Member Reviews

I honestly liked the entire premise of the book and really enjoyed the world building where the setting takes place!

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What a crazy, cool plot! This was something totally unique to anything else I've read, which I really appreciate as an avid reader. In The Witch & The City, people are not born into being but instead are found after another person dies--like a one-out, one-in idea. These people are believed to be the previous person reincarnated but have none of that person's memories. Until one day, we meet a newly found witch who seems to be retaining some of that past. Can't get any cooler than that!

This was a pretty dense read, but after finding my rhythm with the writing style I got into it. I would say that this is a little bit on the difficult side, especially if you're a new fantasy reader, but it was ultimately so worth it!

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book in advance!
Sadly, I don't think the book was really for me. Some people would really enjoy it but I couldn't get into it. I especially did not find the characters very likeable.

It's got an interesting premise: instead of people dying and a new person is born, here a person ‘dies’ and a new person is found. This new person is not born instead it is supposed to the previous person incarnate, they just do not have the previous person’s memories. And everyone is stuck inside this City and stuck in this circle where they have to follow The Lady’s rules otherwise her Wardens will Fade the person to where they no longer exist for good.

This book then follows a newfound witch named Oneirotheria who has some of the memories of her predecessor, giving her the goal to find an escape to the City.
Great plot, but I didn’t enjoy the writing style or the characters.
The language was a touch disjointed to me, didn’t flow well, and some phrases/word choices were a touch odd.
“Here-Now” was said too much.
Overall, the language was whimsical which again, is just not for me. But there are those who would really enjoy the type of writing and I don't want to discourage them from reading it! Just know what you are going into.

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This was a really interesting concept, but I don’t think I was the audience for this. The writing style just went over my head at times, and it felt like the author was attempting to be grandiose and lyrical when it wasn’t particularly necessary? The plot twist at the end was interesting.

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Cool premise, not enough though to pull me in and make me actually want to read it. Maybe someday. (might actually make an actual plan to read it later this year or next year)

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What a wild ride, this was a fantastical read. Once you came to understand the rambling mind of the witch then the story really took off. It was just wonderful.

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Trippy, dark and intriguing!!
This was a fascinating book that I would definitely recommend to fantasy leaders! Honestly, I have to reread the end tell makes sense of the rest of the book, but I truly enjoyed this dark twisty thriller!

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Thank you so much to Netgalley & the publisher for this review copy! I am so looking forward to this and to writing a full review on my social media when I am able! Thanks again!

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This book isn't for the faint of heart. I say that because there is a lot happening within the plot of twists and turns and I almost gave up because I wasn't in the mood for something that I needed to think about. However, I came back to it a couple months later and absolutely loved it. I'm a mood reader, so sometimes things don't hold my interest in the same way. But if you want something dark, fascinating and full of twists and turns around every corner. You would love this book!

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An inventive blend of folklore, classic literature, religion, and good ol' fashioned magic, The Witch & The City is an intriguing read, and one I think will benefit from future re-reads. Think 80s fantasy-core meets dystopia and you'd be some of the way there.

Read this if you like: engaging world-building, truly lyrical writing, a strong sense of (dark) whimsy.

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"The Witch & The City" by Jake Burnett is a spellbinding journey that I thoroughly enjoyed. Burnett effortlessly transports readers into a world where magic and urban life coalesce in a riveting narrative. The characters are richly developed, each with a distinct charm that adds depth to the story. The urban fantasy setting is vividly depicted, creating a captivating backdrop for the unfolding mystical tale. Burnett's prose is both engaging and atmospheric, seamlessly blending magic and reality. With its compelling plot and well-crafted characters, "The Witch & The City" is a captivating read, leaving me eagerly anticipating more from this author.

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This is a fantastic read - it takes a bit to get into as the writer has a very whimsical and unique style of writing. The unusual plot is very well thought out and easy to follow once you get into the swing of it. It is full of wonder and magic and you can't help but get sucked right into this weird world. The characters are very well developed. I loved Oneirotheria, I thought she was remarkably funny and easy to connect with.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this eARC!

I loved the idea of the story, a witch trapped in a city and not knowing what is going on. However, sometimes it was just too difficult to follow what was going on and I had a hard time connecting with any of the characters. I am glad that other people loved this book tho, it could just be that this book isn't for me.

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The idea behind this book is a fascinating one – a prison-kingdom full of people trapped forever, stuck in an infinite loop where they are reincarnated without their memories. Then, as part of a long-laid plan, a witch is born with words already upon her brain and ‘ESCAPE!’ ringing like an alarm bell in her head. I think it would have upped the mystery and tension if we hadn’t seen Hecate’s workings before Oneirotheria’s arrival in the first chapter (perhaps she could have recalled it later on?) but there is still plenty to figure out in this strange place and the plot poses enough questions as is.

Burnett describes a mystical world, entwining many different aspects of folklore and legend, then conjuring odd folk and contraptions as Oneirotheria travels through her odyssey. There’s some rich world-building at play but, unfortunately, I found the writing to be sometimes muddled and overly convoluted. From a thematic point of view, this could be purposefully done to invoke ideas of forgetfulness, confusion, and whimsey, but it made for a jarring experience as a reader.

For our hero’s part, Oneirotheria was one of the main reasons I struggled with the book. She makes sense of the world through definitions and etymology – an interesting result of Hecate’s workings – and she often declares this aloud or through an internal monologue. It isn’t as prevalent later in the story, but it is a habit that quickly grows old and it made me less fond/invested in her. Paired with most characters’ proclivities for talking in rhymes and riddles (admittedly, a nice touch form wise when considering folklore imagery) I quickly grew impatient with the writing style.

All of these stylistic choices are well intended and interesting thematically (like the game Child of Light using a rhyming pattern for its dialogue), but I personally found them too overused for my tastes (again, like Child of Light). Still, a writer playing with form to make something new and different should be celebrated and people may find it more engaging than I did. If you’re at all curious about the plot, I urge you to give this book a look.

5/10 stars.

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Unfortunately, I only got 20%, and haven't had to the will to pick it back up in a while. I was hoping I could push through but, we'll have to call this a dnf.
It wasn't bad, I think it was just different than I was expecting, and it's not really a book for me.

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Some interesting concepts but I just struggled to connect to the characters. They felt very distant. My instinct is to give 4 stars but this was one of those where I kept thinking, "Man I should pick that book back up," but I just wasn't compelled enough.

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DNF @ 20% - but it's not you, it's me

This book is certainly a unique form of storytelling. I was drawn in by the concept and found the world to be fascinating. The Witch & The City is unlike anything I've ever read – and in today's world, that is a very impressive feat.

I may one day return to this book, but it isn't for me right now and ultimate I have decided to DNF for now.

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

It is very rare for me to give up on a book, especially if it is an ARC. However, I couldn't make heads or tails of The Witch and the City. It was confusing, and not in an intriguing way. I couldn't get a grasp on it and, what' s more, I wasn't invested enough to try. There was no entry point, no window through which the reader could get any context.

DNF'd at 40%, but I do appreciate the publisher's generosity in giving me a review copy.

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I really liked the premise of this book, but it was not for me, unfortunately. DNF at 25%.

From the beginning, it was just very hard to get into with non-sensical writing that wasn't very well-explained. The main character didn't follow the instructions given to her by her guide which was frustrating, as well.

It felt to me like the author tried to hard to be eccentric and quirky. I know that this book will find a great niche audience, but it just wasn't for me.

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The premise of this book was right my alley and exactly what I want looking for. I thought the world building was very interesting and the best part of the witch and the city. It was somewhat convoluted and could have improved with a more clear plot.

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