Member Reviews

I snagged The Good Little Mermaid's Guide to Bedtime because my "Good Little Mermaid," does not settle down for bed very easily. The story was much different than I expected. But the unexpected was a treat. The Good Little Mermaid's Guide to Bedime is a fun humorous story that can be enjoyed at bedtime or laughed at during the day as well. My three year old daughter's current favorite books are about monsters so I think this will be the perfect book to add to her collection. It is not actually scary, but shows the fierce side of a mermaid in a fun way. And at the end of the day, even a fierce mermaid goes to sleep.

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this book was cute but a kind of a strange concept I'm not sure all kids will enjoy. My daughter enjoyed the photos but it was confusing to her why the mermaid wanted to be "bad" so maybe older children will be more amused by the concept

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I received an advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
A hilarious take on the sleepy time scenario that follows one mermaid as she gets ready for bed. She's brave and wants to be scary, but the story tells her to get some shut-eye. She believes she's a predator, a nightmare, and a horror of the seas. The designs of the ocean are haunting and pretty at the same time; I mean, look at that shark! Will she finally go to sleep at the end? This picture book made me smile at all the funny things the mermaid did to "not" go to sleep. Highly enjoyable.

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The Good Little Mermaid’s Guide to Bedtime is a well illustrated book with the exception of the mean looking mermaid with an attitude. As an adult I can appreciate the story but I don’t think a child below the age of 5 would.

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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An adorably snarky picture book about a little mermaid who refuses to sleep.

This was such a fun read as a parent of a little one who is an absolute expert at resisting bedtime. The vibrant and colorful illustrations provide the perfect backdrop and captivate little readers (and their parents) with just the right amount of whimsy and fun.

This is the cutest, unhinged mermaid!! I can’t wait for this to become my little weirdo’s favorite bedtime story.

Thank you @NetGalley and @tundrabooks for the opportunity to review this eARC. It was an absolute treat.

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What a spin!! I should have known from the mermaid's face on the cover, but you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. This book is a fun read for kids who are not into fu fu fluffy things, like me vs my daughter who is all about the pretty details.

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This review was made possible via an ARC through NetGalley.

The art for this is so cute! It's a great addition the collection of any young child who likes to buck the rules. There's a lot of great chances for using gestures or making the reading of this book more theatrical. My favorite page was the one with the ships; it evoked those ideas young kids have of being Godzilla and destroying a little Lego city.

I think the book also provides a great chance for reading practice as it's neatly divided between what good little mermaid's do and what not-so-good little mermaids do when it's bedtime.

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If you love Ryan T Higgins books, then this one is for you. I loved the "scary" mermaid. Thejuxtaposition between the upbeat narrator and the mermaid was a fun back and forth. This one is bound to be a hit with kids during a night routine before bed. I hope this becomes a series because I would love to see more from this author.

*Received through Netgalley for my honest opinion*

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**Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC copy. This is my honest review.**

I have four children and I did read this to my almost 8 year old daughter and my 6 year old daughter. I'm including their impressions as well.

8 year old: rating 3.5 stars. She thinks this would be a good book for 5 and up because younger kids may get a little scared. She did enjoy it however and thought it was funny.

6 year old: Did not like this book because the mermaid was scary in her opinion.

Moms review: This is a humorous book with a "scary" mermaid who doesn't want to go to bed and keeps refuting what the bedtime guidebook says. I thought the illustrations were very cute and fun. I did like the story but agree that if a child is expecting the glamourized version of a mermaid, the whole talk of luring people into the depths/swallowing trawlers while all not really happening in the book, may scare younger kids.
I personally loved that we got a mermaid that is not glamourized. Even if a lot of this was in the mermaids mind, it still was a refreshing change. This is a book I'd buy for mythology loving kids and/or borrow from my library. I thought it was a cute and fresh take on mermaid storybooks.

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My three-year-old saw the cover image of this book and wanted to look at it so I decided to check it out. Fortunately, I did read the book before deciding to read it with my child. I personally think that the mermaid on the cover looks a bit scary, but that’s the image that the mermaid is trying to portray in the book. I know that the mermaid in the book wants to be fierce, scary, and ferocious, but I did not like the mermaid’s tone and attitude in the book. I personally don’t want my child picking up on this attitude and tone and talking like this even if it is restricted to playing with his toys or imaginary play. This book is not something I would recommend to another parent/child or see myself reading to my own child even when he is a couple of years older. Unfortunately, this is a book that just isn’t for me.

Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada, Tundra Books and NetGalley or providing me with a free electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I think my excitement got the better out of me; I jumped right into it. Thank you, netgally, for the opportunity to read this as an ARC!

Not gonna lie, what drew me in was the little mermaid and her funny frown. I was very very curious to see how this looked like and what treasures hid behind the covers. And it did not disappoint! The pictures were adorable, and the good little mermaid guide, paired with the “nightmare” of the seas were absolutely brilliant! Definitely recommending this book. Itself very cute, fun, and entertaining! I’m sure children would love it to bits!

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A snarky, unconventional take on mermaids, perfect for lower-elementary kids and very enjoyable for parents too! Here we have all the beats for a perfect bedtime routine, with hilarious commentary from an adorably ferocious, recalcitrant mermaid. The illustrations pair perfectly with this story: a soothing palette, and cute without being saccharine. A fun addition to the bedtime roster! Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance digital copy of this book.

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A naughty and mischevious mermaid does not want to go to sleep. The illustrations were cute/funny, but may not get the desired reaction out of children.

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I really like the way this book is told between the good mermaid and the bad mermaid. It adds a really interesting depth to the story for children to be able to see what is the right thing to do versus what is the wrong thing to do! Most stories that talk about rules and routines often just describe them rather than show what it looks to disobey them. I like how the “bad” mermaid replies back to each of the good mermaid's rules as it mirrors what it can sometimes look like for a child to disobey their parents/guardians! I love how whenever the “bad” mermaid speaks it is in really extravagant and fun writing which certainly offsets the “scariness” of the mermaid. I think this is key for children’s books which involve a character that is meant to be scary as it makes the read a lot more warm and inviting.
My only critique for this book is the front cover. I think for some, the way that the “bad” mermaid appears might be frightening. I don’t feel like it's the most inviting to children. I also think that where the title is “The Good Little Mermaid’s Guide to Bedtime” that maybe the good mermaid should make an appearance. Maybe she could appear underneath the “bad” mermaid like on the 5th page. I think this might make more sense to children when they can make the connection that there is both a good and bad mermaid within the story. I also fear that parents might not pick a book up with a scary looking mermaid on the front because even though we’re told not to judge a book by its cover, so many people do!
However, I absolutely adore the illustrations within this book. They are so bright, welcoming, and incredibly detailed. I think the illustrations of the “bad” mermaid are quite funny and will definitely be a source of humor for children, especially when they get to see the juxtaposition between the behavior of her and the good mermaid. I love the expressions of the other sea creatures as the story is being told!
I want to thank Penguin Random House Canada for providing me with this free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I can’t wait to pick this book up for my future kids when it is published!

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This was a fun one. My daughter loved it & had me read it twice. I had hoped for a redeeming ending. And i asked my daughter what she thought & she said she ended up being good! She wasn’t bad! She did everything she was supposed to and she went to sleep! So i guess it worked out in the end and she’s right! She just did it in her own way with some imagination

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First off this has the cutest damn art I have ever seen. Easily top 5 of my all time favorite picture books and that is a tough thing to accomplish. I would see "I'm a predator" being my kids favorite line when they were little. I laughed so hard and she is my favorite mermaid on the planet. Grr I'm a predator. hahaha. I love her! I read the book about a week ago and just writing the review makes me want to reread it. My children are 24 and 18 but I will be adding this to my picture book library.

10 out of 5 stars!!!

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In Eija Sumner’s latest release, The Good Little Mermaid’s Guide to Bedtime, when precocious mermaid is guided through a routine to prepare her for bed, she lashes out, resisting every attempt to soothe her. Contrary to what parents or guardians might hope: that’s it; there’s no resolution to this problem.

With a five-year-old obsessed with mermaids and bedtime occasionally proving tricky, I couldn’t get my hands on this title quick enough. Hoping the devious expression of the mermaid on the cover was a slip of Nici Gregory’s stylus and not deliberate, we opened the cover without concern. Now, having read an additional story to make up for…whatever this was, I wish I had paid more attention to the the stunning choice of color and fluidity seen in the remainder of the art. Gregory is a talented illustrator; each stroke was intentional and skillfully expressed.

By all accounts, this story should have been perfect for our audience. A family who teases often, it’s not unusual to hear our youngest list the reasons she shouldn’t have to end her day. So, when the narrative’s initial counsel was met with push-back, we didn’t balk. Certain the mermaid would see reason and rest peacefully by the end of the tale, we continued. However, the title character's lack of kindness to fellow sea creatures never ended and her blatant disregard for the narrator only got worse. Long before the final page, I found myself wishing I had previewed the story before sharing. Still, I think my daughter’s observation summarized the ordeal best when she quipped, “This mermaid is mean and not good at all. Why did they call it that? I don’t want to read anymore.” This is one picture book we won’t be keeping on our shelves.

Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Random House Canada, and Tundra Books for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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"The Good Little Mermaid's Guide to Bedtime" is a charming and enchanting picture book that takes young readers on a magical underwater journey right before they drift off to sleep. Written by the imaginative author, this delightful book is illustrated by the talented artist, bringing the story to life in vibrant colors and captivating detail. Through the eyes of the good little mermaid, readers are transported to a captivating underwater realm where they encounter whimsical sea creatures, shimmering coral reefs, and mysterious treasures. The story gently encourages young readers to embrace bedtime rituals and sleep peacefully through the night. The beautifully rhymed text flows effortlessly, creating a soothing and melodic rhythm that lulls readers into a state of tranquility. Each page turn reveals a new adventure or a helpful bedtime tip, making the book both engaging and educational. The enchanting illustrations perfectly complement the text, immersing readers in the mesmerizing world of the little mermaid. One of the standout features of this picture book is its relatable and endearing characters. The good little mermaid becomes an instant friend, guiding young readers through a series of soothing activities like counting seashells or listening to the calming sound of ocean waves. The book skillfully promotes positive bedtime habits, inspiring children to relax and unwind before they embark on their own deep-sea dreams. While "The Good Little Mermaid's Guide to Bedtime" is truly a delightful read, it could benefit from a slightly longer storyline to fully capture the reader's attention. Further exploration of the underwater world and introducing additional sea creatures would further enhance the sense of wonder and imagination that the book evokes. In conclusion, "The Good Little Mermaid's Guide to Bedtime" is a magical and captivating picture book that effortlessly transports young readers to a dreamy underwater world. Its soothing rhymes, enchanting illustrations, and gentle messages make it a perfect choice for bedtime routines. Dive into this delightful adventure and let the mermaid's gentle guidance carry your little ones into a peaceful night's sleep

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“The Good Little Mermaid’s Guide to Bedtime” by Eija Sumner and illustrated by Nici Gregory is a beautifully illustrated story about a mermaid who is too tough and scary for bed. She’d rather have nightmares than sweet dreams. Wonderful picture book for those parents raising feisty, tough kiddos. Children and caregivers alike will giggle at the story and be mesmerized by the artwork.

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I read the description and saw the cover, and hoped the cover was just the mermaid resisting bedtime - but it turns out it actually is a rather scary book. My 4 year old didn't want to continue after the first few pages and I don't blame her.. it is rather frightening. Perhaps more enjoyable for older kids!

Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada, Tundra Books and NetGalley for the ARC.

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