Member Reviews

2.5 stars rounded up to 3

I wanted to enjoy this more than I did as thought the premise sounded intriguing - 2 boys go missing years ago and then a similar incident happens in the present.

I found bits of the writing really descriptive and could really imagine the house and the forest, however I found myself not caring enough about the characters.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my eARC in return for an honest review

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I wanted so badly to love this, but I had a hard time staying engaged with the story! I think for the right reader, this will be absolutely un-put-downable!

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This was different from what I was expecting, and I am not sure I’m the reader for what it actually was.

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I loved this book and how well it shows the complexities of relationships with others and ourselves. Highly recommend!

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A stunning debut. This mystery taught me about search and rescue and the process behind it. The plot was intriguing and ket me engaged.
Many thanks to Lake Union Publishing and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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2.5* rounded up to 3.

I found the first 60% of this book incredibly slow, I couldn't connect to any of the characters and found the story to be dragging on. It did however pick up in the last 40% with all the relationships and the story line coming out all at the same time, hence the 3 stars.

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Tragedy tore them apart and it seems a tragedy could possibly bring them back together. The vivid settings are atmospheric and I loved getting to know the demons that haunt the characters.

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Thank you Netgalley. This was such a fantastic read. The dual timelines kept me wanting more after each chapter. The characters were well done and the way the story finally came together was spectacular!! Highly recommend

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Wow- this was definitely suspenseful, I had a large range of emotions as I read this. It was so well written I became absorbed in the story and could feel a sympathize with the characters.

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The Wild Between Us is the first novel by American author, Amy Hagstrom. When Aunt Mary’s gift of the Marble Lake Lodge coincides with his ex, Miranda’s departure for a dream job in Manchester, Silas Matheson quits his job protecting vulnerable Oregon wilderness and takes his two young sons with him to run the lodge.

But returning to Feather Creek after fleeing fifteen years earlier isn’t easy; he’ll have to face Meg and Danny, the friends he left behind after Jessica Howard went missing in the Marble Lake Wilderness back in 2003, and he’s not expecting a warm welcome.

Two weeks on, he’s just discovering how run down the place is when almost-eight-year-old Spencer and five-year-old Cameron, bored with waiting on the promised hike, set out alone in the late afternoon to climb the ridge, and fail to return. Mid-November is not a good time for two boys without warm clothing, food or drink, to be lost in the Sierra Nevada.

Meg Tanner and Danny Cairns get an early-hours call as part of the Feather River Search and Rescue team, coming face to face with Silas, and the unsettling memory of eighteen-year-old Jessica missing in the same place.

They’re searching right where Jessica went missing, but this time, looking for two young boys. Silas, Meg and Danny have each told lies and kept secrets for fifteen years: what might be exposed during the search? And can they put aside differences to find the boys?

Except for Spencer’s prologue, Silas and Meg alternately carry the story, although their lies make them unreliable narrators, and the dual timeline narrative very gradually reveals just what happened on the day four teens went into the Wilderness and only three returned. It becomes clear that Silas, now dedicated to the protection of the wilderness, was charismatic, impulsive and rather selfish, and that each of the teens made some poor choices.

There’s a lot of detail about the Search and Rescue process, no doubt drawn from the author’s experience, and Hagstrom’s descriptions of the setting are very evocative. An impressive debut.
This unbiased review is from an uncorrected proof copy provided by NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing

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This story was so well written with intriguing characters, that you will be hooked from the start, it's about love, secrets and best friends. Is history repeating itself or is this punishment for something that happened years ago?

Sila hopes that returning to his childhood home will be a new start for him and his boys, and a chance to face his demons. It was there his life changed forever fifteen years ago. Silas and his friends venture into the woods the four of them. But only three of them come back and there their friend Jessica was never found.

So, when his two boys go missing in the same woods, causing a wound to open that he fought so hard to keep close. There is a storm brewing, and each minute more precious than the next, the three of them must face what truly happened in the wood that fateful day.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for a copy of this book for my honest review.

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The Wild Between Us by Amy Hagstrom

Excellent dual timeline story that drew me in, made me care, and had me thinking about choices and the impact they can have on lives.

What I liked:
* The plot, pacing, setting, and writing
* The backstory of Meg, Danny, Silas, and Jessica that impacts the present search and rescue that takes place
* Thinking about how age impacts choices made whether five- and seven-year-old boys, high school seniors, or adults
* Thinking about some of my own choices at various ages and being thankful that I did not have to face situations like those of the characters in this book
* Remembering my brother and sister, perhaps a bit older than Cameron and Spencer, adventuring, getting lost, being searched for into the dark of night, and the joy of having them home again
* Reading about search and rescue and how teams work together
* Reading about “metabolic icebox” – a new term to me
* The idea that there is hope for the future and the possibility of making new choices to improve one’s situation

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about the ripple effect of some of the choices made by characters in this book

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

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This was just ok. I really struggled to get into this book. It really was not for me. It was very slow paced and it did not hold my intrest very well.
This is told in a dual timeline and I had a difficult time liking the characters. 15 years ago Jessica disappeared and what happened remained a mystery. Fast forward 15 years and 2 little boys also disappear on the same trail. Read this one of you want to see how the situations are related.

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“You’re leaving me with all this?”
“No. I’m taking it with me.” 😭😭😭😭😭

This book had me SWEATING from the very first page. Maybe since I’m a parent myself but good lord, this book nearly had me in tears thinking of those little boys lost 😭 I loved the dual timeline and watching them solve two cases at once. And when I tell you I did NOT see the end of the first story coming…I loved this book.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This was a great thriller and keeps you wanting more! Love the outdoor aspect of this book also. Can’t wait to read more from this author.

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Truly suspenseful, well done, and hard to put down. The Wild Between Us explores an unimaginable horror, while still packed with heart and hope. And those twists?! This book ticked all the boxes for a great domestic thriller. Perfect for fans of Laura Griffin or Jenifer Ruff.

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Amy Hagstrom you had me totally engaged throughout this incredible story - focused on rescuing two young boys lost in the wild as well as solving a 15 year old mystery. The dual timeline aspect of this story worked incredibly well, sharing snippets of the past that served to better understand the dynamics between four friends from high school who reunited - one the parent of the missing boys, one is deceased, and the other two have remained a couple since high school.
The rescue operation kept me on the edge of my seat saying prayers. Although I knew the mystery would be solved the revelation of it was the perfect solution for Meg and Silas. The title says it all…the wild between us. The setting and the descriptions of the terrain made visions come so vividly to my mind, especially the mine shafts. I still have one remaining question that was not answered…who gave Jessica the necklace?
Many many thanks to Amy Hagstrom, Lake Union Publishing, and NetGalley for affording me the pleasure of reading an arc of this recently published book. Job well done and I will be eagerly awaiting your next novel Amy Hagstrom.

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I received a digital ARC from Lake Union Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

I loved everything about this novel. The alternating timelines, and chapters kept me turning pages. The pacing was perfect. I look forward to reading more from Amy Hagstrom.

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"The Wild Between Us" by Amy Hagstrom is a gripping tale of suspense and redemption set against the breathtaking backdrop of the California Sierra Nevada. The author skillfully weaves together past and present, as Silas Matheson confronts the haunting mysteries of his own history while racing against time to rescue his missing sons. The story's relentless pace, coupled with the vividly depicted wilderness, creates an immersive experience for the reader. The characters, particularly Silas, Danny, and Meg, are well-developed and relatable, their shared past adding layers of complexity to the unfolding drama. As the search and rescue mission intensifies, the narrative skillfully builds tension, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. While the novel delves into the darker aspects of the character's past, it also explores themes of resilience and the enduring bonds of friendship. "The Wild Between Us" is a page-turner that seamlessly combines heartrending suspense with a rich exploration of human emotion and the healing power of confronting one's demons. This four-star review reflects the novel's ability to captivate and engage readers, making it a compelling addition to the genre of suspenseful fiction.

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The Wild Between Us was a fast-paced, deliciously tense, thriller-laced drama. The plot focuses on the disappearance of two little boys after a move to a mountain lodge with their Father, but also jumps to a previous disappearance associated with their Father 15 years prior.

The novel seamlessly jumps between timelines and wraps them together easily. I know some people don’t like this style of writing, but the Author does a fantastic job of alternating and blending the stories together. I read this one pretty quickly, so I obviously was intrigued.It’s actually hard to believe that this is Amy Hagstrom’s debut novel! It’s really well done.

Many thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for my honest review. I really enjoyed this one!!

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