Member Reviews

I love a good cozy mystery! One that incorporates all of my favorite topics (i.e. genealogy, bookstores, libraries, cooking, painting, inn keeping, animals, etc.), throwing in some action-suspense, a who-done-it, interesting characters, and a plot that keeps me guessing, then you’ve got me hooked. I will say, I am one of those people who like to read a series from the beginning, but I often find you don’t have to… either way I highly recommend reading The Sign of Four Spirits by Vicki Delany.

*I received a complimentary copy of this novel from NetGalley at my request and this review is my own unbiased opinion.*

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The Sign of Four Spirits is a continuation of the Sherlock Holmes-themed, Cape Cod based cozy mystery series featuring Gemma Doyle, bookshop owner and amateur sleuth. This mystery incorporates an additional tantalizing hint of a possible supernatural element, as did the previous book in the series. I did not enjoy this book as much as I have the others in this series. The explanation of the mystery at the end seemed a bit far fetched to me, and I wasn't really interested in the new characters that the author introduced us to in this book. That being said, I would recommend this series to anyone who likes cozy mysteries.

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I absolutely loved this mystery. This is the ninth book in the series but it's fine to read as a standalone. The characters are so well written and the plot was so good.

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Absolutely loved this book! The myster was well written and all the characters were as well. I loved that there was a little supernatural element in it as well, it added some spice to the mystery.

Will definitely read more by Vicki Delany in the future.

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Another great installment of one of my favorite cozy series. One might think it would get boring, book after book with the same Sherlockian theme and obligatory Benedict Cumberbatch name drop, but it doesn’t. I learned something new in this installment, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s fascination with spiritualism. The mystery was pretty straightforward but I still enjoyed it and the cast of eccentric characters. I’ll be on the lookout for the next installment!

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"The Sign of Four Spirits" I have read a few of the bookshop mysteries. A very delightful easy read. Enjoyable till the end. I could pick up with the characters even if I hadn't read all the books. Gemma is amazing. The story takes place in cape Cod. Also.
Even though Gemma is not from there sha has established herself well and everyone likes her. Also, her friend Jayne helps her out. Gemma goes after what she feels is correct and figures out who did it. I will read other books in this series That i have missed.

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I absolutely adore this series and this book doesn’t disappoint! As with most of our amateur sleuths, Gemma has a hard time not getting involved when there’s a mystery to be solved. Her curiosity (and cynicism) has her partaking in a seance, but only from the outside once she’s kicked out of the seance room. This “locked room” murder definitely has Gemma’s interest and she doesn’t hide the fact that she wants to help solve the case.

Luckily, Gemma is dating the local detective, Ryan Ashburton, who knows how useful Gemma’s keen observational skills and quick, logical mind can be. Even Ryan’s partner, Louise Estrada, who has been hostile to Gemma from the start has warmed up since the first few books.

There is an abundance of characters, from familiar faces, like Gemma’s best friend Jayne, to quirky Sherlockian Donald to newcomers, including many new folks who are in town for the psychic fare. However, even with all the new names and faces, it’s not hard to keep track of everyone and I didn’t feel overwhelmed trying to sort out who’s who.

While there were some developments in the personal relationships of the characters, it was a very minor plot point and this book reads well as a standalone (even though I HIGHLY recommend enjoying this series from the very beginning).

The new characters keep things interesting and there was a bit more focus on the paranormal – which was very relevant because the author of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, had a great interest in the occult and regularly consulted mediums himself.

The murder mystery plot was well done and evenly paced and there was a great build-up of tension. The stakes felt high and at one point I was genuinely worried for one of the characters! This isn’t something I find happens a lot in cozy mysteries, so it was a nice surprise.

Overall, I really enjoyed The Sign of Four Spirits and can’t wait for the next book in the series!

*** Thank you to the publisher, Crooked Lane Books, for providing me with an e-copy of this book for review purposes.

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I have read most of the books in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop series and have really enjoyed them. In fact, I’ve purchased the ones I have yet to read and can’t wait to get lost in the pages. The characters are well developed and I love Gemma, who runs and is part owner n the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium. Gemma does an amazing job of fleshing out the mystery and figuring out who is guilty of committing murder. There are lots of twists and turns along the way and the paranormal aspect of this one was not too over the top to be a turnoff. This is a delightful cozy mystery and I find myself looking forward to the next book and adventure with Gemma and the rest of the gang from West London.

Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lanes Books for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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A Psychic Fair descends on West London. Gemma Doyle's bookshop, with its' emphasis on Holmes, does a brisk business with books about Sir Arthur's fascination with fairies and the like. Gemma and Jayne wind up being invited to a seance. Gemma attends grudgingly, is promptly barred from the room and when the medium winds up dead, a locked room mystery reveals many suspects.

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In this ninth Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery Gemma Doyle, owner of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium, is urged by friend & fellow Sherlockian Donald Morris and her assistant Ashleigh to attend a psychic fair. This leads to a séance arranged by Ashleigh's mother, former pop star Bunny Leigh. Gemma wants nothing to do with the séance either, but is again talked into it. This is how Gemma and her best friend Jayne Wilson end up at a séance. Banned from the library where the séance is to be held, Gemma sits outside the door. After a power outage and a scream Gemma enters the library finding that there has been a murder. Since the windows were all locked and Gemma was guarding the only door, she must figure out which of the people in that room is a murderer.

This is a great series and I've enjoyed each book.


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I love the connection between Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Spiritualism. The mystery was engaging and thought-provoking. The weak area of this series continues to be Gemma, the MC. Her portrayal just reiterates why Watson was the narrator, not Holmes.

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I really love these mysteries! I love how Gemma notices and remembers things most normal people would not. Very entertaining series!! Can't wait for more!

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This was a great closed room mystery. The plot was cleverly crafted with several suspects and Gemma has some sleuthing to do. I love the charactersand it was an enjoyable read.
Many thanks to Crooked Lane Books and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Princess Fuzzypants here: Gemma Doyle shares some of the same talent for observation that her ancestor endowed in his famous fictional character. She has proven she is not just a mild mannered book shop owner but a good sleuth in her own right. When a psychic fair sets up shop in New London, Gemma will be drawn into a murder that involves Sir Arthur’s fascination with spiritualism. Did a ghost really kill the medium at a seance or is there a more corporeal villain at large?

Just to keep things interesting there are other conflicts and distractions going on around them and when a second murder is committed, she realizes she might have been sidetracked from seeing the real killer. I did twig to the culprit earlier than Gemma but there was a great backstory that was only revealed at the end. I like the fact that Gemma uses her mind and wits to solve crimes but she and her detective boyfriend Ryan share a mutual respect for the other’s skills.

Four purrs and two paws up.

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Thank you to Netgally, the publishers, and Vicki Delany

When I requested this book I was unaware that it was apart of a series, one that requires you to read the previous books for this one to make sense. I am unable to read all the previous books along with this one before the publish date. Therefore, I will rate this a fair 3/5 stars and will adjust the rating and review when I am able to read all the books in the series along with this one.

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This is book 9 in this series, and I hadn't read the others. There was definitely some history I was missing out on, but overall, I followed everything just fine.

The Sign of Four Spirits involves a seance, a murdered medium, and Gemma Doyle there to help solve the crime. The mystery was well paced, and I genuinely didn't guess the culprit until the reveal.

This is a series I might be interested in going back and reading the previous installments. The characters seemed nicely developed, and I enjoyed the bookstore atmosphere. I especially liked all of the interesting facts about Sherlock Holms and Arthur Conan Doyle mentioned throughout.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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When book store owner Gemma is invited to a seance, she readily declines but when a friend needs her she goes. Her gut tells her something is off and when she is asked to leave the room her senses pick. Suddenly everything erupts, the lights go out and the medium is dead.
An enjoyable who done it that puts your detective skills to the test. A locked room mystery with a number of suspects but then another murder happens and all is not what it seems. Keeps you reading and wondering at the same time.

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I absolutely love Gemma’s personality and how it is infused into each page, each word, and this book was no exception! It was truly such a fun read as were brought back into the world of Gemma Doyle and her propensity for stumbling upon crimes.
While the mystery itself was a little lackluster for me as I easily guessed the murderer early on, I could forgive that fact because of how incredibly fun the character interactions and dynamics are! I’m already looking forward to the next book.

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This is the ninth book in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery series. A psychic fair has arrived in West London. Gemma Doyle does not believe in spirits but is coerced into attending a seance to support her bookstore employee Ashleigh & Ashleigh's former pop star mother Bunny Leigh. The dozen attendees arrive at Rebecca Stanton's mansion. To her surprise, Gemma is banned from the seance & she is forced to listen from outside the library. When she hears a scream. Gemma bursts into the room to find someone has been stabbed to death with a unique weapon. All the lights were off as the summer storm raged. Everyone had been holding hands during the seance. So was the killer one of the guests? Or did a real ghost have malicious intent?

Gemma has become a softer, more likable character as the series has progressed. She agrees to help her police detective boyfriend Ryan Ashburton with the investigation. With the help of her best friend Jayne Wilson, Gemma uses her strong powers of observation to eliminate suspects. But then another death occurs & Gemma has to race to save a third person from a similar deadly fate. This was another enjoyable entry in this long-running series.

I received a digital ARC from Netgalley and Crooked Lane Books. All opinions are my own.

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I’m a fan of Vicki Delany’s Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mysteries, and her amateur sleuth, Gemma Doyle. Although Gemma is on the periphery of the scene when the murder occurs in The Sign of Four Spirits, she works her unofficial investigation, using her knowledge of the people on the scene.

One of Gemma’s employees at Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium, Ashleigh, recently reunited with her mother, former pop star Bunny Leigh. Although Gemma has no interest in the psychic fair that’s in West London on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Bunny is interested. She wants Ashleigh to attend a seance with her during the fair, and Ashleigh begs Gemma to attend, and be there for her. Gemma can’t say no to Ashleigh, so she and her best friend, Jayne Wilson, head baker at Mrs. Hudson’s Tea Room, agree to go together.

It’s an unusual group of people at Rebecca Stanton’s home, including her visiting stepson and his wife, along with Rebecca’s niece, a couple who arrived by boat as tourists, Gemma, and several friends. But, when they enter the library for the seance, there are only twelve chairs, and the medium’s assistant asks Gemma to leave the room because the medium doesn’t need Gemma’s skepticism. Gemma might not be in the room, but she can station herself outside so she can at least hear what’s happening. She can’t see, but she can hear the screams and the call from her friend, Jayne. When Gemma flips on the lights, one of the people in the room is dead. It doesn’t take long for Gemma and several others to realize it was murder.

Ryan Ashburton, Gemma’s boyfriend, and the lead detective for the West London police department, responds to the scene, along with his partner, Detective Louise Estrada. Although it’s a locked room murder, with only twelve suspects, the detectives are stymied, and Ryan admits to Gemma they could use her assistance. As Gemma asks questions, and is in the right place at times, she puts together the clues that lead to the correct conclusion in a surprising case.

I like Gemma, modeled after Sherlock Holmes. In the course of the series, she has become quite a bit more human and likable. By book nine, it’s fun to watch her analyze people, motives, and calculate the likelihood that someone may be a killer. The Sign of Four Spirts is an entertaining story for fans of the canon and its pastiches.

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