Member Reviews

Cool worldbuilding and a fun plot is what I expected from this book, and it did not disappoint. I loved this swashbuckling adventure!

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I really wanted to like this, so maybe my hopes were too high because I really struggled with this story. It had a lot of great elements like unique magic and pirates and plotting and all kinds of political intrigue, but I was pretty bored with the book overall. I had to force myself to keep going when all I wanted to do was put it down and read almost anything else (except classics, I will never voluntarily read any more classics). Keep in mind this could easily be a case of me and not the book, maybe I was just not in the mood for it. The story had a very slow build, with lots of characters and world building going on, setting up what I expect to be a series full of sea politics and magic. I am sure others will really enjoy this story, it was just not for me

I struggled with the audiobook and I found the narrators (particularly the male) to be kind of one note and a little boring in his story delivery. I might have liked the story better if I read the book instead of listening since I found myself zoning out and having to re-read sections since I could not follow. If this sounds like a book you want to read, maybe pick up the physical or ebook instead of audio.

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I thought I would fall into this read because of the premise, mixing elemental magic with pirates but it didn't work for me.

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I enjoyed this book, but I did end up wanting a bit more from it. The worldbuilding was really cool and the set up of the story reminded me of a more fantastical Pirates of the Carribean (the second lead is basically Norrington, and the first lead is that mermaid played by Kaya Scodelario in the fourth one). The story is about Mary Firth, a stormsinger -someone who can control storms- is taken captive by a fearsome pirate and then released by Samuel, and the two try to A) defeat the pirate and B) maybe find Mary's mother, a famous stormsinger.

I thought the characters were decent but could have used some more fleshing out, but one thing I consistently liked about this book is the same thing I liked about Long's previous books: the atmosphere. I always felt like I was in the midst of a sea faring, swashbuckling adventure. Long has descriptive prose without overweighing the scene. She knows how to make her sentences economical.

I'll read book two but probably not at release.


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Want a pirate fantasy adventure with a daughter trying to reunite with her mother... a complicated former navy lieutenant on a quest for redemption and otherworldly beings and some supernatural abilities? That’s this book... it’s hard to explain what it’s about as it’s about a lot of things Mary and her seemingly endless bad luck going from one bad situation to another and another while just trying to survive the world on her own. And then there’s Samuel who left the navy disgraced due to the actions of someone he feels obligated to protect. He’s a good guy who wants to do the right thing but more and more the right thing isn’t very clear. In his mind if he can just help to capture the most infamous pirate then it would go towards restoring his good name. Mary could help him to achieve this goal as the pirate in question has an interest in her. As a stormsinger who can control storms with a song she’s of interest to quiet a few people and most of them just want to use her for her abilities. But capturing or killing this particular pirate is not an easy task and there is much more going on than either Mary or Samuel are aware of.

I really liked this book and I’ve very interested in the world the characters live in. The only downside is having to wait until next year for the next book to see what happens next. The story was great and the dual audio narrators did an excellent job.

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This book was my first experience with H.M. Long's writing and you bet that I'm picking up her backlist books soon!

First, I adored the main characters, especially Mary Firth. She is this fierce woman who stands her ground in a man's world with pirates and privateers, and yet she isn't afraid to acknowledge the ebb and flow of her emotions. She reminds me of Audrey Rose in Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco meets Fable in the eponymous novel by Adrienne Young, two of my favorite fantasy series.

The world-building was so original and well-developed! I loved discovering all these new magical creatures and worlds. I did struggle a bit with all the unknown terminology. Every chapter opened with a definition of a magical creature or occurrence, which I loved! I was listening to the audiobook, which made it difficult to go back to check out this information again when I didn't remember its meaning anymore. It might also be a bit of an obstacle when reading the e-book, so I'd recommend reading the paper version in case you haven't decided on the format yet. That said, the world-building is a-ma-zing and one of the best I've read this year so far.

The only thing I'd like to see a bit more in the second book is the romance. I don't mind the absence or minor role of romance, but in this case, it just felt like it didn't live up to the set expectations.

I definitely recommend this book and I'm looking forward to the next installment in this series!

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Dark Water Daughter by H. M. Long was, unfortunately, a disappointment to me. I think it definitely had some good moments but I just wasn’t engaged and felt myself losing interest.
I think many will enjoy this, it was just not for me.

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If you are looking for a book that is full of high seas pirate adventure, mystical folklore, dark historical world building elements, and magic systems founded in alternative realms, PICK UP THIS BOOK!

I loved this book! It is so refreshing to read an adult fantasy that actually screams adult in both tone, dialogue and world building without adult spice. I was immersed in this story from page one and loved that it felt like something I had never read before.

Mary is on the run from a false accusation, in search of her mother and has a voice that can control the high seas...a talent that most would try to capture and detain her for. I loved the vast cast of characters from rogue highwaymen to pirate villains and friends. It was beautifully written with prose that reminded me slightly of Rebecca Ross.

I loved the added magic system that also felt unique and fitting to the story, especially when it came to the storm singers and the ships they commanded.

The audio is incredibly well done. TEN STARS! I loved the two narrators who were spot on for each POV. The accents were so immersive that I felt I was back in the old world with their performance. While this book has little to no romance it has a spark that I hope grows in the next book and for someone who doesn't need romance to read a book, I'm telling you this is a FABULOUS story that was fine without it.

I cannot wait to read book 2, and pick up more books from this author.

*some strong language, pirate violence and gore.

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Pirate hunters, stormsingers, and adventure…sign me up!

This was my first H.M Long book and it did not disappoint, the world building alone is enough to capture your reader heart and keep you forever. It was seamless and after the book was over, I was left still wanting more and cannot wait for book 2!

When it comes to the characters, specifically the main female and male characters, they were both well written and equally developed as the story progressed. Who doesn’t love a good character development as well as uncovering secrets?! I know that’s one of my favorite parts of the reading experience. Mary was strong willed and always determined even when everything seemed to be going wrong for her. She never called it quits and always tried her best. Samuel had enough mystery and secrets that I found myself needing more of his story constantly! I loved how they both were seeking their own freedoms and how that kept bringing them together and influenced their actions. I just love when two characters keep getting put back together because of circumstances, which then in the long run ends up making said characters fall for each other. I love a good relationship and/or attraction that develops over time, none of that ‘instagram-love’ crap, sorry to anyone who loves that trope; I just don’t.

I would definitely recommend that people pick up this book and if they audiobooks then consider checking out the audiobook too. Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin did an amazing job bringing these characters to live.

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Dark Water Daughter is a gun powder fantasy, taking place at the see with Pirates, Pirate hunters, Witches, and spectral beings. In the book we follow Mary, who after leaving the enchanted forest she grew up in finds herself mistaken for a famous highway woman. Fleeing be hanged, Mary exposes herself as rare and highly sought after storm witch, She meets disgraced former Sailor and current pirate hunter Samuel Rosser. Finding herself on a pirate ship and sought out by an evil pirate lord whos been keeping her mother prisoner for years Mary begins to learn more about her powers that she's been hiding for years.

I had a great time with this book. I always find myself disappointed when it comes to pirate books but this book did not leave me disappointed in the least. The world is interesting and the magic system and well thought out, along with the story being engaging. I understand that H.M. long had taken inspiration from the original three pirates of the Caribbean movies and it really shows. Super glad I had the opportunity to read this and I'm greatly looking forward to reading the sequel in the future.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book for a fair and honest review.

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This was one of the best pirate fantasies I’ve read thus far. Some highlights:

- The magic system and world was really original
- It’s very fast paced and easy to read. It’s also dual POV so we get to see the story and characters from two very different perspectives
- All the characters were really well developed, each with their own backstories and perspectives.
- There is the start of a romance in this book, but it is just the right amount and does not take over the plot. This is definitely more of a fantasy than a romance. The two main characters are in fact on separate journeys most of the book. I also thought the relationship between the two was really wholesome.
- I really appreciated that neither main character was the best and greatest and most powerful. It makes reading this a lot more enjoyable and believable.
- Although this is the first book in a series, we learn a lot and get a complete plot line with a sense of resolution at the end, so it was a great read on its own until the rest comes out. I am really looking forward to the next book!

Overall a really good read. If you enjoyed Fable, I would definitely recommend this.
I listened to the audiobook ARC from Netgalley and thought the audiobook was really well done as well.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!)

Rating: 3.5 stars

Cover: 🌟🌟🌟
With the sharp, bold font and blue colour scheme, this design nicely captures the essence of the story and genre. However, I would have loved it if the artwork stood out more and was less abstract.

Writing: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
The rich, fresh world takes readers to unruly waters, lush land and everything in between. Further enriching this is a gritty historical setting filled with mythical creatures and magic. Each aspect of this complex setting is gradually established in well-timed, bite-sized pieces with a smooth and vivid writing style.

"There are fates worse than death"

Storyline: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
The storyline is fast-paced, with constant action from the first chapter, as the main characters face challenges, difficult situations and betrayals. Character backstories and worldbuilding are also revealed throughout, adding complexity to the story and moving it towards a satisfying climax. Still, I wanted more tension and urgency, especially in the middle part of the story, to make it more engaging.

Main character(s): 🌟🌟🌟
Mary Firth and Samuel Rosser are interesting protagonists who are given some complexity and relatability through their backstories and internal conflicts. However, I still struggled to connect with both characters as their roles and development seemed second to the demands of the plot.

"I grinned a wild grin. This was power. This was what I’d been denied all these years"

Secondary characters: 🌟🌟🌟
The waves of characters which pop in and out give the story an impressive scope, but I was soon confused by the relatively large cast. This was likely because of the interchanging use of the characters' first and last names, plus the little depth these characters are given.

Romance: 🌟🌟🌟
Despite poor initial interactions and hints of a love triangle, the attraction between the characters involved is clear from their first meeting. Sadly, because this aspect of the story is given very little focus, the development of their feelings is not shown and feels rushed.

Narration & Audio: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Not only do Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin bring the characters to life with different voices and accents, but their narrations are nicely matched to the gender of the viewpoint character. Besides this, skilful changes in vocal inflexion enhance the story's emotional depth.

In short, 'Dark Water Daugther' delivers a fast-paced, action-packed storyline in an exciting new world. While this leaves most characters and romance with little depth, the main characters are given backstories and struggles that make them somewhat engaging.

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So after reading and loving The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi, I was like yes give me more pirates and thankfully we were blessed with Dark Water Daughter by HM Long.

I was a little worried because I was seeing the word romantasy thrown around with this book and we all should know by now, I have a heart of cold steel.

I’m joking, I just don’t like kissy kissy, smoochy smoochy.

This story reminded me a lot of Pirates of the Caribbean, if you miss those movies from your childhood, I recommend grabbing a copy of this. It begins with an execution and this is where we first get to experience our main characters magical power, she is a stormsinger, or a weather witch, she can control the weather through her singing. Stormsingers have been treasoned so if found out, it’s down in the poo poo pits for you. Well her power allows her to escape. But she’s not alone, she has a handsome companion with her, a disgraced naval officer and we see them journey on the high seas as escaped prisoners together on a beautiful ship but of course with many obstacles ahead of them. They have to stand together against a common enemy and that is an infamous pirate.

The vibes here, the aesthetic surrounding this made my heart super happy. I love cold winter environments, I love nautical piratey stories thanks to Assassins Creed Black Flag. This was so cinematic, some of the fight scenes were brutal, it is adult so keep that in mind. I found it to be paced really well from introducing us to the characters and world, how the magic worked and it’s purpose in the universe. I really loved this. It’s a very fast read. I can’t wait to read the sequel, I need some answers after some big reveals.

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I received an advanced copy from the publisher via Netgalley for an honest review.

I would maybe give this 1.5 stars....but that's about it. This novel was a struggle to finish. It had the potential to be good with the synopsis and making my mind think Pirates of the Caribbean vibe. Then as I read, I realized how unoriginal this novel felt. It seems like rather than just being in the world of Pirates, it was more regurgitating storylines from all the different Pirates movies, and not well.

On top of that we add so many seemingly disjointed storylines like the author couldn't decide do we want to make this a weird love triangle? (Sometimes) Or is this a story about a daughter finding her mother? (Every once in a while) Or maybe it's really about finding herself?! (Ish....) But really, finding love....that was not her self love. I mean, come on. I finally pushed through to finish it and there was a literal sigh of relief when this painful novel was done. In case you couldn't figure it out, that is a HARD PASS on the sequel for me.

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This was a fantasy pirate adventure story set in a well built world with tons of scenery and detail. I loved the general concept of a stormsinger and the magical aspects of the world.

I wanted to love the story more than I did but I felt like the pacing was a bit slow for me at times and I expected more excitement throughout but it just didn’t hold my attention.

I appreciated the pauses between some chapters to fill the reader in on certain creatures or aspects of the world but I think this did a disservice to the pacing. I really wanted to care more about the main characters but I couldn’t quite connect with them and I had more interest in a side character simply because I got a glimpse of personality from them.

NetGalley graciously sent me the ARC of the audiobook and I’m giving my honest review. The narrators were superb so if you enjoy audiobooks maybe give it a try!

If you want to read about a magical wintery world filled with pirates and powerful spirits, and spend time really getting a feel for how the world and characters look, you may enjoy this book. There is not much romance, but there is some action, and a lot of dialogue and narration defining and describing things for the reader. I didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it either.

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Mary is a Stormsinger, a person who can call storms using only their voice. She escapes servitude and agrees to help her former pirate lord’s nemesis to ultimately bring about his demise. Then there’s Samuel, a privateer aboard a navy ship who will stop at nothing to capture the pirate lord

I tried the first 8 chapters of this as an audiobook and I was so lost. The story was fairly straightforward but I just connected with it or a single character. Sometimes when I read a detailed fantasy book on audio I have to switch to the physical book just to find my groove and then I can go back without a hitch. So when I wasn’t jiving with the book I figured that must be the issue and it wasn’t. The physical book didn’t work out any better. There is just a lot of switching between POVs with characters spread across places.

So it very much wasn’t an issue with the narration but the story being told. It felt slow. The plot was moving but somehow I still didn’t feel like we were getting anywhere. The stakes didn’t feel high. It didn’t deliver the kind of pirate adventure I thought I was signing up for. I also for some reason thought the book was a fantasy featuring a romance between a siren and a pirate but at well over 30% that still didn’t appear to be the case. In fact there was no tiny inkling of romance at all.

I felt the entire time I was reading like I was missing something but I never felt invested in the plot enough to continue. I DNF'd at 33%.

Thank you RB Media for providing an advanced listening copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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My favorite thing about H.M. Long's books is the way she makes each of her stories feel equally realistic and fantastical. There is just enough realistic feeling detail that you can feel like this is a journey that you really could have taken if you lived in a different time. As a result, I finally (sort of) got to live out my Pirates of the Caribbean fantasies in a safe environment. If you, too, always wanted to join Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl, you absolutely need to check this one out.

Read Dark Water Daughter for:

- Pirates!
- A quest
- Mistaken identities
- Enemies to lovers
- Multi POV
- Betrayals

---4.25/5 Stars!

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Dark Water Daughter was a solid start to this nautical fantasy series. I enjoyed Long’s writing and the relationships she was able to build between her characters.

We mainly follow Mary, who is trying to escape her pending execution and find her lost mother, and Samuel, who is working on getting back his good name. They both face their own challenges along the way and learn to control/utilize their powers.

I haven’t read many nautical fantasies, but I enjoyed Long’s world building and the dynamics between the different crews. The magic system was interesting, especially the ghistings, but I would like to see these ideas explored more. In the second book, I hope we get to see Mary and Tane’s abilities grow, get to know more about Samuel’s summoning powers/the Dark Waters and potentially see the process of Grant becoming a ghiseau.

The things that didn’t quite work for me were the battle scene at the end and the development of the relationship between Mary and Samuel. The relationship felt slightly rushed since they only had a couple of short interactions. It didn’t necessarily take away from the story, but the connection felt a little off for me throughout the book.

The problem I had with the ending was that the
story was building up to this big confrontation between Lirr and the other pirates and then when the actual battle happened it ended up being underwhelming. It happened too quickly and seemed a little easy compared to what it was hyped up to be.

I did enjoy my time reading this and will definitely look at picking up the second book when it comes out to see if some of these ideas are expanded upon.

Overall rating 3.75/5 stars

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This was a truly excellent combination of totally fresh elements and familiar components executed with perfect cohesion and technical expertise. I'm actually not sure whether H. M. Long is pulling from folklore that I'm completely unfamiliar with, or if she has built her own sandbox from the ground up to play in; either way, I'm impressed. The magic system, lore, and creatures are like nothing else on fantasy shelves right now, and it's pulled off without ever infodumping. The chapters' epigraphs relay information from a variety of in-world texts (I've become very fond of the Wordbook Alphabetica) in appropriately sized chunks at timely moments, offering insight and clarity on the plot without bogging down the reader with more information than they need to know at any given time.

I'm really interested in the simmering geopolitics going on in the background of this story; the tension and clash between cultures is woven into the characters' adventures over the course of the novel without ever becoming a focal point, and I have a strong suspicion that the groundwork has been laid for a large-scale conflict to come to a head in further installments of the series.

Both POV characters had really distinct voices and were enjoyable to read about: while both are fundamentally decent people, the hostility of their environments also lends them a certain hunger and ferocity as survival, let alone personal success, are not guaranteed. Character motivations are clear, and decisions make sense, which I appreciated because that's something that can easily take me out of a story. The tiny crumb of blossoming romance was also so believable and easy to root for.

I loved the frigid setting, the chaos that kept me guessing where we were going to go next, and the gradual development of the mysteries of this world, leading up to shattering revelations that were threaded well into the plot early on. Fans of Pirates of the Caribbean, Shadow of the Gods, and Gideon the Ninth should pick this book up ASAP.

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I was so excited to get an advanced audiobook copy of Dark Water Daughter by HMLong. Thank you to the author, Netgalley and Recorded Books inc. for the opportunity to get a first peek at this!

As a lover of sea-faring fantasy, I have been on a reading journey to seek out more of it in my life. When I had heard the premise of Dark Water Daughter, I just had to request it.
This particular Flintlock adventure does not disappoint! With alternating narration by Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin, this audiobook was very enjoyable to listen to. The narrators really capture the characters and little inflections and nuances in their voices make it easy to distinguish one character from another. It’s not monotonous in tone at all like some audiobooks can be. Normally I need to speed up audiobooks but this one has great pacing. I felt very immersed in the story right from the beginning and I love the first person perspective of the main characters.

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