Member Reviews

amateur-sleuth, local-law-enforcement, small-business, small-town, murder-investigation, murder, friendship, family-dynamics, verbal-humor, seance, dogs, spirits, medium, friends, Cape-Cod, locked-room-mystery, series*****

It was a dark and stormy night. Really! There were 12 at the seance with Gemma having been asked to wait elsewhere when the medium was murdered in the middle of the seance. The characters certainly are! From the regulars to the odd ones gathered to (allegedly) witness the brilliance of Sherlock Holmes during the seance. I have read others in the series, but this does work well as a stand alone. Loved it! The whole series is a winner!
I requested and received a free temporary e-book copy from Crooked Lane Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

#CanadianAuthor #SherlockHolmesBookshopMystery9 #cozyMystery

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"Gemma Doyle won’t be spooked when a body shows up at the psychic fair in bestselling author Vicki Delany’s ninth Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery When a psychic fair arrives in West London, Gemma Doyle, owner of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium, wants nothing to do with it. But somehow, at the urging of Donald Morris, an enthusiastic Sherlockian, she finds herself talked into attending a séance, along with baker and best friend Jayne Wilson, store assistant, Ashleigh, and former pop star Bunny Leigh.
"This is a great series full of mystery. and angst.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley. This in no way affects my opinion of this book.

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It's the height of the tourist season on Cape Cod and Gemma's Sherlock Holmes bookshop in the town of West London is reaping the benefits. When a psychic fair opens at the local community center business explodes. It seems Donald has visited the fair and told lots of psychic fans about Sherlock Holmes's interest and research into the supernatural. He also directed interested listeners to the bookshop in town. Gemma, a skeptic about supernatural occurrences, has trouble keeping up with demand. More trouble comes her way when she's strong-armed into attending a seance at the urging of Donald and her assistant , Ashleigh. The night of the seance is dark and stormy but 12 people gather around the table in attempts to contact the "other side." Gemma is told by the medium, in no uncertain terms, that she cannot be be present because she's not a believer. Voices from the "other side" are heard. When an threatening voice frightens those at the table, the lights go on to reveal the murdered body of Madame Lavalier! The seance room was locked, as were it's windows so the murderer must be one of the twelve in the room. Despite her best intentions, Gemma once again finds herself hunting a killer. Secrets are revealed and clues assembled as she puts the pieces of the puzzle together.
This is book nine in the series and they keep getting better with each new title. The plot is fast-paced and the characters are terrific! Thanks to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the advanced reader's copy.

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Psychic Fair seems to be a big deal in West London, and Gemma Doyle from Sherlock Holmes Bookshop is a bit surprised with the amount of people it pulls, but she herself wants nothing to do with it. Her store assistant, Ashleigh, is invited to a séance by her mom and asks Gemma along for support.
Once at the séance, Gemma is asked to stay outside, not sceptics allowed – so she sits at the door until a scream moves her moving to her friends help. At the head of the table is the medium, killed with a hat pin ..
Perfect “locked” room mystery.

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The Sign of Four Spirits is a locked room mystery. During a raging thunderstorm, medium is murdered in the library of a prominent citizen’s home. The only way into or out of the library is through the door, but Gemma Doyle, asked to leave the séance by the medium, sat outside the door. For anyone to enter the library after the séance started, he or she needed to slip past Gemma to get inside. The murderer had to be one of the attendees of the séance, but which one? Gemma needs all her skill to solve this case, but she may not succeed in time to stop a murderer.

Thanks to #Netgally and #CrookedLaneBooks for providing me a copy in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

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THE SIGN OF FOUR SPIRTS is the ninth book in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mysteries by Vicki Delany. This is one of those series that I eagerly snatch up each time a new release comes out. With a Sherlockian-themed bookshop, and a protagonist—Gemma Doyle—whose deductive skills match the great man himself, I can’t help but become engrossed in the story. It may take time to warm to Gemma’s quirks, but that’s what I admire about her character, and Ms. Delany has created a full cast of characters to bring wry humor and charm alike to the pages. There’s Moriarty, the shop’s cat full of attitude; best friend and baker, Jayne Wilson, always cheerful and ready to serve scones and tea; store assistant, Ashleigh, who has a closetful of “dress-up” clothes to wear as her mood dictates; Ashleigh’s mother, Bunny, a former pop star looking to revive her defunct career; and Donald Morris, an expert in all things Sherlock Holmes, wearing a deerstalker cap with cape. When these characters are thrown together with several others in a “locked-door” séance scenario, and murder ensues amidst a crashing thunder and lightning storm, Gemma’s strengths are on full display.

With a touch of paranormal, much to Gemma’s skeptical chagrin, the murder mystery is topnotch and had me on the edge of my seat. The quick pace kept me turning pages, and I couldn’t put the book down until I’d read the very last sentence. With the murder itself puzzling the police—was the medium, even the intended target—Gemma is drawn into the investigation by her boyfriend, Detective Ryan Ashburton. With her first-hand knowledge of what happened and her sharp observation skills, he knows he can rely on her. I appreciated the care Gemma takes and immediately turns over any bit of evidence or theory she might have to the police, instead of sitting on it and trying to solve the crime herself. Still, as the story comes to a conclusion, it is Gemma who pieces the clues together and saves the day. Ms. Delany has created a charming whodunnit that is sure to please anyone who enjoys a well-crafted mystery with Sherlockian vibes.

I was provided with an advance copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Through NetGalley, I received a free copy of THE SIGN OF FOUR SPIRITS (Book 9 of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mysteries) by Vicki Delany in exchange for an honest review. Gemma Doyle, proprietor of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium, wants nothing to do with the psychic fair being held locally. However, Gemma finds it difficult to refuse a friend’s request for Gemma to use her powers of observation at a private séance. Gemma is a bit disconcerted when the medium bans Gemma from the event and kicks her out of the room. Thus, Gemma is out in the hall eavesdropping on the proceedings when someone inside the room is murdered. Gemma knows someone who was in the room is responsible, but it will take a little sleuthing to accurately identify the culprit.

I liked the book. I recommend it to fans of cozy murder mysteries featuring books, bookshops, tea rooms, powers of deduction, and debunking.

#TheSignofFourSpirits #NetGalley

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I enjoy this series very much. Sometimes the main character gets annoying with her know-it-all attitude but overall the stories are enjoyable.

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You would think if someone was murdered while sitting at a dining table during a séance with only a few others participants nearby, discovering the culprit would be easy. Unfortunately, for bookshop owner, Gemma Doyle, who was there, and her detective boyfriend, Ryan, that doesn't appear to be the case!

Everyone present seems to have something to hide and everyone in West London, including the throng of visitors attending a psychic fair, has an opinion on who actually dunnit and which side of the veil they reside! To say Gemma is sceptical would be an understatement, but the alternative is worse. It couldn't be someone she knows, could it?

Book nine in this fun series was enjoyable from the start and it was action all the way. The main protagonists are all present once again and the addition of the visitors to the psychic fair added both tension and humour. I hope there will be a tenth installment, especially as there is a wedding on the cards!

I was able to read an advanced copy of this thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, Crooked Lane Books, but the opinions expressed are my own. I really enjoy this cosy series and this is a great addition. Recommended.

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Emma isn't going to the seance. Definitely not going. Nope. Not going. So, how'd she wind up there anyway, albeit perched outside the door where the event is taking place?

This has become a favorite series for me although, quite frankly, I still find Emma Doyle more annoying then likable. That said, she's definitely improved and grown on me over the series. I even think I'd like her as a friend, albeit one that'd wear on my nerves quickly. It isn't that she rivals Sherlock Holmes with her observation skills and ability to put complex clues together. That's impressive. It's just that her people skills need work. That said, it's obvious in this book that she's trying to be a better friend. She hesitates and doesn't always spout out what she's thinking, thoughts that are often negative toward the one she's speaking to/about. She doesn't make abrupt phone calls in the middle of the night, showing more awareness. It's Emma's smarts and ability to learn and change, albeit slowly, that keep me coming back. Toss in that Vicki Delaney/Eva Gates is a superb writer and hooks me from the very start and I find myself gravitating to this series, not to mention being so intent upon trying to sort it out that I tend to read the book in one or two sittings.

So, who killed the medium? Why didn't she allow Gemma into the room for the seance? It doesn't matter whether we believe in such things or not, there are characters who do and that is the reason for the gathering. Or, is it? Why was Donald disappointed in the seance even before it really got started? Who was that last angry voice heard? Will Ryan, the detective/boyfriend, accept Gemma's help or not? Will Moriarty the cat ever warm up to Gemma? Why is the medium's assistant so interested in Bunny? Will Rebecca ever make peace with her step-son? And, once again, who is this diabolical killer? Can even Emma's masterful deduction skills find the truth in time?

Bottom line, I loved this book/series. Great cover. The writing flows and the characters are fully-developed, even the minor ones. And, heck, you'll learn quite a bit about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the process of reading, too, so a win-win. Thanks #NetGalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for allowing me to spend some time in Emma's world and mind. I think my mind is still spinning at how she put it all together.

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This series really never disappoints and this one was no exception. Love the peeks at how everyone is doing, but the mysteries are always so much fun. This one was perfect for Halloween with the seance, the murder, and the extra little mysteries thrown in. Zippy, just enough red herrings, and a very satisfying conclusion.

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3.75 stars

This series continues to entertain. Gemma Doyle, a British ex-pat now running a Sherlock Holmes themed bookstore, is a quirky character. She is extremely logical, very direct, and more observant than most. There is a nice ensemble cast featuring her boyfriend Ryan, a police detective; her best friend Jayne who runs the adjacent tea shop; and Gemma's employees and friends.

She reluctantly gets dragged to a seance to support one of her bookshop staff and a murder occurs. There is a local spiritualism convention happening which provides a lot of extra commotion and people around.

This series has some plot surprises, some humor and great interaction amongst the characters. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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The Sign of Four Spirits is the ninth book in the Sherlock Holmes Book Shop Mystery series. The series is going strong! There is a psychic fair in town and Gemma gets talked into attending a séance where a murder takes place. It was a really good mystery (as usual) with lots of interesting characters. Gemma is her usual no-nonsense self, and doesn’t make silly moves (which I appreciate).

This is a great book (& series). I like Gemma’s logical comments (like a female Sherlock Holmes), and the friends around her have lots of heart. As always with this author, the book is well written. The story moves at a nice, brisk pace. Gemma has two cute dogs, and a bookshop cat. The romance aspect of the book is light, without a bunch of drama – which is nice. Gemma’s a unique character (compared to most female main characters in cozy mystery series), which makes the book and series a lot of fun to read.

Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for this fabulous ARC. I’ve posted this review to my blog, Goodreads, & Bookbub accounts. I will post it on my Amazon account as soon as Amazon allows (the publication date, 1-9-24).

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The Sign of Four Spirits by Vicki Delany is an entertaining, complex, closed room mystery that keeps the reader guessing as to whodunnit to the very end.
Delany deftly parses out the clues and the misdirection throughout, skillfully taking her main character Gemma through various roads of detection that are fascinating and intriguing. Her attention to detail is intensive and yet even Gemma, it turns out, can miss an important clue - for a while anyway.
Someday I hope that Moriarty the cat will warm up to Gemma, or if not, maybe we can find out why exactly the cat doesn't like her.
The book is an excellent addition to the series and I look forward to where it goes next.
I received an ARC of #TheSignofFourSpirits from #NetGalley.

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The Sign of Four Spirits is Vicki Delany’s latest Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery. In this installment, Gemma is asked by her employee Ashleigh to attend a séance that is being held at the request of her mother Bunny. At the séance, the medium refuses to allow Gemma to stay in the room and participate due to her inherent skeptical nature so Gemma waits just outside the room it is being held in. After having four spirits speak through the medium, there is suddenly a commotion that leads Gemma to go into the room and turn the light on at which time it is discovered that the medium is dead. Due to the nature of the case, the police detectives, Ryan and Louise ask Gemma to share her impressions and conclusions with them to try to help sort out the truth behind the murder. After many twists, turns, and misdirects, the final reveal comes as somewhat of a surprise even though the motive is one as old as time itself.

This book is well written and continues to build on the relationships of various people from the earlier installments in this series. In addition, the author introduces a few new characters that have complicated intertwined relationships themselves which increase the depth of the cast and make the reader take the time to analyze each new clue that is found. By including the very timely issue of charlatans taking advantage of grieving individuals, the author brings an awareness to her readers of the necessity to be on the lookout for scams in all walks of life.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books and am leaving this review voluntarily.

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4.5 Stars
I had read another cozy mystery from another series by this author recently and I loved the writing style and character development so much, I had to get my hands on another of her works. What can I say? I loved this cozy too! Although this book is part of a series, it's the first I've read of the Sherlock books and it can easily be read as a stand-alone (but I'll go back and read the others soon). The MC channels Sherlockian behavior thoroughly and the setting and other characters are extremely enjoyable. The writing flows well and at a steady pace and, unless you're paying close attention, the guilty party was not evident. If you are in the mood for a cozy and haven't read this author, I strongly recommend one of her series, especially this Sherlock Holmes/Doyle one or the Tea By the Sea series.

Net Galley Feedback

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I gave the Sign of Four Spirits by Vicky Delany 5 stars

When a psychic fair arrives in West London, Gemma Doyle, owner of the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium, wants nothing to do with it. But somehow, at the urging of Donald Morris, an enthusiastic Sherlockian, she finds herself talked into attending a séance, along with baker and best friend Jayne Wilson, store assistant, Ashleigh, and former pop star Bunny Leigh.

But to her surprise, Gemma finds herself banned from the séance and shown the door. Curious, she listens in from outside the room. The medium informs a disappointed Donald that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle will not be able to make it tonight. Then, Gemma hears a voice cut off, a cry for help, a scream. Gemma bursts into the library to see that someone has collapsed on the table--dead. The windows are all locked, and Gemma was guarding the only door. Someone in this room is a murderer. But who?

-------- REVIEW --------

This series just keep on getting better! This might be my favorite so far. The premise was superb and so was the mystery. The séance part was really fun to read about, and it captured my attention right away in the beginning and kept it all the way until the end.

I had a hunch on whodunit, but I wasn't convinced. But, this is not a cozy mystery I read solely for the mystery. There are some great characters in this series and I keep on picking up books to read more about them.

A great new installment to a great series. This is really suitable for fall/Halloween based on the theme with séances, so I highly recommend you pick it up.

This book comes out Jan 09

Thank you, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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absolute gem. The easiest coziest read and I'm happy to have read it among other cat mysteries. Loved our main character who ties to step out of her famous relatives shadow and to prove herself , that she can stand on her own two feet. The writing was flowy and its a page-turner and I will be 1000% sure to pick up the other books in the series.

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I think this is another great edition to the series! The characters remained true to form and I felt that I was right in the middle of the action. The ending wasn't easy to figure out ... the author kept you guessing. The only downside to this book for me personally was that I still find the main character, Gemma, a little standoff-ish but I think it is intentional as that is how Sherlock Holmes would act. I do like how the author makes her more human with her interactions with her policeman boyfriend.

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Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery book #9

Gemma Doyle, co-owner and manager of “The Sherlock Homes Bookshop and Emporium loves to turn into an amateur sleuth in her spare time and can’t help but to poke her nose where it doesn’t belong. “The Sign of Four Spirits” brings us to West London, Cape Code, Massachusetts during the tourist season when a psychic fair is about to open. Thinking they are a fraud, Gemma doesn’t believe in fortune tellers and mediums but with much probing by her friends she joins them at a séance held by Madame Levalier. During the séance, there is a commotion in the library and when the lights are turned on, Madame Levalier is dead stabbed in the back of the neck with a long sharp hat pin...Just the right incentive for Gemma to spring into action. I leave it to you to read this soft mystery and to come to your own decisions....

I enjoy soft mystery from time to time and I know one by Vicki Delany will answer my wish. Although we have a couple of murders, none are gruesomely described. Of course Gemma was there to help her cop boyfriend with the investigation and as the story builds up we have a touch of the paranormal and a hunt for the whodunit. Everything moves at a steady pace, no rushing around just smoothly said till we reach the surprising reveal. The plot is good and fun to follow.

Gemma is a good character who comes off as a rude, blunt at time but she doesn’t go around bushes and tells it as she see fit. We also have recurrent actors as well as a few new ones to enjoy; they are quite a contrast to Gemma. Readers should enjoy this cast. I simply love Moriarty, the cat.....

This 9th installment works fine as a standalone and should please most lovers of soft, well-said and well plotted mysteries.

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