Member Reviews

While I have watched some of Arnold's films, I didn't really gain an impression of him until I watched his documentary on Netflix. This book matches exactly what I'd expect - telling you straight up and without flowery language to "be useful".
Arnold uses examples from his own life to illustrate the common sense principles he talks about like going all out - just do it ("Wenn schon, denn schon"). The book is an easy read and my only regret is that I didn't have the eAudio book as it would have been good to hear it in his own voice, rather than my imagined one in my head as I was reading it.
I receive complimentary books for various sources including, Netgalley, Authors, and other such sources. I am not required to write a positive review and have not received compensation.

I have heard so many rumors about the success habits of Arnold, but this book makes so many of them true. This was a great book. Read it and reap.

There are a lot of self-help books out there, but this one is different. I actually read this one from cover to cover without getting bored or finding material that's similar to other books. This book is pure Arnold -- honest, relatable and ever-optimistic. He doesn't shy away from his mistakes, but instructs the reader about how to learn from them. Rather than saying "failure is not an option," we learn that failure is indeed an option and a necessary step on the way to success. Arnold peppers the book with numerous anecdotes from his own life, and this helps to keep it interesting (and amusing at times). He also ends with a call to action -- to give back. He says to never call him a "self-made man," because he attributes his success in all things, from body building to acting to politics, to others he's met along the way who gave back to him. And so we are taught that everyone should give back -- that it doesn't matter how much time or money you have or what you do and that the recipient of your kindness -- and, more importantly, you -- will reap the benefits.
I'm not a huge fan of self-help books but this book inspired me and is well worth reading.

Arnold Schwarzenegger provides 7 inspirational stories to help people live a more purposeful life . I truly loved and appreciated his insights in to fulfilling a more happy life. Arnold provides stores of when he was younger and his journey to the United States in quest of the American dream . I recommend reading this book to anyone who is looking for inspiration is following whatever they want in life .
I just reviewed Be Useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger. #BeUseful #NetGalley

Arnold has long been a hero of mine on the screen. I always enjoyed his films. When he moved into politics I was not sure what to expect but I was surprised to find he was not only great at playing a hero, he actually embodied it by trying his hardest to improve our impact on the environment and the lives of people in California, always with an openind and ear to problems. Today he still inspires me. His book is wonderful. It's down to earth, practical, honest , sincere, and enjoyable. These are advice and concepts we can incorporate into our daily lives to keep us going no matter if you are into body building and fitness or just your average out of shape individual looking to improve your health, life, and perspective. Arnold talks to us through his writing as if we were sitting down for a cup of coffee and he was just a regular person like us, someone who admits to his flaws and failures but has learned and grown from them. He truly seems to care about the wellbeing of his readers and it shines through. Though he does not censor his opinions he is kind and forthcoming with what is helpful tips and ideas in a short but fun read.

Part self-help, part-biography, Arnold's new book is really a fun, insightful and quick read. It's an interesting book because he talks about his life, his varied careers in film, the body building industry and his time in government, and lessons about life he learned from each one. There are a few well-known catch phrases sprinkled throughout the book, but it doesn't detract from the wisdom he imparts.