Member Reviews

It’s been a while since I read (or rather listened 😅) a fantasy book this intricate and rich. The world building is phenomenal, the magic system and magical creatures are familiar yet original, the characters are complex and relatable… everything about this was amazing!

The story is told from Mary’s and Samuel’s POVs and both narrators did an amazing job 🙌🏼 The accents and tone really brought the story alive. And as a listener, I really felt I was experiencing the events alongside the characters.

The story is dark, tense, mysterious and adventurous. A perfect atmosphere for a book with pirates 🏴‍☠️ The plot is not at all straightforward, there’s lots of twist and turns that really weave all of the characters and events together nicely by the end. A complex web of awesomeness. There’s just a hint of blooming romance, so we might get some more of that in the next book(?).

I really enjoyed the info excerpts in between characters! They helped to understand what was happening 😅

Mary is a strong lead character. With a hard background her first objective is to survive and she really does her best in these hard situations she is put through. I love how she discovers her power and finds a purpose, really emphasising her independence. Samuel is the most adorable puppy dog of a main male character. He’s trying to redeem himself after taking the blame for his brothers abhorrent actions. Samuel is so proper and thoughtful.

Many of the “side characters” also have complex backstories and they present as whole people instead of just props for the story. This really brings the story some more depth. And the complexity of the characters mystify the story in that the reader cannot be sure who’s the bad guy right away. And this story has a multitude of characters with questionable morals.

Loved this book!

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This was a solid 3.5 for me. I loved the world building, and the uniqueness of the Stormsingers however there were times I was just bored. There was a lot of info dumping when it came to some of the characters and their stories or their relationships with others. Not a whole lot of showing. It also takes a long time to get to decent action packed scenes. There was a lot of stop off in ports and I feel like those chapters could have been cut down a little bit. I feel like the next book is going to be better since this one was a lot of build up but we will seed

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

Dark water daughter is a book about pirates,  betrayal and magic. Mary Firth is a stormsinger and with her voice she can controll the weather. Before this book starts Mary has never been outside of her village and now she is suddenly thrown into this world of pirates when she's trying to find her mother.

I really did like parts of this book, but I also struggled quite a bit with getting attached and drawn in. So in the end this book ended up as okay for me. It's good, and i wished I was more in the right mood for it, it just wasn't the best fit for me now.

This audiobook has a dual narration, which I really like. And both of these narrators did a good job with bringing this book to life.

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This was power. This was what I'd been denied all these years, rushing across my skin and turning my thoughts clean and sharp.
All too soon the wind stole my breath and my song died, but it didn't matter now. The storm was here, and it raged.

Thank you to RB media for providing the audiobook in exchange for a review!

Think Pirates of the Caribbean and The Bone Ships meets high fantasy and atmospheric writing that is cozy, nostalgic, and epic - this needs to be on your radar!

Faced with servitude to a pirate lord, Mary offers her skills to his arch-rival in exchange for protection. But Mary is also searching for her missing mother and struggling to understand her Stormsinger abilities - her voice able to still hurricanes and shatter armadas.

Samuel Rosser is a disgraced naval officer serving aboard The Hart sent to kill the pirate lord to restore his good name, but Mary has stolen the one thing keeping his magical malady madness at bay - a special talisman.

What I liked about this is that it’s clear Mary is so out of her depth and uncomfortable. She’s an ordinary girl forced to survive and swap wits with pirates rather after narrowly escaping facing the noose.

I’m not normally a fan of digesting high fantasy books via audiobook as my attention can drift which is not conductive to the amount of world-building and intricate details needed to fully immerse yourself in the world. However, I must applaud the narrators of this audiobook! I was so engrossed, and I never felt like I was missing details.
I was at one with the sea and alongside the pirates, battling the sea and feeling the spray on my face. So kudos to both author and narrators!

I first heard about H.M. Long through tiktok where I was blown away by how we shared the exact same book tastes. She’s so kind and willing to engage with fans enthusiastically. Not only is she a phenomenal author, she’s also a reader and a fangirl herself! I wholeheartedly recommend following her on her social media’s too, for extra bookish content you won’t regret!

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This book was so good! I don't usually like pirate books, but I loved this one. The narrators were also really great! The characters were all really well done, and I loved the dual POVs; they were both equally interesting, and I was equally invested (I usually find myself more invested in one over the other, but that was not the case here!). The plot was a medium pace, but the story never really slowed down. Overall, I really enjoyed this and can't wait for the next one!

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Thanks to RB media and NetGalley for the Arc!

This book! The first time I ever listened to an audiobook and i have to say i thoroughly enjoyed it. I think this was the perfect book for the audiobook experience. The narrators were perfect! This whole book was just Ugh so good. NEED to get my hands on that physical copy. Release day july 18, 2023! Can´t wait for more books in this world!

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*5 stars*

Do you like epic pirate escapades? Do you like fascinating intricate fantasy worlds and magic systems? Do you like rich characters with fantastical backgrounds? This book has me in a chokehold. This will end a reading slump or start one, in the best possible way.

This is a non-stop pirate adventure filled with cold, dark atmosphere. Between epic action scenes are character interactions that are no less enthralling than the battles. The world building is done so flawlessly with flashbacks and epigraphs that feel so natural in the story. The world and magic system are so interesting and well thought out, I’ve never read anything like it. There are hints of romance that complement the story and don’t pull focus away from the plot. I had a hard time finishing this book just because I didn’t want the story to end. I will be eagerly, impatiently awaiting the next!

The audiobook, narrated by Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin, was absolutely fantastic. I don’t think any narrator I’ve listened to can top Quirk, she brings every character alive. She makes every character unique, which makes for an entertaining and vivid world, but also makes each character memorable and the large cast easier to identify.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ALC of this work. All opinions in this review are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley and RB Media for an ARC audiobook of Dark Water Daughter in exchange for my honest opinion.

Look, nobody is more disappointed that I didn't like this than I am.

I initially reached out for an ARC copy because a booktoker that I usually mesh with in terms of book opinions really enjoyed it, so I thought it would be my next hit. I've never had a strong affinity towards pirates but I was convinced an interesting love story could hook me.

And while the beginning of the book was very fast-paced — I mean, we have people narrowly escaping death right from the jump! — it remained fast paced the whole time, ultimately to the detriment of the story. They jumped from scene to scene with no real pauses to do any real character work.

That's the core of the issue, really. Both of the leads have interesting pasts, but by the end of the book, I still felt like I didn't really *know* them. The two POVs were written in first person for both the FMC and MMC, and yet I felt more psychic distance than I do in most third person novels. There was very little to ground me in these characters' lives and endear me to their struggles. And if I don't care for the characters, it's hard to care for the budding romance. Even harder here, really, because they spend so much of the book nowhere near each other and then have chemistry that is told more than shown whenever they do meet up.

Which is funny, because they each have their own friends that I'd argue they have more chemistry with than they do each other, if only because they actually share a lot of scenes with those two friends. I get that it's book one of a series and there's time to develop things further, but I just didn't feel much from Mary and Samuel, and they didn't compel me through this book.

The other issue is that, while I found the core CONCEPT of this book interesting, I found it's PLOT very boring. The sequence of events that they went through was somehow both breakneck speed and also very.... bland? I kept waiting for the book to feel like it was really starting, even though objectively so much had already happened (I mean, so much. Mary had already been on, like, three different pirate ships and I still felt like the story hadn't properly begun yet). I'm not sure why I felt this way or what could have fixed it. I think it was just a wacky pacing thing that messed with my perception and expectations.

The ending confused me a little, although in all honesty, that's on me. I lost interest around 50% and struggled through the rest, because I was desperately hoping that I'd find what everyone else loved about this book so much. And people do really seem to love this book, so I willingly admit that this review is an outlier opinion that many people may disagree with on release day!

Ultimately, I'm chalking this one up as a "not for me" book. There was nothing *wrong* with it, but while I exist in this book's target demographic, it's not one that fits the vibe of story I'm looking for. I hope it finds its ideal audience and they have a great time reading about Mary and Samuel's swashbuckling adventures!

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This is what I wanted from a pirate story - mages, wintery waves, trees that hold spirits, a focus on the magical Other world, and some good old-fashioned plot!

I liked how distinct Mary and Samuel's chapters were. Most of the time, they were not together, so their points of view gave us different information - probably my favorite usage of dual POV.

It was especially intriguing getting to uncover Samuel's background and powers. His unreliable visions gave an interesting edge to his voice. Mary's lack of knowledge, and the odd things happening around her, added an air of mystery. She was like a distant figure in the swirling snow sometimes, and I couldn't wait to learn more about her background.

There was a hint of romance, but it was subtle. It was a very accurate "instant attraction" portrayal, where two characters are immediately attracted to each other, but that just fuels them to get to know each other more. I liked how subtle the romance was, but I would want a little more in any further stories about them!

The plot was very slow in the first half, but the worldbuilding was gorgeous. I didn't feel confused or drowned in information. I enjoyed the tidbits before each chapter with some further information on relevant topics!

Honestly, I would consider this a well-married pirate and fantasy story. I was impressed! Neither genre overtakes the other, and the rich worldbuilding and cultural details adds depth and realism. Not to start any fights, but this is what I wanted the Fable duology to be! My only complaints are that the abundance of names got confusing at times, the beginning (first half) was slow, and sometimes we jumped into action without enough preamble.

The ending is not a cliffhanger, and the current story wraps up almost completely. There is obviously room for more stories in this world, but it reads like a standalone. The winter atmosphere lends a unique setting to a well-known trope. Definitely check this one out if you like pirates + fantasy!

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I first read Dark Water Daughter in February and fell in love with Long's world yet again. Her storytelling is incredibly vivid, lush, and all around captivating. This is one of the most unique stories I have ever come across and I am so honored to have received an advanced copy of the audiobook.

The narrators truly brought Long's story to life. They made it feel more real and I was pulled in all over again, as if it was my first time experiencing this tale.

This story is dual POV, following Mary, a Stormsinger, and Samuel, a pirate hunter. From the beginning, Mary's life is thrown into turmoil as soon as she leaves the Wold. As a Stormsinger, she is coveted and valued by all sailors of the water, pirates and pirate hunters alike, as the power of her voice can call hurricanes and shatter armadas. On the run from Lirr, a wicked pirate, her path crosses with Grant, Samuel, Demery, and a few others. (I don't want to give too many spoilers).

Samuel is a disgraced Naval officer working on the Hart with a crew that is hunting Lirr. By capturing Lirr and bringing him to justice, Samuel can redeem himself from the dark rumors surrounding him. But Samuel has a power of his own and when Mary steals a talisman from him, he feels himself starting to slip.

The twist gave me literal chills! And the climax had me on the edge of me seat.

This story was action packed from beginning to end. We are introduced to multiple characters throughout the story that didn't feel overwhelming. Often times, authors can throw a lot at you and readers are left turning back pages to try and figure out who belongs where. I didn't feel any of that stress. Each of the characters were flawlessly written, making them feel real. The bad ones you hated and the good ones you loved. Even those in between, I felt myself sympathizing for.

I loved learning about the ghistings. They were some of the most fascinating, and at times, creepy beings I've read. Specifically the one on Demery's ship. The use of fans was a fantastic idea!

As with Long's previous work, the prose was lush and compelling. The world building, like the introduction of characters, wasn't forced and there was no info dump. I had a hard time putting this book down. (Work is the only reason I did!)

This is a high-stakes, light thread of slow burn romance, dangerous alliances, and dark story full of magic that will keep you guessing and enthralled. I can't wait for the next one!

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This one wasn't for me, it wasnt bad but, it did not grab my attention and I am having a hard recalling what actually happened. It read like a YA book, which I didn't mind, it would be a good book as an introduction to adult fantasy.

The narrators were good, I liked that there was a different narrator for each POV.

Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to review audiobook.

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This book is a fantastic start to a brand new fantasy/pirate/historical fiction series. The first chapter felt very much like the beginning of the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie (and also like the end of the first one).

The magic system is a lot of fun (I love that there are so many different types of magic and they're all explained well throughout the story so that there is no chapter that is just a crap ton of info dump.) The characters are pretty good (though I haven't felt fully connected to any of them yet - I'm hoping book 2 helps solidify that for me), the plot is fun, and I just love anything to do with pirates so this was right up my alley.

I've seen a lot of people give this 5 stars so far and I want to agree, but I feel like there is something holding me back. With that being said, I still think this is worth anyone's time, and think that it will be a marvelous new series that I might end up loving.

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I hadn’t really found a pirate fantasy book I’d liked much—until I got the ARC of Dark Water Daughter from NetGalley. Such an enjoyable adventure! I’m so glad it’s going to be a series, and I’m now officially a fan of H.M. Long! I plan to pick up more of her work now for sure.

Dark Water Daughter brought so much more to the table than typical sword fights and treasure hunting: Storm singers, spirits, other worlds, fantastical beasts, romance, family and political battles, and (one of my favorite aspects) complex and interesting female leads. I hope the next book(s) in the series will offer more in-depth focus on the magical worlds/creatures, too! I found the fantastical elements really compelling and would love to know more.

I had the added benefit of listening to the audiobook read by Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin. I’ve been a huge fan of Quirk ever since I listened to Tamsyn Muir’s The Locked Tomb Trilogy. (What a performance on Gideon the Ninth. Good lord it was good!) Looking for more books narrated by her was actually how I found Dark Water Daughter in the first place, and this one was no less satisfying. Quirk and Roukin delivered excellent performances that kept me immersed in the story with rapt attention the whole way through.

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***4.0 Stars***

This was a fantastic swashbuckling story with intriguing unique magic and beautiful world building. I really enjoyed my time with this book. Mary is a storm-singer witch who tumbles into bad situation after bad situation until finally finding her feet and starting to discover herself, while searching for her mother. There are also a lot of pirates, pirate hunters, other types of magic and very limited romance.

The cover is fine, Pretty standard. Kind of dark. Not my favorite, I think the title draws me more then the cover.

This book was duel narrated and done really well, the accents took a minute to get used to but I would definitely listen to other books by these narrators.

I would recommend this to anyone who is into fantasy with a dash of pirates and lots of ships, likes unique magic systems or has read other books by H.M. Long. I will definitely be reading the next book in the series.

***I received an Arc of this book from Netgalley and Titan Books in exchange for my free and honest review***

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Raise your hand if you like a good pirate story

"Dark Water Daughter" by H. M. Long is the first book in the Winter Sea series. We follow Mary Firth, recently out in the world for the first time. When she is being marched to be hanged, so it's not going well. Thankfully she is a Weather Witch and can sing storms into and out of existence, but that makes her a target. And Samuel, disgraced naval officer, now privateer, who dances with madness to use his ability to see the future. Their paths cross and diverge as they are in turn tracked and hunted by a ruthless pirate, hell bent on capturing Mary.

Narrated by Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin. Fantastic work, loved every minute of banter and betrayal because I could hear the laughter and pain in their voices.

Thank you RBmedia and Netgalley for the ARC.

Reasons to read:
-High Seas adventure
-Magic ships/trees that have Stands
-There is a character called the Fleet Breaker, that's pretty badass
-A sibling that reeeeeeally needs a slap

-I have to remind myself that swashbuckling and piracy aren't viable in late stage capitalism and then go to work

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H. M. Long is an author who transports you into a world with her intricately detailed world-building. You can feel the wind and can even smell it - it’s so immersive. It’s also the beautiful little details for me. I loved the idea of the dragonfly lanterns 💖.
Among pirates there’s folklore, magic and other worlds. A fantasy readers dream! I would recommend this book to anyone who has a soft spot for dashing rouges. The multiple point of view worked really well - you didn’t know who to trust throughout. I loved both main characters.
Pacing built up throughout and the plot is amazing.

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It pains me how much I did not like this. The exposition was so clunky and the first few chapters felt like one long run on sentence. I am a First-Person-POV-Ride-or-die-girl, HOWEVER, this story (regarding the way these characters internal monologue for most of the time) should have just been written in 3rd person or a phantom narrator. I have always leaned towards more of the "show not tell" styles of writing and the entire first 20% was telling and not showing. I would include a few quotes to demonstrate my point, however, as the book hasn't yet been released I will refrain. I have enjoyed H. M. Longs other works, like Hall of Smoke. I am just so stunned by how far this book deviated from my expectations.

One thing I did enjoy is that the audiobook has separate narrators for the FMC and MMC which is nice as the POVS swap back and forth between the two.

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this was a little disappointed, not gonna lie. i was so excited to listen to this audio because pirates and fantasy? omg YES! but i simply didn’t care about the plot or the characters. is it because of the format? maybe, sometimes i struggle to enjoy a story on audio but i can’t be sure since i’ve read some of my favorite books this way. anyway, i just wasn’t into this story which was so promising! the 2 main characters, samuel and mary (?) were fine and i liked their narrators but honestly they just didn’t stand out to me. the pacing was ok too but for some reason it just wasn’t my thing. if it sounds interesting to you, maybe give it a try but it’s a big meh for me. 2.5⭐️

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Set in a world filled with magic and pirates, “Dark Water Daughter” has the perfect setup to become a beloved fantasy series this summer!

The story is told from a dual point of view, Mary and Samuel. On one side there’s Mary Firth, a Stormsinger, a woman whose voice is embedded with magic and can control the forces of nature on sea. Once her magic is discovered, she becomes a prisoner of those seeking to use her gist to their advantage on sea. On the other side, there’s Samuel Rosser, a disgraced naval officer now become pirate hunter thanks to his magic. Unlike Mary’s magic, Samuel’s gift comes with a high price to his safety and of those around him.

Mary and Samuel’s paths cross often, both as friends and as enemies, but they share the same goal: finding pirate lord Silvanus Lirr. For Mary, it’s about saving her mother from Lirr, for Samuel, it’s recovering a talisman which will get him out of disgrace. Throughout their searches, we get to discover more about each of the character’s backstories, explore their character development, and get to discover the magical world created by H.M. Long.

What I liked the most about this book was the straightforward story. All the characters and events are brought together nicely in a story that is easy to follow. The characters are also well defined and this is best represented when the narrator of the story changes and we get to see each of the main characters through their corresponding character’s lens. A special shoutout to narrators Moira Quirk & Samuel Roukin for the amazing work they did on this part. It made the listening experience all the more captivating.

Being the first part of the “The Winter Sea” duology, I’m really excited to read/listen the second part of the story and what new adventures are coming in this magical world!

Special thanks to NetGalley, HRB Media, Recorded Books, and the editorial team for giving me the opportunity to review the ARC in audiobook format and to you, my reader, for taking the time to read this honest personal book review.

If you are interested in other of my book reviews, make sure to follow me on GoodReads! #DarkWaterDaughter #NetGalley #LifeLongLearning

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3.5 Stars
I love the idea and concept but couldn't immerse myself in the story.

The story follows Mary's journey to find and save her mother from Pirates. What makes the story intriguing is Mary's ability to control the weather with her singing.

I love the atmosphere and the world the author created. There are pirates, mythical creatures, and people with superpowers. Not to mention, the beginning was amazing! I don't want to give too much away, but it reminded me of the hanging scene in thePirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.

That said, the story started to drag around the midway point. There were a few interesting scenes here and there, but they never fully captivated me. Also, I felt like we never got to fully explore Mary's power.

Overall, love the idea and concept. But wanted more from the story.

I would still recommend this to fans of fantasy and pirates.

***Thank you to NetGalley, H.M. Long, and RB Media for graciously sending me the audiobook to review. As always, all thoughts are my own.***

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