Member Reviews

I love the idea of this book. Virgin kindergarten teacher is secretly the author of a massively popular series of steamy historical novels which are basically fanfics starring her favorite actor. Plot leads them to fake dating and hilarity ensues, right?

Sadly, no.

There are some funny moments and a few super sweet scenes. And the spice was just the right amount of heat. But overall, everything just felt over the top. Drew isn't just a jerk, he's dude bro douchy. Mary-Beth isn't just a virgin, she's uber innocent never even had an orgasm because she's never touched herself.

I would've enjoyed this book a lot more if Drew was just a smidge softer (some sort of hint in the first 25% that he's not a terrible human being and is capable of being the person we see later) and if she wasn't so unbelievably innocent.

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I loved this book. Snark and sexy times! This is very much a story for our current times - a virgin kindergarten teacher who stalks her celeb crush via the Gram self-publishes some very steamy romance novels, which then lead to said-celeb putting out a Tik Tok seeking the author. Of course the search goes viral.

Mary Beth is a preacher’s kid whose mom has seriously warped MB’s attitude about pre-marital sex. She lives in fear that someone will figure out she is new sensation author Minnie Maple. But she also wants to meet Drew and sell her books’ movie rights, so she outs herself to him, never thinking he is not the wholesome do-gooder he portrays on social media. The two clash tremendously and Drew ends up following MB home to her small town where he announces to everyone that he is her boyfriend. Desperate to keep her secret, MB plays along. And over time, the fake becomes real.

The main characters did take some time to grow on me. MB seemed a little spineless at the start and Drew was just icky (e.g., his earring collection). But together they each go out on individual journey of self-discovery, which allows them to also find the other.

Drew and MB have great banter and excellent chemistry. The sexy times are well-done. There are mentions of race and racism but they are woven into the story in a way that feels real. Religion plays a role in the book but again I thought it was well-done. I didn’t feel like religion was being forced onto me as a reader, it was simply part of the backstory.

The secondary characters were great, especially the best friends. I hope they get their own book! The Vegas twist was good, but the viral reveal was a bit unbelievable. Small quibbles though.

4.5 stars rounded to 5. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary ARC of this book. The opinions in this review are my own.

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