Member Reviews

Not just any WW2 spy book.

The book opens in the present day, where Christine and her family are researching their ancestry, while collecting DNA for a wider response. When they receive a message from one Ange Marie Preston in France concerning their grandmother Elodie Mitchell, they are astonished at the story she has to tell.

Switch to Paris, 1941, when Elodie intends to return home to Chicago, before the Nazis move in. But when she receives an invitation to a Josephine Baker concert, she changes her mind. At the concert she finds herself mistaken for the star, and when taken backstage, uncovers an underground resistance movement into which she is recruited, alongside Baker.

And with that, Elodie is drawn into a network of spies and assigned a mission to go undercover as Josephine's cousin and gather vital intelligence for the resistance. This is a story based on fact, and it's a story told well, bringing to light issues that are sometimes glossed over in wartime adventures. Racism, chauvinism and courage and sacrifice are all addressed in a story that makes a slow start, but soon the reader is drawn into the world of the resistance and the horror faced by those who chose to fight Naziism. It's a small cast of characters but all emerge in three dimensions, and will be loved or loathed equally by readers. Wartime Paris society is also nicely depicted in all its finery.

The author is a former US attorney, with a large number of books to her name, many in the "black and African American historical" genre. Her passion for the subject is clear, and there's perhaps no one better to write a novel based on such a complex character as Josephine Baker. The research is solid, and weaves nicely around the story. Is it a spy novel, a thriller or a romance? Yes, all of these, and well worth your time.

Highly recommended.

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A modern day fascination with DNA has led to many unexpected stories being discovered about family members, some hidden deep in the past and others more recent events simply never discussed with the family, considered by the people involved best left buried in the past. Every family has them, many remain undiscovered.
When a letter, along with a photograph from Ange-Marie Preston with information about Eldoie Mitchell otherwise known as le Papillon de Nuit, the famous Josephine Baker and her Grandfather, Elodie’s family are caught unaware, believing they knew all there was to know about the family history. But who is this woman that looks like a very young Elodie and why is she with Josephine Baker, wearing an outfit like that.
Elodie Mitchell is in France studying, as well as writing columns about the situation in France for a newspaper in her home town. It is 1941 and the French believe the war with Germany is a ‘Faux’ war. She does not!
She is lonely, fascinated with a man she sees often, and decides he is the man she will marry. She has decided that she will be out of Paris as soon as she can get onto a ship going to England. She is homesick, her spoken French still abysmal and her life, well....
Over a many weeks she is slowly recruited into an underground network by Grant Monteray to pose as Josephine Baker’s cousin, to gather information on German movement and infiltration in the area This sees her French improve rapidly and as she is taught a range of skills she surprises herself with how easily she adapts to the is new role. Slowly she learns to look and listen, seeking out those who are happy to betray the secrets of France to the Germans.
Already convinced Grant Monterey is her perfect match even though he is a damaged man, she discovers has she fallen deeply in love with him. Her new life is one she is not all that comfortable with, the new skills she is learning make her wonder who she really is underneath the skin of Elodie Mitchell.
Based loosely on the story of Josephine Baker, (1906-1975) a famous American born French Cabaret star and her activities in the French Resistance during the Second World War for her beloved France, Code name Butterfly is rich in detail, with characters that come to life as the pages turn. The innocence of youth, the tragedy and callousness of War, the effect that fighting for a just cause has on so much of what is held dear, has been well developed.
Fiction is often an excellent vehicle to tell stories about so many brave people whose stories have gone untold through the generations. Josephine Baker was very real, larger than life and generous too her detriment. The others, Elodie, Grant, Polly, Danny and Pierre are representative of the many who risked their lives to make a small difference.
Code Name Butterfly is captivating, coloured in many hues, and very difficult to put down once begun.

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Journalist Elodie Mitchell was in Paris for six months, sending her pieces back to her paper in Chicago. It was 1941 and while Elodie loved Paris, the shimmer of war was on the periphery of her life. When a handsome stranger gave her tickets for a show featuring Josephine Baker, she was in two minds about going. But she went, and after the decadent, awe-inspiring show, she was invited backstage. Meeting Jo, plus subsequent events, turned Elly's life around as she realised what Jo and others were involved in...

With Elly now undercover as Jo's cousin, her role was an important one, and as she passed messages to the enigmatic Grant, some of the things she overheard led her to believe their safety was at risk. When they needed to flee Paris for the country, they joined the other refugees, desperate to escape the Nazis. Would they do it? Could they continue to fight against the Germans from far away?

Code Name Butterfly is a story of courage and strength, of bravery and love - and a fight against the deep prejudices the characters came up against on a daily basis. Based on fact, Code Name Butterfly brings Josephine Baker to life. She was born in June, 1906, in St Louis, Missouri, and was a French dancer, singer and actress. She was also the first black woman immortalised in France's Pantheon. (Fictional) Elly became great friends, almost like sisters, with Jo and together they made a wonderful team. Author Embassie Susberry has done an impeccable job with her research and bringing the courage and tenacity of people like Elly and Jo to her readers. Highly recommemded.

With thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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Fascinating read. The underground in Paris in the war and how a group of black peoples chose to fight it, a tiny bit on race but mostly the daily, action by action fight against the Germans. Some excellent every day tasks that the crew takes, the detail of the emotions as the war goes on and secrets need stealing, documents need memorising and ultimately people need killing is true to life. A fascinating book on the tiny parts that humans can play in the machine of war.

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A book inspired by the true story of Josephine Baker during the French Resistance during World War II this is a book of strength, resilience, courage and bravery. This is the story of Elodie and how she became involved in spying for the French Resistance and how her life pans out from there.

I love Elodie and this, her story, is emotional but has both happy and sad moments. I find her courage amazing and her willingness to help a wonder. This is a gripping and intriguing historical fiction, the pages kept turning, the story kept me reading and I loved every minute of this well written and researched book.

Thank you NetGalley and Avon Books UK for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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It always blows my mind to hear the different way people served their countries during the World Wars.

This story featuring Elodie Mitchell (The Moth), and Josephine Baker was a unique perspective on the War, being one of few black women in the entertainment industry in France. The focus of the story was Elodie but I do wish Jo’s story was fleshed out a bit more.

I liked the love story element, the mystery and intrigue of spying, and the patriotism displayed for both America and France. Definitely worth a read!

Thank you NetGalley for this advanced reader copy!

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Code Name Butterfly is a story inspired by Josephine Baker well known entertainer of her time.

She was also a spy for the French Resistance and a fascinating person to say the least.

Elodie Mitchell from Chicago has a chance meeting with Grant Monterey who is not who he seems.

He convinces Elly not to return to the United States but to become a spy also for the French Resistance.

Elly meets quite a cast of characters including Josephine Baker and her world is forever changed.

Code Name Butterfly is a powerful story of love, courage, human strength and endurance.

You cant help but admire all of them, cry with them, laugh with them and worry for their safety.

Embassie Susberry has written an inspirational book that will stay with me for a very long time and I will certainly be checking out her other books.

Highly recommend you get your copy of Code Name Butterfly and settle in for a fascinating read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books UK Avon for an inspiring story and read.

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A spy and historical fiction novel based on the life and loves of USA's black all round entertainer.

However, this was not apparent early on as I was captivated by the recruitment and work of Elodie - a young US student temporarily living in Paris. She gets involved with Josephine (and some of her entourage), joining the Resistance.

An excellent story, happy and sad but above average French Resistance read.

Thanks to Net Galley and Avon Books UK for the chance to read and review.

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I think I read somewhere that this was the author's first historical fiction. Let me just say that I look forward to more in the future. I hope there is more in the future.

The way this story was written was amazing. It is told through the eyes of an exchange student, Elodie Mitchell, studying French Literature. She is in France but isn't really living until she is approached by a man, Grant Montgomery. Tickets to Josephine Baker's show and after show is just the beginning of her learning to live.

She is soon recruited to assist the French resistance along side Josephine Baker and others. The reader walks with Elodie as she trains to be a spy. The reader is taken on a suspense filled dangerous missions. The reader witnesses dangers they encounter.

There are losses. There is love. This story has a happy ending in that Josephine, Elodie and Grant survive. To reach the ending the reader must suffer along with the characters. You will cry. Your heart will break. Anger will flow. In the end you will hopefully gain respect for all of the individuals within Josephine Baker's group helping to save France.

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I love WW11 novels, but this one doesn’t quite capture me. That’s not to say it’s not a book to read as everyone’s tastes are different. I felt it a bit slow and it didn’t grab me. Positive notes the characters were very animated and you felt that you were there in the room and could see the pictures of them in your mind. This isn’t a bad review just not my taste.

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Intriguing and gripping story of a group of black Americans in France become enmeshed in France’s struggle to survive the Nazi’s. Elly is a journalist, raised in the US, who is just about to head home when she meets an intriguing man who gives her tickets to two Josephine Baker shows. When someone mistakes Elly for Josephine (even though they look nothing alike other than both being black women), Elly finds herself drawn in to the local resistance. She is asked to portray herself as Josephine’s cousin, and becomes part of a very small group working to gather information about Nazi activities and plans. Other members of the group include Polly, Josephine’s “maid” (really more of a friend and companion), Grant Monterey who is the leader, Pierre and Danny, both young men eager to fight the Nazi’s in a different way. While not about Josephine Baker per se, she figures largely in real and imagined events, as an active member of the resistance, and is the Butterfly in the title (her code name). Elly is the Moth or the “butterfly of the night” (which sounds much better in French!)

This book is not to be missed! I found I could not put it down; it’s exciting, unexpected, poignant and inspiring. It’s a coming of age story extraordinaire! Love, adventure, suspense, intrigue, Code Named Butterfly has it all.

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Code Name Butterfly, by Embassie Susberry is a captivating historical novel inspired by the remarkable life of Josephine Baker in the context of the French Resistance during World War II. The book's portrayal of the City of Light during these tumultuous times is both vivid and haunting, offering readers a glimpse into an era marked by bravery and sacrifice.

The story centers around a courageous woman who becomes a beacon of hope in the face of overwhelming darkness. Her journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and the book explores themes of love, bravery, and the relentless fight against prejudice, highlighting the various forms it takes.

With its heart-wrenching narrative and unforgettable characters, Code Name Butterfly is a powerful and emotionally charged read that transports readers to a pivotal moment in history. It celebrates the strength of individuals who stood up against adversity, making it a must-read for anyone interested in World War II literature and stories of remarkable women who shaped the course of history.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this proof. I was very engrossed in the story of Josephine Baker and her involvement with the Resistance during WWII.

The characters were fleshed out well and once again I learned something new about this time period.

Unfortunately, it ended. Just. Like. That. For that reason I am lowering my star rating for this book to a 3.

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Thank you netgalley for giving me this opportunity to read 'The Butterfly Code'.
This is a quasi dual time-line as the prologue and epiMontereylogue are in the present, but the story is set in WWII.
The Mitchell/Monterey family are gathered together as they received information on a DNA kit.
Elodie Mitchell is a young woman who goes over to France to write about life in Paris during WWII.
She is given tickets to a stage show starring Josephine Baker by a mysterious man.
Elodie is eventually recruited to be a spy for the French resistance.
Elodie and Josephine eventually form a friendship, as Josephine is also a part of the French resistance.
Elodie falls for Grant Monterey who is her handler. Grant has cobwebs of his own as his wife and daughter die of the Spanish flu and he diesn't want to get involved with a woman who may also die and leave him alone.
This is my own opinion of this story.
Thanks again to netgalley.

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I'd heard about Josephine Baker and her involvement in the French Resistance, but that's historical fact. How refreshing to have a novel about this courageous woman and her fight against the Nazis in WWII France.
It's well written and highly engaging and made me feel as if I was there. Well paced too.
I highly recommend this book to historical ficiton readers. You won't regret it.
Many thanks to the publishers, Netgalley and the author for this copy in advance.

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An excellent historical fiction novel based on the story of Josephine Baker. Josephine was a black entertainer living in France where she was treated so much better than in the US. Elodie is a student temporarily living in Paris. She gets involved in the exciting world of Josephine and her entourage of other black and mixed raced friends. A story of how these brave and fascinating characters helped France during WW2 by joining the Resistance. Gripping and heart wrenching.

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Elodie Mitchell is a young Americas black student in Paris and WWII is closing in. Sitting on a park bench one afternoon, she is approached by one, Grant Monterey who hands her tickets to see Josephine Baker perform. Not just one ticket, but two, the other for an after show. Our protagonist meets Josephine Baker back stage after seeing her perform and is suddenly drawn into a world of spying and espionage. Changing her plans to go back to Chicago, Elly is now part of the French Resistance all the while posing as Ms. Baker's cousin. This story covers many topics including family, racism,, courage and love as we journey with Elly and a small group of black Americans helping France at their time of need.

Well researched and well written, this book is highly recommended. My thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Paris 1941, the Nazi occupation is imminent. When journalist Elodie Mitchell received an unexpected invitation to a Josephine Baker performance... meeting Jo will be a life changing event.....Beneath the glitz and glamour is a network of spies with mission to gather vital intelligence...

This fiction is the unforgettable tale inspired by the life of Josephine Baker who during the darkest days of WW11 has shown the extraordinary strength of the human spirit and of a young woman caught in the web....Both are Black Americans.

This is a complex story about family, racism, courage and love. It captures the flavour of France before and during the occupation. The setting and atmosphere is fantastic and seize perfectly the turbulent swirl of events during that time. The story is extremely slow moving at first but when France is invaded and tension grows among the population then the story has wind in its sails and we are off into one very exciting adventure following the two heroines and their friends, members of the resistance, blowing trains and killing or dodging the enemy and assisting those in need. Eventually escaping to Portugal and finally home...Only to return to France to their love....yes there is a hint of romance amongst the background of war...why not.

The style is fluid, eloquently written, the words have punch and no doubts came from the heart. The handful characters are colourful, well represent and easy to follow. I especially loved how the most celebrated night-club entertainer; the flamboyant Ms. Baker is featured.

Event with its slow tempo, this story captured my attention from start to finish and I can honestly say “Code Name Butterfly’” is a good book to enjoy and spend time with.

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CODE NAME BUTTERFLY is the first novel I have read by EMBASSIE SUSBERRY and it most definitely will not be the last! This WW11 story,which shows us the worst of man’s carnal, selfish nature, with its blatent prejudice and hatred, against the backdrop of occupied France, is a real page turner and one I highly recommend. The novel is exciting and inspirational as we follow a group of coloured Americans who give their all to save lives. Through an unexpected meeting with the famous entertainer Josephine Baker, journalist Elodie Mitchell, posing as Jo’s cousin, joins a spy network under the handsome but moody Grant Monterey….
I love the way the author describes the characters’ emotions and their strong friendships, in spite of their differences, and the passion that drives them to bring light into a dark world. We see their unconditional love, tremendous courage and fortitude as they go right into the lion’s den, as it were, to procure information for the Allies…..
As an aside, Elly’s love of French literature really spoke to me, having studied the beautiful language for many years!
I am not going to tell you any more for fear of spoiling things for you.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Avon Books. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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If you’re looking for a novel that captures the turbulent swirl of events from pre war Paris to life in France after the surrender of the French government in the summer of 1940 this could be the book for you. Like all the best accounts of these troubled times, the reader is kept abreast of events through the narrative that captures the everyday life of the protagonist Elodie (Ely), who meets the singer Josephine Baker and is drawn into the world of espionage and intrigue. The writing is executed beautifully and the reader is carried along, almost experiencing the atmosphere of the times. To say more would spoil the reader’s enjoyment, so suffice to say ‘highly recommended’.

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