Member Reviews

Sherlock Holmes bookshop series.
Gem a and friends attends a seance which Gamma was ask not to attend but waits out side of the room when she hears a cry for help.after getting in she finds a murder.
In the now unlocked room with many suspects.
Good mystery twists intriguing story and great characters.
Voluntary reviewed.

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Dollycas's Thoughts

Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium owner Gemma Doyle finds herself caught up in another murder mystery when she goes against her better judgment and attends a séance arranged by former pop star Bunny Leigh, with her best friend Jayne, her assistant Ashleigh, and her friend and avid Holmes fan Donald Morris. Donald hopes to connect with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. But before the séance begins Gemma is asked to leave the room by Madame Lavalier due to her skepticism, saying it would "disturb some her visitors".

Like any good amateur sleuth, she leaves the room but listens from the other side of the door. While she expected some shenanigans, she didn't expect a scream and a cry for help. Plunging through the door and turning on the lights she finds someone facedown on the table and quickly determines they are dead. There is only one exit out of the room and Gemma didn't see anyone come out. The windows are all locked too. The murderer is in this room! Gemma just isn't sure, is the killer a human being or a spirit?


Ms. Delany has penned a classic closed room whodunit in her 9th Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery and given her readers a real treat.

The characters in this series continue to shine. Gemma's sleuthing skills rival Mr. Holmes himself. When she does get a little off track Ryan, her detective boyfriend is there to bring her back. His partner, Detective Louise Estrada hates when Gemma butts into their cases but is getting used to it. Gemma and her best friend Jayne, half-owner and manager of Mrs. Hudson's Tea Room which is attached to her bookshop, meet every day for a "business meeting", but if there is a murder afoot that becomes the prime discussion. Gemma's assistant, Ashleigh has reconnected with her mother, former pop star Bunny Leigh who gets her involved in crazy things like a séance. Both Bunny and  Sherlockian Donald Morris are excited to attend the psychic fair. Donald's attendance is very beneficial for Gemma's bookshop as he promoted it to everyone he talked to as the prime place to get Arthur Conan Doyle's books not only featuring Sherlock Holmes but also his books about spirits and fairies.

There were twelve at the séance table including the victim when the murder occurred. All were suspects but Gemma knew her friends had nothing to do with the murder but may have noticed or heard something important. With seven suspects and an unusual murder weapon, Gemma shares with Ryan and Louise what little she knows about them and how the weapon may have been brought into the room. Then they start their official investigation while Gemma starts her unofficial one. I like that she shares her findings and theories with them rather than holding them back and trying to solve the whole thing by herself. That doesn't mean she doesn't find herself in an exciting showdown with the killer when all the clues snap into place though. I found myself at the edge of my seat as Gemma calmly tried to talk the killer out of their intentions anxious to see what would happen next.

The Sign of Four Spirits is a spirited well-plotted and well-executed cozy mystery with plenty of twists and turns. The well-developed characters easily draw readers into their lives. This story is entertaining from beginning to end. A Perfect Escape!

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I had this one but it even after downloading to my kindle it wouldn't work, so had to wait till it came out to read it.
I enjoyed this one as it's my favorite series so I always have fun with the characters. Loved how the lady doing the seance didn't want Gemma in there with them but she still managed to figure things out.

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I read all the books leading up to this ARC and I am glad I did, this is a great series! I can't wait until the next installment comes out! Vicki Delany is one of my always-read authors now! I can't wait to see where Gemma and her detective end up!


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The Sign of Four Spirits by Vicky Delany is the ninth book in Sherlock Holmes Bookstore Mystery as such a treat as always. It can be read as a standalone without any problems.

Story is very interesting and well presented, with clues clearly left for readers to follow.
I love both MC and all side characters, they are such a fun group to read about. Very solid characters, smart, realiable and relatable.
It is steady paced, without any boring or stalling parts. The language is easy to read.
I enjoy every installment and read it as soon as it comes out.
Real pleasure.

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This is yet another lovely installment in the series and I was happy to spend some time in the world these characters create. This adventure centers around a medium and a seance gone bad, as a part of a psychic fair that comes into town. The same wonderful witty banter can be enjoyed throughout this one, and I even love the characters that are designed to be a bit grating. It's a colorful cast that always seems to get their killer in the end somehow. The descriptions of psychic adventures were snarky and fun, which seemed appropriate considering how Sherlock would have felt about it all.

I will say that the audiobook for this didn't do it justice, and it felt like it was trying to make it seem overdone and campy (more than you want it to). The voice acting would have made me stop reading this book if I wasn't already attached to the characters and wanted to continue in the series. So, don't be tempted to get the audiobook - please stick with the ebook or physical read.

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The timing for me to read The Sign of Four Spirits by Vicki Delany was kismet. The Sisters in Crime Grand Canyon chapter had her as their January guest speaker open to all SinC members and held over Zoom. I've seen Vicki speak in person and her fortitude in writing seems unparalleled. She's written over 50 books!

For this review, rather than simply gush about how much I love this series set in a fictional Cape Cod town which sounds like my idea of a perfect life, I'll break down a bit of how the author structures this mystery plot.


Gemma Doyle is the main character and a descendant of the great Sherlock Holmes creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. She uprooted her life to co-habitate with her Uncle Arthur who is hardly ever home. Delany has created a sleuth much like her inspiration, Sherlock Holmes. Over the course of the series, Gemma begins to learn that she can be rough around the edges, a bit unfriendly and gruff. However, Gemma is a softer and kinder version of Sherlock. She has two dogs at home, Violet and Peony; plus a black cat, Moriarty, who lives at her Sherlock Holmes bookshop and emporium. Gemma also makes time for romance. At this point (the ninth book of the series), Gemma is dating a police detective.

Gemma has all of the acute awareness of her surroundings. She knows there are seventeen steps up to her office. She can tell if there's a stray hair on someone's coat. She'll notice everything from mud on sneakers to how many glasses are in a room. When it comes to finding any evidence and unmasking offenders, Gemma doesn't always have time for a plan.

As an Easter Egg, her shop cat, Moriarty does not like her. They tolerate each other and have affection, but it's not on display the way Gemma loves her energetic dogs, Peony and Violet.

Jayne Wilson fills in as Dr. John Watson. Jayne runs the teashop side of the Sherlock-themed enterprise. She's a chef/baker, an employer, a best friend to Gemma, and a fiancée to a restaurant chef. Needless to say, Jayne has her hands full even before she gets intertwined into the West London mysteries. She's the Yin the Gemma's Yang. Her role is important in providing the protagonist with reminders about being more approachable. She also ends up providing necessary sparks through casual conversation that ignite Gemma into putting the puzzle pieces together.

The Four Spirits:

This story revolves around a séance that takes place in large manor/mansion on the Cape. The spirits that allegedly come through are connected to individuals present. Madame Laval, the medium, could have done some preliminary work to find out who the attendees would want to contact, but there's one voice that comes a shock and no one claims to know who it is until the climax.

General Themes:
Young people needing to find their own way vs. parental expectations
Plotting and Pacing:

Many people who want to write a book (mysteries, in particular) tackle them as if they have to reinvent the wheel. Outlining may not work for everyone, but I do not understand how someone starting out wouldn't even have a beat sheet or scribbled notes about when events must happen in order for the story to move along. After 50 books, I don't know if it's necessary for an accomplished mystery writer like Delany to make an outline.

Since I read from a digital review copy, my notes on plotting are in percent-completed not page number:

21% first victim murdered;

41% some details of Gemma's history are sprinkled in to get new readers caught up;

42% a major insight to how certain attendees of the séance (scene of first murder) were connected;

48% biggest motive for the second of the murders revealed;

56% motive for why some people were at the séance in the first place and red herring that first victim might have been a case of mistaken identity;

63% prime suspect eliminated from the list;

71% dramatic action leading to the second murder;

78% the original prime suspect lands back at the top of the list for the first murder which is negated a short time later at 80%;

82% protagonist intuits that someone else may be in grave danger which could lead to a third murder; this pushes her to bolt into action;

86% climax; the protagonist and murderer have their faceoff to get all the explanations and reasons out into the open; this leads to some resolution;

87% (chapter 25 of 27) this is chapter where the protagonist gets her "Agatha Christie Moment" assembling people including the police to bring down the murderer;

The wrap-up follows in the last two chapters.

This breakdown shows the development Delany took to move characters through their arcs. This is not, by any means, a detailed breakdown, merely highlights. Things come together for everyone who had their own side stories.


Vicki Delany's Sherlock Holmes Bookshop series can be used as a masterclass outline for How to Write a Cozy Mystery. Gemma Doyle continues to be a character full of intuition and keen observations.

Rating: 5 stars

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What a fun installment! While this series doesn't need to be read in order, it does enhance the experience if you're already familiar with the West London gang. I absolutely love all the friendship vibes in this series, and this book really let the relationships shine. In a unique setup for a mystery, all we (and Gemma) can do is listen to the leadup and aftermath of the crime, and work from there to figure out what's happened. A famous psychic with seemingly no attachment to anyone present is dead, and (in a truly shocking move) Detective Ashburton actually asks for Gemma's help in solving the case. 🤣 I really liked this installment! Not my favorite in the series, but a very fun one nonetheless. Four stars from me!

**I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.**

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I always love how Vicki Delany is able to sprinkle interesting and cool facts about Sherlock and Doyle into her stories.
The mystery remained, just that, until the reveal. I was not able to guess who the killer was but it all made sense once you found out the who and why.
I am looking forward to reading the next installment in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery series.

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Book Review: The Sign of Four Spirits: A Delightfully Engaging Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 Stars

Vicki Delany's ninth installment in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery series, "The Sign of Four Spirits," is a captivating and charming addition to Gemma Doyle's sleuthing adventures. With an adorable cover that draws readers in, this book delivers an enjoyable and well-paced mystery that will keep fans of the series entertained.

The story begins when a psychic fair arrives in West London, much to Gemma's dismay. As the owner of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium, she initially wants nothing to do with it. However, an enthusiastic Sherlockian named Donald Morris convinces her to attend a séance along with her best friend Jayne, store assistant Ashleigh, and former pop star Bunny Leigh.

To Gemma's surprise, she is banned from the séance and forced to eavesdrop from outside the room. As she listens, she hears a cry for help and witnesses a murder taking place inside the locked room. Gemma finds herself once again stepping into the role of detective as she unravels the mystery of the murderer's identity.

Delany's writing is engaging and skillful, effortlessly transporting readers into the atmospheric world of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop. The setting is vividly described, and the author's attention to detail immerses readers in the streets of West London. From the cozy bookshop to the intriguing psychic fair, each location feels authentic and adds depth to the story.

The pacing of the book is well-executed, keeping readers on their toes as Gemma investigates the murder. Delany expertly balances moments of suspense with lighter moments of camaraderie among the characters. Though the mystery might not be the most challenging to solve, it is still satisfyingly laid out with enough twists to keep readers engaged until the final reveal.

One of the highlights of this series is its well-developed cast of characters. Gemma Doyle is a relatable and likable protagonist who effortlessly carries the story. Her interactions with Jayne, Ashleigh, and Bunny bring humor and warmth, making them feel like old friends. Delany skillfully weaves their relationships into the narrative, enhancing both the mystery and the overall reading experience.

In conclusion, "The Sign of Four Spirits" is a delightful addition to Vicki Delany's Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery series. With its adorable cover, engaging writing, and well-paced plot, this book is a must-read for fans of cozy mysteries. While not the most challenging mystery to solve, its charm lies in its characters and atmospheric setting. I eagerly look forward to diving into the next installment of this captivating series.

⚠️This review was written based on personal opinions and experiences with the book. Individual preferences may vary⚠️

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This was an entertaining cozy mystery. I liked the plot and the characters were a lot of fun. Very much recommend this book.

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I'm going to admit that I've pretty much stopped reading these for the mysteries. I'm mostly reading them for the characters and the drama between the characters. Because the mysteries themselves have become predictable and easy to solve.

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The Sign of Four Spirits 1/12-1/17
Book: 4 stars
Audio: 1 star

* Familiar friends and setting
* Gemma is such a good Sherlock-type character
* Interesting way to bring the group of suspects together
* I never buy the “police ask the amateur for help and share their info” line
* Audiobook narration is atrocious. The attempts at different voices and accents are beyond unsuccessful and becomes distracting. Such a disservice to a well-reputed author’s work.

Thank you to Vicki Delany, Crooked Lane books, and NetGalley for an advanced review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Book 9 in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop series involves a psychic fair, a seance, and a murdered medium. Gemma Doyle wants nothing to do with any of it. However, her young store assistant Ashleigh begs for Gemma to join her and her mother, Bunny Leigh. Gemma brings best friend Jayne but finds herself banned from Rebecca Stanton’s library by the medium herself. In keeping her promise to Ashleigh, Gemma sits and listens outside the library door. Four potential “spirits” later, there is a scream followed by cries of help, and Gemma bursts through the door to find the medium has been murdered. But how? And why?

I always enjoy Vicki Delany’s novels. This series is actually one of my favorites. The characters are all vibrant and distinct to one another. I love the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium and wish there was a real place along with Mrs. Hudson’s Tea Room. At this point, I feel like poor Rebecca Stanton, or her house, is cursed. I hope she is given a reprieve for later books.

The mystery was decent with plenty of suspects with massive motives. At first, the series had one of my pet peeves, the detective hates the amateur. Now, while they will not be friends by any means, it is clear that Detective Estrada has (for the most part) gotten over her reluctance against Gemma.

Overall, I rate this novel 4 out of 5 stars.

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Gemma, a British expat, owns a Sherlock Holmes themed bookstore in New England with her uncle, who's a silent partner. There is a psychic fair in town which not only brings in many customers, but also an invitation to a seance. Gemma is skeptical, but accompanies her friends Bunny and Jayne anyway. There is a murder at the seance, and of course Gemma wants to help her cop boyfriend with the investigation. This cozy mystery with a touch of the paranormal is part of a series, but I was able to read it as a standalone. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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The Sherlock Holmes Bookshop at 222 Baker Street, New London, Massachusetts is once again open for business in The Sign of Four Spirits, the ninth book in the series. Gemma, the co-owner, is wrangled into attending a seance, where someone is killed in plain sight when all the lights are off. Was it one of the guests? Or could it have been a ghost from the medium’s past?

Usually, these books showcase one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s well-known stories. However, this time it is his hobby, or maybe his obsession, of spirituality in the forefront. While it is a unique point-of-view, I don’t like it as much as the rest of the books in the series. Still, The Sign of Four Spirits is a fun read, if you just want an amusing, unchallenging, read. 4 stars!

Thanks to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.

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I am enjoying this series and the characters. Donald is a hoot! So knowledgeable and so funny. I love the friendship between Gemma and Jayne. Everyone needs a friend like that. This story line was very interesting. I wish I had Gemma’s observation skills and her thought processing skills. I can’t wait to go back to West London to see what interesting things are happening next. I received this book from NetGalley, but my opinion is my own.

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The Sign of Four Spirits is the latest in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery series by Vicki Delany. Once again Gemma finds herself at the scene of a murder, but before she can figure out who is the culprit somebody else is murdered. Will she be able to solve the murders before someone else gets the axe? Read The Sign of Four Spirits to find out.
I recommend this novel and the whole series to anyone who likes cozy mysteries and heroines that are extremely intelligent.

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Brought to you by OBS Reviewer Jeanie

enjoy every visit to West London, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, especially when best friends Gemma Doyle and Jayne Wilson are on the trail of another killer. Co-owner of the Sherlock Holmes Bookstore and Emporium, Gemma has a few things in common with the fictional detective, including strong observational and interpretive skills. She and her great uncle, Arthur Doyle, a mostly silent partner, own the emporium and the 1756 saltbox house they share. Arthur, an octogenarian and retired seaman, is rarely in town. He prefers being at sea or visiting some of his old friends from his years in Her Majesty’s Service. Jayne does all the baking for, and manages, Mrs. Hudson’s Tea Room, adjacent to the bookstore and owned by Jayne, Arthur, and Gemma. Readers who appreciate locked-room murders will enjoy this particularly challenging one.

Gemma, a logical woman, does not believe in psychic phenomena, even after an encounter earlier in the year with…something unknown. When the psychic fair came to West London, her only interest was when one of her best customers, Sherlockian Donald Morris, sent many attendees to her bookstore for Sir Arthur’s writings on his belief in ghosts, fairies, and the paranormal.

Bunny Leigh, former teen pop star and the mother of Gemma’s shop assistant, Ashleigh, was going to a séance to contact someone once very special to her. Since Bunny wanted Ashleigh to go with her, Ashleigh assumed her mother wanted to communicate with the love of her life, Ashleigh’s father, who died before she was born. Donald was thrilled to attend so he could experience what Sir Arthur did when studying the paranormal. Ashleigh was nervous, and pleaded with Gemma to go and be there for her. Against her better judgment, Gemma planned to go, and took Jayne with her.

Several people attended the séance, but the psychic did not want Gemma there. Gemma had a reputation around town for “knowing things”, based on her observations, which may have been the reason she was ousted. Gemma sat outside the library of the private home they were in so she could still listen for drama and be nearby for Ashleigh.

The summer storm grew terrible, with thunder, heavy rain, and winds, adding to the already creepy atmosphere. The author offers delightful descriptions, one of which was when the storm became so fierce, that “rain threw itself against the windows”.

The medium, soon exhausted, wanted to stop early, then suddenly began “channeling” the voice of a man whom nobody seemed to recognize. The fourth “spirit” to be heard was a very angry man who had come to take the life of someone who had taken his. Gemma could hear thunder and rain, chairs shuffling, the medium scream, and a crash, then Jane yelled for Gemma to come help them. When she turned the lights on, all were horrified to see the medium’s head lying on the table. An antique hatpin was in the back of the woman’s neck, in a very exacting spot to guarantee immediate death.

Gemma had been involved with solving several murders to date, but does not want to be involved this time. Nobody she loves is a suspect or a victim, and it is her busiest season at work. Her boyfriend, Ryan, is the lead detective, and she doesn’t want to put a strain on their relationship without good reason.

I appreciate how each of the characters continue to grow throughout the series. Gemma’s intensity has softened, Jayne is a genuinely happy woman who is now planning her wedding, and Gemma and her older sister in London get along better most days. Ryan’s partner, Louise, even wanted Gemma’s observations on the potential suspects. All are defined with excellence through their actions, realistic conversations, and for Gemma, her thoughts.

I was completely stumped with regards to the medium’s killer. Gemma and the detectives thought they knew all the secret connections between those at the séance, no hidden tunnels or rooms were found, so somebody present had to be responsible. Plot twists removed possible suspects rather than point to just one. The conclusion was quite startling, and events finally made sense. No loose ends remained, and I was more than satisfied with the end. I highly recommend this mystery, and this series!

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Gemma Doyle, a British Ex Pat, is part owner with her Uncle Arthur of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop in West London Massachusetts. She is no nonsense, blunt to point of rudeness but with a circle of very eclectic friends. She also has a habit of finding herself involved in murder investigations.

There is a psychic fair in town which is bringing lots of customers, but Gemma has no desire to attend as she is definitely not a believer. Her assistant talks her into going to a seance as moral support. She is asked to leave the seance room but is listening at the door when the medium is killed with a hat pin. The room is full of folks who seemingly have no connection to the medium or her assistant and very little to non with each other.

This is book 9 of the series but can certainly be read as a standalone. I have read several of this series but not all. I was hooked once I read my first one.

This is wonderfully crafted mystery. I had literally no idea who the killer was until the end. But I should have expected because well-crafted mysteries are at the heart of all Vicki Delaney books. She is a master at it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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