Member Reviews

I’ve seen mixed reviews about it, but I LOVED how this was written. It made it extremely fast paced and kept it from ever getting boring. This being a Marrs book. I was expecting more completely unhinged things to happen (besides Ruth), so that was a little disappointing. Normal people probably won’t have that reaction though 😂

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This book is pretty good!! It gets a little hard to follow at times, with many different character perspectives and also flashbacks. But once you get that figured out, it's a fast read and a page turner!

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If I could, I'd give this 4.5 stars out of 5.
Normally I don't enjoy books with multiple characters but I really enjoyed the wild ride of each characters stories as they unfolded. This is a MUST read if you're like me and enjoy a fast paced book with short chapters and a story that will have you hooked from the first page.

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I haven’t traveled as much as I would like but I have been to Venice beach. I stayed at the Venice beach hotel right across from muscle beach. It’s quite a beautiful eclectic place. I was very intrigued when I saw John Marrs wrote a book set there about the lives of a group of strangers that meet at a hostel. I have read several of John Marrs books and they are always original and inventive. This book was no different. At first the book is a little bit confusing. There are many points of view in short chapters. As the story moves along you get to see great insight into these characters and you learn all there backstories. Everyone has a unique past filled with trauma and grief. I thought the book was brilliant. It was full of twists that made it hard to put down.

Thank you to netgalley for an arc in exchange for this review.

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Take a beach scene, add in characters that are all keeping secrets, have John Marrs stir it all together, and what results is fantastic! I loved this one, and will be eagerly awaiting whatever John Marrs is working on next!!

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This was a different kind of read for me and I enjoyed it. I really liked how this story was set at a hostel in Venice Beach and each chapter was about a different character in the present and the past. I thought I would get confused as there were many different characters, but it was easy to follow and kept me hooked. I didn’t mind that it wasn’t one big twist at the end, but multiple twists or ending for each character. I was hooked from start to finish!

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This book follows eight backpackers traveling through Venice Beach in a rundown hostel.
John Marrs is the king of tying stories together so perfectly!

This book was all over the place, but not in a bad way. You get past and present POV from all the characters, which helps build their story and also figure out how they’re all tied together. Extremely short chapters which is always a plus for me!! Full of twists, and I absolutely devoured the whole thing. It was long, close to 500 pages.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for my advanced copy! This edition was published yesterday!

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As a rerelease, I did not read the original version to be able to compare it to, but this offered everything I expected from John Marrs (I have not been disappointed by any of his books yet!). It followed the flow of The One and The Passengers, in the sense that there were many characters from across the world whose stories we followed, not all of which were necessarily connected, but in this book, they have all ended up at the same hostel at Venice Beach for one reason or another. It did take me a little bit to get into each of their stories, as there were many characters that the story jumps between. But just as you feel like you are deep into it and getting to know their stories, so many twists and turns start happening. It didn't have the near-future setting as the other books I mentioned, but I truly enjoyed the ride, nonetheless! (I also may have shed an unexpected tear or two!) 4.5 stars for me!

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An interesting depiction of the interaction between the inhabitants of a Southern California hostel.
Some of the characters were shady, as I expected.
I liked the location and the concept but the story lost steam about midway thorough.

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Authors-quit choosing settings you so not understand. This was just so out of nowhere that I could not forgive it. Southern California is bigger than most countries, let alone states, and is too often treated as a stereotype rather than anything real.

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Being born & raised in Southern California I loved this setting . Venice is a trip 😂
I love Venice beach, it's that place anyone can go & just do you .. no judgement. Kinda like a bookstore 🙃
I agree with I think Eric who said he was expecting more from Venice beach .. what people have to realize Venice is an experience, the beach is ok but it's not known to be the best beach around. I love John Marrs based #TheVacation on his backpacking experience throughout LA.
So yes I loved the setting BUT with that aside I wasn't a huge fan of alllll the characters & stories & wow what whoopers of a stories. I mean I know the saying "anything goes in LA" but 😳 .. idk alot seemed far fetched for me . Overall it was ok but way too long.

#NetGalley #Arc 🌞

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Quick Synopsis:
This is a tale of eight lonely people desperate to leave their past behind. The strangers’ stories connect through their stay in a sad hostel set against the picturesque backdrop of Venice Beach.

The story's narration style makes this novel incredibly difficult to explain. There are eight characters, and Marrs tells the story from all viewpoints. Additionally, The Vacation sprinkles in a dual timeline for each character, alternating between past and present to help the reader fully understand what each character escaped. It sounds complicated, and it is at first, but once I got to know the characters’ pasts, I was fully invested in getting to the end.

The way Marrs unwinds characters’ backstories is so compelling. Often, with Marrs’ writing, I find that despite hating the characters, Marrs’ characterizations capture my interest so quickly that I’m furiously turning pages to see if the characters meet demise or success. This was definitely the case with Nicole and Eric and Ruth.

The Vacation was not what I would call a suspense novel. That said, it was an enjoyable, quick read.

Marrs always excels at intermingling backstories and viewpoints in intriguing ways that leave me thinking about the novel many weeks after finishing it.

I am a John Marrs fan. Every novel I’ve read by him has offered a mind-bending plot easily recommendable to all I know. This was not my favorite of his, but it is still twisted and worth a read.
⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 stars

Thank you to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the Digital Review Copy of The Vacation. All opinions are my own.

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I will admit that as much as I have loved other John Marrs' books, I was considering putting this one down about 25% in. I am very glad I stuck it out though, because I think that the last 20% of the book made all the confusion at the beginning worth it!

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I was really happy to be approved for this book. I have had multiple John Marrs books on my TBR for a while now. I was a bit confused by all the characters in this at first. There was a lot of back story and setting up to keep track of. I got comfortable with all the moving parts just in time for the first twist. This book has tons of twists!! Is this what I've been missing in John Marrs' books? This was not what I expected but I'm happy with how it all came together in the end. This was quite a ride. 😊 Thank you to Netgalley and Harlequin for the ARC!!

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I loved the setting of The Vacation by John Marrs. Having been to Venice Beach, Los Angeles, I could completely envision the area. The story was a little different than what he usually writes, it was published back on April 29, 2015. Perhaps it was one of his first books, it didn’t feel like the books he usually writes but I digress!

This book involves eight people at a rundown hostel, each running from something and harboring secrets. Their stories go from the present day to the past so we can get a full glimpse of each person and their history, gaining perspective and understanding for each.


Venice Beach, Los Angeles. A paradise on earth. Tourists flock to the golden coast and the promise of Hollywood. But for eight strangers at a beach-front hostel, there is far more on their minds than an extended vacation. All of them are running from something. And they all have secrets they’d kill to keep…

I liked the short chapters and even though there was a large cast of characters to follow, it wasn’t confusing because they had their own story and personality. A good, solid read.

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3.5 stars rounded up. Kept me interested once I got the characters straight. Twisty.

Eight characters are staying at a hostel in Venice Beach, California. Each has their own reason for being there, and the interplay and connections between them is surprising and occasionally shocking. They all have things in their pasts that they are running from. Some are hiding their true identities, some are hiding parts of themselves, some are hiding things they have done. When it all comes to light, who will come out unscathed in the end?

There are lots and lots of twists and turns in this plot. Some things I figured out and some I didn't. I was really shocked by some of the turns of event in the story. Other things, while occasionally a bit implausible, were at least entertaining if I just went with it rather than trying to overanalyze whether they were realistic or not.

This is a reworking/re-release of an older novel of this author's, and while it wasn't the favorite of his that I've read, I did enjoy my time with these characters once I worked out who was who and could keep their various stories straight. It's a fast paced read that kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next.

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Definitely a fun read! It was slow to start as it's building the back stories for all the eight characters. The action really takes off around the 50% mark - so be patient and hold on for the ride. I love the premise of the run down hostel and all the travelers checking in from all over the globe. Everyone has a deep dark past with lots of secrets. There was plot twist after twist. The story telling in this one was definitely fun in the end. Reminded me of the author's other book The One.

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I didn't realize this was a re-release until after I had finished it, but it was new to me. I have enjoyed se4veral of John Marrs' books so I was happy to pick this one up.

How far would you run to escape your past?

For eight strangers in a Los Angeles backpacking hostel, even the other side of the world isn’t far enough.

The craving for a new identity and the chance to start again is something they have in common. But the search for a fresh start isn't as easy as they'd imagined.

And they soon discover that it doesn't matter where you are or who you are - if you can't lay the past to rest, coincidence, fate and deception have a way of catching up with you when you least expect it.

My Thoughts:
I've never had a backpacking experience nor stayed in a hostel so the concept was intriguing. The guests at the hostel as well as the employees all seem to be escaping from something and all have their own secrets they want to protect. It was fun delving into these seemingly unrelated lives and finding how their stories developed. The connections provided some surprise twists that were unexpected. Some of the stories are disturbing and all are interesting. There are eight main characters whose stories unfold during the book and the characters were well developed. Overall it was a fun read and kept my attention.

Thanks to Harlequin Trade Publishing through Netgalley for an advance copy.

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The Vacation by John Marrs.
How far would you run to escape your past?
Venice Beach, Los Angeles. A paradise on earth. Tourists flock to the golden coast and the promise of Hollywood. But for eight strangers at a beach-front hostel, there is far more on their minds than an extended vacation. All of them are running from something. And they all have secrets they’d kill to keep…
I did enjoy this book. I love this author. Did not expect that. 5*.

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The Vacation by John Marrs is an addictive thriller set in a rundown backpackers hostel in Venice Beach, LA. Relationships form, and dark secrets are revealed. They all have their own reasons to be there, each journey leads them somewhere. Wherever they eventually arrive will be a point of no return, yet it will be a start for a new journey. Bottom line, John Marrs is an amazing author, with incredible talent, and I'll definitely be reading his future works. I suggest you do the same.

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