Member Reviews

Just Friends by Madison Wright is a friends to lovers trope that involves blind dates, hometowns and lots of friendship. The character switch during the book lets you really get to know both sides of the story and creates connections between the reader and the characters. I especially loved how it discusses caution to lose something that is so meaningful while also discussing the importance of moving forward. This is technically book #3 in the Nashville is Calling series but works as a stand alone book as well. I'm definitely going to be reading about the other couples in the series and can't wait to see how they all connect. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a sweet romance book series.

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Sweet, slow burn that revolves around enemies to lovers. I really liked this book, Madison has a way of creating adorable love stories that have you swooning. Can't wait to read her next works!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
I love this soft tone cover and this was a great read!

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DNF at 80%.

I started out really loving this. I love a friends to lovers romance. I thought the writing style was really romantic, descriptive and flowy, but as the story went out, it was almost too much? I liked that it was slow burn at first but then I was just screaming "get together already!!" I went from couldn't put it down to not motivated to pick it back up. That is when I knew I need to set it aside for now.

Thank you for the opportunity,

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Sweet and easy to read. I think that had I not just come off of a binge from one of my favorite authors, I'd probably enjoy this more than I did--for me, it was a little slow in places or just not as action packed as I wanted it to be. That being said, it was cute, the cover was adorable, and I'll definitely be giving this author another try with another book in this series.

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my ebook wouldnt load, unfortunately when originally sent to me, so i read it when it was published and i very much enjoyed this book!

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I have the biggest crush on Alex, which is really all I ask for when I read these books. A slow burn friends-to-lovers with excellent pay off! I love stories that have a set up like blind dating/set ups/bets when only one person is actually invested in the idea, I just find that sort of framing device so fun and ripe with opportunities for those tension filled moments that make you blush and those hilarious missteps that actually make romantic comedies funny. I had FUN reading this one, even if there were some gaps from not having read the first two.

I will say, this cover is lackluster for me and if I had been judging the book on its cover and not the title (I'm a friends-to-lovers girlie), I wouldn't have picked this one up.

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I thought this was a best friends to lovers done well, the romance was cute and I enjoyed it
The writing style was good and I found it easy to read and get into

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What a cute romantic comedy! I would love to read the rest of the series now!

✨ Friends to Lovers
✨ Sweet romance
✨ he falls first
✨ sloooow burn

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A cute and enjoyable romcom that makes for a quick read. The cover is adorable, though I would recommend reading the series in order to get the full context of the story.

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3.5 stars ⭐️

I have mixed feelings about this book. If on the one hand I liked the story and the characters, on the other I found some parts of the book boring and unnecessary, which if they didn't exist wouldn't have been necessary, quite the opposite.

They both won my heart, but especially Alex with his soft heart. He's the kind of character we call a cinnamon roll or golden retriever because he's so cute 🥹 and everything he does for Hazel? Lovely 😍
I especially liked the part where they go on blind dates because that's when Hazel realises the feelings she has for her best friend. Although Alex only went on these dates in an attempt to make her realise that she liked him 😂

Overall it was a good book, but not one that swept me off my feet and left my heart pounding. It was a major slow burn and if I don't like the friends to lovers trope that much already, then when you add a slow burn, it's not going to be good.

But I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who will love this book, which is super cute and full of lovable characters 💕

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This was cute. I liked the slow burn of their relationship and him opening up and how they balanced each other out very well. I enjoyed it

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Catching up on reviews and this one was such a sweet romance! I loved the friends to lovers moments in this given it's one of my favorite tropes so I'm very picky. It's not going to be an absolute favorite of mine, but definitely enjoyed the read!

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I don't know why it took me so long to discover this author but I am SO glad I did. This is an absolutely adorable friends to lovers story with small town vibes and great side characters. I am obsessed with these two and can't wait to read the series backwards to discover the love stories of the side characters I got to meet here! I loved the healing journey this character specifically went on and feel like the author handled this aspect of the story so incredibly well.

Thank you for allowing me to read and review this story. My review will be posted on my instagram, @manymerrybooks

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I love a friends to lovers moment and this one was sweet! the MCs were so in love, I was sold! Good read.

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Fairly predictable rom com but it was still a good read that I enjoyed. But I have to say I enjoyed the first book in the series more than this one.

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True Rating: 3.75
Once again I somehow started with the 3rd book in a series ; ) That didn't take any of the joy away from this book, but it does mean a little of the mystery of the 1st two books is spoiled. Won't stop me from going back to read them, though. Madison's writing is descriptive and warm and cozy and I couldn't help but sink into her story.
Just Friends is a friends-to-lovers rom-com that is filled with love, friendship, loyalty, family (nuclear and found), tacos, ice cream, and all the pining you could ever wish for. Alex and Hazel have the kind of friendship that is so special and dear, you can understand their hesitation to move beyond friendship and risk ruining what they have.
The cast of supporting characters in Just Friends are a delight, Hazel is the artsy romantic and Alex is pure book boyfriend material. This book is closed door featuring swoony kisses and hinting at what happens behind closed doors but never taking you there. I prefer a little more spice in my romances, but for those who appreciate a delicious romance without the steam --- I highly recommend this book.
Trigger Warnings: cheating in a past relationship that continues to leave scars and doubts
Snack Advice: Ice cream, milkshakes, tacos, and your favorite takeout food

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Adorable friends to lovers story (one of my fave and typically underrated tropes!) and the slow burn and forced proximity, it was basically all my favorite things rolled into one.

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Sweet friends to lover book! If you are looking for a heartwarming and easy read, pick this up!

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for the ARC

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This was a very sweet book which I dipped into! I really loved the premise and it was very quirky, especially the old man appearing at the gym. I enjoyed Madison's writing a lot!

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