Member Reviews

I was very disappointed in The Other Half. It had all the ingredients for success - jealousy, murder, the possibility of love - but it fell flat. I read to the end, hoping for something complete, intriguing, or interesting, but it didn’t happen.

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Good read! Solid mystery with sprinkled with snark and wit. The characters practically leap off the page and the descriptions are perfect. I sincerely hope there will be more books with Caius and crew. The dialog was realistic and had good flow. It starts out a little odd, heading toward Rupert's party, but it pulls you in and keeps the pages turning. Enjoyable read. I look forward to more books by this author.
I was given a prepub copy of this book in return for my honest review, which I have provided. I would absolutely recommend this one to any and all who enjoy a mystery with memorable characters.

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This whodunit features a group of young detectives investing a gruesome murder.

Lifestyles of the rich and famous collide when the girlfriend to a rich friend is killed in the local park after a lavish birthday party. This "player" gets all the ladies but craves one who doesn't want him yet she's out to find the who killed his girlfriend. Ok...

This book was reminiscent of the series You with its predictable plot and rich cast of characters. Why do women have to be the bane of male characters existence - Rupert pining / slutting his way through them was a bit over the top. The worst part the couple I was rooting for I have no idea if they finally do come together.

I needed some more information to truly like this book.

Thank you Vintage Anchor for the complimentary copy.

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I enjoyed reading The Other Half, although it was a very slow resolving murder mystery. The main detective Cauis Beauchamp, was an interesting character, and it was clear that this is the start of a series based on him.

Besides detective Beauchamp all of the characters in this book were just horrible people. I think that made it harder for me to get through because there were no characters that I would ever want to interact with.

Through the course of the novel a woman turns up dead, in some public hedges, with her throat slit. She is a popular social media influencer. However, she is not thought of highly in her wealthy millennial circles.

Trigger warnings: language, sexual violence, cheating

Booksellers this book would be a good hand sell with book like The Nest.

This review copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review. Huge thanks to netgalley and Vintage Anchor for my review copy!

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The Other Half is a mystery of mixed and not always intriguing characters who were, quite frankly, a bit challenging to keep track of. I especially liked Caius Beauchamp, the detective, and Matt and Amy, his sidekicks. The influencer Clemmie, the victim of a homicide, attempts to be part of the other half (upper crust British characters), and Rupert seems to well represent a wealthy, high society character with too many character flaws. Nell, whom he pretends to love and to whom he is sometimes genuinely attracted, was a bit confusing. And then there's the bogus charity tied to drugs that seems to pop up frequently tied to the characters.

I enjoyed the satire in the book, and I especially enjoyed the connections to Greek mythology. Perhaps the author simply attempted to develop too much--plot, characters, and social satire in one book.

Thanks to Faber and Faber and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

I didn’t love this one unfortunately, felt just like the pacing could never find its footing no matter how long it went on!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Vintage Anchor for an ARC of this book, in exchange for my honest opinion.

This book is the rare instance I wish a rating of zero stars was possible. I wanted to DNF this book probably 30 different times. Every time I picked it up to read some more, it got more and more monotonous to finish. The story was so dull, slow moving, with little to no action, one dimensional characters who to be perfectly honest, were ALL extremely unlikeable. I am sure that there are people out there who would enjoy this story, and all the Greek Mythology comparisons, but I was not one of those people. Considering it a small miracle I actually finished this one.

A very British murder mystery about an Uber rich group of friends from college, and follows them through adulthood. When Rupert’s girlfriend Clemmie doesn’t show up to his birthday party, it’s not long before her lifeless body is pulled from the bushes in the public park. The rest of the story reveals around DI Caius and Matt trying to solve the mystery of who murdered Clemmie.

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After a posh London party celebrating Rupert's 30th birthday, his girlfriend Clemmie is found murdered. Detective Caius and his partner Matt are on the case to try and solve the brutal murder. I enjoyed the plot and pacing and the story told from the two POV's. There were some parts especially in the beginning that was too slow and dragged out but it did pick up. I did enjoy the police procedural part and the banter between them was funny and enjoyable. Overall I enjoyed the book. Thank you #NetGalley for my arc.

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This book was just so okay? It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. Nothing particularly made it stand out to me.

It is very police procedural but there are so many different characters that I had a hard time tracking at first since I listened on audio.

I don't have too many negative things to say but I also have nothing positive to say.

Thank you to NetGalley and PRH Audio for a copy of this one!

TW: Rape, Racism

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This novel is great fun to read; it reminds me of Clue(do) or a vintage Agatha Christie novel, but with modern sensibilities (i.e. more biting humor and saltier language). I love all the characters, especially the detectives, Caius and Matthew, and suspects/victims Nell, Clemmie, Rupert, Fay, et al. Unlike a Christie novel, the loose ends were not all tied up by the novel's conclusion, which some readers might find a bit frustrating. Perhaps the detectives will have further adventures in future stories--I will definitely read them, if so! This one immediately engaged my interest, and the pace of the story moved along well, with twists and gradual revelations revealing new aspects to the mystery and keeping the action flowing. A very entertaining read!

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3.5 stars. A very clever and witty novel! The main character, Rupert Beauchamp, is not only titled and extremely wealthy, but he also is as manipulative and misogynistic as they come. On the night of his 30th birthday, Rupert hosts an extravaganza replete with much champagne and cocaine, but the next morning a body is found: that of Clemency (Clemmie) O’Hara, Rupert’s girlfriend. Who killed her and why is what Detective Caius Beauchamp is set on finding out, and thus the story unfolds.

This is a very decent crime novel in and of itself, but the author’s savage satire of the British class system throughout makes it even better — even though many of the characters are intensely unlikable. I did, though, find the ending a bit incomplete. All in all, this was an entertaining read.

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London is the setting for Charlotte Vassell's hilarious parody of the British class system, The Other Half. Its cast of characters is truly despicable and repulsive. It features a suspenseful conclusion with numerous plot turns and red herrings.

This imaginative, humorous, and immensely pleasurable murder mystery explores themes of power, racism, and misogyny. The police team's brilliant case solving is matched with tasteful and lighthearted writing. The Other Half will probably be entertaining to a large number of people.

I would especially like to thank NetGalley, Charlotte Vassell, and Faber & Faber for the opportunity to read. This review is an honest evaluation from me.

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This is the first book I have read from Charlotte Vassell.

I found it difficult to care about any of the characters, they seem so shallow. Yes, I know this was a satire. I just didn't care for it.

The mystery wasn’t bad but the characters are awful. I knew who did it but it took awhile to puzzle out the why?

I was given an advanced copy and these are my opinions.

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This was a great read with complex, realistic contemporary characters and a plot that is both twisty and open. A great read for lovers of “who done its”. I want to read more from this author: always a good sign!

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I saw where other folks loved this book. However, that wasn't the case for me. It was exciting in the beginning but I quickly lost interest. It was too similar to other books in this genre and didn't build any suspense or keep me guessing like I had hoped.

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The beginning of the book is a little ... mystery. A birthday party in a McDonalds for an upper class, snobbish male. The cast of characters ranges from classmates to gallery sophisticates to the local police. The entitled birthday boy, Rupert, is well written and thoroughly disgusting. There are several swirling plots but the central one is the murder of Clemmie. There are multiple suspects, all of whom have credible stories. It's not until the end that the murder is solved, and the culprit is one whom you'd least expect. The Other Half will want you to keep reading to find out whodunit.

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When an instagram influencer is found murdered, it throws London society on its head. Not only is the deceased a famous influencer, but she was also the long-time girlfriend of a (soon to be) titled aristocrat. DS Caius Beauchamp has his work cut out for him in narrowing down these well connected suspects.

The Other Half is at its heart a social commentary. I see what it did--in a sense. While I acknowledge that I might by the book's typical or intended audience, I still feel parts fell a little flat. Maybe I don't understand all the nuances of posh London culture, but I certainly understand classism and racism. Parts were too subtle and other weren't subtle enough.

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I was really looking forward to this read since I hadn’t read mystery / thriller in a long time. Unfortunately The Other Half fell flat for me. I never felt connected to any of the characters and felt the ending was extremely rushed. I enjoyed the dual POV being a woman close to the case and the detective, but that was about the only big sell for me.

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I found this book to be very chaotic and not well-written. There were holes in each chapter that made the plot very disjointed. It was as if an editor came through and crossed out entire swaths of of content leaving the reader with a feeling of "what am I missing"? I didn't understand the relationship between Rupert and Nelle and I didn't really feel any connection with any of the characters.

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“The Other Half” by Charlotte Vassell
Good Story – Know your Friends
At times I would have loved having a glossary of Brit-English to Amer-English translations.. I like to think that I managed to correctly translate the essential words. That said, it was a long read, for me, as I could only handle so many translations before I required a break. But it is a good story with lots of twists and turns so you are never quite sure what is coming next. I wonder if Caius, Matt, & Amy will team up for another case? (I rather hope so!) Time will tell. Happy Reading ! !
Note: This review expresses my honest opinion.
I received an ARC of this story from the publisher via NetGalley

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