Member Reviews

This is the first book I’ve read by this author, and unfortunately, it wasn’t as expected per the provided blurb. The concept of dispensing your own justice was interesting, but it wasn’t even executed until halfway through the book. So, until that point, the plot moves pretty slowly. And while the character in the story is shown convincing evidence of the perpetrator’s depravity, the reader isn’t – it’s only hinted at as deplorable, with the character exclaiming to ‘turn off the video.’ But actually knowing what was on the video would certainly help the reader decide if the person depicted did indeed deserve to die. I mean that’s the crucial question – how horrible does someone have to be to make an ordinary person want them dead? You have to provide specific details!

Up until this point, we’re introduced to Oliver, a middle-aged man in treatment at a wellness center. He spots a ghost from his past and the story begins to split between the present and two decades ago, when he was on vacation with his family in Greece. There he meets and becomes infatuated with a man. Yes, the same man he had glimpsed in the wellness center. Except that he alludes to this man being dead, and himself the one who killed him. This isn’t a spoiler; it’s all given away at the beginning of the story.

Oliver also encounters some strange clients meeting with his father while they’re on vacation. That’s another thing, the interactions between him and his father, or him and his brother with his father, are just weird. He’s hostile towards the brothers all of the time for absolutely no reason. And they just live like that. You can’t just accept that odd tension, there has to be a reason the father is like that towards his sons and it’s never explained.

I can’t think of the exact word to describe it, but the story just feels off, or incomplete, or something. Are we supposed to be shocked that a normal young man would be prone to violence towards those whom he feels deserve it? Because that’s not shocking at all. He is naïve, completely unaware of how evil those close to him are. But that’s not shocking, either. I don’t know, I wanted to like the book, but it just felt unsatisfying, like it was trying to be so much more, but wasn’t.

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Thank you Netgalley and B P Walter for the ARC of ghost novel.

This book is dark and gripping. I read it over a 2 day period. It gave me "The Talented Mr Ripley" vibes.

3.5 out of 5 ⭐️

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The evil men do lives after them; but what happens when they come back to life?
Horrible rich people in luxurious settings is what BP Walter does best, and this one is the usual package tour we’ve come to expect.
Rounded up to four.

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A Greek “experience”????

What might you be capable of if push comes to shove? What decisions will you choose to make? What might the consequences be?

In the present day at a wellness centre, Oliver thinks his eyes must be deceiving him as there alighting from a battered taxi is a person he believes died almost 20 years ago.

Then – Oliver takes a holiday in Greece with his brother Douglas and his dysfunctional parents and meets Alastair and Argento. The narrative alternates seamlessly between then and now and what transpires will confound your expectations.

This is a diamond of a book with multiple creative facets and which I think is BP Walters best novel to date. It has me completely enthralled from beginning to end. There are puzzling enigmatic characters with a manipulative spider at the centre of an intriguing web. Right from the start you get a strong sense of foreboding, of impending disaster, of doom about to strike and so prickles of unease go up and down the spine. You question if it’s an illusion, who is casting spells and who the magician with sleight of hand? It becomes increasingly dark, there are some scenes that are chillingly macabre as dilemmas are presented so choices are made that will dictate a life’s direction. To say there are plot twists and turns is a definite understatement. These take us into a nightmarish world with plenty of shocks that you don’t see coming so brace yourself and buckle up. It’s one of those jaw dropper eyedropper books that I relish so much.

The author certainly takes the reader on the journey here, with temptation, infatuation, addiction, retribution, and perhaps (?) leading to self discovery. It’s extremely well written and makes for compulsive reading, especially as there are enticing cliffhangers at the end of many chapters that keep you glued to the narrative. Of course, the Greek setting is perfection as this is like a modern retelling of an ancient Greek tragedy and the wellness centre in the present day also allows the plot to take an innovative direction and mirror the past.

What more can I say other than I love this book which wows me from the get go. Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins, One More Chapter for the much appreciated arc in return, for an honest review

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I was not familiar with the author prior to this book, so I don't know if this is his usual style or not but I found the actual book to feel absolutely unrelated to the blurb for a really significant portion of reading - and to move it a pace and in a direction that just didn't appeal to me. I don't mind a slow start, but this goes on and on top lay out family dynamics that are dysfunctional at best, before you get to anything even remotely related to the conundrum posed in the blurb - which is what I was waiting for. The way the blurb was presented suggested this was going to be a psychological thriller, and I anticipated tension and action from the get-go. What I got instead was a slow-moving look at a miserable family and aseries of obsessions and I just didn't find it very interesting. It's not badly written or plotted, just not at all what I anticipated and not my cup of tea. I didn't anticipate having to go so far into the book before getting to the meat of the thing. The "Now" chapters felt like teasers for a tension that took forever to shape itself into anything... It's possible that had I gone in with no expectation at all that I would have done better, but I was looking forward to what the blurb indicated, and it took too long to find it and by then I was frustrated and no longer interested. The writing style just didn't appeal to me and this wasn't a good fit for me.

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Oof, this was not what I was expecting based on the summary.

I was anticipating a dinner party mystery, where the guests were gathered and the host presented them with a choice: to kill one of the other guests there and be free to go, or… not. One dinner, one night (ish), one group of people and one big decision and plenty of psychological angst and debate over whether or not to murder the guest in exchange for their own freedom. That sounded riveting.

But I wasn’t expecting a summer-long series of leisurely dinners (with a jarring amount of sexual elements?) where the mc gradually agrees to watch multiple murders occur. And I was DEFINITELY not anticipating the mc’s summer-long romance with another man, and how that would be a focal point of the story. There was no mystery to solve. No real motivation explained, and no stake in the characters. The whole thing seemed overly casual and formulaic for the subject-matter.

I think this was a case of the summary/premise not matching the story. Had I known these things, I wouldn’t have requested!

Still, I AM grateful to Netgalley and the publisher for the book—I really did think I’d love it, based on the summary!

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246 pages

3 stars

Let me begin by saying that I found all of the characters in this book to be unredeemable.

Oh, I guess that answers the question posed in the blurb about the book. The only way I would consider killing another would be in self defense. Even if someone were accidentally killed, like in a car accident that wasn’t my fault, I would be literally destroyed.

So, why did I choose this book to read? It sounded off beat, something I wouldn’t usually delve into. Maybe, I don’t really know. I was thinking more murder mystery-ish.

Mr. Walter has a real talent for creating scenes. He leaves no detail unfinished. I enjoyed that part of the book. I started out enjoying the book. Learning about the family and its dynamics. Sounded pretty “normal” to me. But things took a dark turn and suddenly I wasn’t enjoying the experience any longer. I really do dislike books written in the first person.

I want to thank NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter/One More Chapter for forwarding to me a copy of this book for me to read and review. The opinions expressed in this review are solely my own.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Harper Collins UK for letting me read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

WOW. I really enjoyed this. It was dark, twisty, intriguing, mysterious and very unique. I haven't read anything like this before.

The storyline was genius and the characters were interesting and at times dark. I especially loved the dynamic of Oliver and Alistair.
The twists were fantastic and there were a few I really didn't see coming.

This is the first book I've read from B.P. Walter and it definitely won't be the last.

5 stars from me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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It looks like I am the odd one out here because this book just did not do it for me. It was interesting, the writing style unique and the story line reminiscent of another classic. However, it didn't pull me in and keep my concentration. I felt myself being dragged through it to get to the end. It had great twists and turns and character development. It just was not for me unfortunately. Three Stars.

Thank you Netgalley and Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter for this ARC.

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What a twisted, dark story that was! I couldn’t put it down, and read it in less than a day. I just felt that the ending was a bit rushed, after all that had come before it. Nonetheless this is a gripping, if extremely unsavory, book. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow! Just wow! This book left me utterly speechless, from its brilliant opening that immediately seized my attention to the preceding chapters that masterfully teased our curiosity about the central mystery. Finally, the masterful conclusion had me applauding the author's ingenious creativity. All I can say is, "Bravo!" I knew something sinister, a rug-pulling twist, would be coming, but the explanations at the end were not only brilliantly executed but also incredibly reliable and entirely acceptable.

The central question this book poses is deeply thought-provoking: Are all individuals capable of committing murder? It delves into the darkest corners of the human psyche and forces us to confront our own moral compass. What if you were thrust into a harrowing scenario where you had to choose between three lives, knowing that your decision meant saving two while sacrificing one? Whom would you choose? Would it be the person who extended the invitation to this macabre game? Perhaps the suffering soul who was already on their last waltz with life? Or would it be the person you hold dearest to your heart, the one you truly love? These are the haunting dilemmas our anti-hero faces right from the start, setting the stage for an intricate and deeply psychological narrative.

We are seamlessly transported back to that fateful moment twenty years ago, a moment that will cast a long shadow on the events of the present day. In the present, Oliver, now in his early forties, grapples with a painful pill addiction, seeking rehabilitation and redemption. However, when he unexpectedly encounters a ghost from his past, he begins to doubt his own sanity. Twenty years ago, he made a decision that he believed had led to someone's untimely demise. But now, it seems the past is coming back to haunt him, as secrets buried deep within those long-ago years start to unravel, and the consequences of his actions rear their head once more.

The author skillfully guides us through an enthralling narrative that seamlessly shifts between past and present. We gain intimate insight into Oliver's complex inner world, his strained relationships within his dysfunctional family, and his magnetic attraction to Alistair. Alistair, the handsome, highly educated, self-assured individual who recently inherited his parents' vast wealth, draws Oliver into a web of intrigue and passion. Their connection, passionate yet fraught with tension, adds layers of complexity to the story.

As the narrative unfolds, we are introduced to Argento, Oliver's father's enigmatic but incredibly dangerous business partner, and Nita, a stunning escort who ignites Douglas, Oliver's brother's, intense interest. The family's vacation in a rented beach house in Greece initially appears to be a tranquil escape, but beneath the surface, tensions and mysteries bubble.

The first half of the book may seem to unfold at a leisurely pace, and at times, I found myself drawing parallels to "Call Me by Your Name," set in the idyllic Greek backdrop. However, I soon realized that this novel was carving its own unique path. Argento, with his enigmatic demeanor and clandestine motives, takes the story in an unexpected direction. He extends an invitation to Oliver and Alistair to visit his residence on a secluded island, transforming what appeared to be a casual meeting into a perilous game with far-reaching consequences. Oliver is thrust into a world where the rules are murky, and the stakes are life-altering. Forced to make choices that will shape his destiny, he grapples with an enigmatic past that refuses to stay buried.

The central mystery that looms large in the narrative is relentless in its grip on the reader's curiosity. What transpired on the remote island? How did Oliver's lover survive? Why has he returned, and what sinister forces await him and his loved ones? These questions linger, unanswered, weaving an intricate tapestry of suspense and intrigue.

This book, a riveting, impeccably executed, brutal, and dark psychological thriller, delves deep into the human psyche, challenging our perceptions of morality, choice, and consequence. It's not a book for the faint of heart, given its triggering and violent subjects, but its storytelling prowess is undeniable. The shocking twists, relentless suspense, and the exploration of the darkest corners of the human soul make it an absolute must-read—a masterpiece by the author that should not be missed!

I extend my heartfelt thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK/ One More Chapter for graciously providing me with a digital review copy of this breathtaking book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Thanks to One More Chapter Harpers Collins and NetGalley for this arc here's my honest review from the heart.
I enjoyed this about getting though at times I got confused with the timeline until I understand it was two different ones . Well written

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I really enjoyed this book as I have done for all of B.P. Walter's books.

The synopsis doesn't give much away and I won't either as I think this is one of those books where it is better to go in blind rather than having a pre-conceived idea of what might be going on.

All I will say is that it is pretty dark and the comparisons to Ripley are accurate!

Thanks to Netgalley and HarperCollins, One More Chapter for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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#NotesOnAMurder #NetGalley
It started with an invitation to dinner. An evening of good food and good company at a luxury villa. But as the night progresses, the party takes a dark turn.
The host makes you an offer, a party favour he calls it: another guest has committed a heinous crime, you can end their life, stop their terror. He tells you there will be no consequences; do you believe him?
Your decision will change your life. Choose carefully.
It was an ok read.
Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK One More Chapter for giving me an advance copy.

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This story runs on parallel tracks. There are the dual timelines, but also the interplay between the light and the darkness in a person's soul. And how the latter is brought out by the chemistry created by interactions with key characters in an individual's life.

Several years ago, Oliver was a young guy on holiday with his dysfunctional family in Greece, when he met Alistair. They had a passionate affair, and a hedonistic time, which included an invitation from an associate of Oliver's father. That quickly degenerated into something quite dark, with lasting effects on Oliver's life.

Now, two decades later, Oliver is in a Wellness facility for a pill addiction when he meets Alistair again. What will this bring up for him?

This is a cautionary tale of youthful excesses, offering major twists and a razor sharp storyline. A good fit for those who like their coffee black.

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I've loved every B P Walter novel I have read including this one. With twists and suspense it really keeps you immersed! Definitely recommend reading it .

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Oh, I so love Walter's books and this one was as dark and twisty as they come! It takes the format of "now" and "then" and each section kept me wanting more so I powered through it quickly. In the beginning (present) at Wood View Wellness Centre we meet Oliver who sees a man he thought was dead twenty years ago. Then in the past we see Oliver as he vacations in Greece with his parents and brother, Douglas. He meets another gay man, Alastair and they begin a summer fling; later they both are invited to an island by Argento, a "business associate" of Oliver's father. And things get dicey...! Suffice it to say there is sunshine, swimming, sex...and poisoning! It's creepy-good, just the way I like my books and Walter is still a go-t0 author for me!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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I LOVED this book!

This book was if CMBYN met The Secret History met The White Lotus. I was so enraptured by the characters and writing in this book.

Oliver and Alistair have such an intricate and disturbing relationship with one another, almost like they feed off of the others desires. It was interesting to see how Olivier went back and forth with his morality, but when he was with Alistair, all bets were off.

I wish we had gotten to see more of their relationship but I also understand it wasn’t necessarily the focus of this book.

The plot twists were insane! I definitely was not expecting the ending. And I also liked how the ending was much more open ended so that readers could imagine what Oliver’s future was going to look like. 5/5 read!

*thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the digital copy!*

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I enjoyed the first book I read by this author and was really looking forward to this one. The action happens in Greece when a family with two sons go on an extended Greek vacation. I love psychological thrillers but this one was really disturbing to me and was hard to finish. How far we are willing to go to please someone and how we rationalize the unraveling is a regular plot in these novels but I wasn’t ready or willing to accept that the story evolved the way it did. Doesn’t mean it’s not well written , just not for me.

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I've read the last 3 books by BP Walter and have always enjoyed his style of writing. But this one totally blew me away! This is so dark, so disturbing, and such an incredible addictive read.

Told over 2 timelines of then, and now the storyline flowed seamlessly. Oliver, in his 20s, has gone on holiday with his fractured family but preferred to do his own thing. When he meets Alastair, things will never be the same again. Boundaries are pushed in this twisted, gritty, psychological read.

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