide...

Jess Michaels delivers and emotional read in No Dukes Allowed. Valeria was married to the Duke of Gooding (ironic because he was anything but) and is relieved to be hiding on Kent Row with two other widowed duchess. Her husbands friend, Callum, the Duke of Blackvale (ironic because he's not a blackguard, quite the opposite).

Valeria has a terrible secret because of her crul and brutal husband. This is her redemption story and Callum is definitely a knght in shining armor. I really thought Callum was well written and he had his own arc.

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This is a story of the Duchess of Gooding who is newly widowed and moved to an area in London called Kent's Row- where widows of prominent nobleman go to live after their spouse passes away. After her husband's best friend, Callum, the Duke of Blackvale learns of her move, he visits her and offers to assist her in anyway he can to make her adjustment to her move/new life easier. The Duchess of Gooding, Valaria, does everything she can to avoid seeing Callum because she fears she will not be able to keep her secret from him. Even as she tries to avoid interactions with him on the guise of her mourning; Callum gets creative and invites 2 other dowager duchesses she has become friends with since moving to her new home and his friend, the Duke of Lightmorrow to dinner at his home. This book was well written and kept my interest until I turned the last page because I wanted to know what secrets Valaria was desperate to keep hidden and why she kept rebuffing Callum's efforts to assist her. I am anxiously awaiting the next book in the series from this author.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving this review.

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Jess Michaels has written another wonderful story! This story includes two MCs (Callum & Valeria) who are brought together after Valeria is widowed. Valeria’s first marriage was not a bed of roses and after her scum bucket husband dies she is left piecing her life together, learning who she can trust, and learning what being loved by someone actually includes. Callum, Duke of Blackwell, was a friend of Valeria’s husband and he carries a sense of guilt towards Valaria - however, he also has burgeoning fondness and affection for Valaria - he isn’t quite sure how he feels about all these emotions or what he should actually do about them. Watching the growing relationship and building passion between Valaria and Callum was entertaining and fulfilling.

I can’t wait to read future books about the wonderful supporting characters included throughout this story!

Overall 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

📚Disclosure: I received a review copy of this #book from the author/publisher via #Netgalley. All thoughts, opinions, comments, and interpretations of the story are my own and bias free. I did not receive any money in exchange for this review. Thank you to the publisher/author for allowing me the opportunity to review. 🦄
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No Dukes Allowed by Jess Michaels
The Kent’s Row Duchesses #1

Another wonderful book by an expert story teller ~ Could not put it down!

What I liked:
* Valaria: young widow, had a difficult husband and marriage, keeping a deep dark secret, has trust issues, survivor of abuse, always a bit taken with Callum
* Callum: Duke of Blackvale, was friend to Valaria’s husband, feels an obligation to Valaria, has mixed feelings regarding his feelings for Valaria, really liked him
* The chemistry between Valaria and Callum
* That the two were mature in their relationship and ability to communicate – eventually
* That though abused, Valaria was not broken
* The strength of character and will both lead characters exhibited
* Finding out the source of the friendship between Callum and Silas
* The good friends and supporting characters that will probably star or appear in the next two books: Theo, Bernadette, Flora, and perhaps the duchess of Amberleigh
* The protectiveness and caring Valaria showed for her maid – wonder if Fanny will find love, too
* All of it really except…

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how evil and abusive more than one man in this story was and how laws of the era did not allot women many if any rights – no matter their station in society
* Thinking about the stress Valaria must have lived under through much of her life

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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No Dukes Allowed by Jess Michaels is the first book in The Kent’s Row Duchesses. I enjoyed the story though I’m still not quite sure how the title fits the story. I will definitely read the next book in the series.

Ms. Michaels did very nice job of creating the setting of Kent’s Row. I’m intrigued by the supporting cast of characters. That being said, Valaria and Callum are definitely the stars of the story.

Ms. Michaels definitely doesn’t hold back on the physicality or steam factor, and I’m here for it! Sometimes it’s easy to rely on the steam factor and not develop the story, but that’s not the case in No Dukes Allowed. Valaria is a sympathetic heroine, and Callum is a very supportive hero. I hope to see more of them in the following books.

I do feel that survivors of domestic violence should know that it is discussed in this book.

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I wasn’t sure about this book in the beginning since the main characters seemed kind of bland. It took some time to get to know them since Valaria is so guarded and Callum is cautious with Valaria. They are really lovely together as events unfold. There is kindness and understanding besides the spicy romance scenes.

There is a big secret that divides them and so their romance was a little slow. I kind of guessed the secret but I did like the reveal m, how it brings the characters together and how it plays with the end of the story.

My favorite part was the friendship between Valaria, Bernadette and Flora. The duchesses of Kent Row are all widows of different ages with varieties of experience in their marriages and afterwards. Valaria really needed some allies and friends.

I’m excited to see the stories of Bernadette and Flora. I love the fivesome of the duchesses with Callum and Theo. It is a nice group and I love how the events that bind them together. Overall, I enjoyed this book but took some time for me to really get into it.

*Received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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thank you to netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

this was fine, hence the three stars. I just wished it could've been more. the characters, Valaria and Connor, were well-written but seemed to have no build up (to me). from moment one they wanted each other and that was that. I never once believed they wouldn't be together forever, despite Valaria's secret. Which was also very predictable. That in itself is fine, if the story then doesn't take until 80% in to actually tell the secret and have it have absolutely zero consequences. You can't build up to nothing, it leaves readers wanting.

Another pet peeve I had was the name Valaria. I'm so sorry but I hate it so much. I think it sounds like a disease they had in those times and once the thought popped into my head I couldn't take anyone serious if they said her name.

Overall, a perfectly acceptable book, it might just not have been for me. But, when the next part comes out, I will be here, don't you fret..... it looked promising.

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Another young grieving widow is taking up residence on Kent’s Row, where dowager duchesses are put out to pasture. Nosy neighbours is the last thing Valaria St. Clare, dowager Duchess of Gooding wants. She wants peace, quiet and a safe haven where she and her terrible secret can be forgotten by society.
Instead she’s accosted by two dowagers her own age. They’re friends and want to welcome her. And then her late husband’s best friend imposes his friendship upon her. The man puzzles her. He’s nothing like her cruel and abusive husband was. He stood out amongst his set of cronies. He’s handsome, for sure, but she wants to be left alone. She’s suffered enough.

When his best friend suddenly died in an accident, Callum Osgood, Duke of Blackvale, felt lost in his own grief. Coming up for air, he realises he should look in on the man’s widow. He should make sure she’s settled after being pushed out of her home by the new duke after barely eight weeks.
He’s admired her from their very first introduction. Beautiful, regal, but quite withdrawn. Their conversations brief but memorable. At least to him. He offers her nothing but friendship, yet is turned away with suspicion and hurt in her eyes.

Drawn together by circumstance and an invisible thread of attraction neither of them ever dared to acknowledge, a careful bond is formed. Temptation and desire. Is a moment of pleasure worth her secrets?

📚 An original plot about a decent and honourable nobleman nursing a broken and scared lady back to happiness. A suspicious death, mystery, secrets, scandal and a found family of new friends. Fascinating characters in an intriguing and compelling tale of tender feelings, pining, undeniable attraction and lust. I liked it very much and I’m curious about the next books in the series!
📚 Husband’s best friend/widow, pining, steamy, open door, secret romance

Thank you to the author for this eARC! All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Warning, gushing…I absolutely love Callum. He is kind, patient, and tender-hearted. I wouldn’t call him alpha but when alpha is needed, he can step up. I have fallen under his and Theo’s spell and have no wish to be released. While I like Valaria, I had a harder time with her. I wish her communication skills were a little better but do understand why she was secretive. Jess has woven a tale or intrigue and love. As always, the writing is impeccable. It was hard to put down for even a minute.

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I enjoy stories that have a happy ending, especially when the beginning of this story had been so full of hurt and abuse. The old adage, not everyone is as they appear, is especially true in this story. I loved Callum and how he quickly became protective of Valeria. This story will not disappoint.

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After her abusive husband’s death, Valeria, Duchess of Gooding, is trying to keep things from the past a secret. This means starting a new life on Kent's Row, a neighborhood of widows. Complicating this is the fact that Callum, Duke of Blackvale, a close childhood friend of her late husband keeps visiting.

Jess Michaels writes a wonderful story of fear and forgiveness, female friendship, and falling in love. The Duchess is still early in her mourning year, and the Duke fears he is betraying the memory of his friend; and this and other issues are explored along with amazing sexual chemistry. The intimate scenes are very open door, but tastefully written.

I was provided an arc by Netgallery and the publisher in return for my h0nest review.

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This was a fantastic read!! The characters were great, the love story was HOT and I was in suspense wondering what exactly happened to Silas. I flew through the pages as I just couldn’t get enough of this book. I normally like either the hero or heroine more but, in this case, both Valaria and Callum were superbly written. I felt Valaria’s fear of being discovered and the need to erect protective walls. Fearful that she would be judged harshly if the truth came to light. Then you have Callum who is simply to good to be true. I believe that a man like this can only exist in the pages of a book and in Michael’s mind.

This was a great start to a new series. I wonder what is in store for Bernadette and Flora…I know that it will be awesome and I will be waiting anxiously for the next book.

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Historical romance. Regency-era England. Book 1 of the Kent’s Row Duchesses series. Widowed duchess Valaria has just moved to a street of townhouses full of widowed duchesses. She’s keeping secrets regarding the death of her cruel and terrible husband and is hesitant to make new friends. However, her late husband’s friend Callum is intent on checking on her well-being, even though she wants to push him away. Callum is the ultimate nice guy has admired her for many years but denied his feelings for her due to his friendship. Now that his friend has died, he feels guilty for calling on Valaria, but can’t seem to help himself. And Valaria has always been attracted to Callum as well, not knowing why this seemingly upstanding gentleman was friends with her husband. Callum didn’t know that his friend was completely awful, so he feels even worse when he discovers that Valaria did not have a happy marriage. At some point, these two start an affair, but there’s still a heavy secret between them and Valaria’s overall skittishness to overcome.

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I love historical romances, and this book had so many elements that make this one of my favorite genres — swoon worthy men and strong women. I loved the characters and the ending!

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I am not always a fan of historical romances but Jess Michaels knocked this one out of the park!! I adored Valaria's strength and the way Callum always puts her needs before his own. The spice, the pining, and the intrigue gripped me until the very end. Valaria and Callum's love felt fated and I cannot wait to see the rest of the duchess trio find their happy endings!

No Dukes Allowed is the most wonderful rainy day read that I finished in one sitting. This book is absolutely perfect for fans of Lisa Kleypas, Sarah Maclean, and Tessa Dare!!

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A great start to a new series, i loved the characters and the build up to their relationship.

This book was full of romance, emotion and resilience from the female lead, the male was an ideal hero for any romance novel.

It was a quick read and I finished it in a couple of hours and to be honest i could have read a bit more.

I’ll look forward to this continuing series and cannot wait to see what will happen to the other duchesses

Thank you netgalley for a copy for an honest review

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