Member Reviews

The premise of this book caught my eye attention as a women in my late 20s myself who is in the midst of figuring out my career path and whether I should change it but unfortunately this one didn't work out for me.

Truthfully, I DNFed this one.

I didn't love Simone even though I really wanted too. She was very judgmental and completely clueless about the needs of law school (which I understand going to law school was a last minute decision but no research?). I also didn't really feel like Simone and Silas clicked. There wasn't much chemistry between them as a basis of their relationship which made it difficult to root for them as a couple.

Thank you to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for providing me with an ARC of You've Been Served.

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Unfortunately this story wasn’t for me. I found it very hard to connect to the main character because of the offensive and overly judgmental inner monologue.

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the advanced copy.

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Simone Alexander depends on her magic 8 ball from her childhood to help her make big decisions and this time, it is sending her to law school on the other side of the country. She gets there and has not prepared like the other students, but with the help of friends, specifically Silas who has a big crush on her, she makes it just fine. She is determined to prove to everyone that she is meant to be there.

This cute story had it all, romance, sass, and struggle. I felt that at times the storyline was forced, but I personally loved the banter between Silas and Simone. He gave her the space she asked for, but let her know that he was still there. The law school auction was a cute piece and I loved how Silas stood up to his mom and defended Simone. Such an easy, lighthearted read!

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DNF @30%

The synopsis sounded fun and lighthearted, but the execution is missing the mark. This book honestly feels like a bunch of random thoughts jumbled together. Also, really tired of the “you don’t look Black, so you must be mixed”’assumption when someone meets a person who is light skinned. Yes, this is called out and addressed, but it’s still annoying.

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Thank you NetGalley and RB Media for the free ALC in exchange for honest review. I enjoyed the narration but doesnt feel like anything happened? Is it just me the cover mafe me request thiabone so quick and not sure if anything went on?

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Really enjoyed this sweet romance. Started with a very sassy Simone changing up her life’s trajectory after she spontaneously quit her position as a chef and out of the blue decided to go to law school. She goes through the struggles we all faced when we something new and scary with no idea if that’s what we want to do or if we’ll be good at it. On top of that stress she has a new guy who’s Madly in love with her and she has to figure out if she can balance dating with law school.

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