Member Reviews

I read 3/4 of this and just did not care to finish. While it got off to a great start I felt like it started to drag and I just was not invested enough in the crime to care who did it.

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I never really got into this. The characters were hard for me to keep straight and I didnt care about any of them. The writing style was not my cup of tea.

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The Other Half
by Charlotte Vassell
Pub DAte: Nov. 21, 2023
Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGAlley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
This is a debut mystery but you would never know it! WEll done!
I enjoyed the taste of luxury and class all with British humor and satire.
4 stars

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A hoot of a murder mystery that spends more time to be honest on satirizing a group of privileged 30-something Londoners. There's a birthday party with champagne and ahem, other intoxicants at a McDonalds, a dead influencer and a detective with the same last name as the prime suspect. Caius Beauchamp finds himself fascinated by Rupert Beauchamp, Nell, and the dead Clemmie and stymied a bit by the shimmer but he persists. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Will be most enjoyed by those at least a bit familiar with the milieu.

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This novel feels like a jaunty stroll through the countryside. It’s a cheeky whodunnit with a darker undertone that gradually develops as the story progresses. The characters are well defined if not particularly complex and the plot moves along with several unexpected twists. It’s definitely a fun read!

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After finishing a dud, I was looking forward to this book being a quick and exciting read, based on the fact that it is listed as a mystery/crime-based thriller. While the genre is correct, the novel was the opposite of fast-paced and engrossing. I had difficulty getting into the book, but persisted in the hope that it would turn around. Unfortunately, it never did, and I ended up wanting to DNF it several times. This is another example of me struggling with a novel in which I neither like nor relate to any of the characters, with the exception of the primary detective being adequate. All of the characters were written superficially, and I just could not muster a care about whether any of them lived or died in the end.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Vintage Anchor, for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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I unfortunately had to dnf this one at about 20%. The plot was kind of all over the place and I had a hard time following along with the story. It sucks because I thought I would really enjoy this. Oh well if you like mystery give this one a try.

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If you love to hate a novel's characters, enjoy a good investigation, and like getting a glimpse at the rich and titled, The Other Half is definitely for you!

I really enjoyed this book and it had so many elements I love. Personally, I could have done with a bit more of the rich people and a little less of the investigation, but that could have been related to my dislike of the male narrator.

I listened to this novel and typically love when each voice is narrated by a different individual, however, I really struggled with the male narrator in this instance. He was hard to understand and his voice was much lower in volume than the female. I felt like I was constantly adjusting the speed and volume and still never quite got it perfect.

Nell was a complex and interesting character. I didn't understand her love for Rupert, but did commend her for her loyalty and self-awareness. I also liked that she was part of the rich crowd but more relatable. I loved the setting, descriptions of the clothing and glamour, and the overall pretentiousness. The character names alone were pure gold!

All in all, this was a fun one but I'd be inclined to recommend reading rather than listening.

Thank you to PRH Audio,, Vintage Anchor, and NetGalley for the copy.

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Bitingly funny satire on British elites. This book was both laugh out loud funny and thought provoking.

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The premise of THE OTHER HALF drew me in, and I'm delighted to say that the story lives up to its promise. Fasten your seatbelts because this is a fast-paced and exhilarating ride.

The author's voice is sophisticated and edgy, perfect for this satirical take on the upper class and fabulously wealthy. Make no mistake, however, the commentary does not get in the way of the story - and thank goodness for that. The mystery kept me turning the pages late into the night as I eagerly anticipated how the sleuths would solve the case. I couldn't help but devise various theories, which is indicative of a good mystery. The characters themselves are superbly entertaining, and the ending provides a satisfying conclusion that feels well-earned.

I will look forward to more from this author.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the e-galley; all opinions in this review are 100% my own.

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Satire and Snark rule the day in The Other Half. While out jogging, Detective Caius Beauchamp stumbles upon a body poking out from the shrubs. This kicks off an investigation not only into the murder but into the class divide as well.

The group of detectives which is comprised of non-white, gay, and female individuals wrestle with their own place on the social, romantic, and career ladder. I found their interactions just as snarky while being illuminating. This was a group of people I could see myself hanging out with. Pass me the biscuits!

While the body screams of a murder case, it quickly becomes more involved and other levels of law enforcement begin to encroach on the case. Are they there to protect the wealthy and titled or are they working on a bigger sting? Meanwhile, the bad acts of some without impunity have taken their toll on those closest to them. The self-absorption of some of the characters is pretty hard to take. Just as bad are those that continue to turn a blind eye to the behaviors and consequences.

The ending is left in such a way as to lead the reader to wonder if there may be a series on the way featuring Detective Caius Beauchamp and gang. And that is a good thing.

Thank you to Vintage Anchor for an early e-copy via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Ah, the upper classes-their's is not a world Det Beauchamp is familiar with. And as his case progresses and he has to try to figure out the complicated web of deceit and lies, while alternatingly liking and appalled by his list of suspects, and their privledged behavior. As he gets too close to the truth, it seems like the case gets more twisted and provides more questions than answers. Beauchamp offers the reader a witty, funny, everyman detective and this is a superb debut novel- I can't wait to read more twisty mysteries solved by Beauchamp!

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Rupert is awful,a love to hate character bar none…..the rest are not overly likeable either!!
A good whodunit and good plot although the anti money/wealth angle did get a theme played too much ( imo )
Interesting read none the less

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This book has a very unique voice. As such it's not a cozy easy read, but one in which you really think about what is happening and the nuances of the voice.

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Clemmie, a well-known influencer is found dead, and of course we get a ton of speculation, could it be her sociopath of a boyfriend, who actually wanted nothing to do with her after a while, what about her friends?? Or lack thereof. This is a cozy murder, and even though we get some humor, and a ton of upper class socialites. OMG I never hated a more character than Rupert. All the other characters were awesome to read, and the mystery behind what happened to Clemmie was pretty obvious, but the book did drag a little.

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Boy, do I love it when a murder mystery is done well! I can say for sure this one was a nothing short of brilliant and to say it is a debut novel, man you must be joking! It is a thrilling odyssey into the intricate labyrinth of love, identity, and the ever-elusive spark of originality in the world of contemporary fiction.

What really sets "The Other Half" apart from the sea of mundane murder mysteries is Vassell's remarkable ability to breathe life into her characters, making them fresh, enigmatic and original. From the storyline, to the plot twists, this book is a compelling read that keeps you hooked from the first page. I couldn’t recommend it more! I look forward to what else she has in store for us!

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A funny, satirical murder mystery with a whole array of unlikeable, 'posh' characters.

We follow a group of friends who are part of the upper class social circle. Rupert is hosting his 30th birthday party in McDonald's with champagne and drugs - but at the same time, Ruperts girlfriend, Clemmie, has been murdered.

With detectives on the case, we discover the connections, the secrets and other interconnected murders in the area.

I highly enjoyed the British humour that's seen in this book, the names of the characters - Euphemia and Araminta (Minty) in particular - and the satire around the British upper class. The majority of the characters were extremely unlikeable, with lack of morality and conscience about their actions and decisions, especially Rupert - they're upper class individuals with high up connections, they won't get caught.

We see the walls put in place for the detectives who are close to solving the case - encountering pure entitlement from certain individuals within this social group.

There is a criminal element that was not solved within this book, unless there will be a second - I'd love to see what happens with that aspect of the plot. This book however, we encounter so many twists, turns and red herrings, while laughing at the humour within.

Thank you to NetGalley and Vintage Anchor for this copy. This review is voluntary.

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Thank you NetGalley and Vintage Anchor for the ARC.

Unfortunately, this one fell flat for me. Too many characters and it moved really slow. I had a very hard time staying invested in the story.

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2.5 stars. This book was a near-DNF at least three times. I had to push myself to finish simply so I could gloat (to myself) that I correctly predicted the killer. This was the book that would not end featuring characters that I couldn't summon the energy to care about.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and Charlotte Vassell for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my review.

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The Other Half is a mystery set in England, with a cast of peers and the rich, doing callous things. The story is told by both the police investigating the murder and the friends affected by her death.

Rupert throws himself a lavish birthday party, renting out a McDonalds restaurant and serving both champagne and Happy Meals. His girlfriend Clemmie never shows up, which is fine with him - he's planning on dumping her tomorrow. He'd much rather be with Nell, who decides that night she's going to give their mutual friend Alex a chance. But she's been in love with Rupert (at least somewhat) since their school days, so she can't decide whether to cut him loose entirely or not.

The next day, someone finds Clemmie dead in the park, dressed for the party.

Caius and Matt are assigned to investigate the murder. What they find is a mess of old school chums who have slept with each other, who have jobs because of their wealth and station, and who are not nearly as upset as they should be about the death of their friend. Was she killed because of jealousy by a friend, or because she was involved in something not quite kosher at work? The police find evidence that could lead both ways.

I found this book kind of tedious in its portrayal of the rich as uncaring, capricious people who would excuse bad behavior because the person is a peer. It's not that I don't think that some people are like this, but the author seems to have a vendetta against those with wealth. It was hard to care about any of the characters.

Thanks to Netgalley for the advance copy of this book.

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