Member Reviews

A great story of second chances, mis-understandings, friendship and love. A serious read but with lots of comedic moments along the way.

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This is a lovely story about friendship, love, relationships, family and about growing old.

All the persons in the book have some problems with relationships, and all persons end up just where they are supposed to be.

If you like colourful characters and real feelgood this is the book for you!

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This was a very entertaining book, what an adventure it turned out to be for two very different women who hadn't seen each other for around 50 years but agree to go on a road trip together in a camper van. I loved it.

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Connie is nearly 70. Works in a charity shop & is engaged to Leo, but her life does not feel settled. She travels to Scotland to see her friend Alex, an artist, who she has lost contact with.
This book is shows us that love can arrive at any age & it's great to see a book telling the story of older people. It makes a nice change!
Lovely writing by Kate Galley that makes the whole story heart warming, believable & enjoyable.
Recommended read.,

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This was a fantastic story, full of surprises and actually arrived a message, to do what you want to do in life before it's too late. And too keep going for as long as you. An. A definite feel good story. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review

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A feel-good read that takes you on a virtual, joyous, journey through some beautiful parts of the country with two hugely memorable characters.

I immediately warmed to seventy year old Connie, with her hippy vibe and colourful campervan and couldn't wait to see what adventures lay in store for her when she set off on an impulsive trip to Scotland, leaving a wake of uncertainty behind her.
The resulting road-trip with her former friend is rich in emotional depth, with complex relationships and past events that unravel along the way.
No spoilers here, but you can expect warmth, the power of family bonds and above all - the invincible sense of hope and adventure that accompanies true love, no matter your age.

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Connie Fitzgerald has just turned seventy years of age. She reminisces of 1970, when she was eighteen.
Connie has some new life changes taking place, but 1970, when she was eighteen, the memories!

What a wonderful read this book was for myself. I warmed to Connie immediately.
There were twists in the story I hadn’t seen coming, and lots of different aspects of life brought into the book.
I initially was drawn to the book because of the camper van theme, but there is so much more depth to this book.
I could not put this book down.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Publisher for an advanced e-book copy. Opinions about the book are entirely my own.

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An enjoyable read. This well written heartwarming book was a perfect read whilst spending time in a hospital waiting room. it took me away from my surroundings and all over the country in a raspberry camper van called Ruby. I was thoroughly engaged throughout and finished the book within 24 hours.

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I love to read a book that features older women as the main characters, so The Golden Girls’ Road Trip was a treat to read. At age 70, Connie is getting ready to marry Leo and finally settle down, until she realizes she will just be a replacement for Leo’s dead wife. She heads to Scotland to see if she can connect with her first love, Alex. But things are seldom as remembered, and life doesn’t always work out the way we would like. A lovely road trip book!

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EXCERPT: Sometimes I try really hard not to think about the summer I turned eighteen. On other occasions I allow the memories to engulf me, the pleasure and the guilt to wrap themselves around me. From time to time it comes at me unexpectedly, like a slap or a kiss. Today it's in the form of a book and makes me smile. How could it not, because today is our birthday. Today we are both seventy years old.

ABOUT 'THE GOLDEN GIRLS ROAD TRIP': It's never too late for one last adventure...

Constance Fitzgerald may be approaching 70, but she's never been one for settling down. She's spent her life untethered and free, but when she finds herself newly engaged and a soon to be grandmother, Constance is forced to accept it may be time, perhaps, to settle down. Until a chance encounter with throws open a window to her past, and Constance decides to head to the Highlands to find an old friend...

MY THOUGHTS: There is so much more to this book than is initially apparent. The Golden Girls Road Trip deals with ageism, sexual assault, unplanned pregnancy, family relationships and doing what we must simply to survive. And it does all this in a simply delightful way that tugged at my heartstrings and had me rooting for Connie all the way!

Although dealing with serious subjects, this book is not at all flippant, nor is it grave and grim. It strikes a happy balance somewhere in the middle, giving due gravitas to the sticky subjects, dealing with them with empathy and understanding, and injecting joy and wisdom into the happier bits - and there are lots of them!

The characters are magnificent. I loved Connie and Alex, Alex's dog Bardo, and Connie's RV, Ruby. There's nothing like being in a confined space with someone twenty-four hours a day to sort out a relationship.

There are quite a few surprises along the way, Alex being one of them and in more ways than one.

The Golden Girls Road Trip is a read that gave me pause for thought, and great enjoyment. It's an unconventional story, but one that warmed my heart and has firmly placed this author on my 'must read' list. I read this in less than 24 hours, unable to put it aside.


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#ageing #contemporaryfiction #domesticdrama #romance #womensfiction

THE AUTHOR: Kate Galley lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband, children and Meg, their Patterdale Terrier. Much of Kate's inspiration comes from the many varied lives of her clients as a mobile hairdresser, and the inspiration for this book came from one woman's tale of a hilarious Christmas coach trip.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Head of Zeus, Aria, via Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of The Golden Girls Road Trip by Kate Galley for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

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Thenk you Net Galley for giving me the opportunity to read this book. Wow, what an experience these two lady’s late in their lives have. It made me want to get together with a friend and experience what these two characters did, what fun they had along the way.

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This story was very enjoyable. It was refreshing to read about an older woman who was enjoying her life and finding new experiences, friendship and love in her seventies. I thoroughly enjoyed the road trip that Connie takes in the van and reading on as her story grows linking past and present. There are some humourous moments and a few poignant ones, which is a good mix.

I really liked Connie and her spirited friend Alex, they were a good foyle for each other. The characters in the book work well together, although there aren't too many but they are well written.

Overall, this story is about reawakening love, finding peace and enjoying life at any age. A good easy read.

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The Golden Girls' Road Trip by Kate Galley is a really uplifting and moving story.
I thought that the descriptions was wonderful, the characters are entertaining and the writing was engaging.
The characters were lovable, funny and engaging while also having depth and a good story line.
The relationship between these characters is honestly inspiring.
A fun, exciting and lovely story.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Aria & Aries for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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A truly stunning book from Kate and good to have a different subject written about. Kate's books get better and better. It is beautifully written with lovely descriptions.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

This is an easy to read book.

Connie at the age of 70, is off on an adventure in Ruby, her camper van.

Meanwhile, Con, is also on a road trip with Alex, his old friend, along the way secrets are revealed. But what will happen when they reach their destination?

I recommend this book.

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I just loved this book just as much, if not more than Kate's first. Utterly delightful with true insight into the more mature of us and being the same age as the main character myself it was just brilliant. I loved the way the story unfolded as the past gets resolved along the way. A gentle read to get immersed in. Can't wait for the next book from Kate.

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Pleasant enough, this is a book about relationships in the senior stage of life (70+) , family relationships and friendship. Connie is a single mother and engaged to Leo when she turns 70. She comes across a feature in a magazine about her first love, an artist who has an exhibition in Scotland. On a whim she decides to attend and takes off in her camper van.
I enjoyed most of the book and the descriptions of relationships , especially in places the suggestions of seeing relationships from another point of view which can change dynamics between two people. I did think that the relationship between Leo and Conny did not ring true and the developments there pushed the bounds of credibility for me. The pace was mostly Ok, though dropped off a little for me during the roadtrip. In places perhaps a little too much description and detail without it adding very much to the story .
A good thoughtful read on the whole though . My thanks to Net Galley for the ARC

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This is a wonderful book, written with such apparent ease but a great sense of characters who stay with you long after you’ve finished the book. I had thought it might be a bit frothy and inconsequential but it has depth and makes you think.

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*Thank you Aria and Aries (Aria) and Kate Galley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review*
I adored this story. It was so sweet and cozy. It was like a nice hug. Refreshing for a mature story since I don't normally read that. The protags were likeable and I liked the pacing and storyline for the most part. I found the ending felt slightly rushed the way it was wrapped up in 2 pages but I am overall satisfied with the way it ended and having read the story. A very sweet, easy, feel good read. I recommend it!

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The Golden Girls' Road Trip is a delightful book! Funny and heart-warming, you can't help but to fall in love with the main character, Constance Fitzgerald, as she navigates a turning point in her life and re-evaluates the people she holds close. This was definitely a cozy read that was well written with a few surprises along the way.

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