Member Reviews

Not my favorite from Marrs. The short chapters in this book made it very easy to get through, but there were many characters and some just didn’t interest me. I wish a couple side stories were more included and this could have been done with less characters. I do think if you like books like 9 perfect strangers or with a lot of interesting characters you’d enjoy this one.

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I have read several books by Marrs at this point, so when I got this title I figured I knew what kind of story I was in for. I was wrong. This was VERY different from all of Marrs’ other books, but so much fun! Most of his books have been kind of like episodes of Black Mirror, where they are “just around the corner futuristic thrillers.”
The Vacation was more a thriller/slice of life almost? It followed several different occupants of a hostel in California as the different things they were running towards or away from all coalesced. It had such a different vibe from his other books, but was just as strong, if not stronger because it broke the mold and had so much heart, not just twists and turns like most thrillers. I absolutely loved it!
I posted about this book in a Facebook group I'm in and Marrs happened to see it. He said that he based several of the characters (loosely) on people he met when he was traveling in his youth and stayed in a hostel in California. He said that the characters and the minor storylines in this book were special to him, and you could FEEL that in his writing. I've also done the traveling and staying in hostels in my 20s part of life, and he captured the vibe (the good, the bad, and the ugly) so well. It added so much depth to the book, and truly made it my favorite of his that I've read.

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The Vacation, also known as Welcome to Wherever You Are, follows eight different characters as they all stay at a hostel in Venice Beach.

Let me start by saying I wanted to love this book. I’ve read a few other John Marrs books and was very excited to read this one. I found that The Vacation was rather slow, a very long, some of the stories hooked me from the very beginning but others fell flat. As the story went on, many of the story lines were a bit unbelievable. It felt like Marrs was trying to do to much in one book.

Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Hanover Square Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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I think this book just wasn't for me. It was slow and really hard to get into. Because of the different perspectives and altering timelines it wasn't always easy to keep the story or perspective straight.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I love John Marrs but I just couldn’t get into this one. It was not my favorite by him. I found it to be a little too slow for my liking.

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A run down hostel in sunny LA becomes home to an eclectic group of people each with their own complicated past. The novel goes through eight of their stories both background to why they ended up in the hostel and how their lives are now intersecting. I found the characters hard to track through the book as the novel jumps around through their backstories and the present. This author is widely plugged on social media sites so I'm glad I tried his book but I definitely will need to read another before I decide if the author is just not one I'm going to read. Thank yo to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy for an honest review.

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This book had amazing characters (Peyk!), some great twists, and an enjoyable mystery. I want to read other works by this author now!

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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In "The Vacation" by John Marrs, the characters steal the spotlight in a narrative that transcends the typical thriller genre. Marrs' deft hand at characterization shines through as the protagonists are intricately woven into a tapestry of personal stories and secrets. While the novel maintains an aura of mystery, it is the depth of the characters that truly captivates, drawing readers into an emotional rollercoaster ride. Marrs' prose is as beautiful as it is gripping, delicately capturing the essence of each character's journey. While the plot keeps readers guessing with its twists and turns, it is the profound exploration of human emotion and experience that truly sets "The Vacation" apart. Overall, Marrs delivers a compelling and thought-provoking read that resonates long after the final page

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John Marrs is one that sucks you in with his writing. And you can’t stop because you just have to know what it going on!

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I am a big John Marrs fan, but this novel seemed a bit on the amateur side and that is possibly because I read it is a reprint of an earlier work. Some of the story lines of the different eight characters were engaging while I struggled through others. Due to the alternating stories, some of the characterization was a bit shallow. The ending felt a bit rushed and improbable, but I did enjoy that everything was neatly wrapped up.

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John Marrs could write a phone book and I’d read it. This book left me guessing until the very last page. I absolutely love this book!

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I enjoyed this book. I have only previously read The One by John Marrs and I loved the format of following multiple charaters and plot lines taking place in both the past and present. The Vacation is written the same way and it was hard to put this book down. Just when I would finish a chapter and be ready for a break, I'd see whose story was continued in the next chapter and I'd have to keep reading. The Vacation was an enjoyable read but became a little far fetched at times. If you can look past that, as I did, you'lll like the book too.
Thank you to John Marrs, NetGalley, and Harlequin Trade Publishing, Hanover Square PressetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Whew! Slow burn turns into a story that keeps me on the edge of my seat with unexpected twists and turns! I enjoyed the cast of characters and how everyone has thier own story to tell, fantastic character development along the way too.

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How far would you run to escape your past?

Venice Beach, Los Angeles. A paradise on earth. Tourists flock to the golden coast and the promise of Hollywood. But for eight strangers at a beach-front hostel, there is far more on their minds than an extended vacation. All of them are running from something. And they all have secrets they'd kill to keep...

John Marrs. John Freaking Marrs. I don't know how he does it but dannngggg I'm obsessed.

Expect major slow burn vibes but holy crap it's soo worth it for that last 30%. The twisty turns are completely expected as with any thriller but just the way they are done here had me gasping. Like WTF. Howww!?! I'm still shocked.

This is another character heavy plot from Marrs. Each chapter alternating between them. But you can so easily tell one character from the other right from the first page. No confusion here. Each character is given such unique traits making you question every one of their behaviors immedietly.

I loved the flash back scenes of each character. Giving us a little peek into each characters past lives and puts some light on what the heck is actually going down within these pages.

The way the story unfolds. WOW. Does this happen in real life?
Oof I just love a story that makes you never want to leave the house again.

There is defenitly no hostel stays in my future. Nope. Absolutely Not. I'll be here on the farm safe and sound✌️

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I believe this is the first book I’ve read by John Marrs and all I can say is Wow!! Just look at what I’ve been missing!

The Vacation was such a good book and hard to put down. it’s described as a thriller but I don’t think this is quite accurate. Instead, it’s a fast-paced story with a variety of well-developed characters and some interesting and unexpected twists. It involves a number of people who, for one reason or another, are staying at the Venice Beach International Hostel in California. It’s summer and all of them are running from something, hiding something, planning something, or all of the above. And yes, there are enough secrets to go around.

It’s definitely a combination of various personalities and backgrounds. The story moves between the characters and often flashes back to a period of time prior to the current events. The author manages this quite well and his skills as a writer are evident as he keeps the story coherent and easy to follow, while at the same time maintaining a very good pace.

If I had any complaints they would be twofold. First, there are more than a couple of coincidences that added to the enjoyment of the story but were also a bit far-fetched. Secondly, the final chapters tied up the loose ends almost too neatly. But, I’m willing to ignore these grievances because The Vacation was so enjoyable and fun to read. Thank you, Mr Marrs, for writing such a good book. NetGalley provided an advance copy.

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I’ve read almost all of John Marrs’ books. I love the imagination of his science fiction books, like The One. This book, didn’t hit that mark for me. It was rather hard to follow, slow paced, and too many flashbacks. Overall okay read, but not a favorite.
Thak you NetGalley and Pan McMillan for the complementary advanced copy.

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Eight strangers, eight stories, and eight different pasts they all long to forget.

John Marrs latest reworked novel centers on a rundown Venice Beach vacation hostel travelers from all over the world are seeking an escape--and that escape isn't just a vacation for some. From a backpacker looking to hide from the world to childhood friends from Ireland, Marrs weaves a distinct cast of characters that inevitably comes together in a tapestry of lies, deceit, and certainly some didn't-see-it-coming plot twists.

Fast-paced against an interesting setting, "The Vacation" is complex but digestible-enough for readers to keep track of; and yet, it's far from my favorite Marrs novel. I felt that I had to suspend more belief here than in "The One" or "The Passengers," but still enjoyed the wild ride nonetheless. Definitely a good travel read!

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I was very excited when I got approved for this book, as I really enjoyed “The One” by this author in the past. The first page of the book explained that it is a reprint of a previous book with a different name, which I thought was odd, but nothing more.
Unfortunately, this reads nothing like The One and actually feels very immature in its style. In the first few pages “The Vacation” makes derogatory comments about women in more than 3 different scenes, all while also having no character building other than calling people good looking or ugly.
I abandoned this book at around 10%, as I kept cringing at it. I’m not its intended audience, and I hope it finds the correct target group.

Thank you ti NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the e-arc of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I made it 9% into this book. I have decided it just isn't for me. I'm not really invested in the story. I really am upset by this because I've been looking forward to reading a John Marrs book. This one just isn't for me. I do plan on picking out another book from him though. I wish this one interested me more.

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I’m a big fan of John Marrs’ psychological thrillers, I’ve read nearly all of them and have recommended most of them on my blog.

The Vacation, unfortunately isn’t one I can get excited about, I think the concept is good eight strangers in a hostel, all of them running from something, all of them have secrets, there a lot of characters to keep track of, which in turn means it takes much longer to pick up pace. The story isn’t to easiest to follow and I found it a bit of a struggle to stay interested.

Ambitious, detailed, complex, but I can’t help thinking I could have loved it had it had half as many characters and strands.

Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing

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