Member Reviews

The City of Stardust follows the Everly family and the curse that is ruling their lives, historically assigned to their family. When Marianne Everly vanishes, it is left to her daughter to pay the debt of sacrificing herself to the menacing, immortal Penelope – until Violet also vanishes to try and break the curse. And I’m keeping that vague because the curse isn’t explained for a long while in the book so just nod and agree with me here.

Violet is an idiot, which is my main issue with this book. If she met a lion, she would put her head in it’s mouth, she doesn’t listen, she is naïve, reckless and impulsive and she rejects people who want to help her at the sacrifice of themselves. Her story isn’t a particularly convincing one either, she’s first incredibly protected (so therefore unprepared for the world), and the next she’s literally travelling across the world, with no real direction, with the clock ticking down on her curse. However throw in a cute boy who also identifies as a walking red flag, and even with a limited window of time at her disposal, she is drawn to him, giving her phone number, going for walks and having deep chats with someone literally associated with the person she is running from, all while shunning her family. I’m sorry, I don’t understand it.

Yes Aleksander is a victim in his own way, but suffering doesn’t excuse making others suffer or enabling it to happen, I’m tired of this narrative of tortured boys doing bad things. Likewise when you experience his POV, you also experience how selfish he can be, knowing right and wrong but choosing to betray people for his personal gain, or ignorantly/naively missing the truth or his role in the destruction around him. Yes he changes and his life is all very tragic but that’s just it, he changes, he doesn’t develop, he just changes, there isn’t some character arc for him and he gets let off way too lightly. But then Violet doesn’t grow by the end of the book either so I suppose they’re well matched. You’d mind less but there isn’t any particular chemistry, they’re flat on the page.

When you can’t stand the protagonist and her toxic, broken cute boy, you’re left with little motivation to care what happens in the story, although I did want her uncle to at least survive after he was so unappreciated. I will say the world building was vague but potentially interesting (although not original), with keys opening doors to other locations (like Monsters Inc but without the fun of an abominable snowman wielding snow cones). Penelope, the villain in this story, is also the most interesting part of this story – there is a real menace to her on the page. However a story about curses and magic and stepping into worlds, a book with Stardust in the title, it just didn’t follow through with the expectation it created, the stardust did not sparkle for me, and plot-holes just don’t make sense (you need an Everly family member and you ignore 2 stood in front of you??)

Thank you NetGalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Review of „City of Stardust“ by Georgia Summers – 2 Stars

When I picked up City of Stardust by Georgia Summers, I was drawn in by the intriguing premise. The blurb promised a story steeped in mystery and suspense, with a cursed family, an ageless antagonist, and a ticking clock that demanded a desperate race against time. Unfortunately, what I found was a far cry from the suspenseful and fast-paced adventure I had hoped for.

City of Stardust ♦ Georgia Summers
The plot centers around Violet Everly, who is thrust into a dangerous quest to find her mother and break the centuries-old curse that has plagued her family. The setup has all the ingredients for a compelling narrative—fickle gods, monstrous beings, and a seductive magical underworld. However, the execution leaves much to be desired.

One of the major issues I had with City of Stardust is its pacing. For a book that hinges on the urgency of breaking a curse before Violet is claimed as the next victim, the plot moves at a frustratingly slow pace. There are entire sections that feel like filler, contributing little to the progression of the story or the development of the characters. Instead of building tension, these segments bog down the narrative, making it difficult to stay engaged. What should have been a suspenseful journey filled with twists and turns often felt like a tedious slog through unnecessary details.

The world-building, while imaginative, often felt disjointed. The magical underworld that Violet descends into is described in lush, vivid detail, but these descriptions sometimes overwhelm the story itself. Rather than adding to the atmosphere, they often feel like distractions, pulling attention away from the central plot. This, combined with the slow pacing, makes it hard to maintain interest as Violet’s journey unfolds.

Character development is another area where the book falters. Violet, as the protagonist, is somewhat relatable, but she never truly comes into her own. Her motivations are clear, but her actions often feel repetitive and uninspired. The dynamic between Violet and Aleksander, who is described as untrustworthy yet alluring, had the potential to be one of the book’s strengths. Unfortunately, their relationship lacks the depth and complexity needed to make it truly compelling. Their interactions, much like the plot, suffer from the same slow pacing and lack of urgency.

Moreover, the antagonist, Penelope, who is supposed to be the driving force behind the Everly family’s curse, feels underutilized. Her presence is more of a looming shadow than an active threat, which further diminishes the sense of danger that the book desperately needs. Instead of being a powerful and terrifying figure, Penelope comes across as distant and abstract, which weakens the overall impact of the story.


In conclusion, Georgia Summers‚ City of Stardust is a book that promises much but delivers little. The concept is intriguing, and the potential for a gripping, suspenseful tale is there, but the execution falls flat. With its slow pacing, overabundance of filler, and underdeveloped characters, it’s hard to stay invested in Violet’s quest. If you’re looking for a fast-paced, suspense-filled fantasy, this might not be the book for you.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I was completely enthralled with Georgia Summers' darkly enthralling tale, The City of Stardust. I couldn't help but get a hardcover copy of Violet Everly's journey through a dangerous and enthralling magical realm to add to my collection because it was such an engaging story. I can't help but think of The Starless Sea and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue when reading this novel because of its exquisite blending of magic, mystery, and romance. I was captivated by Summers' beautiful writing and the complex world-building right away on the first page. This novel is a must-read if you enjoy gloomy fairy tales with a tempting twist.

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This book had really high potential, but I was ultimately let down. I didn't correct with the characters and felt there were too many plot holes and parts left unexplained. It lacked character development. It just wasn't for me.

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This book is so frustrating! It starts with a brilliant prologue and a twisty engaging plot line, but it just falls flat. The characters are unmotivated and 2 dimensional and the plot just... flounders around.

DNF at 45%.

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The worldbuilding was a standout, a fantastic and intriguing world where scholars act as almost a secret society and hold the keys between our world and one much more magical.

This book wasn’t for me, but it wasn’t bad so I am sure a lot of people are gonna enjoy it!

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Thanks to Hodder & Stoughton and NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC to review.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable debut which had me hooked from the start. The magic of the world Georgia Summers created really sang through this book but the mystery attached to the world really helped to create a feeling of intrigue throughout. It had me wanting to continue reading out of desperation to know what I was dealing with.

Summers introduced an interesting cast of characters and created a real feeling of uncertainty around how you should feel about some of the characters which always adds a new dimension to the character building.

Also for me, you can just never go wrong with a secret society type set up focussed around knowledge and scholarly pursuits.

Overall really enjoyable and I will definitely read more of Summers’ work.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of this e-arc.

I really wanted to love this book. I had such high hopes but in the end I had to DNF due to the fact I didn’t connect with any of the characters and the little bits we did get piece by piece to put the plot holes together felt like it took such a long time to connect.

I wish I could’ve finished it as I thought it would be a book I loved but I didn’t enjoy the writing style.

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Enjoyable fantasy tale which ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. I hope there’s more from this wonderful author!

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This book has an interesting setting and story. I loved the atmosphere in here - it is perfect for the cold weather. None of the characters impressed me much, but they were ok. I will try other books by this author in the future.

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The City of Stardust is a great new fantasy that is equally intriguing, magic filled and adventurous. I would recommend to others who enjoy Fantasy with a bit of mystery and darkness. The characters were all unique, with varying motives and actions that eventually all link together in the story as it leads towards the climax. It's hard to know who to trust in the story as each character has the potential to reveal something completely new that could change the perspective of the reader. It kept me on my toes throughout. Penelope's character is complex, a beacon of beauty with a sinister heart, that makes her terrifying in her unpredictable nature and her cruelty/disregard for human life. There are some pretty dark moments in the book, but they weave into the story and are explained later. All up it was an intriguing tale of magic, scholars, and travelling between worlds that will keep you guessing right up until the end.

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Thank you for my eARC of this book. I love the satisfaction of a stand-alone fantasy book. This did take me a bit to get into, but I really enjoyed my time with this book!

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I honestly had high expectations for this book. In all defense for the book, I think I overhyped it in my mind and therefor it fell short on my expectations. It had a really good plot, I just don't think it was executed well to hook me well enough. I might give this book a second read in the future, to see if my opinions change, but until then, this will be it for me.

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This book has very quickly become one of my all time favourites, I doubt I’ll ever stop recommending it! Georgia Summers has written a beautiful tragic and enchantingly magic story that captivated me from the very beginning to the very end. It is safe to say that I lost sleep to this book, Georgia has managed to create a narrative that moves quickly and flows effortlessly whilst leaving you feeling cemented on the story long after you’ve put it down. A city of stardust is equal parts coming of age story, portal fantasy and tragic love story that features secret societies, dark magic and a lot of morally grey characters that’ll have you questioning what you would give up if you were in the same situation. I can’t wait to see what Georgia Summers writes for us next!

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I received a copy of The City of Stardust by Georgia Summers from NetGalley. This fantasy novel focuses on the story of Violet Everly. For centuries, the Everlys have been cursed, with one child from each generation led to a dark path by Penelope.
The story begins when Violet is a child and overhears her uncles discussing about someone. She is given ten years till Penelope will come to collect her. As the end of the given decade is looming, Violet discovers the secrets of her family. This leads her to a magical underworld filled with magic, mysteries, power, and greed. Violet needs to find a way to break this curse and sets out on a mission to do it.
Violet meets Aleksander when Penelope comes to visit her for the first time; he is Penelope’s assistant. It's through him that she gets her first taste of magic. When years later, he reappears in the café she works, she can't help but be drawn to him. Violet is a curious character from the beginning. She is academic and smart. Her uncles have kept her in the dark about magic as they search for her mother. Her curiosity about a new adventure is elevated further when she becomes friends with Aleksander. However, there is a lot she does not know about him.
When her uncles decide to take Violet to a safe house to protect her from the curse, she leaves on her own. She studies, researches, and travels all over the world to find her mother, who seems to hold the key to breaking the curse. The book takes an adventurous sort of turn at this point. She meets Aleksander again. He didn’t show up like he had promised her the last time they saw each other. She is hesitant, but they do end up spending time together again.
The City of Stardust by Georgia Summers is a standalone fantasy romance book. Overall, I enjoyed reading it.

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It took me a while to get into this book, but once I was into it, I flew through it! It was whimsical and magical and just all round amazing. I will definitely be eagerly awaiting more books from Summers.

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Welcome to "The City of Stardust," a mesmerizing standalone fantasy that intertwines magic, mystery, and a dash of darkness. In a world where Everlys vanish as punishment for a long-forgotten crime, Violet Everly embarks on a perilous quest to find her missing mother before she becomes the next victim.
As Violet delves into a seductive magical underworld filled with power-hungry scholars and vengeful monsters, she encounters Aleksander, an enigmatic figure whose loyalties are uncertain. With time running out and the stakes higher than ever, Violet journeys to the edges of the world in search of her mother and the key to unlocking the secrets of the city of stardust.
With its poetic prose and atmospheric world-building, "The City of Stardust" is sure to enchant fans of magical realism and dark fantasy alike. Summers' debut novel is a stunning achievement that promises an unforgettable journey into a world where dreams and nightmares collide.

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Thank you NetGalley, Hodder & Stoughton, and Hodderscape for providing access to both the digital and audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Oh Georgia Summers, why did you do this to me...


When I first started the audiobook, I had to stop and immediately ask for access for the ebook as well. Not because the narration was lacking in any shape or form - in fact, it fit the dreamy and yet dark atmosphere of the book perfectly - but the descriptions and overall writing style hit me in the face with their beauty, and I wanted to make sure I treasured every word.

I adored everything about the beginning of the book. I went to visit a friend and during my stay there I kept bringing it up, shouting high praises, recommending it from the bottom of my heart, and comparing it to other books I considered masterpieces. It reminded me so much of Sorcery of Thorns, in the best way possible, while still having it's own incredibly distinct identity. The mysteries of the book kept me hooked, and the pages kept going, leaving me in complete and utter awe at the depth of the writing style. I liked Violet, I got incredibly attached to Aleksander, and really really enjoyed Penelope - that's a scary but well-crafted villain, that you never took for granted. Her dark moment always hit hard, which is something I am incredibly grateful for.

The problems came in the second half of the book. Suddenly my enthusiasm started to fade, and despite reaching the climax of the story, every page felt longer than the last. At first, I wasn't sure - until I realised that the weakest point of the story for me ended up being the two main leads. I'll start with Violet. She's a decent protagonist, yes, but she rarely feels like she played a 'key' (pun unintended) role in her own story. Her mother, absent throughout 99% of the book, always stole the show and proved to be a much more active participant during her time. Violet isn't even the reason why the curse ended. Nor has she accomplished much in her life outside of the curse, despite her so-called talent. Aleksander, however, was the biggest disappointment. He had such great potential to become the newest sweetheart of our beloved book community. He had it all - attractive beyong words, with a tragic past, a love for reading and learning, great ambition and desire to explore as much as possible. And yet... he ended up switching sides more often than I switch my socks. Not because of how cunning he was, but because of his clouded feelings and lacking willpower. He is a victim of Penelope's abuse and manipulation, yes, objectively it makes sense. But I really wish he fumbled the bag less and played the game at least a little, rather than looked like a kicked puppy in every single one of his scenes in the 2nd half of the book. His relationship with Violet also had the potential to become a heartbreaking epic, but instead it left me bored and disappointed.

Overall, there was a lot to love about the book, and a lot to mourn. It started with all the right ingredients, but sadly faded into a shadow of what it was shaping up to be. However, I am too intrigued by Georgia Summer's gorgeous writing, and will probably pick up her next release as well. She's definitely someone to look out for.

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Oh I adored this book! It's been a little while since I've read a new book that has totally swept me away!

The writing is beautiful and it makes you want to not put the book down.

Violet Everly is our main protagonist in this story. Living with her two uncles Ambrose and Gabriel after her mother left her with them and disappeared. Violet is kept hidden away, although she doesn't know why until a strange woman arrives at their home and she overhears a conversation between this woman and her uncle about a deadline and how the debt must always be paid. Every generation, an Everly must be sacrificed due to a curse. This generation was supposed to be Violet's mum, Marianne, but she's vanished, which means it now falls on Violet.

Violet, always aware and knows that things aren't quite what they seem, discovers that her instincts are right and that her uncles have shielded the truth from her for far too long. Violet meets a strange boy Aleksander in her cafe and this boy brings the promise of magic and answers that Violet so desperately seeks. Aleksander meanwhile, has his own agenda. Violet wants to know why her mother abandoned her, why people are seeking her so badly and why truth of this other world has been kept from her. The truth, however, is much harder to learn than she is prepared for. Should she accept the curse and her fate? or should she fight for her uncles and her own life? We shall see.

This is an amazing story, full of twists and turns. It's a great take on a different kind of magic-led story that is a bit more gory/gritty and darker than others. There's a lot of sacrifice and betrayal throughout the story but it's also full of magic, curses, stardust, gods, scholars, adventure and a smidge of romance! The world-building is beautiful and the characters are well-rounded.

Stunning, absolutely stunning.

It's a shame that it's a standalone, i'd love to see where it could go if there were to be a second book given how it ended.

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This book was absolutely spectacular - and one of my favourite recent reads. It had enough intrigue to keep you guessing as to what exactly was going to happen throughout, and the writing of the book was fantastic too. I think this will be one I will be snapping up special editions of, as I know I'll want to re-read this again, it was just such a beautiful read.

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