Member Reviews

The Orphan's Homecoming was a very dramatic World War Two story. I have been following Kitty's life since I read The Red Cross Orphans and she joined the Red Cross. She has lived a very interesting life during the war. Her story has taken me to many locations in the past books. This story is no different. She goes through different jobs. She travels to many different places. She has loved and lost. As I read I could only hope that she finds the love she deserves.

As a nurse, Kitty continues to move all over England and she tries to occupy her days. She is willing to do anything to avoid thinking about her fiancé that was sent back to Canada with a severe injury. Her future is up in the air. She is stationed for a time at a prisoner of war camp. What an eye-opener. I can't imagine what it must have been like to take of the enemy. I had heard stories about the prisoners doing crafts to trade. I no longer question the origin of the metal frame given to me by a relative. Her time at the prison camp was packed full of drama that became very addictive to read. The story was completely jaw dropping.

Kitty always ends up returning to the orphans. Those poor children. Get ready to grab the tissues. I was reminded of the realities of war and loss. There were so many children left with no one. There were so many traumatized children left with nothing. The Orphan's Homecoming is a great reminder of the innocents affected by war, the ones we don't really hear about in a textbook.

Kitty's friendships made for a wonderful story. There were so many different personalities and career choices. Her friends may have been very different but they helped give the reader and overview of what it might have been like living in war torn England. Things weren't always as the seemed. Things definitely were as I expected them to be. They weren't the way Kitty expected them to be.

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What a heartfelt read! Kitty Pattinson is so busy caring for others she forgets to think about herself as she goes about her busy, interesting and at times daring life. I felt hurt on her behalf when she was betrayed by a “friend”.
Kitty works for the Red Cross which seems appropriate for her caring nature, could her talents be used elsewhere? Thankfully there is Stanley Walker-Fell and Sister Vera Craven to help guide her in the right direction.
Kitty faces disappointment when her sweetheart who is in Canada recuperating after being injured in the war doesn’t think through his decisions when corresponding with her. This causes upset and forces Kitty to make a decision that may shape her future!
Loved the interesting facts scattered through the book, including the mention of Nethybridge as it’s close tho home. As for my least favourite that would have to be anyone who causes upset to Kitty who has so much love to go round. What I wouldn’t give to find Kitty’s box of letters.

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