Member Reviews

this was my first book by Madison Wright and I thought it was such a cute little rom com! it is also the 3rd in her Nashville is Calling series… I haven’t read the first two books but I thought that this could easily have been a standalone. you definitely do not need to read the first books before this, but I believe they follow the love stories of some of the other characters so I recommend checking them out!

as for this book… THIS IS WHY YOU NEVER TRUST THE GIRL BEST FRIEND!!! 😂😂😂 I thought Hazel and Alex were so so cute with each other, your typical we love each other but don’t know it but everyone else does. like it was so obvious these two were obsessed with each other, I feel bad for the people they set each other up to date 😂

but seriously these two made such a cute couple, idk how they didn’t start dating earlier because duh you should be best friends with your partner!

read if you like: friends to lovers, rom com, everyone knows but us, small town visits, pining, part of a series, summer vibes

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Gosh, this book was so cute and sweet and adorable 🥺

I’m a sucker for a good friends-to-lovers trope, honestly there’s just something about it that warms your heart and makes you want to jump from happiness. 🥹

Alex is so sweet! This book isn’t spicy but the things this man said, and did, and thought gave me goosebumps and made me smile and warmed my heart. I love him!

Hazel is amazing. She’s such vulnerable character and I loved watching her grow and become this confident woman. 🫶🏼

I loved Alex and Hazel’s dynamics and relationship. I love how close they are, their relationship is so loyal and pure and I enjoyed so much every moment between them. I wish they were honest with each other sooner, but I’ll also be honest and say that I loved the slow-burn in this book. 🔥

Madison Wright did an amazing job with this book, and I’m so grateful to her and NetGalley for providing me an ARC. 💖

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This book was all I look for in a romance novel. It was funny, quirky and addicting. The characters were so easy to love and the slow burn was wonderful. This was the first book I’ve read in this series and I definitely have to go read the rest now. I love thé genuine love between the characters and their friendship development. It was such a quick read and I’m so grateful to have had the chance to read this ARC! Happy Pub Day!

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This is a review of an Advanced Readers Copy of Just Friends by Madison Wright! Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review! Out July 15th!

Hazel Lane is ready to date again! After she finds her boyfriend cheating on her, she moves from LA to Nashville where her brother and new best friend Alex lives. She decides to enlist Alex’s help by asking him to set her up on a blind date… and in turn, she will set him up on a blind date too. Little does she know, Alex has other plans. He wants Hazel to find a soulmate, but he wants it to be him! As they go on these dates, things become more confusing for Hazel as she struggles with how she feels about Alex now… is it too risky to want to date your best friend? What if things don’t work out?!

My Thoughts
Well, these two main characters are the epitome of adorable and I will probably be adding Alex to my book boyfriends list! This book is a very clean romance, super sweet and light hearted. Hazel and Alex are two peas in a pod and genuinely care for each other. When Hazel was picking out girls for Alex’s blind dates, she kept thinking about whoever Alex dating accepting her and Alex’s friendship and how close they are. That showed how blind Hazel was to what everyone else could see… that they were pretty well made for each other.

And I liked a little throw in to Alex’s and Hazel’s movie nights… watching When Harry Met Sally. Come on! Perfect movie of why men and women can’t be friends without one catching feelings (not that this is always the case but you know what I’m saying), it was a cute little hint there to the two of them!

This book is the third in the Nashville is Calling series, which I haven’t read the others yet, but it can be read as a stand alone. The main characters for the previous two books are side characters in this one! I am definitely interested in checking those out!

You will like this book if you like:
🦋 Best Friends to Lovers
🍦He Falls First
🦋 Double Blind Dating
🍦 Dual POV
🦋 Slow Burn

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I’m very glad I received an advanced copy of this book! This will be available to everyone tomorrow- July 14th! This book is a part of a series but can also be read as a standalone. I haven’t read the first two, but now I want to go back and read them. This book was so cute! This is a best friends-to-lovers romance with small-town vibes and a slow burn. Also, the cover? Absolutely adorable. I definitely recommend this book if you need a sweet, lighthearted read. Their feelings for each other were so precious, I was smiling at it as I read. This is a great choice for a happy book this summer.

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Just Friends is the third installment of the Nashville Is Calling series, but can be read as a standalone. Hazel moves from LA to Nashville to be closer to her family after discovering that her boyfriend has been unfaithful to her. She has sworn off all men, with the exception of her best friend, Alex. A year later, she decides to jump back into the dating scene and enlists the help of Alex to set her up on double blind dates. Because that’s what best friends are for… right?

What to expect:
⤿ Best friends to lovers
⤿ Cinnamon roll MMC
⤿ Bubbly and creative FMC
⤿ He falls first
⤿ Blind dates
⤿ Spring and summer vibes
⤿ Closed door romance

I found myself really connecting with Hazel. I understood her insecurities and the way she thinks, in a way that really resonated within me. Alex is the perfect match for her. He’s described as a shy extrovert, but he’s also attentive, considerate, and incredibly sweet. He’s someone who truly sees Hazel for who she is, and I loved how patient he was with her as she not only figured herself out, but what she wanted for her life.

I adored Hazel and Alex’s story, and it’s so much fun seeing them navigate their changing relationship from best friends to more. They didn’t do anything without the other by their side. When one of them needed lifting up, the other was the first one there. They were inseparable. Everyone around them could see how perfect they were for each other. I enjoyed the moments where Hazel and Alex talked about details about the other person, showing how much they knew about each other.

If you’re into light-hearted romances that leave you with all the happy feels, I recommend picking this up! Huge thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was so sweet and just the perfect addition to the Nashville is Calling series! I loved the friends to lovers trope between Alex and Hazel. They were truly #couplegoals and I couldn’t get enough of them. It was just a fantastic read that I’ll be loving and recommending forever!

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Another win for the friends to lovers community. I may not have rated this a four or five but I still enjoyed reading this. I’ll always be a little biased when it’s a friends to lovers trope (aka the superior trope). I’ve read the first two of Madison Wright’s Nashville is Calling series before, so I kinda knew what to expect going into this. I think this is my favourite of all three. Also, let’s talk about the cover because it’s so fucking cute; @inkandlaurel literally never fails. The reason I rated this a three instead of the usual four is because I just wanted/expected… more. It was cute and all but I guess I needed more depth with Alex and Hazel. But either way, I still enjoyed reading it.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I admittedly had a hard time getting through this one, I think because the male main character, Alex, starts off in love with the female main character, Hazel. She's oblivious to it, asking Alex to set her up with someone (while she returns the favor). I normally like the he falls first (and harder) trope, but Even though this book is a sloooooow burn, Hazel's realization that she's in love with Alex feels abrupt. I understand that she suddenly sees him in a new light and recognizes what was always there between them, but I would have liked for there to be more build up for the reader. In my opinion, the slow burn factor made the book drag. Yes, there is no third act breakup, but I feel like saying this is false advertising, because Hazel doesn't admit her feelings until the final chapters.

The beginning of the book was kind of weird and confusing. Chapter One is just a bunch of text exchanges between Alex and Hazel. The texts aren't dated, and it makes everything choppy. I think the texts were meant to speed up the timeline between the prologue and chapter two, but I couldn't really understand what was happening.

This is still a very sweet, wholesome romance! I liked the writing style, for the most part (besides the aforementioned texts chapter). The author uses a LOT of weird, over the top figurative language that brought me out of the story, some of which being "her voice as sugary sweet as Pixie Stix" and "her blessing is a treat, like cream cheese frosting melting on cinnamon rolls." I think these similes cheapen her writing. Don't get me wrong, I love figurative language, but these are so cheesy.

Thank you so much to the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest, voluntary review.

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“Growing up, I didn’t like change very much,” I say with a wry look in his direction. “But butterflies. They were made to change. They were never meant to stay the same. And their change…well, it was beautiful. And I liked that change could be beautiful sometimes. It didn’t always mean something was ending or someone was leaving.”

The vibes:
- friends to lovers
- He falls first
- Dual POV

My thoughts:
This was adorable. I couldn’t put it down. Alex was so into Hazel, and Hazel had no clue for so long. I loved reading the process unfold as Hazel started to realize she has more-than-friend feelings for Alex and as she tried to fight them out of fear and doubt.

The writing style of this book was so well done for my preferences- it flowed so well! The references to ice cream were one of my favorite elements. I did have some confusion about Alex’s family dynamics- but nothing that causes me to reduce my rating. This is the third book in a series, which I didn’t know when I started it. I would say it’s standalone but to read the previous books for the backstory in Alex’s family. (I immediately am going back to read the first two books because of how much I loved this one.)
Releases July 14.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and Madison Wright for providing a copy of this book to read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Okay this book was so cute!!!!

Alex is in love with his best friend, but he always wants the best for her. He wants the best for her so much that he agrees to be set up on blind dates!!

His love is so pure. I get what it's like to not want to ruin a friendship and Hazel was reacting just like any girl would. Maybe in the back of her mind, she knew she had a crush on Alex, but never wanted to admit it to herself.

This is a very fast friends to lovers, where he falls first. I love that there is no third act break up!!!

Overall, this was a very quick, cute read! I'd recommend it if you want a wholesome, closed door romance that leaves you smiling on every page.

PS. I did not read the other two in the series and I was not lost at all, so this can truly be read as a standalone!

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This book was so cute and sweet!! I loved the characters and it had me giggling almost every single chapter. When a friends to lovers has you giggling and kicking your feet? There’s nothing better.

I adored all the characters, but I especially loved that all the friends got involved in the plot - orchestrating one beds, giving him tips on how to get dirty & shirtless. It honestly had me cracking up majority of the book.

If you’re looking for a cute summer read that you escape in, Just Friends will definitely be the one for you.

✨One bed
✨Friends to lovers
✨No traditional third act break up
✨he falls first
✨summer vibes

4⭐️ | 1🌶️

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Just Friends is a cute friends to lovers, he falls first, slow burn romance book. It is definitely a big change from the normal romance books I read which tend to be on the dark side.

The story follows best friends Hazel and Alex as they navigate their feelings toward each other while dealing with the fear of what that means for their friendship.

Alex falls head over heels first. While he wasn’t my favorite MMC, it was very sweet how much and how aware he was he loved Hazel.

I loved the references to movies, shows and books mentioned throughout the story and how it played into Hazel and Alex’ love story.

It was slow burn to the max and spice level was low, but if you’re looking for a summertime romance with a cinnamon role male character who falls for his best friend first, this is for you!

Thank you to Madison Wright and Netgalley for the ARC.

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Madison does an outstanding job at writing the sweetest, most wholesome romances. She does friends to lovers at such a TOP KNOTCH level. I adored watching our MCs come to the realization that they wanted either other.

I enjoyed the premise of this book, two friends who are picking blind dates for each other with the thought of not wanting them to be with anyone else.

I truly loved Alex so much. His character was easy to love and just root for. I didn’t find Hazel to be very likable. It felt like she was very wishy washy and i couldn’t relate to her character at all.

While i did really enjoy the overall story, i felt that at times it dragged and while the book wasn’t very long, it felt long in certain aspects.

It’s giving friends to lovers & he falls first (& FAST).

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This was such a cute and beautiful read. I adored Alex and Hazel. Their friendship was so strong and they both found such comfort in eachother. Alex was so whipped with Hazel and was truly her person. Hazel took time to see his and realize her feelings for him. The ending was perfect for them.

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This was such a super cute best friends to lovers story! 🥰

🚪(just kissing)

Hazel & Alex meet through their respective siblings (who are dating, then married), and instantly hit it off. Hazel, however, has a boyfriend. Their undeniable connection then leaves them with one relationship - best friends.

After Hazel’s boyfriend cheats on her, and she packs up and moves to Nashville (where her brother Cam, his wife Ellie, and her BEST FRIEND Alex live). After another year passes, Hazel decides she’s ready to date again, and asks Alex to team up with her and for them to set each other up on blind dates.

I’m a sucker for a hidden crush, especially when it’s the hero pining over the heroine for years 🥰 He TOTALLY falls first here, and it’s so adorable. I love the texting banter between Hazel & Alex, his conversation with her best friend Lucy about “how to get the girl,” and how their relationship continues to grow to Hazel finally seeing Alex as more than a friend.

This was so close to being a 5-star read for me, but I felt it was just a bit too long. It kinda dragged on with them not getting together, and I really just wanted to smack some sense into Hazel 😂

What you’ll find in Just Friends:
⭐️ Best friends to lovers
⭐️ He falls first
⭐️ Texting
⭐️ Sunshine & sunshine
⭐️ Only one bed
⭐️ No third act breakup
⭐️ Slooooow burn
⭐️ Dual POV/first person

Thank you so very much to Victory Editing Netgalley Co-Op and author Madison Wright for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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"I'll go anywhere with you, Hazel Lane."

I read the first 2 books of the Nashville is Calling series before getting to Just Friends, and I have to say that this one is my favourite of the 3!

I'm a huge fan of friends to lovers, and the "he falls first" trope. Madison Wright handled this transition, and this trope really well. I appreciate how emotionally mature Alex is throughout the book, despite any pervious reputations he may have upheld in the past. The pining is written in a very real way, with Alex's skills in patience on full display as Hazel navigates her life and her happiness, trying to figure things out for herself. It's clear that Alex wants nothing but the absolute best for Hazel - even if that may not be him. He adores every little detail about her, and he'll do anything he can to show her how he feels.

These two are so gentle with each other's hearts. Their relationship is so real right from the beginning with their quick back and forth banter. This book is incredibly sweet, I was wearing a giddy smile for the majority of the book.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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3.5 stars

this was a cute and enjoyable friends-to-lovers romance story.
when i first received this arc, i only had 1 week until its release date, so i dove right into the storyline, and it hooked me in from the very beginning. i loved seeing hazel and alex’s friendship develop and later develop into something more; they truly cared and connected with each other, but nearing the end, i did lose motivation to finish it. i do think that there was not anything new or special about the book that made it stand out, but it's still a nice read.

thank you victory editing netgalley co-op for this e-arc!!


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It's been a year since Hazel Lane moved from LA after discovering her boyfriend's infidelity. She devoted this time to arranging her life closer to family and friends. When she finally decides she's ready to date again, she finds she can't trust her instincts when it comes to choosing a partner. This is where Alex - her best friend - comes in. She offers him a deal where he will set her up on blind dates, and she will return the favor. Alex is also lonely, but for completely different reasons than Hazel. He is unable to arrange a life with anyone because he fell in love with Hazel from the first meeting.

🦋friends to lovers
🦋double dating
🦋he falls first
🦋slow burn

I love that moment when you know from the first page that you will love a book. That's what happened to me when I read Just Friends. The very first meeting of the main characters is one of my favorite meet cute. I had a smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach the entire time I read this book. Hazel and Alex have wonderful chemistry. The side characters and their love advice were some of my favorite elements. This book had everything a romantic comedy needs. In addition, after the book, I immediately watched the movie Emma, ​​which is also one of my favorites - just like Hazel. I admit that I haven't read the previous books in this series, but it didn't bother me at all in receiving this one and I know that I will quickly catch up with the previous two.

Thank you to netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion!

Pub Date: 14 Jul 2023


Minął rok odkąd Hazel Lane przeprowadziła się z LA po odkryciu zdrady swojego chłopaka. Czas ten przeznaczyła na układanie swojego życia bliżej rodziny i przyjaciół. Gdy wreszcie stwierdza, że jest gotowa ponownie chodzić na randki stwierdza, że nie może zaufać swojemu instynktowi w kwestii wyboru partnera. Tutaj wkracza Alex- jej najlepszy przyjaciel. Proponuje mu układ, w którym będzie ją umawiał na randki w ciemno, a ona odwdzięczy się tym samym. Alex również jest samotny, ale zupełnie z innych powodów niż Hazel. Nie jest on w stanie ułożyć sobie z nikim życia, ponieważ od pierwszego spotkania pokochał Hazel.

Uwielbiam ten moment, gdy od pierwszych stron wiadomo, że pokocha się daną książkę. Miałam właśnie tak przy czytaniu „Just Friends”. Samo pierwsze spotkanie głównych bohaterów jest jednym z moich ulubionych meet cute. Czytając tę książkę, cały czas miałam uśmiech na ustach i motylki w brzuchu. Hazel i Alex mają cudowną chemię. Postacie poboczne i ich związkowe rady były jednymi z moich ulubionych elementów. Ta książka miała wszystko, co jest potrzebne w komedii romantycznej. Natomiast po książce, od razu obejrzałam film Emma, który jest również jednym z moich ulubionych-tak samo jak Hazel. Przyznam, że nie czytałam poprzednich książek z tej serii, ale zupełnie nie przeszkadzało mi to w odbiorze tej i wiem, że szybko nadrobię poprzednie dwie.

Dzięki NetGalley za ARC!

Data publikacji: 14 lipca 2023 r

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A classic and tender friends to lovers romance novel. Hazel gets her heart broken and she is trying to heal with the help of her best friend Alex, who low and behold is in love with her. Is Hazel completely unaware? Yes. Does Alex become a lovesick puppy trying to get her to see what a great love match he is for her? Also yes.

Even though this is a cut and dry classic friends to lovers tale I still really enjoyed it, the family and friendship dynamics where superb and the communication was also so natural and well paced out.

The length was perfect, I didn't lose interest or get bored and the humor was actually humourous (this is surprisingly rare)

My only downfall was the lack of depth within some of the main characters, it felt very surface level, especially Alex; who seemed cliched "Best Friend love interest" but.. a reminder, I am a complete fiend for emotional and character focused books so this is a criticism catered to my personal taste.

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