Member Reviews

A highly emotional yet wholesome read that reminded me A Walk to Remember + Me Before You.

Beware to be in the right mindset to read this book.

Thank you Netgalley & Publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
Every so often I seem to want to read something which is going to be super sad. So in case you didn't get the idea from the blurb, let me tell you that this is ugly tears reading – it is really silly that I cried that much, given that it is all clearly telegraphed from the first few pages, but by the end, crazy or not, I was terribly sad at how it all panned out.

Palmer is not the most endearing character, and yet once you get the full story it is beyond tragic, and she definitely deserves to get her bucket list completed. Kent, someone she has crushed for ages, turns out to be a real hero, and a good guy. As we join them on their road trip, he goes well beyond friendship in his desire to give her all her life in the short time that is left.

So, go in knowing you need to be reading this in private, that you will need tissues, and that it is difficult from quite early on to see anything bright come from it – but it is still well written and well worth a read... but you definitely need to be in the mood for this kind of book!

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This book had me sobbing. It broke me, and I loved every minute of it. Overall, a really good read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the E-ARC.

All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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This one packed a massive wallop for me. At first, I was just so-so about the story. I mean, you pretty much know from the beginning how it's going to end. I looked at the length of the story, thinking to myself that it could have packed the same punch and been shorter. THIS thinking is why I am not an author, lol. In my opinion, Heidi McLaughlin gave us the most amazing journey. Not only for Palmer, but also for Kent. I loved that many of the destinations were places I'd been and could easily envision. Even knowing where the story was going, I found myself blubbering like a baby! All I was missing was what was in the letter at the end.

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This book is heartbreaking. The only other time I had this feeling was when I read A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole. This book was about living your life and cherishing every single moment knowing that you don't have much time left. It's a bucket list type of book which was more than that. Finishing this book made me think of my own life and the things that I want to do before I'm gone.

I really enjoyed every bit of Palmer and Kent. Their relationship was very realistic. They are very relatable.

The writing was great. Very easy to follow and the pacing was alright. I was engaged throughout and there were no moments that I felt like skimming the pages. The romantic moments were sweet, really sweet. One caution though, do not expect a HEA from this book.

One last note, I can definitely see this book being picked up for a film adaptation.

Thank you NetGalley for providing this ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Before I'm Gone by Heidi McLaughlin, publication date 11/7/23.


Palmer grew up in an orphanage and aged out at 21. Since then, she has relied on herself. Highly independent, she worked her way to branch manager at Bay Bank. Kent is a paramedic after spending 10 years in the army as a combat medic. He comes to the bank regularly and Palmer has a crush on him. When Palmer gets sick at work, and they call 911 and Kent responds. Later Kent's girlfriend Maeve gets into a car accident and learns about Palmer's illness. He vows to help her with her bucket list and take care of her.

The world building is great. Palmer and Kent both take their jobs very seriously. Palmer hasn't taken a sick day in 15 years. Kent and his partner Damian have a cohesive working relationship. Nowadays people want their own businesses, but I've always admired those who work a 9-5 that they actually like. People like my parents worked tirelessly and came home happy (most days).

What I liked

I loved that Palmer quits her job and Kent takes a sabbatical after having devoted so much time to their jobs. I'm glad they get to enjoy their lives for a time. The bucket lists are ambitious, but Kent is truly a superhero who can make her dreams come true.

I also loved how Kent handled Maeve. After finding out the truth, he took time and put his mind towards something positive. It's an admirable feat that only he could do with his training and connection to Palmer.

Overall, this will wreck you emotionally and stay with for a while, but it's a reminder to eat, pray, love!

Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for this ARC 💜! I voluntarily give my honest opinion and all opinions expressed are my own.

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Having grown up knowing nothing of her family, Palmer Sinclair has never needed anyone’s help. Working as a loan’s officer, she is focussed on her career. Yet when her health begins to affect her job and she collapses, the diagnosis leaves her shaken to her core and with little time left. Facing an uncertain future, Palmer makes a bucket list, determined to do the things she’d only dreamed of before she goes. Kent Wagner, an army medic turned paramedic, is a regular at Palmer’s bank and enjoys their easy banter. When he finds himself responding to her 911 calls, it isn’t long before he finds out about her bucket list. Affected by his own personal circumstances, he offers to Palmer on her travels, but little do they realise how their friendship will develop as Palmer’s health declines.

This was such a gut-wrenching story, where you know what the ending will be but the journey to get there is heartbreaking. I really loved how Kent, despite his own issues, is determined to help Palmer. However, at no time, are his actions forced as in helping her, he also begins to heal. Whilst this book forces you to experience a myriad of emotions, the story has such a positive impact, that it is worth it all.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Before I'm Gone by Heidi McLaughlin is one of the best reads I’ve read in awhile.
This was an emotional and very inspiring story. So many emotions are throughout this entire book.
What can I say other than I absolutely loved this one.
Man, the characters were raw, relatable and realistic.
I loved Palmer and adored Kent! Their personalities were perfect and I could literally feel every single emotion here.
The storyline was very well written and keeps you engaged in the story.
I love when an author gives you an emotional book that draws you into their world.
The writing was fantastic. I do believe this was my first time reading Heidi McLaughlin’s work and now I’m making it my mission to read her backlist.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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Grab. The. Tissues. This book absolutely WRECKED me and I am NOT OK!!! The way Palmer and Kent grabbed a hold of my heart is something that will stick with me for years to come. Palmer has been given a horrific diagnosis and is told she only has 6 months to live. Kent is a paramedic and has been a customer at Palmer’s bank for years. Refusing medical attention, Palmer makes a bucket list of all the things she wants to do and see before she dies. Kent responds to her house for a medical call and before transporting her finds her list and takes it on instinct. He decides he is going to be her person and they embark on the road trip of a lifetime.

Neither of them are prepared for the emotional journey, especially when feelings start getting involved and they both realize that their time is running out after than either of them want. This was by far the hardest book I’ve read in a long time, but it was also the most incredible story of living life
To the fullest and not waiting till it too late. This was a gut wrenchingly beautiful story and one you won’t regret reading.

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I DO NOT CRY WHEN READING! I DO NOT CRY WHEN READING! Well y’all this one hit me hard! I was fine until the end! I can’t bring myself to read the last chapter because the one before it absolutely killed me! Just think A Walk to Remember but much better! Wow!!! I’m so at a loss for true words that I don’t even know how to summarize it without screwing up the whole plot!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this book and breaking my heart!! 😁

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This was actually so messed up. Obviously the whole plot of the book is that she's dying but I didn't think she actually would. Palmer and Kent's love story is so beautiful and I cried multiple times. They really were just what the other person needed. He was able to give her everything that she wanted while her life was ending. Their little wedding was so freaking cute.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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Palmer is given a diagnosis: she only has months to live. She has an empty life; few friends, no family, no special someone.

She meets Kent, who convinces her to put her Bucket List into play. Together they embark on an adventure, driving coast to coast, experiencing everything Palmer has been missing.

From the start, I wasn't fully invested in Parker's character. There was something that just didn't resonate with me. I am also not a fan of 'Insta-Love', and so the romantic relationship between them didn't flow well. And, how convenient that she meets and is attracted to a paramedic. Who better to take a bucket-list trip with when you are terminally ill?

A few too many coincidences for my taste, but others may enjoy.

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"We can't dwell on the past. We have to look to the future and be the people we want to be."

Pub Date: Nov 7
A heartbreaking love story about living life to the fullest and appreciating every moment.
Palmer Sinclair has been alone all her life no friends and no family and she used to be like this avoiding attachment and heartbreak. However, when she had a stroke at work and was diagnosed with a terminal illness with only six months to live things changed inside her.
While refusing the treatment, she decides to make a bucket list of all the places she wants to visit.
Here comes our hot and sweet EMT Kent Wagner who has always fancied Palmer but never acted on it and when he learns of her illness he decides to join her on her journey that will ultimately change both of their lives forever.

This a story that will make you cry and break your heart it's gut-wrenching and so deep and emotional so plz prepare the tissues.
On the other side, it's beautiful and full of lessons on love and friendship and the importance of living and savoring the small moments and not just letting your life pass by you while you are watching until it is too late.
It's a beautiful story that will break you and hopefully mend you at the end.
TW: grief- loss- terminal illness
Thanks to @netgalley and the publisher for granting me an ARC of #BeforeImGone in exchange for my honest review.


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This was just heart wrenching
Just had a great time reading it - Palmer just touched my soul and I may have sobbed a lot

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A bittersweet love story and an emotional journey at the end of life. Palmer is 37, single, and devoted to her work when she's suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor and given 6 months to live. Kent the paramedic who twice took her to the hospital, sees something more in her- and he's got his own problems (small by comparison). So off they go to do her bucket list, to see the places and do the things, before she goes. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. It's not a sweeping romance and you know what's going to happen but that doesn't mean it isn't a good read.

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I'm still picking up the pieces of my shattered heart after reading this. Not many books make me cry, but this one did. Before I'm Gone is a beautiful love story not only between Palmer and Kent, but also between Palmer and herself. You will not regret reading this! I need some time to process this before picking up my next read.

Thanks to Netgalley and Montlake for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I didn't realize this book is fairly heavily a romance novel, but I read it anyway. It was surprisingly light and easy to read despite being about a dying woman. There were many implausible events, and the dialouge didn't read as natural. Overall, it was a quick read that I didn't dislike. I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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- 3.5 stars-
Before I'm Gone by Heidi Mclaughlin is about falling in love with life while time is slipping away fast. The author takes you through a soulful journey with Palmer and Kent.

I am not sure I can call it a romance in traditional sense as there is no happy ending. Palmer Sinclair got diagnosed as grade 4 Glioblastoma and she has less than 6 months to live. She has no one as she was brought up in orphanage till she aged out. She makes a bucket list and paramedic Kent Wagner sees it by chance. He is going through some personal issues too and He knew Palmer somehow as she was a manager at the bank he used. He offers her to help in her journey and on the way, he falls in love knowing well he cannot keep her.

Now this is the kind of story that screams tearjerker to me and I love angsty romance. Parts of this story hit really hard specially at the end..When she takes her last breath and how Kent honours her last wishes. I feel the whole premises of Kent suddenly leaving his job and life behind to help an almost stranger to a road trip was a bit forced. If they were at least friends, it would feel natural. Kent is like a superhero and I loved him so much. He is doing so much for Palmer and they had the best time of their lives even with the sickness. Palmer had so many issues but she was a fighter. I love how sweet and smart and kind she is and it's absolutely unfair to her. But I am so glad that she got to live fullest for last few days of her life. I enjoyed the cute and sweet moments they had together..even the impulsive ones!

But overall it failed to give me the gut wrenching Feels I expected. May be because it was in third person and I couldn't connect to the characters? I wanted to cry but I just didn't seem to feel that level of pain. The chemistry between Kent and Palmer were definitely lacking. They were more like best friends to me and though I Love You-s were said, I didn't feel romantic love between them. The circumstances were just too hard for them. I got somehow invested in the story AFTER the road trip started and it took too long for the story to be set up. Kent's life didn't need to be made so complicated but I guess it was needed for him to move on.

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily

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𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 —

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: Before I’m Gone
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫(𝐬): Heidi McLaughlin
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 3/5

”I know you’re sick, and some days will not be good, but I want to give you as many tomorrows as possible.”

Before I’m Gone is an emotionally devastating love story between a patient and a paramedic. Palmer is given six months to live after collapsing at work and being taken to hospital by medic, Kent. Kent is potentially about to become a new father after finding out his girlfriend is married and needs to escape for a while. Palmer and Kent gravitate towards each other and try to fit in as much bucket-listed adventure as possible during their road trip.

I found this extremely heavy hearted. Palmer’s situation overshadows much of the novel and I felt she had one of the saddest lives in the entire world. There was nothing to offset this sadness, her humour was quite dry, Kent’s was little better, and their romance was too bittersweet to provide and real lightness to the story.

Before I’m Gone also helps highlight ethical issues, Kent got personally involved with somebody he was professionally involved with, although his paramedic status does allow him to be removed from most of Palmer’s medical journey, even if he personally chooses to see it through with her. Not only that, it also raises the ever evolving subject of dignity in dying which I enjoyed because I am a believer in honoring an individuals wishes if (of course) they are in their right mind.

Lastly—and I think I’m definitely in the minority on this perception—I thought that the delivery of the prose was pretty flat. I didn’t get emotionally invested until around the 80% mark and I felt mostly bored throughout the first 80%. Regardless of this, I cannot deny that I completely ugly cried at the end of this book.


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[arc review]
Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Before I’m Gone releases November 7, 2023

A five star read from the first page.

<i>Before I’m Gone</I> is bittersweet, beautiful, heart-wrenching, and heart-warming all at the same time.

Palmer has suffered from chronic migraines for quite some time, which unfortunately, unbeknownst to her, turned out to be a side effect of having a brain tumor (glioblastoma).
Her life is unexpectedly upended when she’s given a terminal diagnosis, and she hopes she has enough time left to live out a bucket list.

Kent, a paramedic for the San Francisco fire department, and a regular at the bank where Palmer worked, has recently been given some life changing news and is going through a personal fallout of his own.
As a way for him to heal, he decides to take a sabbatical and accompanies Palmer across the US since she grew up to be independent with no close friends or family due to being left at an orphanage at a young age and ultimately aged out of group homes.

<i>“I know this seems unconventional, but I want to be your someone. I want to help you live out your days the way you could’ve lived your life.”</i>

The ending doesn’t come as a surprise given the nature of the story, but it’s the journey to get there and the memories made that makes it worth it.

This was 100% a “right person, not enough time” moment and it tore me apart.
Stories like this always put things into perspective. To paraphrase the dialogue from one scene: don’t wait until you have an end date to start living.

If you’re a fan of early Grey’s Anatomy/Station 19 and want to ugly cry, I’d consider checking this out!!

I’m itching to know what Palmer wrote in her letter! I would have liked an even longer extended epilogue for further closure.

♫ Live Like We’re Dying by The Script/Kris Allen ♫

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