Member Reviews

I did not enjoy this writing style and could not finish this book. I can see how other people would enjoy it though. Thank you for the opportunity.

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I'm not sure what I was expecting when I picked up this book, considering I did not care for the predecessor. Honestly, it felt like there was such a lack of plot it was hard to remain interested. Probably won't continue any further, which is disappointing since Terry Brooks is generally a great fantasy author.

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I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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There are some deep emotions in this story which was the highlight but the action was generally sparse and Char's YA cringy love story with Tryn I just couldn't help rolling my eyes while reading. The self-discovery and investigation of one's past just got old because we've already been through it with Auris. This book could have been improved with a different plot line for Char because she was an interesting character or it could have been made into a secondary plot line that moved Auris or the family forward.

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I am putting this one down at 60% I don't know if it's me and I just can't get into it at this time. Or if it's because this is such a huge departure from the first two books. I will be picking this up in a few weeks to start again and see if I can get back into this series. I will update my review at that time.

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I enjoyed this book after. Abut. But it took me so long to get myself into this one. I guess my view of what the book was going to be and what it actually was wete on 2 diffrent sides. And just getting myself into he world and ready for the story I was actually getting too time for me.

No don't get me wrong. I loved the story once I got into it. It had great characters and lots of moments that left me turning pages as fast as I could to see ehat would happen.

I almost wish I would have done this one on audio, because I think it would have helped me through that beging hurdle.

But overall this was a good book. And I really enjoyed it

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I have to admit the cover is what drew me to this book, it's downright breathtaking and I had to read it once I saw it.

Since I hadn't read the first two books I had a little bit of catchup to do but this can absolutely be read as a stand-alone or a place to start the series.

This world is full of magic and wonder and even when our characters are facing the unknown of the unthinkable you never lose the hope that's woven through this marvelous tale.

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine and NetGalley for providing a copy of this E-Book, I have voluntarily read and reviewed it and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgally, the publishers, and Terry Brooks

When I requested this book I was unaware that it was apart of a series, one that requires you to read the previous books for this one to make sense. I am unable to read all the previous books along with this one before the publish date. Therefore, I will rate this a fair 3/5 stars and will adjust the rating and review when I am able to read all the books in the series along with this one.

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I did not finish this book. I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Thank you for the opportunity.

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This is completely my fault. I didn’t realize it was part of a series when I requested it. I do not prefer to review books that are in the middle of a series. I am very sorry

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A fantasy set with mermaids? Love it! The series flew by so quickly, and I wanted it to be so much longer.

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Generally an average read. And has overall interesting storyline that I did keep me curious about where it’s going to go, but the payoff wasn’t worth it.

The individual parts seem to be disjointed. They have a general through line, but not much connecting them.

I don’t know if I liked Char much. To be fair I have not read the previous two books in this series and I have no previous connection or attachment to her. So you might like her better from that.

Overall, this feels more like a second or third draft of an opening act for a new series.

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Terry Brooks and his Shannara series will forever and ever have my heart. It is for this reason that I dove headlong into Sister of Starlit Seas. Apparently this book is the third in a series, which I was not aware of when I began. With that said, the book reads fairly well as a standalone. (Though I now want to read the first two, to gather some context). Sister of Starlit Seas is somewhat of a coming-of-age story, yet stays beautifully true to Terry Brooks sense of adventure. While it's definitely not on the level of Shannara, it is a brilliant book that I kept returning to over and again. A definite recommend!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

Unfortunately, this is a DNF for me. I wanted to love this series...but I couldn't get through Child of Light and I tried with this one after DNFing the first one but it just.....listen, I'm sure Terry Brooks is a wonderful author but he shouldn't try to write young girls. The receptiveness of the writing, the confused references to recent terms, the obsession with the love interest....just not for me.

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Sister of Starlit Seas is the third book in this particular series and while it does read well on its own I always recommend reading previous books for all the backstory and character knowledge. This is very much a Little Mermaid Meets Pirates Adventure. If you love a good adventure upon the seas or you love reading about love or fantasy creatures this will be a great read for you!

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Char decides to running away a month before she turns fifteen. She doesn't think that her family will see her for who she really is and who she just might be when she becomes a woman. They dote on her adopted younger sister and treat her like gold. She runs off to warmer climates and decides that she wants to be a part of a human pirate crew. It's three years later and her captain has been taken by slave traders. Her young heart says she's in love with the Captain and she must do everything within her to save him from such a dastardly fate. She dives right into an experience that she wasn't quite ready for but learns quite a bit along the way, about herself and just what she is made of. This was a lovely adventure that the author took me on and I couldn't put the book down. You know an author is great when you can't wait for their next read!

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I am highly impressed by this book. I have never read any terry brooks books and am surprised how I've been able to avoid them thus far. I love the world of fae that was created. It felt familiar yet different at the same time. This was a book that once I started reading I couldn't out down. There was just so much happening in a good way. I enjoyed the struggle Char had with balancing the two worlds. The romance fell a little flat for me. Over all I really enjoyed this book and want to read other works by this author.

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This is my first time reading a book by Terry Brooks and I have to say I don't know that I'd pick up another one by him. The overall story lacked depth and and was so repetitive I found it hard to finish, I was really disappointed in the depiction of the FMC. Did the girl even have emotions? She was aloof and flat and the opposite in every way of the strong, empowered FMCs found in current popular books. This book just fell super flat for me.

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Important things you need to know about the book:

Pace: The pacing of Sister of Starlit Seas varies throughout the book. It started at a medium pace, slowed down while Char was discovering her Merrow side, picked back up during her journey back home, and stayed at a medium fast pace until the end of the book. Usually, I wouldn’t like it when the pace changes up like it did, but in this case, it worked.

POV: Char tells Sister of Starlit Seas in the first person point of view.

Series: Sister of Starlit Seas is the third book in the Viridian Deep series. You can read this book as a standalone. But, as I always do, I suggest reading the first two books before picking this one up. That way, you can understand Char’s relationships.

Trigger/Content Warning: Sister of Starlit Seas has trigger and content warnings. If any of these triggers you, I suggest not reading the book. They are:

Slavery (graphic, on and off page)
Depression (minor to moderate, on and off page)
Boating Accident (moderate, on page)
Bullying (minor, on page)
Violence (moderate to graphic, on and off page)
Death (moderate to graphic, on and off page)
Grief (moderate, on page)
Stillbirth (minor, off page)
Sexual Content: There is no sexual content in Sister of Starlit Seas. There are a few kissing scenes, but it doesn’t go beyond that.

Language: There is no swearing or offensive language in Sister of Starlit Seas.

Setting: Sister of Starlit Seas takes place in The Kingdom of Man and The Kingdom of Fae. There are also underwater scenes in the Merrow territories.

Tropes: Chosen One, Orphan, Good vs. Evil, Magic, Growing Up, Mythical Beings, Self-Discovery

Age Range: I recommend Sister of Starlit Seas to anyone over 16.

Plot Synopsis (as spoiler-free as I can get):

At the age of fifteen, Char ran away from her family. A headstrong girl, Char left her family because she felt smothered. Traveling south, Char eventually joined a pirate crew headed by a Human and lived what Char thought was her best life. Everything was fine until one night, on a daring solo mission to rescue the captain of the ship she was on (who she thought she loved). Char was captured. Tortured by repeated and prolonged dunks in the ocean, Char is amazed when she changes into a fabled being called a Merrow. She is immediately taken in by the Merrow community living in the sea. But her changing brings her more questions than answers. The only two people who could answer those questions were her adoptive mother and biological mother. With her adoptive mother dead, Char realizes that she will need to find her birth mother. She also realizes that her journey must start where she left- her home. Can Char get answers to her questions? Will she find her biological mother?

Main Characters

Charlayne (Char): I will not lie; I found Char annoying and immature for over half of the book. But I also liked her. She was loyal, tried her best to keep her promises, and was, for the most part, a good friend (she had to be reminded at specific points about being a better friend). I enjoyed seeing her character grow throughout the book. By the end of Sister of Starlit Seas, she was a little more mature, less annoying, and definitely less reckless. She learned a few life lessons in her travels that stuck with her.

My review:

I got very excited when browsing NetGalley and seeing Sister of Starlit Seas. See, I loved Terry Brooks in high school and had read The Sword of Shannara so many times that I did have passages memorized. Seeing that it was on Random House and it was a wish, I decided to do it. I had a 50/50 chance of getting it. So, I was thrilled when I got the email saying it had been granted. I couldn’t wait to read this book.

The main storyline in Sister of Starlit Seas centers around Char and her quest to find answers. It was a well-written storyline. I liked that Char wasn’t perfect and had the same issues as a late-age teenager (unrequited love, hormones all over the place, self-involved, and annoying). If I am to be honest, she reminded me of a combination of my sixteen and eighteen-year-old. I liked that the storyline changed as the book went on. It went from an answer about who she was to why her adoptive mother made her forget to a search for her mother to the end game (I can’t say what because of spoilers). The author did that seamlessly.

I loved the fantasy angle of Sister of Starlit Seas. The author took the Merrow myth and incorporated it into the storyline. I was like Char; I thought Merrow and mermaids were identical. Nope, they are not. The use of magic was very understated. I can only think of one scene where magic could have been used. But that didn’t bother me. To me, fantasy isn’t all about magic. It is about the world and beings in that world, too.

The end of Sister of Starlit Seas was a little bittersweet. I was very upset over some of the things the author did, but at the same time, I understood why he chose to write that way. I also saw a little hint that maybe another book will feature Char.

Many thanks to Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Del Rey, NetGalley, and Terry Brooks for allowing me to read and review this ARC of Sister of Starlit Seas. All opinions stated in this review are mine.

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I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be an ARC reader for this book. I’ve been a fan of Terry Brooks for years.

Terry Brooks takes us on another enchanting journey with the third installment of the Viridian Deep series, "Sister of Starlit Seas.” I was already a fan of the Shannara chronicles and well versed in the way he develops characters and paces a story.

Char is an imperfect young fey who is impulsive, overconfident and often gets herself in over her head. In the first half of the book, it feels like she's always on the brink of disaster, and just when you think she's done for, a mysterious stranger swoops in to save the day. It's a bit predictable, but leads to a continuation of the light-hearted adventure. Throughout the book, however, her character grows and she learns to seek help from others before plunging head first into dangerous situations alone. This shift in behavior not only makes Char more relatable but also leads to significantly better outcomes. It's a classic coming-of-age arc. The narrative doesn't take itself too seriously, making it a perfect escape for those looking for a magical journey. Sister of Starlit Seas" can be enjoyed as part of the series or as a standalone.

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