Member Reviews

This is a highly enjoyable story with a setting reminiscent of the 1700s pirate culture but with magic. It's hard not to compare this to the fun in Pirates of the Caribbean (there are even 2 lead POVs as in the movie) but this would be a somewhat darker and more serious take. The writing is easy to follow, the story progresses nicely with plenty of action, the characters nuanced, and all within a complete story arc. I listened to the audio version and the narrator was excellent, giving each character a distinct personality with accents that fit the parts well.

Story: Mary's luck had run out: imprisoned for someone else's crime, she was due to be hanged. But she had one trick up her sleeve - a power her mother had told her never to use but which is now her only option. She has some stormsinger abilities. The problem is that once she uses them, she will be marked as a commodity: stormsingers are valuable to the sea-bound lands who enslave the 'wind witches' to ships as required guides through treacherous stormy waters. Her mother's words that some fates are worse than death, have now become very real to Mary. Meanwhile, on another ship Samuel Rosser struggles with his own innate magic - as a seer and second in command, he helps his captain make the best decisions for their free trade crew. But when he is invited to an auction to buy a badly needed stormsinger named Mary Firth for his ship, his world will greatly change.

The above story description doesn't show the complex back stories of both main characters. Mary Firth is strong willed, capable, and doing her best to survive in a treacherous world. Samuel Rosser is a good man who has gone through a horrific past and is desperately trying to find a footing before his mutated magic consumes him. As well, side characters are just as nuanced and interesting. There is decent world building around the magic system and everything fits organically into the larger story. The side characters are interesting enough that it would be great to see them in future volumes in the series, even as main POVs.

The pirate, royal navy, and free trader roles are well done and interweave perfectly. The pirates are vicious and deadly, the free traders crafty and duplicitous, the navy hidebound and righteous. It all makes for good storytelling with many different angles our heroes have to take or encounter in their journey of survival.

This book finished on a solid story arc with few questions left unanswered. It felt like a complete story so it will be interesting to see where future volumes go from here. Reviewed from an advance listener copy provided by the publisher.

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I absolutely loved this book. I was in the mood for a good adventure story, and Dark Water Daughter filled that void perfectly. There is cool, spooky magic, intricate lore and worldbuilding, memorable characters, slow burn romance, and everything else you could want in a fantasy. The story opens with Mary Firth as she is about to be executed, and it only gets more exciting from there. She is hunted by pirates, and navigates her newly cultivated skill of being able to control the weather with her voice. The other driving force in the story is Samuel Rosser, a disgraced naval officer turned pirate hunter, who is a genuinely good guy and a hero you can root for. I listened on audio and the narrators, Moira Quick and Samual Roukin, were PERFECT for these roles and definitely enhanced the reading experience. FIVE BIG STARS!!!

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4.5/5 stars.

The full review is up on FanFiAddict:

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I love a good pirate story, and this book is exactly what I was looking for! This was a fantastic set up for what is looking to be a phenomenal series. There's adventure and magic and a touch of romance, making for a perfect and immersive story. I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy!

Thank you Netgalley for providing a digital ARC.

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I have been wanting to read a pirate theme book for a while, so I was excited to be able to read this book. From beginning to end, the reader is thrust into the action of the story. The narrators do an amazing job at keeping the audience engaged and be able to connect with the characters. I was a little wary at first due to my first experience with the author's first novel. I thought the pacing would be similar, but I felt that it was a hard book to put down. I will definitely be reading the next book whenever it comes out.

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Book Name: Dark Water Daughter
Author: H.M. Long

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media, Recorded Books for an ARC Audiobook of Dark Water Daughter by HM long

Stars: 5

Multi Narrator:
Moira Quirk, Samuel Roukin
- Miora Quirk was so engaging with just enough accent that it felt enthralling but not distracting
- Samuel Roukin can read me ANYTHING
- Theatrical in the best way
- WHO KNEW Samuel Roukin was the same Samuel Roukinthat was on TURN

- New Unfinished Series
- Cliffhanger:
- Dual POV
- High Fantasy High Seas Adventure
- Similar to Adrienne Young’s Fable Series

- Topic:
- use and abuse of Magic
- Power Dynamics
- Tropes
- instinctual care
- “Enemies/rivals to Lovers”
- academic male love interest
- Thoughts.
- Pirate of the Caribbean Vibes
- Plays Pirate of the Caribbean Soundtrack
- Interesting that the magic users are enslaved rather than revered!

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I will definitely highly recommend this book! The vibes were there! I loved the beautiful writing and the super slow burn between the characters (which wasn't even a major point of the plot!). Don't read this for the romance (because it's not very romantic) read this for the PIRATES and the ADVENTURE and the MAGIC!!
This book was so full of beauty and LIFE! It's is shocking because it's set in winter, which is actually a quality I really loved most about it. Pirating in the winter? Such a unique concept! There are battles and challenges and betrayals. It has everything you want in a pirate book! It's definitely made the top 3 pirate books for me (joining Saint and Amina). Cannot wait for other pirate books from this author! In the meantime, I'lI check out more of this author’s books! Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Titan Books and RB Media for providing me with an ARC and audiobook ARC in exchange for an honest review. Dark Water Daughter is out on July 18 in North America!

Without a doubt, I can say Dark Water Daughter (DWD) by H. M. Long is going to be one of my favorite reads of 2023! I am a sucker for pirate tales and let me tell you, this one was perfect! I enjoyed this book from start to finish. From the first chapter, DWD had me in its grasp and never let go until the very last page.

The worldbuilding is seamless and some of the best I have read. The early Georgian-inspired world feels original and “just right” as you read. I felt completely immersed in the world’s wintery setting. I’m not someone who visualizes what they are reading but I felt like I was there with the characters, Mary and Samuel, which is what was important to me. Speaking of Mary and Samuel…what incredible main characters they were. They’re both seeking freedom from their circumstances and you get to see how their circumstances influence their decision making. Mary Firth is a passionate, headstrong girl who just wants to find her mother. Samuel Rosser is a disgraced naval officer who will stop at nothing to restore his good name, even if it means he is slowly falling in love with Mary. AND GOSH, DO I LOVE THE BOY-OBSESSED TROPE. The tension that we get between Mary and Sam was IMMACULATE.

The audiobook is narrated by the iconic Moira Quirk, who performs as Mary Firth. Samuel’s character was performed by Samuel Roukin. Both narrators brought Mary and Samuel to life! Their performance made for an immersive and easy listening experience. I can only hope they get to narrate the rest of the books in this trilogy!

This is one of the easiest 5 stars I have ever given. I am a huge fan of H. M. Long. I can’t wait to get to her backlist. EVERYONE SHOULD READ DARK WATER DAUGHTER WHEN IT HITS SHELVES ON JULY 18!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this Audio ARC! This is my honest review:

H.M. Long blew this out of the water! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time listening to Dark Water Daughter. I thought all of the characters were compelling, the magic was unique, and the world building was immaculate. I think that each character brought dimension to the plot and it was the perfect amount of POVs. Every book of Long's gets better and better, I will be first in line for her books in the future!

The narrators were absolutely the best choice for this story. They brought depth and emotion to an already rich text and their voices/accents were spot on.

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Edit: thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the audiobook copy! Yes, I enjoyed this book so much that I wanted to listen to the audio of it. The audio is every enjoyable and the narrators do a terrific jobs with their respective POVs.

Thank you to Edelweiss and Titan Books for the advanced copy of this book!

Obviously I jumped on the chance to read this witchy pirate adventure book, and I loved it so much. I've read quite a few pirate books, but this was the first one I've read that takes place in a winter setting. Usually with pirates we get tons of beach, sun, sand, palm trees, and all the warm location things. I loved that Dark Water Daughter is set in the Winter Sea where storms and snow and ice are the most common. Which is where Mary the stormsinger comes in. Pirates and every ship sailing keep (a lot of times against their will) stormsingers on the ship so they can use their magic to bend the ocean to their will. Throw in a undying pirate lord with a deadly agenda, and a disgraced naval officer love interest, and we are off on one of the best pirate adventures I've had the pleasure of reading.

This is the first book I've read from H.M. Long, and now I'm looking forward to the rest of this series and her other works.

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Thanks To Net Galley and Recorded Books for the Advance copy of the Audio book Dark Water Daughter.
This book gets 5 stars from me! I loved it.
We meet our protagonist/heroine Mary as she stands on the gallows and recounts the strange series of events that brought her here- being charged with the crimes of another though she admits she herself had also committed similar crimes, out of necessity rather than as a career - of course.
Mary finds herself rescued by a rouge fellow (also on the gallows) and sets out to find her Mother. This journey to locate her missing mother takes her to a variety of ships, captains, pirates and Queens. Along the way she meets many people - some trustworthy, some absolutely corrupt and many many who are just a bit in-between. The characters are well developed and I wanted to know even the most small supporting characters better.
As Mary travels, it becomes apparent her quest aligns with others, and her unknown skill as a storm singer appears to be in high demand as she is sold/traded and wooed by multiple captains and ships throughout the novel. All the while she continues to bump into the same cast of tough but kind characters until she eventually comes to learn the truth about her mother, and herself as she sails past the storm break into another world.

There was so much to love about this novel and I don’t want to write more- because- spoilers. Definitely worth it, i can’t wait for part two!

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If you follow me on any platform, you'll have seen my June was a bit overtaken with nautical themed books, so this early review copy of Dark Water Daughter could not have come at a better time - thank you Titan!

We join Mary, a Stormsinger. People with her ability are normally taken captive by Pirates to use on their ships. Mary does not want this to be her fate, so attempts to ally herself with someone who can offer a better deal.

Along the way, she meets various people some who wish to help her, and some who wish to harm... and some whose intentions aren't so clear.

And one of these people is Samuel, their paths crossed unintentially and now Mary has custody of something Samual desperately needs to keep his focus and track down his target... the notorious Pirate Lirr.. who also happens to be Mary's focus too!

If this story wasn't enough, it also takes place in a world where there are ghost like spectral creatures, that Mary knows from her homeland. They are also in a type of servitude where they are tied to the figureheads of ships to protect them

Beautifully painted world, and a high stakes pirate adventure. Very reminiscent of say Pirates of the Carribean, Black Sails ( especially at its darker tones) or even Assassins Creed Black Flag.

Morally Grey is the colour of choice for most of our crew, but we wouldn't have them any other way! Can't wait to see what comes next in this world

I read as a physical book for the most part but dipped into the audio as well, loved the dual narrators for this medium!

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This is definitely going to be a top reads of the year. I loved every second of it. Action packed with a great world building. Audio said 14hours but I flew through it. Both narrators were perfect for it. They really help bring out the characters depth for me.

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Thank you to Netgalley and RB Media for sending me an early copy of this audiobook! All opinions are my own!

I loved the premise of this book from the very beginning and the way this was such a cool take on such familiar topics. It made the story feel both familiar and very thrilling all at once, and I absolutely love those feelings being combined.

I do feel like the story was too long and dragged on a lot. It was hard for me to stay engaged with it at times. There was several moments where it felt like the story was about to be done, only to find out it wasn't.

I did really enjoy the plot twists that happened and the way the story unfolded. There was a lot of depth to the character arcs and the ways that power was examined in the story, and I loved how that was done with the occasional flashbacks.

If you like pirates and magic, definitely check this one out!

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Mary was born a Stormsinger, someone whose magical singing can create or dispel storms, either aiding or hindering ships on the high seas. But women who are discovered with this talent are often sold into slavery, so Mary has done her best to keep it a secret. But when her secret comes out, she finds herself struggling to sell her services to someone less dangerous than the pirate lord who is after her. When her path intersects with a disgraced naval officer and privateer, she doesn’t know that he will be a major factor in the dangers yet to come.

I was really expecting to love this pirate fantasy based on the premise and, well, pirates. But unfortunately, this one was lacking. There were a few things I did enjoy, though. At the beginning of some of the chapters were encyclopedia entries that usually defined a term that was mentioned in the previous chapter or was about to get discussed. I quite liked how this was set up as it allowed the magical terms and ideas to be defined without it feeling clunkily incorporated into the dialogue or exposition. I also liked the concept of Stormsingers, their magic, and how it manifested. Details about the mythical creatures who became a major focus of the plot were also fascinating, and I loved how it was incorporated into the figureheads of vessels and the lore behind that.

Unfortunately, despite the strong beginning, I found myself uninterested in this book. The characters were fine, but I couldn’t make an emotional connection with any of them, which left them feeling dry. They had some development, but it wasn’t enough to make them feel alive. To be honest, they were both a bit bland, which is not something you want from the protagonists of a pirate fantasy. Also, the romance was silly – the MCs fell in love after three or four interactions, and there wasn’t any real romance incorporated.

Despite many interesting aspects of worldbuilding being included in the book, they weren’t incorporated well. Many fascinating concepts were introduced and mentioned, but never really explained or explored beyond surface level, which left many questions and blank spaces throughout the world. There were also several things that happened that were too convenient – they needed to happen for the plot to go where the author wanted, but they weren’t realistically incorporated, which was frustrating. Similarly, the pacing was uneven, with large gaps between relevant events that caused the story to drag. Between this, the convenient occurrences, and the relatively generic plot, the book lost my interest.

I think the biggest tell for me was that I found myself not caring how the book ended. I wasn’t engaged in the big showdown, wasn’t concerned for any of the characters, and wasn’t intrigued by the promise of a continuing story in a future book. The premise and worldbuilding were promising, but the execution was lacking. My thanks to NetGalley and RB Media for allowing me to read this work, which will be published July 18, 2023. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I wanted to enjoy this book and I feel like it was a me problem, not the book. But I ended up putting it down and not having the interest to pick it back up.

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Let’s just say it: Dark Water Daughter is by far my favorite book of the year so far. It’s unpredictable and dark and everything I look for when I get excited (and then disappointed by) every other pirate fantasy making the rounds.

Moira Quirk & Samuel Roukin really bring this audiobook to life. The only thing that would have made it slightly better is if she had actually sang, but I know that’s asking a lot. Both narrators were absolutely phenomenal.

Finally: a dark, brutal pirate/flintlock fantasy full of snark and subtle magic, rogue waves and bodies hanging from burning wrecks. Ships protected by natural spirits, rival captains, and of course, a treasure hunt to end all treasure hunts where the stakes are a lot higher than just striking gold.

What else could you want? There is action and danger right from the start and it stayed steady without being bogged down by inner monologue or iffy pacing. The action scenes are incredibly well done. I truly never knew who was going to make it out alive.

We are introduced to a world where storm singers are treated as slaves, or furniture, or worse. Why is a dark pirate so interested in the main character? Which crew is going to bring him down?

I loved the various characters and crews. Mary and Samuel both had interesting storylines and I love that nothing is given away easily. It’s not a predictable story. Their back stories are given slowly throughout the novel and are well crafted, adding a lot to the current events and our understanding of the characters. The side characters are perfect because you never know who is good or bad or morally gray, or who is going to end up saving the day

I’ve read so much shitty contrived “romance” in fantasy recently that this book would get five stars just for not having it. There is a connection and possibility hinted at, but all of that stays in the background and it’s just refreshingly nice to have main characters be friends and/or working partnerships for once. The crews are just wonderful overall since they all have distinct personalities and Long is really good at bringing that out.

So there’s plot, character, let me also add that the setting & atmosphere lend themselves perfectly to a dark nautical fantasy. It’s a cold weather climate with ominous storms and strange weather phenomena. Many pirate fantasies stay tropical so that was another refreshing change for them to be battling freezing winds and snow.

One last thing is that I love when the culture and lore of these worlds comes to life in the ships. Captain to ship magic is similar to King/land magic and I love it. The ships have their own souls almost, and you’ll just have to read to find out about the different listings and how they keep their crews afloat.

Danger, dashing pirates, snark, soullessness, pirate politics, treasure…. Gosh this is one of those books that you just need to read- and then come back here and tell me all about how you liked it too

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H.M. Long has created another lush and wonderfully crafted world, this time featuring pirates and storm singers (weather witches who can control storms). Long's worlbuilding is expertly woven into the narration to create a immersive reading experience.

The storytelling itself leverages dramatic irony via epigraphs to increase the tension. From the beginning, there are strong Pirates of the Caribbean vibes, which is precisely what I anticipated from the story. There's a unique magic system and lore that set this tale apart, making it a magical and atmospheric.

I'm picky about narrators, but this audiobook was excellent. The dual narrators were well-casted for this dual POV story. Each captured their character well and were a pleasure to listen to. I have zero complaints.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

This was a great fantasy novel and I really enjoyed the creatures within the story. I loved Mary and always looked forward to the chapters from her point of view. At first I thought she was a siren, but then was delighted to learn about her being a storm singer which I had never heard of before. This book was so fun and was a great adventure. The inclusion of piracy and pirates was so wonderful! I look forward to seeing where this story goes in the next installment.

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Enjoyed It / Really Enjoyed It, 3.5 / 4 stars

This book was such a good time! We follow Mary Firth, a stormsinger who has found herself in a tight spot. She was raised by her mother, also a stormsinger, to never use her gift in order to avoid discovery and service to either the queen's navy or a pirate vessel. Through an unfortunate turn of events, she finds herself being sold into servitude to a notoriously cruel pirate captain. She joins forces with James Demery, another pirate captain, in order to hunt down Lirr and find her mother again. We also follow Samuel Rosser, a disgraced ex-navyman who currently sails with a pirate hunting ship and finds himself embroiled in this adventure as well.

This world is an interesting one with ghistings, tree spirits, an ethereal world known as The Other, and lots of different magics and beasts that exist due to ties with the Other. I loved the ghistings, and thought that the world was a really interesting one that I wanted to know more about.

This was a very fast-paced book with a lot happening that moved the plot along quickly. It was such a fun adventure and I really enjoyed all the different parts of the world that we were able to see along the way.

I think that what held this back for being a 5 star for me was the characterization. I enjoyed a lot of the characters and had a good time with their banter, but I felt like they weren't quite fleshed out as much as I would want. A lot of them felt fairly surface level and almost archetypal. The plot and world were enough to keep me engaged and keep me enjoying this book, but had the characters gripped me a little more I wouldn't have been able to put it down. As it is, I didn't find myself making excuses to continue with the audiobook, so I was content just picking it up whenever I had a chunk of time.

As I mentioned, I did listen to the audiobook, which was narrated by Moira Quirk & Samuel Roukin. I thought that they did an excellent job with the narration. It was engaging and they were able to convey the different emotions very well.

Something that I really appreciated was that this book wraps up really nicely. It can easily be read as a standalone as we get the conclusion of the adventure that we set out on. There is definitely room for a new adventure in the next book, but this was certainly a self-contained thought. Overall, I did have a good time with this book and will likely be picking up the sequel from my library when it comes out.

Dark Water Daughter releases on July 18, 2023. Thank you to Netgalley and Titan Books for an early audiobook copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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