Member Reviews

4.25 stars

This book is a mystery/thriller that explores the cultural phenomenon of true crime stories and the impacts they can have on the victims’ loved ones. Surprisingly, I liked or at least felt like I understood several of the major characters, and I appreciated the bi+ representation in the genre. There was more depth than is often seen in this type of thriller, which was a nice change; it had a good balance of drama and serious content. All in all, I quite enjoyed it.

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This book was not one that I could get into. I found my mind wandering when I was listening and couldn’t get into the story. I’m not sure if it was because it was audio, or bad timing for me. But this book was not for me.

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Don't Forget the Girl by Rebecca McKanna is amazing! I love how each character is perfectly imperfect. It's honest and gritty, like a tamer Karin Slaughter. I was initially taken aback by how long the audiobook is, but it does not feel like it is over 12 hours; I couldn't get enough!

I related to the dynamic between Abby and Chelsea, having been a teen in the early aughts doing the same thing. I also related to Bree and her "relationship" from when she was younger, as I had two like hers as well (but much more toxic). Having had very similar experiences to these women, I feel like everything is covered in a way that is honest and accurate.

Regarding Abby's disappearance, I loved how it is revealed throughout the past from her (our) point of view. I hung onto every word, trying to see how it would end.

Jennifer O'Donnell is a great narrator. I sped it up to 1.25 to bring it to a normal conversation speed.

Thank you to RB Media for providing me with an ALC.

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"Don't Forget the Girl" is an emotional, slow-burn thriller that tells the story of three friends- Bree, Chelsea and Abby. On Halloween night in 2003, twelve years ago, this dynamic trio was torn apart when Abby disappeared. Fast forward to present-day where Jon Allan Blue, the suspected serial killer convicted for the sorority girl murders and the disappearance of Abby Hartman, is up for execution. A well-known crime podcaster is featuring Blue's story and Bree and Chelsea reunite to be the voice of Abby and share her story. Secrets are revealed, emotions are re-lived and justice is served.

Although I wish that I requested the book rather than the audio because of the back and forth between characters and flashbacks, I thoroughly enjoyed Rebecca McKanna's debut novel and highly recommend that you add this to your TBR list! You won't be disappointed! #DontForgettheGirl #NetGalley

"We never remember the dead girls. We never forget the killers."

Thank you to Rebecca McKanna, SOURCEBOOKS Landmark, RB Media and Jennifer O'Donnell for the ALC and opportunity to leave an honest review.

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I’m sure this will be an unpopular opinion but I have to be honest— this book completely bummed me out.

I had a feeling, maybe 75% though, that I was going to end this book unsatisfied & I did. It wasn’t twisty, I wasn’t shocked by anything, & there weren’t any jaw dropping moments either. I felt like it was incomplete.

This was more of a forbidden love story that broke your heart into pieces the more you read. There’s a reason I don’t read romances!

There was also this heaviness of the aftermath of losing a friend at such a young age & how that can shape your life.

I know everything was based around Abby’s death & how their lives imploded since while trying to get her justice but it felt like her murder was an afterthought? Like it wasn’t the main focus. It was a great book but not for thriller standards & it was so anticlimactic & depressing if that makes sense? That’s why I gave it 3 stars. 😔

Thank you so much Rebecca McKanna, @netgalley & RB Media for this ARC in exchange for an honest review 🖤

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Bree Chelsea and Abbey were the best of friends in on Halloween night in 2003 Abbey walked away from them and then never seen her again. After her disappearance Chelsea and Bree had their own individual problems and although Chelsea looked more put together they were both haunted by their friends going missing. When The serial killer Jason Allen blues death date gets confirmed it is bittersweet for one they know they will soon be rid of the person deep think responsible for Abbys disappearance but secondly any chance to get answers will go with him to the grave. Bree is the protestor of photography at the college and seems to still be making bad choices she drinks too much and is having an affair with the student not unlike the ones you had with the detective investigating out this case years ago. Chelsea is a minister and is married to Daniel a nice and loving husband but they will have the problems as well and things do not get better win a podcaster name Rachel wants to do a podcast and wants both the women involved. There is way too much to finish the summary I found the first half of this book very interesting but I just thought it went on way too long also Chelsea is unlike any person of the cloth I’ve ever Heard of she uses foull language she cheated on her husband and uses her status to make others feel guilty or give her defference. If this book would’ve been shorter it would’ve been much better but I found myself getting bored towards the end and I couldn’t wait for it to be over. I received this book from NetGalley in RB media but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Don't Forget the Girl is a gritty multi-perspective mystery about Bree and Chelsea, who are haunted by the disappearance and murder of their best friend, Abby when they were in college. It takes place in 2016 when they're 30; and 2004, when they're 18, flashing back to the time Abby disappeared. Though it's assumed that she was the victim of a serial killer in the Midwest, Abby has never received justice by the resolution of her case. Abby's murder has long-effected Bree and Chelsea and their life choices. When the novel starts in 2016, the murderer is facing state execution in 30 days, which doesn't leave Abby's friends and family much time to get a final confession, especially as there is a lot of public interest in the case with a series and podcast about him coming out. I was drawn into this story immediately. The setting and pace are perfect. Jennifer O'Donnell deftly narrates the audiobook. Her voice is rich and smoky, giving the story depth and intrigue. I highly recommend this atmospheric mystery!

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for providing this ebook/audiobook ARC. All thoughts are my own.

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I really liked this one! I was amazed to find out that this is the author’s debut novel!! She writes like a very seasoned author, I was invested in the story from the beginning and didn’t feel like any part of it dragged on. The narrator was spot on for this book as well. Highly recommend!

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Abby Hartmann disappeared twelve years ago and Jon Allan Blue, the serial killer suspected of her murder, is about to be executed, Abby's best friends, Bree and Chelsea, have to watch as the media circus ensues and Abby's disappearance is overshadowed by Jon Allan Blue's flashier crimes. After years of resentment and estrangement between the two friends, they decide to band together to talk about Abby on a podcast dedicated to Blue's murders.

I really enjoyed this book, told from multiple timelines and POVs. Bouncing back and forth from before Abby's disappearance to the now, we get to watch the intricate story of Abby, Bree and Chelsea's lives - the secrets between them and how grief alters us. The formatting used to tell this story was particularly attractive and kept the reader engaged. It was a quick and captivating read that I think all thriller lovers, especially those that love an emotional roller-coaster, will thoroughly enjoy. The audiobook in particular was very well done and made you feel like you knew each character inside and out.

If you are looking for a plot twisting and turning psychological thriller, then this might not be the book for you. It is more mysterious and emotional, which I enjoyed but may be off-putting to some. There is some homophobia and predation, so if these are triggers to you then I wouldn't suggest this book.

Overall, I really enjoyed this slow-burn "thriller". I loved the way I felt like I knew each and every character on a close and personal level. It was a beauty of a book, especially for a debut. I will for sure be on the lookout for other books by Rebecca McKanna.

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Name of Book: Don’t Forget the Girl
Author: Rebecca McKenna – Debut Author
Narrator: Jennifer McDonnell
Genre: Mystery Thriller
Publisher: RB Media/ Sourcebooks Landmark
Pub Date: June 20, 2023
My Rating: 2 Stars!
Pages: 320

The story is told in present and past time line from the POV of Bree and Chelsea - now and Abby - then, also included interviews via a podcast script.

In 2003, 18 year old Abby Hartmann a freshman at the University of Iowa went missing on Halloween night after a fight with her best friends Bree and Chelsea. Two weeks later two women were killed in a sorority house.
Abby’s body was never been found, but it is believed she was a victim of Jon Allan Blue, a serial killer. Blue is on death row but has never admitted being responsible for Abby’s death.

Bree and Chelsea have both continue to struggle with their grief. They have returned as a popular podcast wants to do a feature regarding Blue’s upcoming execution.
They are hoping to get to the truth.
However, there are a lot of things going on in their lives.

This story starts with Bree now a college professor. We immediately find an eighteen year old student at her house and he isn’t there for tutoring. Her behavior also with the f-bombs in nearly every sentence had me thinking perhaps I made a mistake in picked this story!

Next Chapter - Chelsea is now an Episcopalian Minister. However, she doesn’t have much a filter when it comes to profanity.

My first impression of these two certainly wasn’t a good one.

I checked reviewed and saw that most are wonderful so I hung in there.

However, I continued to struggle with the unlikeable characters and their colorful language.
It was not an enjoyable read for me. But I was glad that Bree and Chelsea finding comfort in each other and hoped their lives would now get better.

Want to thank NetGalley and RB Media/Sourcebooks Landmark for this audiobook.
Publishing Release Day scheduled for: June 20, 2023.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
A rather complicated book about a serial killer ready for execution and the the people around him who survived or were involved in his case.
Two friends, Bri and Chelsey trying to get answers about their friend Abby.
A lot to unpack in this book. Not really very likable characters. Marriage complications, sexuality questions, cheating, unwanted pregnancy and so much more.
A little hard to follow at times with the different characters and time lines but it kept me hooked wondering what was going to be revealed (if anything) at the end.
Complicated is a word I want to use to summarize the entire book. But complicated in a real life way. This audiobook while as I say is “complicated” it covers real life issues and life is messy and complicated.
Narrator did a great job. While this was a different book it was a good listen.

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Traveling between the present day and the past, this thriller is about the friendship between three college girls. Abby disappeared on Halloween nearly 20 years earlier, leaving Bree and Chelsea to believe she was killed by the serial killer, John Allan Blue, stalking the region. Now, Abby’s remains have finally been found and Bree and Chelsea want to be sure that their friend, forgotten all these years, is recognized as a victim of Blue. But there are dark secrets that Bree and Chelsea have been keeping from each other and as they get involved in a podcast about the murders, the truth may finally surface. And it may not be the truth they expected

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Rebecca McKanna's captivating debut, DON'T FORGET THE GIRL, is perfect for June's LGBT Pride Month!

Secrets, friendships, grief, sexuality, shaming, self-identity, loss, love, forgiveness, and grief are some topics in this emotional and lyrical new novel.

In 2003, 18 yr old Abby Hartmann went missing on Halloween night after an argument with her best friends, Bree and Chelsea.

Her body had not been found but suspected Abby was another victim of the serial killer, Jon Allen Blue. In the present, Jon Allan Blue is soon to be executed and still has not confessed to killing Abby.

Bree (professor) and Chelsea (priest) have been estranged for years, struggling with their grief and reuniting to find answers.

What happened the night Abby went missing? The author slowly unravels the events leading up to the night Abby went missing in dual timelines.

Abby was in a secret relationship but could not come out to her parents. Her partner was pressuring her, but she knew her parents would not understand.

You are unsure where the author is going with the story; however, she keeps you in suspense while you are reading (listening into the wee hours of the morning).

A character-driven, heartbreaking, emotional, and moving story that focuses on the three girls' friendship, their demons, guilt, resentments, and their relationship with Abby—the fallout after she was taken and how the trauma has shaped their lives and those connected to her.

The podcast with podcaster Rachel adds to the overall story dedicating its season to Blu's murders and the personal relationships with the victim and the parents. There is also a bestselling book by the detective. The news, podcast interviews, and interview transcripts are blended within the chapters.

Told in alternating POV, Bree and Chelsea’s narratives are in the third person in the present, while Abby speaks in the second person in the past—a little confusing while listening to the audio version.

The author expertly explores how society and media embellish serial killers but often forget about the victims and those connected to the lost ones.

DON'T FORGET THE GIRL is for fans of Megan Goldin, Laura Lippman, and Heather Gudenkauf and those who enjoy true crime. Ideal for book clubs. I am looking forward to reading more from this talented author.

I listened to the audiobook by Jennifer O'Donnell for an engrossing performance, listening experience, and the e-book.

Thanks to #RBMedia #RecordedBooks for a gifted ALC and #SourcebooksLandmark for an ARC via #NetGalley for review purposes.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: June 20, 2023
My Rating: 4 Stars
June 2023 Must-Read Books

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I liked the narration. It was spot on. The story is good but I have one problem, It is a me problem, not an issue with the writing but it was serious.
I can't do 2nd person writing. I thought maybe listening to it would be easier on me but it still made me uncomfortable.
This is because it reminds me of men trying to "romance" me in my 20s. They either thought it was sexy or knew it would ruin my life. Either way, they did it enough that now whenever I hear it I cringe. It isn't at all this author's fault and it should not dissuade anyone from reading this interesting book.
Great performance.

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Don’t Forget the Girl is an excellent debut thriller by Rebecca McKanna!

This thriller captured my attention quickly with the narration told from three perspectives. It also has dual timelines as well.

As a true crime fan myself, it is very clear that stories often fixate on the serial killers themselves. It was a nice twist to see the perspectives of the friends left behind to pick up the pieces.

I can’t wait for McKanna’s next book! Thank you Rebecca McKanna, NetGalley, and RB Media for giving me the chance to listen to the ALC. Happy publishing week!

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Thanks to NetGalley and #RBMedia for the read-review of #DontForgetTheGirl by #RebeccaMcKanna. The book was phenomenal. I like how it focused on the girls and the victim. Highly recommend!

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This was a wild ride from the start! It did a great of showing how trauma can affect you for years if not dealt with properly. You can feel the conflict of being in the closet during the late '90's and wanting to come out but being afraid. I love the fact that it is set in Iowa City, Iowa at the U of I, as that is where I live and went to school. You don't find very many books set in fly-over country, so I'm always pleased when I find one! This was my 1st book by Rebecca McKanna but it certainly won't be my last!


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This was alright. I did find myself yawning and getting a bit bored with the story. If I didn't have this on audiobook I probably wouldn't have finished it very quickly. It was too easy to put down. I do think many will like this but I just couldn't get into the whole murder part of the story. A gruesome murder, or murders, took place years ago and the man who was accused was arrested and now sits on death row with his execution looming. There are a few girls whose friend was murdered and they are sure he did it.
This story goes back and forth from before the murder to right before the execution. You hear about the girls, their issues, their arguments, as well as the murderers back story as it revolved around the girls. However, the story was mostly about hidden sexuality, secrets, and a tiny bit about the murderer and what he did.
It's alright. The narrator was very good.

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This was one of the better reads that I've had the pleasure of reading courtesy of NetGalley. Something that I really enjoy in books is when the author breaks up the books by either using different characters or different time periods to tell the story. This author did both and it really helped to keep me invested and alert so that I didn't miss anything. Overall, a great book that wasn't just a mystery but dealt with present day issues of both women, though some of the root causes were due to the past trauma, either way - a great read. Would definitely recommend grabbing it on June 20th!

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I hate stars. One woman's 4 is another's 5. This one, for me, didn't quite reach a 4 but I rounded up because it was close. More a mystery than a thriller, Don't Forget the Girl is a multiple POV, multiple years, back and forth mystery about friends, the loss of one through murder, regret, etc.

Here's my personal issue which may or may not be relevant to any other person on the planet - I'm nearing 60 with brain fog from age, hormones and life......this audiobook was hard for me to track. The flipping from past to present, from young to old, character to character, first to second was too much. I read for pleasure (mostly), and as an audio, this one felt a bit too much like work. Hindsight being what it is, I would have been better off with a paper copy so I could peruse back to see what just switched when I missed a transition.

This one releases 6/20/23 just in time for the beach.

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