Member Reviews

This was an okay read about rich British people. The first half of the book was good but it went downhill in the second half and I was ready for it to end. Unfortunately, this was not for me however I would give the author another chance at a future book.

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Thank you NetGalley and Charlotte Vassell for allowing me to read this Advanced Reader Copy. I’d
Like to find out the name of this “genre” if any since I would put it on my Do Not Read list.. it involves a group of thoroughly unlikeable Brits in various social classes. There are a couple of uninteresting murders and some quirky cops involved. I saw Charlotte Vassell used to sell high silk top hats. That’s the most interesting thing about the book to me.

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First time reading this author, i enjoyed the book, but just felt like something was missing. The first portion of the book i liked, but as things begin to play out, i felt it to be a little draining. I felt a little fatigued with just words and not enough entertainment and engaging story line, some portions i loved, some portions I just wanted to get over and hop onto the main point. Its not perfect, but still finished it, it was good not great.

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The Other Half was a juicy book about breaking through class systems and taking what you (think) is yours. For fans of You Season 4, this book continues the journey of spoiled British Aristocrats and how they manage when one of their chosen few are taken out.

It was a fun and fast read, I highly recommend!

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I may need to come back and amend my review. It took me longer than it should have to read this. I liked the characters, I liked the story, but I feel as it was just so much and yet nothing feels done. I am not sure if it was that it didn't feel finished, or that there were too many things going on and on and on....

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an eARC of this book via NetGalley and Vintage Anchor. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Rating: 2/5 Stars
Publishing: November 21, 2023
Series: Debut Novel
Pages: 368

This is a first time read by Charlotte Vassell, new author to this reader. This debut novel started off good but eventually crumbled about halfway. Based on the description, there was a bit of humor and satire with this whodunnit of aristocrats in London. I thought the writing mediocre, and predictable as I continued to read through the chapters. There is potential with this story, however the overkill in descriptive writing distracted me too much that I could not concentrate on the mystery or thrilling scenes in the book. A bit unhappy that I almost DNF this one but completed the book in spite of my disappointment.

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This book reminds me of the best parts of some of my favorites - The Secret History, The Maidens, anything Agatha Christie. It could be difficult to keep up with the number of characters introduced in the beginning, but I felt the author did a good job of giving the needed context throughout the book. It’s a quick read that keeps you pulled in

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It was good! A bit tough to follow at times, mostly because of references I didn’t quite relate to, not being from London. The characters were not likable which made it interesting the plot was well thought out and funny at times. I enjoyed it overall!

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It's always fun to read about rich entitled people, especially in England, but it wasn't enough. The Other Half had moments when the dialogue crackled, but it's a very uneven book. I couldn't get a sense of the characters and the plot had some larger than normal plot holes.

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This took me a little bit to get into and even then I wasn’t fully invested. The characters were interesting and it showed a different type of life for sure. The ending didn’t really do it for me though, I wanted more.

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I received an ARC copy courtesy of NETGalley.

The book started off pretty good, however it fell through for me about halfway through. I enjoyed the banter and the satire comedy and humor. However, the ending just didn’t do it for me and I felt unsatisfied. It’s as if we don’t know what ended up happening with the characters. Maybe there is a sequel in the works and that is why it was left unresolved.

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A quick read about rich people and their high stake risks. I always enjoy British humor and found the Detective Caius funny on his quest of personal improvement. The story ends with a shocking twist in the vein of Agatha Christie. Many references to Greek mythology and archaeology I'd read another book in this series. 3.5⭐

Thank you to the author and publisher for the opportunity to read and review this novel.

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Less cheesy than a cozy mystery but lighter than your typical detective/mystery novel. Strong satire & funny commentary on today’s influencer culture. Sped through this one! Didn’t want to put it down.

Thank you NetGalley & Anchor Books!

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The plot got more and more tangled, and then fell flat for me. I found some conspiracies left completely unexplained. The characters were quirky but with not much depth. The writing was basic. and too simple and little explanation or elaboration. There were dozens of sentences like this . The lack of care in the writing stopped me from being able to appreciate the book. 2.5 out of 5 ⭐️

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The Other Half was a PERFECT late-summer murder mystery. Set among the upper echelons of British society, The Other Half focuses in turn on the elite community surrounding a murdered socialite and the detectives trying to solve her murder. This was a fabulously fun commentary on social class and a delicious whodunnit with all sorts of elements - there were affairs and art forgery and references to Greek classics. I had so much fun reading this. I hope there's a sequel!

Definitely something to pick up if you're a murder mystery reader :)

Thanks so much to Charlotte Vassell and Vintage Anchor for this ARC through NetGalley! The Other Half will be out November 21st, 2023.

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I really enjoyed this book. It’s a murder mystery that keeps you guessing. It has a some very unlikable characters but what good book doesn’t. I love that it really shows how out of touch and how untouchable people with a ton of wealth think and act. I loved having all the POV it really makes for an interesting story that way. Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I am not sure why I requested to read this book. Reading about influencers and how snotty they are in just not enjoyable for me. I think I liked the idea of a murder mystery but this was way over the top for me.
Figuring out who killed Clemmie, the influencer, was not difficult as her closest friends and acquaintances were revealed. This story has so many unlikable and uninteresting characters. Some seemed to be over the top just for the sake of it. I know this was supposed to be a satirical look but it just got to be too much! Thank you to Netgalley and Vintage Anchor for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Oh man this was a great read and a twisty mystery which left me at the edge of my seat. Every time you thought you knew what was going on the story went into another direction. I really love the lead detective DI Caius Beauchamp and his partner Matt whose banter together Is hilarious and they are a great team together with Amy. While usually I hate when I get date or time on each chapters since I never pay attention to them enough to keep track. I really like that this gives just the day of the week and not a specific date since the book goes through from Sunday when the body is found through to the week after Wednesday and the day is indicated before a group of chapters not on each chapter. This definitely ended with the initial murder being solved but it uncovered something bigger which definitely opens it up for a sequel. I really enjoyed how the plot unraveled and the unreliable narrator that was Nell and Rupert was a jerk. I can’t wait to see what DI Beauchamp and company get up to in the next one.
Thanks to Vintage Anchor and Netgalley for the complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to the publisher for the arc!

This was okay. Kind of predictable and I didn’t really care for one of the perspectives but felt a lot like gossip girl with murder.

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This book has a lot of potential but gets lost in all the extras. The book is about the Posh group of English friends and foes who may have been the one that killed their friend Clemmie. You have her arrogant and entitled boyfriend d Rupert. Alex his friend from school who he fights for the attention of Helena aka Nell with Rupert. Clemmies boss who she is quite involved with. DI Caius must figure out the case as he was the one whose discovered Clemmies dead body on his morning walk. The book has a good story \ plot however there is a lot of historical art history and Greek mythology added in. They do pertain to the story but at times they take away from the story because the detail is just to much. Overall, I had to push through at times due to the extensive details but did really enjoy the mystery of the book.

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