Member Reviews

My bucket list

Read this book - done
Emotional engagement - done
Love the characters - done
Cry and cry again - done
Create my own bucket list - working on it.

I loved this book. Even before I started reading I knew this book would break my heart. And it delivered. Palmer and Kent are amazingly developed characters. Their emotions raw and unfiltered. Their goals tremendous. And the way they attain their goals is the storyline. You want to root for Palmer and hope something miraculous happens and it does!! She finds Kent.

Nice job Heidi.

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Palmer grew up in an orphanage and has never had a family or close friends. She worked in a bank where Kent, a paramedic, made his car loan payments. He was on call when she needed an ambulance. After finding Palmer’s bucket list of things to do before she died of a tumor in her brain, he decides to take her on a trip to do as many things on her list as possible. This book was wonderful. Palmer was so strong and thought about others before herself. She was upbeat most of the time and truly wanted to live what life she had left. She had always been attracted to Kent and as they traveled, their bond became strong. I enjoyed their time together and all the places they visited. It was neat to have them do live videos keeping their followers up to date on their progress. There is so much love in the book!

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This book lost me a bit. I think the writing style was fine, but I still didn’t finish it because the plot left me wanting more. Thank you.

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Before I'm Gone is one of those stories filled with heart wrenching sadness, and if you like a sorrowful story that takes you on a journey then this would be a great pick for you.

''All her life Palmer had been alone, she'd never had someone in the corner rooting her on, or a mother at home making sure her homework is done, to kiss her scraped knee or braid her hair. She didn't have a father to teach her about cars or sports or hold her when she experienced her first heartbreak."

The story introduces us to Palmer, a woman navigating a solo life struggling to form connections. and Kent and EMT who is in love with a girl who would never see him for what he could be until fate takes a turn and shes forced to live her bucket list in the most unexpected way.

" You're not alone" he reminded her. "I'm here, and I'm going to be here whether you have a family waiting for you or not"

I deeply value books that possess the ability to tug at your heartstrings, evoking emotional vulnerability and bringing tears to your eyes. While such impactful reads are rare, there are moments when a cathartic release is essential. Naturally, I approached this particular book with soaring expectations, hoping it would meet my emotional yearnings. Unfortunately, it fell disappointingly short in that regard. Although the story carried a certain level of sadness, I struggled to establish a profound connection with either the plot or its characters. The writing style felt overly explanatory, hindering the flow of the narrative. While the book showed promise and great potential, I must concede that it simply wasn't the right fit for me.

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This book is not for the faint of heart. It has been a long time since I have cried while reading a book and this book did it. I was on the verge of tears multiple times while reading. What Palmer is going through is hard and Heidi did a great job getting the reader to feel the emotions of both Palmer and Kent. This is such a beautifully written story that has all the emotions when dealing with a life-altering diagnosis. The pain, grief, anger, and all the other emotions Palmer and Kent go through on their grand adventure really come out throughout the pages of this book. The whole time I read this, I felt like I was in the character’s shoes.

Instagram: @Honestbookreviewsbykelly (review post on 10/27/23)

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In "Before I'm Gone" by Heidi McLaughlin, Palmer Sinclair, a successful and independent loan officer, receives a devastating diagnosis that leaves her with limited time. Determined to make the most of her remaining days, she creates a bucket list of unfulfilled dreams. Kent Wagner, an army medic turned paramedic, comes into her life as a passing acquaintance but soon becomes an integral part of her journey. As they embark on a poignant cross-country trip to accomplish Palmer's wishes, their connection deepens into something profound amidst the looming specter of death.

While the novel promises an emotional roller coaster, the execution falls somewhat short, leaving the reader emotionally detached from the characters and their plight. The character development lacks realism, and the writing style feels simplistic and occasionally repetitive.

Despite these shortcomings, "Before I'm Gone" explores themes of living life to the fullest and finding meaningful connections in the face of mortality. Fans of heartfelt and angsty stories, akin to those by Corrine Michaels, may find moments of emotional resonance in this poignant tale of love, loss, and making the most of life's fleeting moments.

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I truly enjoyed Before I’m Gone.

This was definitely an emotional roller coaster!

We follow Palmer when she receives a life changing diagnosis that altered the rest of her life. This new diagnosis and Kent, an ex military medic and paramedic, gives propels her into living her life at the fullest extent. Together, Kent and Palmer embark a journey to carry out Palmer’s bucket list wishes.

There could have been more character development which would have made Palmer and Kent’s relationship more realistic and profound.

3.5 stars 🌟

Thank you to Heidi, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to review this book.

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I was a bit broken when I finished this book. Palmer"s journey broke my heart.. Kent who joins her on her journey is a nice guy but I did not get to know him as well as Palmer. I understand the development of their connection but it seemed a bit forced. It did not take aways from the story or it's poignancy. The epilogue was everything

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This book packs an emotional roller-coater ride with one gut-punch after the other.

These two characters who seemly don't belong together find themselves on a trip of a lifetime, and as they get to know each other and fall for each, we can't help but hope against hope that somehow the end we know is coming won't come and that a miracle will happen.

You're gonna need a tissue box close by for this one.

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Brilliant. Loved this from the first page. A very emotional book from start to finish.
So sad as well. We should all have bucket lists and be doing things we want to do. You never know when we are on our last stretch of life.
Kent was amazing to take on such an emotional journey. That's love....

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This book absolutely took me on an emotional Rollercoaster. I felt everything deep down in my core while reading this. Great Job writing this! I loved it. This absolutely destroyed me. But yet I couldn't stop reading it.
I just reviewed Before I'm Gone by Heidi McLaughlin. #BeforeImGone #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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It is hard to write a review when you are still crying from the book but I had to get my thoughts down on paper.

BEFORE IM GONE is a story from the get go that the reader knows is going to be emotional from the get go, something about Palmer strikes you from page one. But the twist of her illness is something that resonates so strongly through the pages. From the story of her childhood to the way Kent showed her life in a few short weeks and the love her gave her was so real, raw, and amazing.

Heidi McLaughlin is my favorite romance author. I love reading her for her steamy scenes but also for the world she creates and how I leave every book with a new love, renewed hope in finding a love, and every female character I see as a friend. None was more apparent than in this book. I loved Palmer from page one and Kent- umm- marry me please!

This is a story that touched my heart. I can only hope we see Kent again and he keeps his promise to Palmer to always live for tomorrow.

Breathtaking, brillantly written and a book that is in my top 5 of all time. I’ll never forget it

If you want to know more about palmer’s sickness please check out THE DARREN DAULTON FOUNDATION. Not affiliated with the book but does so good for the research and look for a cure.

I’ve reached out to the author and thanked her for this story

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I love a good book that rips your heart out and leaves you as an emotional puddle on the floor, sometimes you just feel like a good cry. I had high hopes for this book to do exactly that. We meet Palmer, she is floundering in her lonely life, raised as a ward of the state she has never managed to form deep meaningful connections with anyone and has always played it safe in her life. Turns out she is running out of time to make those scary changes because she is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. We also meet Kent, an ex-military paramedic who is going through his own upheaval in his life. He just found out his girlfriend was cheating on him, making him the unwilling affair partner in her marriage, and is awaiting to see if their un-born baby is really his. Kent and Palmer and thrust together when Kent decides to help Palmer work through her last wish bucket list. Their relationship seemed very random to me, Kent had been a customer at Palmer's bank and had helped her through his work as a Paramedic, so it seemed very unrealistic that he would give up so much time for what is basically a stranger to him. Was it romantic and swoon worthy? Yes, but it didn't seem believable to me.

The premise of this book sounded very intriguing, the characters were set up well and I was all ready to dive on in. Unfortunately I felt like the execution fell a little flat and I wasn't full able to get as deep as I would have like. I felt like I just skimmed the surface on the entire situation and felt more like a passer by to the book then a fully integrated reader. I just wanted more, more depth and more emotion and more umph. While this was an objectively emotional read, I didn't find that gut-wrenching, soul crushing feeling that I had been searching for and expecting.

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Once you pick up this book you will not be able to put it down - and be prepared - KLEENEX, a bottle of wine and a strong shoulder to cry on will all be necessary. From the moment Palmer finds out about the octopus in her head she comes up with a list of things she always wanted to see or do. Kent might be at a crossroad in his own life but vows to be by her side while they travel across the country fulfilling her wishes. The connection and the heart break were not something he ever saw coming but what he is left with when all of the dust settles is what will make him the man he never knew he could become. Heidi McLaughlin will tear your heart to shreds, make you want to throw your kindle across the room and literally leave you weeping on the floor but in the end you will not only see things differently, you will also become a better person for traveling their journey with them. Five stars are not enough for this book and I promise it will stay with you long after the last page is read.

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This was beautiful. Friendship in the loneliest of times. When palmer receives a gut wrenching diagnosis she sets out to tick off her bucket list. I don’t want to spoil anything so I won’t go further into the story however the writing was great, the characters loveable & the tears certainly make an appearance.

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If you need a book that will rip your heart out while simultaneously leaving you sobbing at the end wanting the HEA than this is those books. This is one of those books when you need a good cry and you don't want to watch some sad ASPCA commercial or some sad drama series where something tragic happens. This book isn't about dying, grief, or the unknown of the afterlife. It is about living in the moment, completing the things on your bucket list, and cherishing the time you have left. To be honest, I didn't expect to cry so early on in the book. I am not someone who gets overly sad at a bucket list type book until the last few chapters when the end in near. It was a first for me when I started crying about 25% into the book. It was a first for me when I sobbed so hard at the end my eyes hurt and my head ached to the point that I was both excited and dreading getting to the end of the book. This book made me realize I needed my own bucket list to check off and how many things I had already crossed off over time.

Palmer is a 37 year old bank manager who gets diagnosed with Stage 4 Glioblastoma and must decide what to do for the end of her life. She serendipitously meets Kent and they embark on the end of life journey and grief process together by completing her bucket list. I thought the author did a great job at representing the emotional rollercoaster that comes with finding out you are dying while also giving true time and energy to evolving the love story between characters.

The writing in this book was great. I found myself engaged but not bored. There were a few repetitive actions like pulling the main character into laps, kissing foreheads, and cuddling but I am a sucker for that cute romantic shit.
There was one error that I found and couldn't get past but other than that the author did a great job. The only error is when the MMC says that going to the Grand Canyon wasn't on Palmer's list when in reality if you flip back to the beginning of the chapter, the Grand Canyon is indeed on the list. Just a tiny error but doesn't deter from the story or make me want to give up reading.

Thank you to Heidi McLaughlin, publishers, and NetGalley for an ARC. This review is 1oo% my opinion and based on my own authentic experience reading this book.

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I received a free copy of, Before I'm Gone, by Heidi McLaughlin, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Palmer is really sick, and gets a life threatening diagnosis, she decides to start a bucket list of things she wants to do before she dies. I enjoyed Palmer and her bucket list, but I did not care for Kent.

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Such a captivatingly sad story that will break your heart into a million pieces. You will immediately fall in love with Palmer and Kent.

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*Received a copy for review.*

This book is a heartbreaker. Along the lines of Me before you & Summer Remains.
It’s a beautiful story but not an easy read.

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I’m still wiping away tears…

I’ll be honest, when I started this book, and for about the first 5 to 10 chapters, I was really considering DNFing this one. I really struggled to get into the prose and there was a lot of cognitive dissonance in some of the writing that left me feeling detached from the narration.

That being said, I’m SO glad I kept reading!! Somewhere along the way between Boston, DC, Lana Del Rey’s voice in the back of my mind, and Courtney’s house, I fell in love with Palmer and Kent’s story. These characters will live in my mind long after I put this book down.

Palmer’s grief and struggles coming to terms with her diagnosis left an ache in my gut for most of this story. Her resilience and insistence on pushing through the worst of it had me rooting for her despite knowing how her story would end.

Let’s talk about Kent. While I think his own journey of his struggles with Maeve wasn’t as well explored as it could have been, I adore this man beyond belief. He is the reason I sobbed for a good 15 minutes when nearing the end of this book. The love, commitment, patience, selflessness, and adoration this man displayed for Palmer is something most of us can only dream to be on the receiving end of one day. May we all find our Kent before we are given 6 months to live.

When I started reading this book, I was expecting to give it a 2 star review. It slowly made its way up all the way to a 4 (4.5 if Goodreads allowed it) and I’m so glad I stuck with this one to the end. If you’re up for a gut wrenching romance that will leave you sobbing, give this one a shot.

Thank you NetGalley and Montlake publishing for providing me a digital advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest opinion

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