Member Reviews

This book is soooo boring! None of the conversations were even a little bit interesting and the plot was non-existent. I had to stop reading at page 70 because nothing was happening. It would also constantly jump time lines, which was confusing.

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John Marrs always writes a story that you will find hard to put down and The Vacation is no exception.

Its a story full of secrets that each and every one of the eight strangers has that come to a run down Venice Beach backpackers hostel ,

Secrets, a past and a story to tell.

Once I got to know Tommy, Ruth, Savannah, Matty, Declan, Erik and Jake all with a story to tell, I was more than hooked, I hated to put the book down.

When I wasn't reading I was thinking about all of them and what would happen next.

John Marrs kept me guessing to the final page and I wont soon forget The Vacation.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harelquin Trade Publishing, Hanover Square Press for a compelling read.

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John Marrs does it again! On the surface, this multiple POV thriller makes you think you know the characters, then it completely turns your world upside down! I really enjoyed the dynamics between all the characters and the relationships they developed with one another. Who knew that when you’re lost you can find yourself among a group of traveling strangers!

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Tommy has found his home away from home at a hostel in Venice Beach. He ends up crossing paths with many others who are not only traveling, but many that are working to escape their former selves.

John Marrs is the king of taking a huge number of characters and weaving this story that intertwined perfectly. Most of the time I don’t enjoy so many stories going on at once, but he does such a fantastic job making them work together that I plowed through this book just like all his others!

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The cover got me! The title did too! But sadly the story didn't do it for me. There were too many plots and characters and friends of characters to really make sense of what was happening. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Two stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley, John Marrs, and Harlequin Publishing for this ARC! Sadly, this book was mostly a miss for me. If I hadn't set out to review this book, I likely would have DNF'd it.
The number of characters and the characters' friends with their own individual backstories was a lot for me to handle while reading this, and I felt I had to force myself to pick it back up and keep going.
I highly enjoyed The One by Marrs - which also had several characters, but I felt Marrs did such a better job portraying those characters as memorable individuals in comparison to the people you'll find in The Vacation. While I would not recommend this book, I would recommend The One, so maybe pick that one up instead.
2 stars

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The book doesn’t have a set date but I must say it definitely reminded me of the 90s.
A group of misfits all trying to run away from their current lives in search of a new start. Different stories from all over the world but they all end up in a hostel in Venice beach. You get pulled into all of their lives and find a connection to each one. As different as each of their stories are you are never confused or lost as to what your reading they are intertwined in a way that keeps your attention and you can’t put the book down. Highly recommend reading this one. John Marrs does not disappoint

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At a hostel in Santa Monica, eight people's lives become intertwined. It was an interesting take on so many stories where a group of friends go somewhere and start learning each others' secrets. Instead these are strangers who enter each others' lives. I did think some of the coincidences of intersection were a little far fetched. That was a bit much to accept. But the twists and turns the story took were enjoyable and I really liked the characters and how they evolved through the course of the book. As a fan of Mr. Marrs more speculative fiction, this was a good start into the other side of his writing. He holds up!

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Thank you to #NetGalley, John Marrs and Harlequin Trade Publications for the opportunity to read an advance copy of The Vacation, to be published 19 December 2023. I found this storyline to be somewhat disconnected — especially since many chapters ended in cliffhangers. 3/5 Stars for this multiple character point of view story. This was about several people, most of whom were foreigners to the US, who stayed in a hostel in Los Angeles whose lives all connected to some degree. It was an interesting read. Recommended for fans of John Marrs. #NetGalley #HarlequinTradePublications #JohnMarrs #TheVacation

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I've heard great things about this author, so I was excited to read this. However, it missed the mark for me. Too many characters and a pace that was too slow for the genre made it hard for me to stay engaged. I did like the short, cliffhanger chapters. The abundance of backstory dragged things down, and it felt a bit unnecessary. This might have benefitted from a smaller cast of characters so the reader could have an easier time following and connecting with them.

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Interesting characters, story and plot. Enjoyed the read and a perfect escape for a cold winter afternoon or a nice afternoon at the beach. Thanks

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Surprisingly this was my first John Marrs novel and it definitely won’t be the last!

The Vacation follows several travelers during their time in a Venice Beach, CA hostel. Their lives collide and melt together in the most interesting and surprising ways! I found myself gasping at their connections and actions more than once.

I gave it 4 stars because I felt like it dragged a little in the second quarter of the book, but overall it was a riveting and poignant story.

John Marrs should teach classes on forming and writing character development and backstories. I felt like I knew each character and could understand their actions (right and wrong). Each ending was spot on to the character.

This book made me laugh, cry, and commiserate and I wholeheartedly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley

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Receiving a new book by John Marrs, one of my top authors, was an exciting moment. However, this particular novel didn't quite meet my expectations compared to his other works.

The book is rich in characters and intertwining storylines, yet I was pleasantly surprised at how easily I could keep track of each one. The frequent cliffhangers at the end of chapters, which led to a delay in resolution as the story shifted between characters, were less appealing to me.

While I generally enjoy short chapters, I found this longer novel a bit challenging, especially since the initial half felt slow-paced. However, the narrative gained significant momentum in the latter half, revealing the intriguing connections between the characters.

I extend my gratitude to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for providing me with an advanced copy of this book, and this review reflects my honest opinion.

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John Marrs is a masterful storyteller. He ventures into people’s psyche like no other.

In a run down Venice Beach hostel, eight strangers are living together, each with a past they are trying to escape. As we learn their secrets, their pasts and their reasons for ending up in a hostel, we also get to see what hostel living is like. There are enough twists to keep you reading for hours on end.

Marrs takes a deep dive into the complexities of human nature through past and present perspectives. He’s able to make you understand even the most hated characters. I highly recommend this 4-star book to thriller junkies and anyone who loves a well written story. Thank you, NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the advanced copy.

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There hasn’t been a John Marrs book that I’ve met yet that I didn’t love. This one is no exception. Some of his are mystery thrillers and some are set more in the future. This is a present day mystery thriller and will keep you gasping with the twists and turns abound.

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Another winner from John Marrs! I admit I was overwhelmed by the number of characters in the book and the past and present for each but as the story unfolded it became much easier to follow each character. I loved Savannah and grew to love Tommy as his story became clear. This was a great book-so many great characters and story lines. Quite a few unexpected twists along the way! I am shocked that I enjoyed it as much as I did due to being overwhelmed in the beginning! Definitely recommend. Thank you to NetGalley, John Marrs and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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Wow! John Marrs does it again! This book has a ton of characters and I did kind of feel a little bit confused during the beginning, but everything came together in the end and I loved the twists!

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The Vacation is a new release by John Marrs but it is actually a book that is be republished under a new name. The original came out in 2015 under a different title.

This book follows a group of people all at a hostel and they all have a story. We jump around from character to character into the present and the past as each characters story is revealed. There are a lot of crazy stories and messed up backstories.

Unfortunately this book did not work for me. We had so many characters and so many backstories it was hard to keep track of everyone. It also goes into the past as well and that makes it even harder to follow. Some of the stories were interesting but there was just way too much going on. While there were a lot of stories going on, I was still somehow bored throughout. I don’t feel like there were really any stakes, it was just being told stuff instead of feeling anything. I also didn’t connect with the characters since there were so many.

I think I would’ve liked this if there were a few less characters and a few less stories. Thanks so much to netgalley and harlequin trade publishing for the arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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This just wasn’t for me unfortunately. I haven’t loved the past books from John Mars and I couldn’t get into this one at all.

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John Marrs is becoming a go-to author for me. This was a slow burn story for me, at times I was like ok get to the point. Overall, I did like how some of the character's stories intertwined with each other which is a staple of this author! I will definitely keep my eye out for more from this author in the future!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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