Member Reviews

Everyone needs a little sparkle in their lives, who doesn't like some bling. I think the author is trying to show that no matter who you are, everyone can sparkle, but I'm not sure if that message was doen very well. This book is geared to very young children with it's simple repetitive text, however, there isn't much to it. I read this to my youngest grandchild (5 YO) and he wasn't really interested. He did like the pictures and thought they were funny, but the message didn't come through. I do like that although the animals took what didn't belong to them, they did say they were bringing them back, which allowed us to discuss taking things without asking. Overall, this was a not a success for us. Perhaps little ones who like bling might appreciate it more.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
This was an adorable kids book that I'll definitely be purchasing for the library!

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Some critters borrow a performer's costume, sneak in, and then steal the show.

Bah! The grumpy grownup in me could only see a well rehearsed performance ruined by a bunch of animals. Do you think the audience was pleased? We'll never know. Nothing here made much sense.

I'm assuming kids will like this more than I did.

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Me and my children enjoyed this story with all the characters within. It's about three animals that see something the is sparkling and they want it.

This was a fun story to read. It had action throughout. It had a few giggles within. The illustrations went well with the story and were colorful.

I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. This is my honest unbiased opinions.

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Thank you to NetGalley for granting this ARC, super cute and fast read. The illustrations were adorable and the story was cute.

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This was so cute! A toad pigeon and poodle suddenly get the opportunity to be the jazziest toad, pigeon and poodle I’ve ever seen and this is about their adventure.! The art and the color scheme was so Snazzy! I loved it!

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2.5 stars rounded up
I received an electronic ARC from Penguin Random House Canada through NetGalley.
This was a rare miss for me. The artwork if fun and full of energy but the story itself fell flat. Several animals want to go to the theater but they don't have sparkles. They decide to steal sparkly items so they can go inside. The rhythm is off when reading aloud. Young readers will enjoy the bright colors and may appreciate the ideas and flashiness of this story. The ending is cute and offers everyone a chance to sparkle.

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Not a fan. I don’t understand the purpose.. I know not all kids books are for education, but this wasn’t even a fun read. It was random and all over the place for me.

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The format of the writing with 4-5 words per sentence is good for new readers. So is the use of repetitive words. They focus on what has and doesn't have sparkles. I think youngsters would like the book.

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This book is a tad bit odd but still a fun read. It’s very simple and starts by listing who has sparkles and who doesn’t. And animals go about getting sparkles and sharing sparkles, then losing sparkles once again, just for everybody to have sparkles. There are places where the book rhymes and it has multiple cadences, but at the same time while it doesn’t have cadences, it’s still all coming together in a fantastically fun book That will have kids going again please.

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I was hoping for a more sparkling read. The illustrations are beautiful but don't really fit the story or writing. For such a simple story I would read it to a younger audience but the pictures were better suited for older children who I think would quickly get bored of this book.

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I was really excited about this book! The cover was absolutely adorable, and I couldn't wait to dive into the story. However, I have to admit that I found it a bit confusing. It would have been so helpful to have a clearer understanding of what was happening, because it actually took me two reads to fully grasp the chaos. But despite that, I still think it's a cute book with a fantastic concept. Maybe it just could have been executed a little bit better.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for allowing me to read the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The illustrations were beautiful, but this book left a lot to be desired for a children’s story. This does t feel like a story my child or I would want to repeat often.

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Cute story about a night at the theater - only those with sparkles can come in! It’s sort of in rhyme? I think I’d enjoy it more if it were totally rhyming - it’s hard to get into a rhythm when the cadence keeps changing. But it’s cute - the animals steal sparkly costumes for the chance to be on stage. Could be fun for a toddler storytime.

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Sparkles, No Sparkles is a cute book about animals without sparkle "borrowing" sparkling things and going out to a show. It's cute, but rather forgettable. I can see very little girls (age 2-3 maybe) liking this, but I don't see the book having a very wide appeal.

Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this advanced review copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review on the book!

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I received an advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Some have sparkles, and some do not have sparkles. What happens when a frog, a poodle, and a pigeon see some flashy items at a show? They steal it and become sparkly. But what about Usher and the other animals? A picture book on looking fantastic on the stage, even when the leading actress gets mad. They all look glamorous with their sparkly items, all in time for the final show of fireworks. Colors pop in and out throughout the book, showcasing the sparkly things here and there. A book to make one look fabulous.

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I understand it – everyone wants to sparkle. A super short and super simple read for a young child. Lots of cute illustrations and bright colors – plus – a happy ending!! Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Random house for advanced copy of Sparkles, No Sparkles in exchange for an honest review.

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This book has a nice rhythm while reading the story. The animations are cute, but overall, the story wasn’t that exciting to read. The book is advertised for very young readers, which I think is a good target audience for the book. My three-year-old didn’t find the book all that exciting and prefers stories that have a bit more of a plot in them at this point.

Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada, Tundra Books and NetGalley or providing me with a free electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The animals want a night out on the town at the theater but they have no sparkle. The story takes us on a journey to find sparkle. They find some sparkle but they take it from the costumes at the theater. So that leaves the actors without sparkle. How will they save the day?

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