Member Reviews

I really liked learning more about Char, she has been through a lot since Auris and Harrow found each other. We learned more about the secrets her mother was hiding from everyone. I really liked the journey she went on to find herself and then the journey she went on to save others. The ending left quite a bit open and I’m hoping for more adventures from Char, as she said she has a lot of years in front of her.

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Without giving any spoilers this one was fabulous. I loved the thrilling aspects of the story and the characters within it. It was beautifully written and I can not wait for more. I think that each novel set within this world just gives us one more layer of the whole world.

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Another good story. Too long and Char seems to get herself into trouble for no good reason, but I enjoyed the story. Liked seeing Auris. Would have liked to see more of her and Harrow and their children, but I know this wasn't their story.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review this book.
Sister of starlit sea is the 3rd book in the Viridian Deep Saga and I might say it’s the best so far.
There’s pirates and far and absolutely magic combination and my two favorite things to read about.
Terry Brooks did it once again and Weitem an absolute enchanting tale of a runaway teen that needs to find her place in this world. Would definitely recommend

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📖 Title: Sister of Starlit Seas
✍ Author: Terry Brooks
🌍 Country of origin: USA 🇺🇸
🔖 Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Self-discovery
👥 Favorite character: Florin
💬 Favorite quote: "Loving someone requires sacrifice, it is true. I am not so young or naive as to be unaware of this. I must never assume that I will not be tempted." - Char
🌟 Rating: ★★★★☆ 4/5 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley, Terry Brooks and Del Rey for providing me an advance reader's copy in exchange for an honest unbiased review.

Well, I'll start this review by saying that I've always been curious about Terry's books, especially the Shannara series, I even own some of them but knowing the series is too extense I've always felt "intimidated" as to where to start or how to start so I've always put them off.

Oh, what a great mistake...

As I went through the pages of my first Terry Brooks book ever I couldn't help but feel... welcome? Yes, I know it's a weird way to put it, but the world was so familiar, so easy to adapt, so well written that, as a big fantasy reader, I felt like coming back home after reading books outside my usual genre. This is especially hard to achieve considering I have never read one of his books before. It wasn't until later that I discovered that this book isn't even a standalone, (even if it feels like one) this is the third book in the Viridian Deep and it wasn't hard to follow at all.

Sure, the world might seem familiar, but it is far from what I would say generic. Yes, there's goblins, fae, merrows and other creatures (Sorry! I got to try to keep some of the mystery of the book available). This is a quite unique seafaring, (in more than one way) adventure, this is also a book about self-discovery, about the main character finding her place on the world. About finding more about her past, about who she really is and in consequence what she wants to do with her life.

I can say the book starts a bit slow but once it gets to chapter six, at least in my opinion, its where the real good stuff starts. Let's just mention this is where Char discovers something about herself that will forever change her life, her ideas about her past and how she will approach her future.

Ah well, sorry small spoiler for those who don't mind!

She finds out she's actually a half fae, half merrow. A mermaid like sea-creature. That can transform into each other form when she finds herself in a life-threatening situation like drowning, so she will adapt into the other form either land or sea to keep herself alive.

Torn between two worlds now with her whole life turned upside down, finding out that she isn't who she thought she was the next thing to do is, obviously find out the truth. This will lead her into finding out an interesting arrange of characters, each with their own past, their own life, their own problems. And while they might not (all) be as special as her, Char can relate to them as to trying to find their place in the world or make their own.

This book has also romance, but I don't want to spoil much, this is the weakest part of the whole book. While every character has at least something you can relate to, while you can clearly see there's backstory on almost everything in this book, romance feels quite wedged in and extremely non-sensical. On one moment they're strangers and by the next they're already kissing. Why? No real reason or at least any I would think is important.

I really enjoyed this book, the characters where quite nice, the worldbuilding was well done, the story was welcoming and a refreshing breath of air in the literary world, a reading that just hits home if you like the fantasy of old and still manages to innovate and show you something new.

Prose was a bit hard to follow at times for me as it is written in first person and, in my opinion, ends up reading more like a journal than a novel, is that necessarily bad? No. Just not my cup of tea, but all the other positive things more than make up for it, even if it's just a light pet peeve of mine.

This book served me as an introduction not only to the Viridian Deep, but to the works of Terry in General, so after this, I'll dust off some of the Shannara books I won sitting on my TBR and do just a Char. Try to find out my spot in the great world the author has offered us.

Because sometimes a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. With no manual or guides. And that, my friends, is part of the Adventure!

Until the next RydiaReviews!


Rydia ✨

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A very well written book that draws you in from the very first page. It was easy to enjoy this book, the world building, the characters, and I think Terry Brooks' main strengths are setting. I did have a bit of trouble connecting some plot lines to others but it was a very enjoyable read.

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In the Viridian Deep world where Fae and humans reside but do not mingle with each other, Charlayne, the rebellious Forst Sylvan Fae, has been trying to find where she belongs since she ran away as a young teen. Char having been a part of a pirate crew for a few years needs to save her one true love, the captain, Becklin that has been kidnapped by The Faraway Trades Company slave traders. In her escape plan she is captured and almost dies but finds out more about herself that she had no idea she was even capable of. Her almost death spurs the need for Char to understand how she survived and to understand how she did not know crucial things and lacks memory of before she was adopted by her mother as a child. She starts an adventure across the seas and land in search of answers about her birth mother, her adopted mother, and her heritage. She navigates the chaos of her life to protect her one true love the captain, a stunning water Fae that tempts her, her friends, and people in need. She is doing all this while finding out where she belongs and balancing what’s most important to her.

Sister of Starlit Seas by Terry Brooks is a roller coaster of action, emotions, and stunning scenery. I was instantly sucked into the world building. I gave it 5 out of 5 stars because I enjoyed every moment of the book. My only dislike is that some cities in the story were not on the map. The thing I liked most was that Char is a good fighter and has detailed well planned attacks, but it usually ends up her having to find plan b’s because things such as her size works against her. It’s a wonderful book about self-discovery, found family, and mending broken homes.

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received this book as an ARC in exchange for my truthful and unbiased review. Though Terry Brooks has been around for a while now, this was my first time ever reading any of his books, and I am now a Terry Brooks fan! I felt this book was a good stand alone book, and it wasn’t one where I felt lost not having read the previous books. There were references to previous story lines, but not so much to where I couldn’t understand the plot of this book. Char, the FMC, is young and capricious, and totally relatable. Being the youngest sister myself I understood Char’s drive to prove herself outside of her older sisters. The world building is great, especially for someone who this is my first foray into Terry Brooks’ world. My only issue I took with the book is the “romantic interest”. At one point I had to reread many pages to make sure I hadn’t missed some portion of the development of this relationship because it seemed like on one page they just met and on the next they were head over heels for each other. Other than this little bit, I really enjoyed this book. I will also say this about the book and the author. I think it’s a testament to how great of a writer the author is when you can start to care for side characters, as well as start to see possibilities of stories yet untold about the main characters as well as the side characters. I’m excited to see where Char’s adventures continue to take her.

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Great addition to the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced digital copy.

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Well written and executed title from MR Brooks. As always continues along the series well and will keep fans looking for more.

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★ ★ ★ ★ //5
𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬
by Terry Brooks

Pub Date: November 14, 2023

I absolutely fell in love with this book and the world! I submerged into a world of beautiful beings and adventure. I loved following Char through this book and adored her character. All of the characters were well written & the character development in this book is great, dialogue is spot on and the world building is 🤌🏻. I’ve read Terry Brooks work before and this book absolutely did not disappoint! I sat down to read this and did not come back up until the very last page. I’m going to leave this review short • sweet and let you dive in and live out the adventure. I will be watching for more from the author that I can devour. Fabulous.

Thank you to netgalley, random house publishing group — ballantine, del rey
and terry brooks for this advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review!

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A rebellious young heroine begins a voyage of self-discovery in the third novel of an epic fantasy series set in the world of Viridian Deep, from the legendary author of the Shannara saga.

Auris’s adoptive sister Char has always been the baby of the family—a position that grates on Char, especially when everyone insists on telling her exactly what to do and how to do it. But Char is certain that her headstrong, impulsive behavior, the quality her family sees as her greatest weakness, is actually her greatest strength: the willingness to instantly brave danger and leap to the rescue when anyone she loves is threatened.

Entering this book, I had not read books 1 or 2 of this series, however, I still felt as though this was a pretty decent stand-alone book on its own. I feel as if the adventure throughout the journey this book took me on was quite enticing, however, I feel as if some of the character relationships were a bit confusing or questionable.

The world building within the setting of this book has to be my favorite part of the read! It took me a little longer than expected to read it, but overall was an okay-read for me personally (I think I’d enjoy it more HAD I had books 1 and 2 under my belt, but that’s just me personally!)

Thank you to NetGalley and appropriate authors & publications for allowing me to read this book in the form of an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Terry Brooks does it again in this third book in the Viridian Deep series. It had everything that I enjoyed from the first two and worked overall with what I was expecting. The characters never were boring and felt like they were suppose to. I always enjoy what was going on and can’t wait for more.

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I did not read the first 2 books but started with this one! I felt that it was a great stand alone book. It was extremely detailed with the characters and more of a coming of age story for Char. The author had great detail on explaining the different worlds and creatures. I loved how brave Char was and how she ended up finding her roots. I thought this was going to turn into a love story but it did not. I gave it 4 stars! It was a good read even though I didn’t read the first 2 and had good build ups for what happens next to keep you reading!

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Sister of Starlit Seas provides us with a third visit to Viridian Deep. Unlike Child of Light and Daughter of Darkness, this novel focuses on Char, the younger adopted sister of Harrow. While we have met her briefly, we now learn about her past, present, and future.

I have read every novel written by Terry Brooks and Sister of Starlit Seas provides us with another vibrant world with intriguing characters. There is far more exposition in this novel than Brooks usually provides and it took quite a while before there was any true conversation between characters. Once the conversatiton began, I was pulled in and started to care about the many fantastical beings (yes, I am being intentionally vague) we meet.

My thanks to NetGalley for providing in with an advanced copy of this wonderful novel.

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Terry Brooks is a master and this world-building tale is well-developed and enjoyable for fans of science fiction and fantasy. A worthwhile literary journey for readers who have experienced this author before, and those who are new to him.

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I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. While some of the dialogue and characters felt a little wooden or a little off, I enjoyed the pacing and world building, the details were lovely, and I thought the story was well thought out. 4 stars rounded up.

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